#!/bin/sh #--- set user dependent file name TEXFILE="example" #--- set system dependent variables #LATEXPATH="/usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-apple-darwin-current/" # for teTeX LATEXPATH="/usr/texbin/" # for TexLive 2007 #--- set compilers' paths PDFLATEX=$LATEXPATH"pdflatex" BIBTEX=$LATEXPATH"bibtex" MAKEINDEX=$LATEXPATH"makeindex" #--- Compile echo; echo; echo '*** bash: copying class insertion file ***' cp exclasspre.tex exclass.tex echo; echo; echo '*** PdfLaTeX: create toc (1/7) ***' $PDFLATEX $TEXFILE.tex echo; echo; echo '*** Bibtex: generate the general biblio. (2/7) ***' $BIBTEX $TEXFILE echo; echo; echo '*** Makeindex: create index of authors (3/7) ***' $MAKEINDEX -s confproc.ist $TEXFILE.idx echo; echo; echo '*** PdfLaTeX: create toc + include index (4/7) ***' $PDFLATEX $TEXFILE.tex echo; echo; echo '*** PdfLaTeX: create backrefs (5/7) ***' $PDFLATEX $TEXFILE.tex echo; echo; echo '*** PdfLaTeX: give proper toc and backrefs (6/7) ***' $PDFLATEX $TEXFILE.tex echo; echo; echo '*** bash: copying class insertion file ***' cp exclasslast.tex exclass.tex echo; echo; echo '*** PdfLaTeX: full papers (mod. class insertion) (7/7) ***' $PDFLATEX $TEXFILE.tex