\input edmac.doc \hsize 28pc \vsize 35pc \cropsetup{45pc}{35pc}{4pc}{4pc} \headline{Headline \hfil \folio} \footline{Footline \hfil --\folio--\hfil footline} \makeatletter % I'd like a spaced out colon after the lemma: \def\spacedcolon{{\rm\thinspace:\thinspace}} \def\normalfootfmt#1#2#3{% \normal@pars \parindent=0pt \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil {\notenumfont\printlines#1|}\strut\enspace {\select@lemmafont#1|#2}\spacedcolon\enskip#3\strut\par} % And I'd like the 3-col notes printed with a hanging indent: \def\threecolfootfmt#1#2#3{% \normal@pars \hsize .3\hsize \parindent=0pt \tolerance=5000 % high, but not infinite \raggedright \hangindent1.5em \hangafter1 \leavevmode \strut\hbox to 1.5em{\notenumfont\printlines#1|\hfil}\ignorespaces {\select@lemmafont#1|#2}\rbracket\enskip #3\strut\par\allowbreak} % And I'd like the 2-col notes printed with a double colon: \def\doublecolon{{\rm\thinspace::\thinspace}} \def\twocolfootfmt#1#2#3{% \normal@pars \hsize .45\hsize \parindent=0pt \tolerance=5000 \raggedright \leavevmode \strut{\notenumfont\printlines#1|}\enspace {\select@lemmafont#1|#2}\doublecolon\enskip #3\strut\par\allowbreak} % And in the paragraphed footnotes, I'd like a colon too: \def\parafootfmt#1#2#3{% \normal@pars \parindent=0pt \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil {\notenumfont\printlines#1|}\enspace {\select@lemmafont#1|#2}\spacedcolon\enskip #3\penalty-10 } \makeatother % I'd like the line numbers picked out in bold. \let\notenumfont=\eightbf \lineation{page} \linenummargin{inner} \firstlinenum=3 % just because I can \linenumincrement=1 \foottwocol{A} \footthreecol{B} \footparagraph{E} % I've changed \normalfootfmt, so invoke it again for C and D notes. \footnormal{C} \footnormal{D} \beginnumbering \pstart This is an \text{example} \Afootnote{eximemple C, D.}/ of some text with \text{variant} \Afootnote{alternative, A, B.}/ readings recorded as `A' footnotes. From here on, \text{though} \Afootnote{however $\alpha$, $\beta$}/, we shall have \text{`C'} \Bfootnote{B, {\it pace\/} the text}/. \text{For spice, let us mark a longer passage, but give a different lemma for it, so that we don't get a \text{huge} \Dfootnote{vast E, F; note that this is a `D' note to section of text within a longer lemma}/ amount of text in a note}\lemma{For spice \dots\ note} \Cfootnote{The note here is type `C'}/. \text{Finally} \Efootnote{in the end X, Y}/, \text{we} \Efootnote{us K}/ \text{shouldn't} \Efootnote{ought not to L, M}/ \text{forget the} \Efootnote{omit to mention the \S, \P}/ \text{paragraphed} \Efootnote{blocked M, N}/ \text{notes} \Efootnote{variants HH, KK}/, which are so \text{useful} \Efootnote{truly useful L, P}/ when there are \text{a great number of} \Efootnote{many, many (preferably)}/ short notes to be \text{recorded} \Efootnote{noted: repetition}/. \pend \pstart This is a second paragraph, giving more {\it \text{examples} \Afootnote{eximples L, M.}/} of text with \text{variant} \Afootnote{alternative, A, B.}/ readings recorded as `A' footnotes. From here on, \text{though} \Bfootnote{however $\alpha$, $\beta$}/, we shall have \text{`B'} \Bfootnote{B, as correctly stated in the text}/ notes in the text. \text{For spice, let us mark a longer passage, but give a different lemma for it, so that we don't get a {\it \text{huge} \Dfootnote{vast E, F; note that this is a `D' note to text within a longer lemma.}/} amount of text in a note}\lemma{For spice, \dots\ note} \Cfootnote{This is a rogue note of type `C'.}/. \text{Finally} \Bfootnote{In the end X, Y}/, \text{we} \Bfootnote{we here K}/ \text{shouldn't} \Bfootnote{ought not to L, M}/ \text{forget the} \Bfootnote{omit to mention the \S, \P}/ \text{column} \Bfootnote{blocked M, N}/ \text{notes} \Bfootnote{variants H}/, which are so \text{useful} \Bfootnote{very, very useful L, P}/ when there are \text{many} \Bfootnote{lots of Z}/ short notes to be \text{recorded} \Bfootnote{recorded and put down: M (repetition)}/. \pend \endnumbering \bye