========================================================================= The covington package LaTeX macros for Linguistics Copyright 1991--2017 Michael A. Covington Robin Fairbairns Juergen Spitzmueller Current Maintainer: Juergen Spitzmueller E-mail: juergen (at) spitzmueller (dot) org Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3 or later See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ========================================================================= == PURPOSE == This package, initially a collection of Michael Covington's private macros, provides numerous minor LaTeX enhancements for linguistics, including multiple accents on the same letter, interlinear glosses (word-by-word translations), Discourse Represenation Structures, and example numbering. The package works both with LaTeX 2.09 and LaTeX 2e. == CONTENTS == The package consists of the following files: * covington.sty: the actual package * covington.tex: the documentation * README (this file) == CHANGES == * Version 1.4 (2017-05-23): - Introduce a new macro \twodias that supersedes the rather odd \twoacc (which is kept for backwards compatibility). - Introduce macro \SetDiaOffset for more convenient setting of vertical distance in stacked diacritics. - LaTeX 2.09 is no longer officially supported (it might continue to work, but is not tested). - Documentation file converted to un*x line endings. * Version 1.3 (2017-04-05): - Gloss variants \xgll and \xglll that work inside macros (such as footnotes) but require explicit gloss line end markers (\xgle). - Provide way to globally alter indentation and vertical distance of reflists (new lengths \reflistindent, \reflistparsep and \reflistitemsep). * Version 1.2 (2016-08-26): - New length \examplenumbersep to adjust (increase) the horizontal space between example number and example text. - Add some more info about bibliography generation. * Version 1.1a (2016-07-07): - Fix encoding problem in documentation and some typos. No change in functionality. * Version 1.1 (2016-07-06): - The package now uses NFSS font commands if available (fallback for LaTeX 2.09 is still provided). - Work around clash with classes/packages that define their own example and examples environments (most notably the beamer class) as well as execise environments. The covington package no longer blindly attempts to define these environments. By default, it does not define them if they are already defined (covington's own environments, however, are still available via aliases). By means of a new package option, a redefinition can also be forced. - New length \twoaccsep allows for the adjustment of the distance between stacked accents. - Update manual. - New maintainer: J. Spitzmueller. - License has been changed to LPPL (in agreement with M. Covington). - Introduce version numbers. Arbitrarily, we start with 1.1.