---------------------------------------------------------------- The dccpaper bundle: Classes for submissions to IJDC and IDCC Author: Alex Ball E-mail: a.ball@ukoln.ac.uk License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later See: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------- The dccpaper bundle consists of two very similar classes. ijdc-v9.cls corresponds to the template used by the International Journal of Digital Curation, beginning with volume 9. idcc.cls corresponds to the template used for the International Digital Curation Conference, beginning with IDCC15. As the classes are so similar, their common features are abstracted out into dccpaper-base.tex, which should be installed in the runtime tex directory, rather than with the documentation. The classes are suitable for submissions to the respective review boards, but can also be used to produce the final camera-ready papers. Please note that the image files distributed with this package, dccpaper-by.eps and dccpaper-by.pdf, are trademarks of Creative Commons and are subject to the Creative Commons trademark policy: http://creativecommons.org/policies