#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'erb' require 'scriptingutils' # doit - make all or some example picture sets. # Usage: doit # make them all # doit nnx # make nnx.pdf and snnx.pdf # # pictures are numbered 01, 02, etc. # nn[a-z] has code to typeset a \ctable; for nn[k-z] page layout will be shown # for each nn[a-z] two pdfs are generated: # nn[a-z].pdf for the ctable picture # and snn[a-z].pdf for the source code verbatim. # The number of digits (nn) is set with DIGS # The prefix (s) for source verbatims and (empty) for result files is set by PRE # Windows users should replace NULL with perhaps "c:/temp/null" DIGS = 2 ALL = Dir["[0-9]"*DIGS+"[a-z]"].sort PRE = ['s',''] # clean up directory # all = false: keep pdf's # all = true: remove pdf's, too def clean(all=false) ALL.map{|x| PRE.map{|y| y+x }}.flatten.each do |f| exts = %w{aux tex log chk fls out} exts << 'pdf' if all exts.each do |e| fe = "#{f}.#{e}" File.delete(fe) if File.exist?(fe) end end exit(0) end @quiet = false def handle_options ARGV.options do |opt| opt.banner = "Create example images\n" opt.banner << "No arguments: create them all\n" opt.banner << "Example: ./#{MYNAME} 03? # creates 03a.pdf, 03b.pdf, s03a.pdf, and s03b.pdf" opt.separator "" opt.on('-h','--help','print this help and exit') do puts opt.help; exit end opt.on("-c","--clean","Clean up, but keep pdf files") do clean end opt.on("-C","--Clean","Clean up, including pdf files") do clean(true) end opt.on("-q","--quiet","Be silent") do @quiet = true end opt.parse! end end init(nil,:handle_options) set = ARGV.empty? ? ALL : ARGV tex = DATA.readlines("\n\n") # tex[0] -> source verbatim, tex[1] -> result set.each do |j| puts j unless @quiet 0.upto(1) do |i| f = "#{PRE[i]}#{j}" open(f+'.tex','w') do |o| o.print ERB.new(tex[i]).result(binding) end sys("pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode #{f}") sys("pdfcrop #{f}.pdf #{f}.pdf") end end # $Id: doit,v 1.8 2010-06-26 21:09:37 wybo Exp $ __END__ \documentclass{article} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=20mm,noheadfoot]{geometry} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document}\ttfamily \fontsize{10}{12 pt}\selectfont \begin{verbatim}<%= open(j).readlines.delete_if {|x| x =~ /\$Id|remove for source/ }.join %>\end{verbatim} \end{document} \documentclass[twoside]{article} <% if j =~ /[k-z]$/ %> \usepackage[papersize={65mm,40mm},showframe,margin=5mm,noheadfoot]{geometry} <% end %> \usepackage{ctable} \usepackage{txfonts} \pagestyle{empty} \parindent0pt \begin{document} <%= open(j).readlines.delete_if {|x| x =~ /\$Id/ }.join %> \end{document}