@echo off rem nomake script for LaTeX projects rem Author: Stanislav Kruchinin if "%CMDEXTVERSION%"=="" ( echo Error: This script requires command interpreter from Windows 2000 or above. goto :eof ) if "%target%"=="" set target=thesis set bibfile=thesis.bib if "%arch%"=="" set arch=7z if "%bibtex%"=="" set bibtex=bibtex8 if "%epstool%"=="" set epstool=epstool if "%epstopdf%"=="" set epstopdf=epstopdf if "%ps2pdf%"=="" set ps2pdf=gswin32c if "%dvips%"=="" set dvips=dvips if "%l2h%"=="" set l2h=latex2html if "%mktexlsr%"=="" set mktexlsr=mktexlsr if "%pdflatex%"=="" set pdflatex=pdflatex if "%psbook%"=="" set psbook=psbook if "%psnup%"=="" set psnup=psnup if "%latex%"=="" set latex=latex if "%l2rtf%"=="" set l2rtf=latex2rtf if "%archext%"=="" set archext=zip if "%archflags%"=="" set archflags=a -t%archext% if "%archive%"=="" set archive=%target%.%archext% if "%bibtexflags%"=="" set bibtexflags=-H -c cp1251 if "%l2hflags%"=="" ( set l2hflags=-dir html -iso_language RU.RU -split 3 -short_index ^ -numbered_footnotes -no_footnode -white -antialias ^ -html_version 4.0 ) if "%ps2pdfflags%"=="" ( set ps2pdfflags=-dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -g4960x7016 -r600 ^ -dCompatibilityLevel#1.2 ) if "%psnupflags%"=="" set psnupflags=-2 -pA4 if "%pdflatexflags%"=="" set pdflatexflags=--shell-escape if "%latexflags%"=="" set latexflags=-src-specials set clext=*.bbl *.bak *.aux *.blg *.out *.toc *.log *.dvi *.tmp *.pdf *.ps if "%clfiles%"=="" set clfiles= %clext% %target%.%arc% if "%srcfiles%"=="" set srcfiles=* if "%suffix%"=="" set suffix=~ rem end of configuration if "%1"=="" ( :default call :dvi goto :eof ) :start if "%1"=="" goto :eof if "%1"=="dvi" ( :dvi %latex% %latexflags% %target%.tex if exist %bibfile% ( for %%f in (*.aux) do %bibtex% %bibtexflags% %%f %latex% %texflags% %target%.tex ) else ( echo Warning: Bibliography file does not exist ) %latex% %latexflags% %target%.tex goto :eof ) if "%1"=="pdf" ( :pdf %pdflatex% %pdflatexflags% %target%.tex if exist %bibfile% ( for %%f in (*.aux) do %bibtex% %bibtexflags% %%f %pdflatex% %pdflatexflags% %target%.tex ) else ( echo Warning: Bibliography file does not exist ) %pdflatex% %pdflatexflags% %target%.tex goto :eof ) if "%1"=="pdf_2on1" ( :pdf2on1 if not exist %target%_2on1.ps call :ps2on1 %ps2pdf% %ps2pdfflags% -sOutputFile=%target%_2on1.pdf ^ -c save pop -f %target%_2on1.ps goto :eof ) if "%1"=="pdf_booklet" ( :pdfbooklet if not exist %target%_booklet.ps call :psbooklet %ps2pdf% %ps2pdfflags% -sOutputFile=%target%_booklet.pdf ^ -c save pop -f %target%_booklet.ps goto :eof ) if "%1"=="ps" ( :ps if not exist %target%.dvi call :dvi %dvips% -o %target%.ps %target%.dvi goto :eof ) if "%1"=="ps_2on1" ( :ps2on1 if not exist %target%.ps call :ps %psnup% %psnupflags% %target%.ps > %target%_2on1.ps goto :eof ) if "%1"=="ps_booklet" ( :psbooklet if not exist %target%.ps call :ps %psbook% %target%.ps | %psnup% -2 > %target%_booklet.ps goto :eof ) if "%1"=="html" ( :html if not exist %target%.dvi call :dvi %l2h% %l2hflags% %target%.tex goto :eof ) if "%1"=="rtf" ( call :dvi %l2rtf% -F -M12 -i russian -a %target%.aux -b %target%.bbl %target%.tex ) if "%1"=="clean" ( :clean del /s %clfiles% 2> nul if exist %target%.%arctype% del %target%.%arctype% goto :eof ) if "%1"=="srcdist" ( :srcdist call :clean %arch% %archflags% %archive% %srcfiles% goto :eof ) if "%1"=="epstoeps" ( :epstoeps cd fig & call nomake.cmd epstoeps & cd .. goto :eof ) if "%1"=="epstopdf" ( :epstopdf cd fig & call nomake.cmd epstopdf & cd .. goto :eof ) if "%1"=="fixbb" ( :fixbb cd fig & call nomake.cmd fixbb & cd .. goto :eof ) if "%1"=="help" ( :help echo List of targets: echo dvi ^(default^) build DVI echo clean remove output files echo epstoeps optimize EPS files echo epstopdf convert figures to PDF echo fixbb fix BoundingBox of EPS files echo help show list of targets echo html convert to HTML echo pdf_2on1 build PDF with two A5 pages on one A4 ordered by number echo pdf_book build PDF booklet ^(two A5 on A4^) echo ps build PS echo ps_2on1 build PS with two A5 pages on A4 ordered by number echo ps_book build PS booklet ^(two A5 on A4^) echo rtf convert to RTF echo srcdist build source distribution %archive% goto :eof ) if "%1" neq "" echo Don't know how to make %1 :end shift & goto :start