% the document class specification for the proposal writing process, add the 'submit' option % for submitting (switches off various draft features); add the 'public' option to exclude % any private parts. \documentclass{dfgproposal} %\documentclass[submit]{dfgproposal} %\documentclass[submit,public]{dfgproposal} \bibliography{dummy} % the following lines get updated by subversion keyword replacement. They are used by the % \svninfo package in draft mode to generate metadata. \svnInfo $Id: proposal.tex 20447 2010-11-02 06:59:08Z kohlhase $ \svnKeyword $HeadURL: https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/kwarc/doc/macros/forCTAN/dfgproposal/proposal.tex $ % % define the proposal acronym; % use \texorpdfstring so that it can be used in section headings as well \def\ipower{\texorpdfstring{\textsc{iPoWr}}{iPoWr}} \def\ipowerlong{{\underline{I}ntelligent} {\underline{P}r\underline{o}sal} {\underline{Wr}iting}} % tell the class that this is the proposal acronym \input{DCMpersons} \begin{document} \begin{proposal}[PI=miko,PI=gc,site=JU,site=PC, pubspage={http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/publications.html}, pubspage={http://www.pcg.phony/people/gc/pubs.html}, title=\ipower: \ipowerlong, thema=Intelligentes Schreiben von Antr\"agen, acronym=\ipower,acrolong=\ipowerlong, start=1. Feb. 2010, months=24, discipline=Computer Science, areas=Knowledge Management] \begin{Summary} \begin{todo}{} Summarize the relevant goals of the proposed project in generally intellegible terms. Do not use more than 15 lines (max. 1600 characters). \end{todo} Writing grant proposals is a collaborative effort that requires the integration of contributions from many individuals. The use of an ASCII-based format like LaTeX allows to coordinate the process via a source code control system like Subversion, allowing the proposal writing team to concentrate on the contents rather than the mechanics of wrangling with text fragments and revisions. \end{Summary} % It is often good to separate the top-level sections into separate files. % Especially in collaborative proposals. We do this here. \input{state} \input{workplan} % the following will not become part of the public proposal after all most of this is % technical or confidential. %\begin{private} \input{funds} \input{preconditions} \end{proposal} % we do not want the appendix in the public part either, since people should rather look % at our web pages. \begin{private} \begin{appendix} \include{mittel} \include{zusammenfassung} \end{appendix} \end{private} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: LaTeX %%% TeX-PDF-mode:t %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: % LocalWords: empty bibflorian systems rabe institutions modal historical pub % LocalWords: kwarc till formalsafe miko gc ipower ipowerlong Antr agen Beitr % LocalWords: acrolong intellegible kollaboratives koh arenten ussen Proze % LocalWords: Versionsmanagementsystem textsc unterst utzt konzentieren stex % LocalWords: mechanik workplan thispagestyle newpage Principcal cvpubsmiko % LocalWords: ourpubs zusammenfassung printbibliography