@echo off rem nomake script for LaTeX projects rem Author: Stanislav Kruchinin if "%CMDEXTVERSION%"=="" ( echo This script requires command interpreter from Windows 2000 or above. goto :eof ) setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if "%target%"=="" set target=thesis if "%bibfile%"=="" set bibfile=thesis.bib if "%arch%"=="" set arch=7z if "%bibtex%"=="" set bibtex=bibtex8 if "%dvips%"=="" set dvips=dvips if "%l2h%"=="" set l2h=latex2html if "%l2rtf%"=="" set l2rtf=latex2rtf if "%latex%"=="" set latex=latex if "%mktexlsr%"=="" set mktexlsr=mktexlsr if "%pdflatex%"=="" set pdflatex=pdflatex if "%ps2pdf%"=="" set ps2pdf=gswin32c if "%psbook%"=="" set psbook=psbook if "%psnup%"=="" set psnup=psnup if "%archext%"=="" set archext=zip if "%archflags%"=="" set archflags=a -t%archext% if "%archive%"=="" set archive=%target%.%archext% if "%bibtexflags%"=="" set bibtexflags=-H -c cp1251 if "%dvipsflags%"=="" set dvipsflags=-P pdf -t A4 -z if "%l2hflags%"=="" ( set l2hflags=-dir html -iso_language RU.RU -split 3 -short_index ^ -numbered_footnotes -white -antialias -html_version 4.0 ) if "%l2rtfflags%"=="" set l2rtfflags=-F -M12 -i russian if "%latexflags%"=="" set latexflags=--src-specials if "%ps2pdfflags%"=="" ( set ps2pdfflags=-dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -g4960x7016 -r600 ^ -dCompatibilityLevel#1.2 ) if "%psnupflags%"=="" set psnupflags=-2 -pA4 if "%pdflatexflags%"=="" set pdflatexflags=--shell-escape if "%clext%"=="" set clext=*.bbl *.bak *.aux *.blg *.out *.toc *.log ^ *.dvi *.tmp *.pdf *.ps if "%clfiles%"=="" set clfiles=!clext! %archive% if "%srcfiles%"=="" set srcfiles=* if "%prereq%"=="" set prereq=*.tex *.bib if "%1"=="" ( call :dvi ) else ( for %%f in (%*) do call :%%f ) exit /b :clean del /s %clfiles% 2> nul if exist %target%.%arctype% del %target%.%arctype% goto :eof :dvi call :cmptimes %target%.dvi %prereq% if !_ctres!==0 ( echo nomake: Nothing to be done for 'dvi'. goto :eof ) %latex% %latexflags% %target%.tex if exist %bibfile% ( for %%f in (*.aux) do %bibtex% %bibtexflags% %%f %latex% %texflags% %target%.tex ) else ( echo Warning: Bibliography file does not exist ) %latex% %latexflags% %target%.tex goto :eof :help echo dvi ^(default^) build DVI echo figclean clean output files in figures directory echo html convert DVI to HTML echo pdf build PDF echo pdf_2on1 build PDF with two A5 pages on one A4 ordered by number echo pdf_book build PDF booklet ^(two A5 on A4^) echo ps build PS echo ps_2on1 build PS with two A5 pages on A4 ordered by number echo ps_book build PS booklet ^(two A5 on A4^) echo rtf convert DVI to RTF echo srcdist build source distribution call ..\..\include\latex.fig.nmk.cmd goto :eof :html call :cmptimes %target%.html %prereq% if !_ctres!==0 ( echo nomake: Nothing to be done for 'html'. goto :eof ) call :dvi %l2h% %l2hflags% %target%.tex goto :eof :pdf call :cmptimes %target%.pdf %prereq% if !_ctres!==0 ( echo nomake: Nothing to be done for 'pdf'. goto :eof ) %pdflatex% %pdflatexflags% %target%.tex if exist %bibfile% ( for %%f in (*.aux) do %bibtex% %bibtexflags% %%f %pdflatex% %pdflatexflags% %target%.tex ) else ( echo Warning: Bibliography file does not exist ) %pdflatex% %pdflatexflags% %target%.tex goto :eof :pdf_2on1 call :cmptimes %target%_2on1.pdf %prereq% if !_ctres!==0 ( echo nomake: Nothing to be done for 'pdf_2on1'. goto :eof ) call :ps_2on1 %ps2pdf% %ps2pdfflags% -sOutputFile=%target%_2on1.pdf ^ -c save pop -f %target%_2on1.ps goto :eof :pdf_book call :cmptimes %target%_book.pdf %prereq% if !_ctres!==0 ( echo nomake: Nothing to be done for 'pdf_book'. goto :eof ) call :ps_book %ps2pdf% %ps2pdfflags% -sOutputFile=%target%_book.pdf ^ -c save pop -f %target%_book.ps goto :eof :ps call :cmptimes %target%.ps %prereq% if !_ctres!==0 ( echo nomake: Nothing to be done for 'ps'. goto :eof ) call :dvi %dvips% %dvipsflags% %target%.dvi goto :eof :ps_2on1 call :cmptimes %target%_2on1.ps %prereq% if !_ctres!==0 ( echo nomake: Nothing to be done for 'ps_2on1'. goto :eof ) call :ps %psnup% %psnupflags% %target%.ps > %target%_2on1.ps goto :eof :ps_book call :cmptimes %target%_book.ps %prereq% if !_ctres!==0 ( echo nomake: Nothing to be done for 'ps_book'. goto :eof ) call :ps %psbook% %target%.ps | %psnup% -2 > %target%_book.ps goto :eof :rtf call :cmptimes %target%.rtf %prereq% if !_ctres!==0 ( echo nomake: Nothing to be done for 'rtf'. goto :eof ) call :dvi %l2rtf% %l2rtfflags% -a %target%.aux -b %target%.bbl %target%.tex goto :eof :srcdist call :clean %arch% %archflags% %archive% %srcfiles% goto :eof :bmtoeps cd fig & call nomake.cmd bmtoeps & cd .. goto :eof :epstoeps cd fig & call nomake.cmd epstoeps & cd .. goto :eof :epstopdf cd fig & call nomake.cmd epstopdf & cd .. goto :eof :figclean cd fig & call nomake.cmd clean & cd .. goto :eof :fixbb cd fig & call nomake.cmd fixbb & cd .. goto :eof :optimize cd fig & call nomake.cmd optimize & cd .. goto :eof :pdftopng256 cd fig & call nomake.cmd pdftopng256 & cd .. goto :eof :pdftotiffg4 cd fig & call nomake.cmd pdftotiffg4 & cd .. goto :eof :cmptimes set _ctfiles=%* set _ctoutf=%~1 if not exist %_ctoutf% ( set _ctres=1 goto :eof ) for /f "usebackq" %%f in (`dir /b /t:w /o:-d %_ctfiles%`) do ( set _ctnewest=%%f goto :_ctbreak ) :_ctbreak if "%_ctoutf%"=="%_ctnewest%" ( set _ctres=0 ) else ( set _ctres=1 ) goto :eof