disser changelog Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Stanislav Kruchinin ------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.0.4 (2007-11-04): Class: + Wrote some documentation on class options and Makefile targets. * Refactoring of sources and Makefiles. * gost732 class code is no longer included in disser.dtx. + New option fixint={true|false}. + Parametrization of format for theorem-like environments. Templates: * Appendix is now behind the Bibliography. * nomake.cmd scripts became a stub for one common file. Don't forget to include it to your source distribution. + Macros for sharing text between dissertation and abstract. + Changed style of second page in abstract. + Added \usepackage{srcltx} to make source links by default. * Included makefiles moved to include dir. Changes in version 1.0.3a (2007-07-28): Class: + \phantomchapter command was superseded by \metaphantom{}. Templates: * Changed default settings for margins. * Small fixes to comply standards. Changes in version 1.0.3 (2007-07-11): Class: + Major improvements in Makefile/nomake.cmd infrastructure. + subfig package is used instead of obsolete subfigure. + Added some parametrizations for page styles and headings. Templates: + Added more examples with figures to bachelor template. * Fix: thesis.bib EOLN changed to LF. Changes in version 1.0.2 (2007-03-04): Class: + Added class gost732. + Added parametrization of format for appendices. * Fixed parametrization of section headers. * Many other small fixes (see logs at http://disser.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/disser/). Templates: + Candidate and doctor: added templates of author's abstracts. * Candidate and doctor: fixed \title. Changes in version 1.0.1 (2006-11-10): Class: * Fixed mistakes in comments and README files. + Added parametrization for alignment of headers (\...align macros). Templates: + Added some targets to root Makefile + Common Makefiles for all templates (latex.mk and latex.fig.mk) First public release: version 1.0 (2006-10-28)