#!/bin/sh # Compile all papers with 'pdflatex' of 'latex' # (depending if they are in 'sources_pdftex' or 'sources_tex') # and copy resulting pdf files in the 'papers' folder. # Expected tree structure: # proceedings/papers/sources_pdftex/ # proceedings/papers/sources_tex/ # with this script in 'proceedings/' #--- choose if you compile from scratch or only once #BUILD_TYPE=final #recompile and re-do biblio BUILD_TYPE=renumber #recompile only once for re-numbering #--- set system dependent variables #LATEXPATH="/usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-apple-darwin-current/" # teTeX LATEXPATH="/usr/texbin/" # TexLive 2007 #--- paths LATEX=$LATEXPATH"latex" DVIPDF=/usr/local/bin/dvipdf PDFLATEX=$LATEXPATH"pdflatex" BIBTEX=$LATEXPATH"bibtex" MAKEINDEX=$LATEXPATH"makeindex" PROCSTY='dafx_06.sty' #--- Compiling .tex files with pdfLaTeX cd papers/sources_pdftex for i in *; do echo; echo; echo '=====> Compiling' $i '.tex with pdfLaTeX <=====' cd $i # copy the paper style (in case you changed it) cp ../../$PROCSTY . echo; echo ' ---> 1st compilation of ' $i '.tex' $PDFLATEX $i if [ $BUILD_TYPE = final ]; then echo; echo ' ---> Compiling the bibliography ' $i '.tex' $BIBTEX $i echo; echo ' --- 2nd compilation of ' $i '.tex' $PDFLATEX $i echo; echo ' ---> 3rd compilation of ' $i '.tex' $PDFLATEX $i fi #--- copy the pdf where the proceedings will be assembled cp $i.pdf ../.. cd .. done #--- Compiling .tex files with LaTeX (problems related with hyperref) cd ../sources_tex for i in *; do echo; echo; echo '=====> Compiling' $i '.tex with LaTeX <=====' cd $i #--- copy the paper proceedings style (if you changed the tree) cp ../../$PROCSTY . echo; echo ' ---> 1st compilation of ' $i '.tex ' $LATEX $i.tex if [ $BUILD_TYPE = final ]; then echo; echo ' ---> Compiling the bibliography ' $i '.tex ' $BIBTEX $i echo; echo ' ---> 2nd compilation of ' $i '.tex ' $LATEX $i echo; echo ' ---> 3rd compilation of ' $i '.tex ' $LATEX $i fi #--- produce the pdf from dvi $DVIPDF $i.dvi $i.pdf #--- copy the pdf where the proceedings will be assembled cp $i.pdf ../.. cd .. done