% (C) Lars Madsen, daleif@imf.au.dk, 2008/01/17 % This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. % See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html % for the details of that license. The dlfltxb bundle consists of (currently) four packages used for my book "Introduktion til LaTeX" (in Danish, available from http://www.imf.au.dk/system/latex/bog/). One package consists of various home made macros (in the book presented as code tips), which are also useful for other users. The remaining three packages are used internally for writing the book. At least one more package (dlfltxbsc) will be added to the bundle later (presumably sometime in 2008). This is the package used for all the examples in the book. HISTORY ======= * 20070601 added new versions of dlfltxbcodetips and dlfltxbmarkup-sample.cfg * 20070604 made dlfltxbcodetips more compatible with the mathdesign package by adding the 'noamssymb' option * 20070710 bugfix in dlfltxbcodetips (the counter aliasing in \NewShadedTheorem should now work as intended) * 20070711 bugfix in dlfltxbcodetips (coding error in \ArrowBetweenLines) * 20080117 added the dlfltxbtocconfig package * 20080122 small changes to dlfltxbtocconfig Current file contents for the dlfltxb bundle: ============================================= dlfltxbcodetips (v0.26): ----------------------- * dlfltxbcodetips.sty * dlfltxbcodetips.pdf (manual) * dlfltxbcodetips.tex (source for the manual) The dlfltxbcodetips package contains macros: * \bigtimes (without the need for extra fonts) * \nuparrow, \ndownarrow (using graphicx and \nrightarrow and \nleftarrow) * \InsertTheoremBreak for inserting a 'linebreak' before the start of a list, when that list is the first part of a theorem text * a series of macros for helping with alignment in formulas * \NewShadedTheorem for auto creating shaded theorems with the ntheorem package (requires the user to load the (x)color and framed packages and define the shadecolor, and of course using ntheorem) * \SwapDeadSpace to be placed at the beginning of for example an align to switch the spacing above from \abovedisplayskip to \abovedisplayshortskip * \ProvidePGFPagesFourOnOneWithSpaceForNotes provides a '4 on 1 with space for notes' layout for pgfpages, based on the standard '8 on 1' Changes ------- v0.2 Better implementations of \nuparrow, \ndownarrow and bigtimes, all due to Enrico Gregorio. Also changed the implementation of \NewShadedTheorem such that the environment giving the bagground is now configurable. v0.23 Made the autoloading of amssymb optional. v0.25 Bugfix. v0.26 Bugfix. v0.30 added \ProvidePGFPagesFourOnOneWithSpaceForNotes dlfltxbmarkup (v0.65): --------------------- * dlfltxbmarkup.sty * dlfltxbmarkup.pdf (manual) * dlfltxbmarkup.tex (source for the manual) * dlfltxbmarkup-sample.cfg (sample configuration file, actually the keys I currently use for the book) * dlfltxbmarkup-showkeys.tex (a file that can be used to print a list of category keys and their description) * dlfltxbmarkup-showkeys.pdf (sample description file showing the * contents of dlfltxbmarkup-sample.cfg) The dlfltxbmarkup package provides: * \markup for marking up words etc. in the text. The context is controlled by user defined category keys. \markup can automatically write in the text, in the (outer) margin and adding the word to the index (in several places if so defined in the key definition) * \felineGenerateKey for generating category keys The dlfltxbmarkup package requires the use of the memoir class. Currently I do not plan on creating a version the is not dependant of memoir. Changes ------- 20070601 new version of dlfltxbmarkup-sample.cfg 20080117 new version of dlfltxbmarkup-sample.cfg plus a bug fix dlfltxbmisc (v0.2): ------------------- * dlfltxbmisc.sty * dlfltxbmisc.pdf (manual) * dlfltxbmics.tex (source for the manual) The dlfltxbmisc package provides * macros for writing sample LaTeX arguments * two simple environments for displaying syntax * the \addurl (bad name) that I use for specially wrapping URLs in the bibliography Changes ------- 2008/01/01 fixed to accommodate changes in mempatch version 4.9 dlfltxbtocconfig (0.6) ---------------------- * dlfltxbtocconfig.sty * dlfltxbtocconfig.pdf (very short manual) * dlfltxbtocconfig.tex (source for manual) The dlfltxbtocconfig package provides * macros for creating the short and long TOC for my LaTeX book * macros to 'dynamically' change the TOC indentation for subsubsection items * feature for setting auto-generated numwidths for section and subsection based on the contents of the .toc file. Changes ------- 2008/01/17 Initial release 2008/01/22 Made the ToC titles configurable using \contentsname and a provided \shortcontentsname package_doc.bib: ---------------- Bibliographic information used by all three documentations. INSTALLATION: ============= Place all *.sty and *.cfg files in tex/latex/dlfltxb All *.tex *.bib *.pdf and README in doc/latex/dlfltxb /Lars Madsen daleif@imf.au.dk