\noindent\textbf{\large Key to the European species of Rhodocybe}\\
(Basis: M.E.\ Noordeloos in Flora Agaricina Neerlandica (1988))\\
(Additions: M.E.\ Noordeloos in Karstenia \textbf{34}, 43 (1994)
(Section Rhodophana))\\
(Additional species: Rh.\ ardosiaca, peculiaris, stangliana, tillii)
\alter Hymenial pseudocystidia present, very obvious, filled with
yellowish, refringent strongly dextrinoid granules
\alter Fr.b.\ pleurotoid \name[Rhodocybe~]{spec.\ (ND99016)}
\alter Fr.b.\ centrally stipitate
\alter Cap concentrically cracking; smell and taste indistinct; sp.\
minutely nodulose-pustulate in outline \name{caelata}
\alter Cap smooth to minutely felty; smell and taste
rancid-farinaceous; sp.\ with conspicuous hemispherical nodules
\alter Hymenial pseudocystidia absent
\alter Clamps present
\alter Fr.b.\ tricholomatoid; stipe base with conspicuous, bulb-like
mycelial mass \name{stangliana}
\alter Fr.b.\ mycenoid to collybioid; base without bulb
\alter Sp.\ $(4-)4.5-7 \times 3-4(-4.5)\;\mu$m, $\bar{Q} = 1.3-1.4$; cap
and stipe rather pale yellow brown \name{melleopallens}
\alter Sp.\ larger; cap and stipe darker
\alter Cap and stipe honey-coloured to orange or reddish brown
\alter Cap honey-coloured; sp.\ $6.5-8.5(-9) \times
(3.5-)4-5(-5.5)\;\mu$m, $Q = 1.5-1.9$; sp.\ print greyish
\alter Cap vividly orange to red or red-brown; sp.\ $7-10 \times
5-5.5\;\mu$m, $\bar{Q} = 1.4-1.5$; sp.\ print pinkish brown
\alter Cap and stipe dull coloured, brown, grey-brown or grey
\alter Cap pale, greyish to whitish; sp.\ subglobose, $(4.5-)5-6(-6.5)
\times (3.5-)4-4.5(-5)\;\mu$m \name{peculiaris}
\alter Cap darker; sp.\ ellipsoid, larger
\alter Cap and stipe dark grey or grey-brown; lam.\ with distinct grey
tinge; sp.\ $7-10 \times 4.5-6\;\mu$m \name{hispanica}
\alter Cap and stipe dark brown; lam.\ sordidly pink when mature; sp.\
$6-8 \times 4.5-5\;\mu$m \name{fuscofarinacea}
\alter Clamps absent
\alter Fr.b.\ pleurotoid \name{tillii}
\alter Fr.b.\ centrally stipitate
\alter Cap white, occasionally tinged cream colour at centre when old
\alter Cap distinctly coloured
\alter Cap flesh-coloured or reddish; stipe white or concolorous with
cap \name{gemina}
\alter Cap grey to grey-brown
\alter Sp.\ $6-9 \times 4-6\;\mu$m, ellipsoid to subglobose in side
view, hardly angular or pustulate; cheilocystidia present, $30-50
\times 4-9\;\mu$m, usually septate \name{hirneola}
\alter Sp.\ $4.5-7(-8)\;\mu$m long, distinctly pustulate; cheilocystidia
\alter Smell none, taste mild \name{parilis}
\alter Smell farinaceous, taste usually bitter \name{popinalis}
\begin{flushright}Version 1999/12/16 \end{flushright}