\documentclass{article} \usepackage{conv-xkv} \usepackage{fancyvrb} % Use ordinary askii characters to declare a delimiter, usually % the delimiter is some combination of special characters: !@#:%^&*()_+= \DeclareDelimiter{arrow}{->} % The colon delimiter is already defined, and need not be declared %\DeclareDelimiter{colon}{:} % formatting cmd \def\ameta#1{\ensuremath{\langle\textit{\texttt{#1}}\rangle}} \makeatletter \define@key{dps}{fname}[]{\def\fname{#1}} \define@key{dps}{mname}[]{\def\mname{#1}} \define@key{dps}{lname}[]{\def\lname{#1}} \define@choicekey{dps}{favorite}{AeB, AeB Pro, conv-xkv}[AeB]{\def\favoritepkg{#1}} \define@key{kaf}{home}[]{\def\myhome{#1}} \makeatother % Process keys using the arrow delimiter \def\setName#1{\cxkvsetkeys[arrow]{dps,kaf}{#1}} % we use the default delimiter, colon (:) \def\setOtherName#1{\cxkvsetkeys{dps}{#1}} % we define the dps family for xkeyval \def\setStandName#1{\setkeys{dps}{#1}} \let\pkg\textsf \newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \def\newtopic{\par\medskip} \parindent0pt \begin{document} In the preamble, we declare \verb~\DeclareDelimiter{arrow}{->}~. \newtopic The \pkg{conv-xkv} package converts key-values with alternate key-value delimiter to a form the \pkg{xkeyval} package expects them to be in. \setName { fname-> D., mname-> P., lname-> Story, favorite-> conv-xkv, home-> {Niceville, FL} } \begin{Verbatim}[xleftmargin=\leftmargini,fontsize=\small] \def\setName#1{\cxkvsetkeys[arrow]{dps,kaf}{#1}} \setName { fname-> D., mname-> P., lname-> Story, favorite-> conv-xkv, home-> {Niceville, FL} } \end{Verbatim} The script above converts the notation \texttt{\ameta{key}\usekvdelim{arrow}\ameta{value}} to the notation of \pkg{xkeyval}, \texttt{\ameta{key}=\ameta{value}}. It is then passed to the \cs{setkeys} command of \pkg{xkeyval}. \newtopic\textbf{Results:} My name is {\fname} {\mname} {\lname} and my favorite {\LaTeX} package is \textsf{\favoritepkg}, my home is \myhome. \setOtherName { fname: D., mname: Paul, lname: Story, favorite % use default } \newtopic Now we use the colon (:) delimiter: \begin{Verbatim}[xleftmargin=\leftmargini,fontsize=\small] \def\setOtherName#1{\cxkvsetkeys{dps}{#1}} \setOtherName { fname: D., mname: Paul, lname: Story, favorite % use default } \end{Verbatim} The script above converts the colon notation \texttt{\ameta{key}\usekvdelim{colon}\ameta{value}} to the notation of \pkg{xkeyval}, \texttt{\ameta{key}=\ameta{value}}. This enables the implementation of \pkg{xkeyval} in packages that want to use object-property notation. Other variations are possible. \newtopic\textbf{Results:} My name is {\fname} {\mname} {\lname} and my favorite {\LaTeX} package is \textsf{\favoritepkg}. \newtopic Now here are the same results using the \pkg{xkeyval} package with the key-value delimiter \texttt{\ameta{key}=\ameta{value}} to verify that nothing has been disturbed. \setStandName { fname= Don, mname= Paulo, lname= Story, favorite } \begin{Verbatim}[xleftmargin=\leftmargini,fontsize=\small] \def\setStandName#1{\setkeys{dps}{#1}} \setStandName { fname=Don, mname=Paulo, lname=Story, favorite } \end{Verbatim} \textbf{Results:} My name is {\fname} {\mname} {\lname} and my favorite {\LaTeX} package is \textsf{\favoritepkg}. \end{document}