%% %% This is file `elzcards-examples.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% elzcards.dtx (with options: `ejemplo') %% %% Copyright 2019 Emilio Augusto Lazo Zaia %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. This version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.{html|txt|tex|pdf} %% and the latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Emilio Augusto Lazo Zaia. %% %% This work consists of the files README and elzcards.dtx with %% its derived files elzcards.ins, elzcards.sty and %% elzcards-examples.tex. %% \documentclass{article} \usepackage{elzcards} \usepackage[landscape,letterpaper,vmargin={0mm,0mm},hmargin={0mm,0mm}]{geometry} \newcommand{\mycenter}[1]{% \vspace*{2pt}\hspace*{2pt}$\nwarrow$ top left corner\vfill \begin{center}\LARGE#1\end{center}% \vfill\hfill bottom right corner $\searrow$\hspace*{2pt}\vspace*{2pt}} \begin{document} %% Writing business cards with different options: \BusinessCard{\mycenter{Business card \\ only front side \\ default options}} \MakeBC \BusinessCard{\mycenter{Business card \\ front side \\ vertical shaped \\ with thicker and longer external segments}}% [\mycenter{Business card \\ back side \\ vertical shaped}] \MakeBC[segments, hsize=2in, vsize=3.5in, line thickness=1pt, segment length=0.5cm] \BusinessCard{\mycenter{Business card \\ only front side \\ with dots}} %% Using \MakeBC* to avoid clearing the card from memory: \MakeBC*[dots] %% We can issue \MakeBC again because we've used \MakeBC* before: \MakeBC[dots] \BusinessCard{\mycenter{Business card \\ only front side \\ with big dots and gaps}} \MakeBC[dots, dot size=4pt, hgap=1.666cm, vgap=0.666cm] \BusinessCard{\mycenter{Business card \\ only front side \\ with green lines}} \MakeBC[crop color=green, lines] \BusinessCard{\mycenter{Business card \\ only front side \\ with thicker lines}} \MakeBC[lines, line thickness=2pt] \BusinessCard{\mycenter{Business card \\ only front side \\ without cropping marks}} \MakeBC[no marks] \BusinessCard{\mycenter{Business card \\ front side \\ other size \\ with gaps}}% [\mycenter{Business card \\ back side \\ other size \\ with gaps}] %% We can specify the size also with \BCdim command; this will change the default onwards: \BCdim{74mm}{52mm} \MakeBC[hgap=1.666cm, vgap=0.666cm] \BusinessCard{\mycenter{Business card \\ only front side \\ other size \\ auto gap inner}}% \MakeBC[autogap inner] %% Autogap total best works if all paper margins are set to zero, so all gaps will be equal. \BusinessCard{\mycenter{Business card \\ only front side \\ other size \\ auto gap total}}% \MakeBC[autogap total] %% Writing index/flash cards: \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ front side}}% [\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ back side}] %% Note that not all cards has back side. \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ only front side}} \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ only front side}} \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ front side}}% [\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ back side}] \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ only front side}} \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ only front side}} \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ only front side}} \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ only front side}} %% Now \MakeIC* instead of \MakeIC, %% so we can process the same set of cards again with \MakeIC or \MakeIC*. \MakeIC* %% We redefine some default parameters instead of giving options to \MakeIC: \CardGap{0.5cm}{0.5cm} \SegmentLength{10pt} \LineThickness{1pt} \CropColor{orange} \CropSegments %% \MakeIC* again because we did use \MakeIC* before and the cards weren't cleared: %% Now restricting the grid to 3 rows and 3 columns even if 4x4 might fit on the page \MakeIC*[hsize=2.25in, vsize=1.5in, rows=3, columns=3] %% We redefine again some default parameters: \CardGap{0pt}{0pt} \ICdim{4in}{2in} \DotSize{1mm} \CropDots %% Also we can change some other defaults with %% \CropCrosses, \CropLines, \NoCropMarks and \CropColor. %% \AutoGapInner, \AutoGapTotal, \NoAutoGap, \Transverse, \NoTransverse. %% \MakeFC is an alias to \MakeIC: \MakeFC*[hgap=0pt, vgap=0pt] %% %% Different order: \MakeIC*[order=1 5 4 8 6 3 7 2] %% %% Adding four more cards to show the transverse option: \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ only front side}} \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ only front side}} \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ only front side}} \IndexCard{\mycenter{Index/flash card \CurrentIC{} of \TotalIC \\ only front side}} \MakeIC[rows=2, columns=2, transverse] \end{document} %% %% %% End of file `elzcards-examples.tex'.