@echo off rem Makefile for documents and templates rem Author: Stanislav Kruchinin set latexnmk=call ..\..\include\latex.nmk.cmd if "%1"=="" ( %latexnmk% ) else ( for %%f in (%*) do if "%%f"=="help" ( call :%%f ) else if "%%f"=="all" ( call :%%f ) else if "%%f"=="allpdf" ( call :%%f ) else ( %latexnmk% %%f ) ) exit /b :help echo all build DVI of autoref and thesis echo allpdf build PDF of autoref and thesis %latexnmk% help goto :eof :all set target=thesis & %latexnmk% dvi set target=autoref & %latexnmk% dvi set target= goto :eof :allpdf set target=thesis & %latexnmk% pdf set target=autoref & %latexnmk% pdf set target= goto :eof