\documentclass[lang=en,11pt]{elegantbook} \title{An Elegant \LaTeX{} Template for Books} \subtitle{Classic Elegant\LaTeX{} Template} \author{Ethan Deng \& Liam Huang} \institute{Elegant\LaTeX{} Program} \date{February 10, 2020} \version{3.10} \bioinfo{Bio}{Information} \extrainfo{Victory won\rq t come to us unless we go to it. } \logo{logo-blue.png} \cover{cover.jpg} \begin{document} \maketitle \frontmatter \tableofcontents \mainmatter \chapter{Elegant\LaTeX{} Templates} Elegant\LaTeX{} Program developers are intended to provide you beautiful, elegant, user-friendly templates. Currently, the Elegant\LaTeX{} is composed of \href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/ElegantNote}{ElegantNote}, \href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/ElegantBook}{ElegantBook}, \href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/ElegantPaper}{ElegantPaper}, designed for typesetting notes, books, and working papers respectively. Latest releases are strongly recommended! This guide is aimed at briefly introducing the 101 of this template. For any other question, suggestion or comment, feel free to contact us on GitHub \href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/ElegantBook/issues}{issues} or email us at \email{elegantlatex2e@gmail.com}. Contact Infos: \begin{itemize} \item Homepage: \href{https://elegantlatex.org/}{https://elegantlatex.org/} \item Github: \href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/}{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/} \item CTAN: \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/elegantbook}{https://ctan.org/pkg/elegantbook} \item Wiki: \href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/ElegantBook/wiki}{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/ElegantBook/wiki} \item Download: \href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/ElegantBook/releases}{release}, \href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/ElegantBook/archive/master.zip}{latest version} \item Weibo: Elegant\LaTeX{} \item Wechat: Elegant\LaTeX{} \item QQ: 692108391 \item Email: \email{elegantlatex2e@gmail.com} \end{itemize} \section{ElegantBook Updates} What\rq s new in this version: \begin{enumerate} \item Introduce \lstinline{math} for math font, optional styles are \lstinline{newtx} and \lstinline{cm}.\\ \textbf{Notice}: The math font \lstinline{newtxmath} in previous versions is reset to default \LaTeX{} math font, to keep previous math font, please declare \lstinline{math=newtx}. \item Introduce \lstinline{chinesefont} option, with \lstinline{founder}, \lstinline{ctexfont} and \lstinline{nofont} available. \item Turn author information on the cover optional and add customized command \lstinline{\bioinfo}. \item Add version history with command \lstinline{\datechange} and environment \lstinline{change}. \item Add Chinese chapter style \lstinline{scheme} with option \lstinline{chinese}. \item Since the bug raised by \lstinline{\lvert} is fixed, exchange package positions of \lstinline{ctex} and \lstinline{amsmath}. \item Drop \lstinline{\lastpage} from header to avoid page anchor bug and adding \lstinline{\frontmatter}. \item Revise bibliography option \lstinline{cite} with optional styles \lstinline{numbers},\lstinline{authoryear} and \lstinline{super}. \item Introduce bibliography style option \lstinline{bibstyle}, with default bib style \lstinline{apalike} for English mode and \lstinline{gbt7714} package for Chinese mode. \end{enumerate} \begin{note} If you are using previous version, please delete \lstinline|\hypersetup{pageanchor=true}| and add \lstinline{\frontmatter} after \lstinline{\maketitle} and before \lstinline{\tableofcontents}. Users for 2.x, please refer to \href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/ElegantBook/wiki/convert}{conversion}. \end{note} \section{Installation and Update} Both portable version and installation package are available for this template, online usage is optional as well. \subsection{To Use Templates Online} Visit \href{https://www.overleaf.com/}{Overleaf} to use our template online anywhere and anytime without local installation. To find our template, search \lstinline{elegantlatex} in the \lstinline{templates} or simply visit \href{https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates?addsearch=elegantlatex}{search result}, choose the template you prefer and \lstinline{Open as Template} to own a copy yourself to edit freely. To learn more about Overleaf, please refer to \href{https://www.overleaf.com/learn}{Documentation}. \begin{remark} On Overleaf, please use \hologo{XeLaTeX} to compile articles in Chinese and \hologo{pdfLaTeX} to compile articles in English. \end{remark} \subsection{To Use Portable Version} For portable version, simply download lastest ElegantBook-master from Github or CTAN (to be more accurate, download \lstinline{elegantbook.cls}) and save the file(s) under your working directory. This way of installation is simple and convenient, but you have to manually update \lstinline{cls} now and then. \subsection{To Use Local Installation Version} If you are a \TeX{} Live 2019 user, using the \lstinline{tlshell}\footnote{namely, \TeX{} Live Manager} of \TeX{} Live 2019 direct installation package is strongly recommended. Simply search and open \lstinline{tlshell}, click on \lstinline{File -> Load Default Repository} or customize repository by \lstinline{Options}. Wait till the repository loads successfully, search \lstinline{elegantbook} by name, installation and update is just a click away. \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{tlshell.png} \caption{Use \TeX{} Live Shell to Install ElegantBook Template} \end{figure} \subsection{Update Templates} If you fail to update templates using \lstinline{tlshell}, please use cmd to update all the packages or switch to portable version instead. Use the following commands(administrator privileges) to update: \begin{lstlisting} tlmgr update --self tlmgr update --all \end{lstlisting} To learn more, please refer to \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/55437/how-do-i-update-my-tex-distribution}{How do I update my \TeX{} distribution?} \subsection{Other Release Versions} If you are a \TeX{} Live 2018 user and would like to update to \TeX{} Live 2019, the official solution is to uninstall 2018. If you want to save the bother of uninstallation and installation, please copy \lstinline{elegantbook.cls} to the installation directory of \TeX{} Live 2018 (default: \lstinline|C:\texlive\2018\texmf-dist\tex\latex\elegantbook| ), run \lstinline{texhash} in cmd. Excuse me? You are a C\TeX{} user? Sorry, this template is incompatible with C\TeX{}. For more details about the installation and usage of \TeX{} Live 2019, the compatibility of C\TeX{} and \TeX{} Live, please refer to OG (Official Guide) and/or \href{https://github.com/OsbertWang/install_latex/releases}{Install LaTeX v5.1} by OsbertWang. \section{User\rq s Selected Works Plan} Eight years have passed since the found of Elegant\LaTeX{} Program. It\rq s an honor that our templates are preferred by a lot of users. Hence, in order to promote more interactions among our users and know more about what you need, we are planning to provide a platform to display selected works of our users on Github or our homepage. If you want to show us your work(s), contact us via Email or other ways. Or if you have upload your work(s) on Github or Gitee etc., share the URL(s) with us. You can visit current available works \href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/Archive/tree/master/Collections}{here}. \section{About Pull Request} For some reasons, pull requests will NOT by accepted since May 20, 2019. For those who want to help improve the templates, submit issues or clone to your own repository to modify under LPPL-1.3c. \section{Recruit Support Members} Recruit support members for Elegant\LaTeX{} to translate template OGs, maintain wiki entries using Markdown, update Wechat articles. No deadline for this recruitment. So far, Elegant\LaTeX{} has four Support Members: \begin{itemize} \item OG Translator: \href{https://github.com/peggy2006xzyz}{YPY}; \item Wiki Maintainer: \href{https://github.com/izinngo}{Ingo Zinngo}, \href{https://github.com/xiaohao890809}{Xiaohao890809}; \item QQ Group Manager \& FAQ Maintainer: \href{https://github.com/sikouhjw}{Sikouhjw}. \end{itemize} BTW, thank \href{https://github.com/stone-zeng}{Xiangdong Zeng}, \href{https://github.com/latexers}{Zhuluren}, etc. for their help. \section{Acknowledgement} The number of stars on Github for ElegantBook reached 100 on May 20, 2019\footnote{372 stars by February 8, 2020!}.Thank China\TeX{} and \href{http://www.latexstudio.net/}{\LaTeX{} studio} for their promotion. \LaTeX{} studio offers tons of valuable posts and templates for discovery. It is the most comprehensive website on \LaTeX{} in China. If you like our template, star on Github. \section{Donation} To express your love for our templates and/or our developers, please do not hesitate to tip us. Since last release of 3.08, we have received about 1,500 RMB! (The emergence of a millionaire is on the way. Loading... ) \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{donate.jpg} \end{figure} The explanation right of the tip usage belongs to Elegant\LaTeX{} with no supervision. Feel free to tip us. Those who donate more than 10 RMB will be recorded in the Donation List. Thank all the tippers! \begin{table}[!htb] \centering \caption{Donation List} \begin{tabular}{*{4}{>{\scriptsize}c}|*{4}{>{\scriptsize}c}} \toprule \textbf{Tipper} & \textbf{Amount} & \textbf{Date} & \textbf{Channel} & \textbf{Tipper} & \textbf{Amount} & \textbf{Date} & \textbf{Channel} \\ \midrule Lerh & 10 RMB & 2019/05/15 & Wechat & yueguodipingxian & 10 RMB & 2019/05/15 & Wechat \\ yinsang & 20 RMB & 2019/05/27 & Wechat & *kong & 10 RMB & 2019/05/30 & Wechat \\ latexstudio.net & 666 RMB & 2019/06/05 & Alipay & A*n & 40 RMB & 2019/06/15 & Wechat \\ * xia & 22 RMB & 2019/06/15 & Wechat & * qian & 21 RMB & 2019/06/15 & Wechat \\ Cassis & 11 RMB & 2019/06/30 & Wechat & * jun & 10 RMB & 2019/07/23 & Wechat \\ P*u & 50 RMB & 2019/07/30 & Wechat & * meng & 19 RMB & 2019/08/28 & Wechat \\ Qu Doudou & 10 RMB & 2019/08/28 & Wechat & Li Bo & 100 RMB & 2019/10/06 & Wechat \\ Njustsll & 10 RMB & 2019/10/11 & Wechat & Liu Zhikuo & 99.99 RMB & 2019/10/15 & Alipay \\ * tao & 16 RMB & 2019/10/17 & Wechat & Chini & 12 RMB & 2019/10/17 & Alipay \\ yuanfengjing & 10 RMB & 2019/10/28 & Wechat & Guo Deliang & 88 RMB & 2019/11/03 & Wechat \\ ziqiangbuxi & 20 RMB & 2019/11/04 & Alipay & dushuzhichong & 20 RMB & 2019/11/18 & Wechat \\ * deng & 10 RMB & 2019/11/18 & Wechat & * zhe & 20 RMB & 2019/11/18 & Wechat \\ anonymous & 10 RMB & 2019/11/24 & Wechat & Jiye Qian & 66 RMB & 2019/12/04 & Wechat \\ * yang & 20 RMB & 2019/12/05 & Wechat & Catcher & 11 RMB & 2019/12/08 & Alipay \\ xierbotementu & 10 RMB & 2019/12/09 & Alipay & * wei & 10 RMB & 2019/12/09 & Wechat \\ Simon & 20 RMB & 2019/12/11 & Alipay & liushangqianyi & 66.60 RMB & 2019/12/18 & Alipay \\ yu & 10 RMB & 2019/12/20 & Alipay & *chen & 15 RMB & 2019/12/20 & Wechat \\ suifeng & 20 RMB & 2019/12/27 & Alipay & Ws & 23.30 RMB & 2019/12/28 & Wechat \\ chuba & 100 RMB & 2020/01/02 & Alipay & p*e & 20 RMB & 2020/01/03 & Wechat \\ Shunmx & 100 RMB & 2020/01/03 & Wechat & hj & 10 RMB & 2020/01/03 & Wechat \\ F*5 & 10 RMB & 2020/01/03 & Wechat & S*m & 20.20 RMB & 2020/01/03 & Wechat \\ erdaiqingzhi & 13 RMB & 2020/01/14 & Alipay & *? & 66 RMB & 2020/01/15 & Wechat \\ Mr. Xiong & 20 RMB & 2020/01/17 & Wechat & *bo & 15 RMB & 2020/01/18 & Wechat \\ *zhe & 10 RMB & 2020/02/02 & Wechat & Jackie & 88.80 RMB & 2020/02/09 & Wechat \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}% \label{tab:donation}% \end{table}% BTW, we provide Certificate of Donation for those who donated, tippers please leave your name(nickname) and email address for us to send the certificates. \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{cert.pdf} \end{figure} \chapter{ElegantBook Settings} This template is based on the Standard \LaTeX{} book class, so the options of book class work as well (Note that the option of papersize has no effect due to \lstinline{device} option). The default encoding is UTF-8 while \TeX{} Live is recommended. The test environment is Win10 + \TeX{} Live 2019, either \hologo{pdfLaTeX} or \lstinline{XeLaTeX} works fine. \lstinline{XeLaTeX} is preferred for Chinese articles. \section{Languages} We defined one option named \lstinline{lang} which has two alternative values, \lstinline{lang=en} (default) and \lstinline{lang=cn}. Different values will alter the captions of figure/table, abstract name, refname, etc. You can use this option as \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[en]{elegantbook} \documentclass[lang=en]{elegantbook} \end{lstlisting} \begin{remark} Chinese Characters are acceptable whenever \lstinline{lang=en} or \lstinline{lang=cn}. If you would like to include Chinese characters under (\lstinline{lstlisting}) environment, please use \hologo{XeLaTeX} to compile. \end{remark} \section{Device Mode Option} The option for device (\lstinline{device}) was originally used in ElegantNote, now we include this option in ElegantBook\footnote{Pictures have to be modified accordingly.} as well. Activate iPad mode in the following way\footnote{Default size: normal, A4 paper.}: \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[pad]{elegantbook} %or \documentclass[device=pad]{elegantbook} \end{lstlisting} \section{Color Themes} This template contains 5 color themes, i.e. \textcolor{structure1}{\lstinline{green}}\footnote{Original default theme.}, \textcolor{structure2}{\lstinline{cyan}}, \textcolor{structure3}{\lstinline{blue}}(default), \textcolor{structure4}{\lstinline{gray}}, \textcolor{structure5}{\lstinline{black}}. You can choose \lstinline{green} with \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[green]{elegantbook} %or \documentclass[color=green]{elegantbook} \end{lstlisting} \begin{table}[htbp] \caption{ElegantBook Themes\label{tab:color thm}} \centering \begin{tabular}{ccccccc} \toprule & \textcolor{structure1}{green} & \textcolor{structure2}{cyan} & \textcolor{structure3}{blue} & \textcolor{structure4}{gray} & \textcolor{structure5}{black} & Main Environments\\ \midrule structure & \makecell{{\color{structure1}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{structure2}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{structure3}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{structure4}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{structure5}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & chapter section subsection \\ main & \makecell{{\color{main1}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{main2}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{main3}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{main4}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{main5}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & definition exercise problem \\ second & \makecell{{\color{second1}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{second2}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{second3}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{second4}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{second5}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & theorem lemma corollary\\ third & \makecell{{\color{third1}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{third2}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{third3}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{third4}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & \makecell{{\color{third5}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}} & proposition\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} If you want to customize the colors, please select \lstinline{nocolor} or use \lstinline{color=none} and declare the main, second, and third colors in the preamble section as follows: \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single] \definecolor{structurecolor}{RGB}{60,113,183} \definecolor{main}{RGB}{0,166,82}% \definecolor{second}{RGB}{255,134,24}% \definecolor{third}{RGB}{0,174,247}% \end{lstlisting} \section{Cover} \subsection{Customized Cover} From v3.10, customized cover is allowed, you can choose or hide any element as you prefer. Current optional elements are: \begin{itemize} \item title: \lstinline{\title} \item subtitle: \lstinline{\subtitle} \item author: \lstinline{\author} \item institute: \lstinline{\institute} \item date: \lstinline{\date} \item version: \lstinline{\version} \item extra information: \lstinline{\extrainfo} \item cover image: \lstinline{\cover} \item logo: \lstinline{\logo} \end{itemize} Besides, an extra command \lstinline{\bioinfo} is provided with two options--caption and content. For instance, if you want to display \lstinline{Username: 111520}, just type in \begin{lstlisting} \bioinfo{Username}{115520} \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Cover Image} The cover image used in this template is from \href{https://pixabay.com/en/tea-time-poetry-coffee-reading-3240766/}{pixabay.com}. The image is completely free and can be used under any circumstance. The cover image size is $1280 \times 1024$. If you would like to change the cover, please crop it according to the size of the cover picture strictly. One free online image clipping site: \href{https://www.fotor.com/cn}{fotor.com}. Feel free to join our QQ Group to get more elegant covers. \subsection{Logo} Aspect ratio of the logo is 1:1 in this guide, i.e. a square picture. To replace the logo, do remember to choose the appropriate picture. \subsection{Stylized Cover} Want to use stylized cover?(For instance, A4-sized PDF designed by Adobe Illustrator) Please comment out \lstinline{\maketitle} and use \lstinline{pdfpages} to insert the cover. Similar for using \lstinline{titlepage}. If you would like to use the cover in version 2.x, please refer to \href{https://github.com/EthanDeng/etitlepage}{etitlepage}. \section{Chapter Title Display Styles} This template contains 2 sets of \textit{title display styles},\lstinline{hang}(default) and \lstinline{display} style. For the former, chapter title is displayed on a single line (\lstinline{hang}). For the latter, chapter title is displayed on a double line (\lstinline{display}).In this guide, we use \lstinline{hang} . To change display style, use: \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[hang]{elegantbook} %or \documentclass[titlestyle=hang]{elegantbook} \end{lstlisting} \section{Introduction of Math Environments} We defined two sets of theorem modes, \lstinline{simple} style and \lstinline{fancy} style (default). You may change to \lstinline{simple} mode by \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[simple]{elegantbook} %or \documentclass[mode=simple]{elegantbook} \end{lstlisting} In this template, we defined four different theorem class environments \begin{itemize} \item \textit{Theorem Environment}, including title and content, numbering corresponding to chapter. Three types depending on the format: \begin{itemize} \item \textcolor{main}{\textbf{definition}} environment, the color is \textcolor{main}{main}; \item \textcolor{second}{\textbf{theorem, lemma, corollary}} environment, the color is \textcolor{second} {second}; \item \textcolor{third}{\textbf{proposition}} environment, the color is \textcolor{third}{third}. \end{itemize} \item \textit{Example Environments}, including \textbf{example, exercise, problem} environment, auto numbering corresponding to chapter. \item \textit{Proof Environment}, including \textbf{proof, note} environment containing introductory symbol (\textbf{note} environment) or ending symbol (\textbf{proof} environment). \item \textit{Conclusion Environments}, including \textbf{conclusion, assumption, property, remark and solution}\footnote{We also define an option \lstinline{result}, which can hide the \lstinline{solution} and \lstinline{proof} environments. You can switch between \lstinline{result=answer} and \lstinline{result=noanswer}.} environments, all of which begin with boldfaced words, with format consistent with normal paragraphs. \end{itemize} \subsection{Theorem Class Environments} Since the template uses the \lstinline{tcolorbox} package to customize the theorem class environments, it is slightly different from the normal theorem environments. The usage is as follows: \begin{lstlisting} \begin{theorem}{}{