Enumitem 3.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A package to customize the three basic lists (enumerate, itemize and description) by means of a set of parameters, and to clone them to define new "logical" lists. It provides most of the flexibility you may want to design your own lists: - fancy labels and fancy refs, - leftmargin, labelsep and labelwidth automatically set, - changes applied globally or only in one of the three types or even in a single list (including topsep) by means of a sort of "inheritance", - inline lists, - several description styles (which fix some bad spacing, too), - starting value and counter resuming, - trivlists properly formatted, - control on page breaking, - gathering of lists to be treated like a unit. Recent changes (3.0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Inline lists, with keys to set how items are joined (ie, the punctuation between items). Two modes are provided: `boxed' an `unboxed' -- with the former (the default) a different punctuation before the last item is allowed. 2) \setlist is calc-savvy (eg, for use in loops), and you can set diferent lists and levels at once. 3) All lengths related to labels can take the value * (and not only labelsep and leftmargin). Its behaviour has been made consistent and there is new value ! which does not compute the widest label. 4) With \restartlist{list-name}, list counters can be restarted (in case you are using `resume'). 5) `resume*' can be combined with other keys. 6) Lists can be gathered globally using series, so that they are considered a single list. To start a series just use series=<series-name> and then resume it with resume=<series-name> or resume*=<series-name>. 7) The ``experimental'' fullwidth has been replaced by a new key `wide'. 8) \SetLabelAlign defines new align values. 9) You can define ``abstract'' values (eg, label=numeric) and new keys. Bug fixes (3.0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Star values (eg, leftmargin=*) could not be overriden and new values were ignored. - nolistsep as the first of several keys was not always recognized and therefore treated like a short label (ie, nol\roman*stsep). - labelwidth didn't always work (when there was a prior `widest' and *) - With align=right the label and the following text could overlap. - description didn't get the correct list level. - At some point (2.x?) \value* stopped working. 3.1 ~~~ - Fixed incompatibility with xkeyval 3.2 ~~~ - start and widest* are calc-savvy. - \value can be used with widest* - Some internal restrictions in \arabic and the like has been removed. It is more flexible at the cost of having a more ``relaxed'' error checking. 3.3 ~~~ - Using *-values with itemize and description didn't work. 3.4 ~~~ - New key nosep, replacing nolistsep, which didn't work as documented. - Fixed spacing in inline boxed lists. - Fixed (hopefully) the bug with noitemsep and shorlabels. _________________________________________________________________ Javier Bezos | http://www.tex-tipografia.com ................................................................. 2011-08-06