%%% Template (2011/07/27) for an article using cc \begin{filecontents*}{\jobname.bib} %% Insert your bibliography file here \end{filecontents*} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bbl} %% Insert your bbl file here if you do not have a bibliography file \end{filecontents} \documentclass{cc} %%\ccsps{} %%% personal macros and packages %%% end of personal macros and packages \contact{}% Insert contact email address here. \submitted{}% Insert the date on which you made the original % submission of your paper to computational complexity, % in the format \submitted{8 August 2008}. \title{}% Insert title here. (Use \\ to split lines.) %%\titlehead{}% If necessary insert running head title here. \author{}% Insert author list here. (Each author must be given % including his/her current address, email and possibly % homepage. Lines are seperated by \\, different authors % are separated by \and .) %%\authorhead{}% If necessary insert running head authors here. %%\authorlist{}% If necessary insert title author list here. \begin{abstract} %% Insert abstract here. \end{abstract} \begin{keywords} %% Insert keywords here. \end{keywords} \begin{subject} %% Insert subject classification here. \end{subject} \begin{document} %%% Insert your article text here. \begin{acknowledge} %% Insert your acknowledgments here. \end{acknowledge} %% \noacknowledge% This command must be here if there are no % acknowledgements. \bibliography{journals,\jobname}% Put your bibliography into the above % filecontents environment! \end{document}