% arara: pdflatex % !arara: biber % !arara: pdflatex % arara: pdflatex % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % the CNLTX bundle % % LaTeX source code and output % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Clemens Niederberger % Web: https://github.com/cgnieder/cnltx/ % E-Mail: contact@mychemistry.eu % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright 2013 Clemens Niederberger % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please % feel free to contact me. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[load-preamble+,babel-options={ngerman,english}]{cnltx-doc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{varioref} \usepackage{array,booktabs} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{chains} \setcnltx{ name = cnltx , title = the cnltx bundle , version = \csname cnltx@@version\endcsname , date = \csname cnltx@@date\endcsname , subtitle = Documentation for \LaTeXe\ Packages or Classes , info = \LaTeX\ tools and documenting facilities the \texorpdfstring{\textsc{cn}}{CN} way , authors = Clemens Niederberger , email = contact@mychemistry.eu , url = https://github.com/cgnieder/cnltx , abstract = {% A versatile bundle of packages and classes for consistent formatting of control sequences, package options, source code examples, and writing a package manual (including an index containing the explained control sequences, options, \ldots).\par The bundle also provides several other small ideas of mine such as a mechansim for providing abbreviations \etc. Not at least it provides a number of programming tools.% } , index-setup = { othercode=\footnotesize,level=\section}, add-cmds = { % internal macros: cnltx@babel@options, cnltx@bibtex@listings@style, cnltx@caption@font,cnltx@captionlabel@font, cnltx@define@colorscheme, cnltx@gobble, cnltx@ifisnum, cnltx@ifpunctuation, cnltx@ifsym, cnltx@listings@style, cnltx@mdframed@options, cnltx@scrartcl@options, cnltx@trailpunct, cnltx@treat@lst@index, % official macros: AD,AM,BC, changedversion,cls, cnltxacronym, cnltxat,cnltxbang,cnltxequal, code,codefont,command,cs,csidx, ctan,CTAN,CTANurl, darg, DeclareCounterRepresentation, Default,default, definecolorscheme, dsh, eg,env,envidx,environment, expandable, indexcs, inputexample,inputsidebyside,inputsourcecode, key,keybool,keychoice,keyval, lppl,LPPL, marg,Marg,module,Module, newabbr,newarg, newcounterrepresentation, newname, newnote, newpackagename, newinputsourcefilecmd, newsourcecodeenv, oarg,opt,option, PM,pkg, providecounterrepresentation, renewcounterrepresentation, sarg,setcnltx,sinceversion,sourceformat, unexpandable, usf,usw, vgl,Vgl, zB,ZB }, add-silent-cmds = { @foo, ab,AB, at, carlisle, cd, circled,circlenumber, cnltx, foo, foothree, GetTranslation, minusone,multoffourrm, nohyperpage, superiors@spaced, textsu, twodigits } , add-envs = { commands, environments, example, options, sidebyside,sourcecode }, add-frame-options = { innerleftmargin=2em } } \defbibheading{bibliography}[\bibname]{\section{#1}} \makeatletter \newcommand*\cnltxhyphen{\texorpdfstring{\cnltx@hyphen}{-}} \newrobustcmd*\cnltx@hyphen{\penalty\@M-\hskip\z@skip} \makeatother \newpackagename\cnltxbase{cnltx\cnltxhyphen base} \newpackagename\cnltxcsnames{cnltx\cnltxhyphen csnames} \newpackagename\cnltxdoc{cnltx\cnltxhyphen doc} \newpackagename\cnltxexample{cnltx\cnltxhyphen example} \newpackagename\cnltxlistings{cnltx\cnltxhyphen listings} \newpackagename\cnltxtools{cnltx\cnltxhyphen tools} \newnote*\bypackage[1]{provided by \csname cnltx#1\endcsname} \newnote*\byclass{provided by \cnltxdoc} \newname\oberdiek{Heiko}{Oberdiek} \newname\egreg{Enrico}{Gregorio} \newname\heinz{Carsten}{Heinz} \newname\moses{Brooks}{Moses} \newname\hoffmann{Jobst}{Hoffmann} \newname\daniel{Marco}{Daniel} \newcommand*\file[1]{\code{#1}} \newcommand*\latin[1]{\cnltxlatin{#1}} \newcommand*\PDF{\cnltxacronym{PDF}{pdf}} \newenvironment{colors} {% \def\colour##1{\item[]\code{\textcolor{##1}{##1}}\hfill\newline}% \cnltxlist } {\endcnltxlist} \def\at{\cnltxat} \def\bang{\cnltxbang} \def\equal{\cnltxequal} \newcommand*\BibTeX{\texorpdfstring{\hologo{BibTeX}}{BibTeX}} \begin{document} \part{About The Bundle} \section{Background} The \cnltx\ bundle contains different packages and classes\footnote{Well, \emph{one} class for the time being,}. I developed it as a successor of my class \cls{cnpkgdoc}~\cite{cls:cnpkgdoc} that I used until now for writing the documentation of my packages. The intention behind the new bundle is a cleaner interface and less unnecessary ballast, hence the separation into packages and classes. This is actually a bit of a contradiction: the document class \cnltxdoc\ loads \emph{all} packages of the bundle which makes it more feature-rich than \cls{cnpkgdoc} eber used to be. The bundle provides source code environments that also print the output and defines quite a lot of macros for formatting of control sequence names, package names, package options and so on. Part of the motivation is also that users have asked me how I created the manuals for my packages. Now I can refer to this bundle. Another reason for the splitting into separate packages is -- besides the advantage of easier maintenance -- is that I wanted to add programming tools that I often use into \cnltxbase\ which may allow me (and others) to use them for other packages, too, without having to define them each time. So it is quite likely that \cnltxbase\ will get extended in the future. The bundle provides \pkg{listings} style for \LaTeX\ code, bibliography database files and index style files. It provides a \pkg{biblatex} citation and bibliography style closely linked to \cnltxdoc. It provides a bibliography database file containing many \LaTeX\ packages. It provides\ldots\ Let's stop here. You see that the bundle provides a lot of different features which explains why this manual is more than 50~pages long. The most detailed documentation for the bundle is as always the source code of the \file{sty} and \file{cls} files but I'm trying to provide a documentation as comprehensive as possible. Reading the source files may show how things are implemented but the intended use only becomes clear when you read this manual. The bundle reflects the fact that I haven't started using literate programming, yet. I don't use \code{docstrip} and don't write \file{dtx} files but always write the \file{sty} or \code{cls} files directly. I write the manual always at the same time but as a separate file. While I'm entirely aware of the advantages of literate programming I never could bring myself to start to use it myself. As a consequence I have no idea if this bundle can be used for it or not. Source code formatting is done with the help of the powerful \pkg{listings} package~\cite{pkg:listings} by \heinz\ and later \moses, now maintained by \hoffmann. The only real drawback I have found with it is recognizing starred und un-starred versions of an environment as different keywords. This does not seem to be possible which is why indexing of such environments will lead to wrong page numbers. The fancy frames of the source code examples are realized with the \pkg{mdframed} package by \daniel~\cite{pkg:mdframed}, loaded with the option \keyis*{framemethod}{tikz}. Besides all this I included some other ideas of mine in this bundle which are all provided by \cnltxtools. This includes a mechansim for defining clever abbreviations or macros that make it easy to index names the same way \pkg{biblatex} does. \section{Bundled Packages, Classes and Files} The \cnltx\ bundle currently bundles the following packages, classes and files: \begin{itemize} \item \cnltxbase\ -- a package that defines base macros for error-messaging, expansion control, tokenlist manipulation and defining of expandable macros. It also provides color definitions and defines a few color schemes for the \cnltxdoc\ class. All other packages and classes of the \cnltx\ bundle load this package. This package can be used stand-alone. \\ \verbcode+\usepackage{cnltx-base}+ \item \cnltxdoc\ -- a class for writing package manuals. Loads \cnltxexample\ and \cnltxtools\ and implicitly all other files of the bundle. \\ \verbcode+\documentclass{cnltx-doc}+ \item \cnltxexample\ -- a package that defines macros and environments for describing control sequences and options and for including source code. Loads \cnltxlistings. This package can be used stand-alone. \\ \verbcode+\usepackage{cnltx-example}+ \item \sinceversion{0.4}\cnltxlistings\ -- a package that defines the listings language `BibTeX'. Also defines a list of highlighted control sequence names and environment names, loaded by \cnltxexample. The additional control sequence and environment names used to be defined in \cnltxcsnames. That package got removed and its contents are now provided by \cnltxlistings. This package can be used stand-alone. \\ \verbcode+\usepackage{cnltx-listings}+ \item \sinceversion{0.2}\cnltxtools\ -- a package that defines tools used by \cnltxdoc\ that are unrelated to \LaTeX\ documentation \latin{per se}. This package can be used stand-alone. \\ \verbcode+\usepackage{cnltx-tools}+ \item \file{cnltx.ist} -- an index style file that is used when the option \option{add-index} for \cnltxdoc\ is activated and the option \option{index-style} is not used. \item \sinceversion{0.4}\file{cnltx.bib} -- a bibliography file that contains a small but growing number of package entries. Used by \cnltxdoc\ when the \option{add-bib} is used. \item \sinceversion{0.4}\file{cnltx.bbx}, \file{cnltx.cbx} and \file{cnltx.dbx} -- files related to the \pkg{biblatex} style \code{cnltx}. The \pkg{biblatex} style defined in those files is used when the \option{add-bib} for \cnltxdoc\ is used. \end{itemize} \section{License and Requirements}\label{sec:license} \license The \cnltxbase\ package loads the following packages: \needpackage{pgfopts}~\cite{pkg:pgfopts}, \needpackage{etoolbox}~\cite{pkg:etoolbox}, \pkg{ltxcmds}\footnote{\CTANurl{oberdiek}}~\cite{pkg:ltxcmds}, \needpackage{trimspaces}~\cite{pkg:trimspaces} and \needpackage{xcolor}~\cite{pkg:xcolor}. The \cnltxdoc\ class loads the packages \cnltxbase, \cnltxexample, \needpackage{ulem}~\cite{pkg:ulem}, \pkg{translations}~\cite{pkg:translations}, \needpackage[macros/latex/required/tools]{multicol}~\cite{pkg:multicol}, \needpackage[macros/latex/contrib/ms]{ragged2e}~\cite{pkg:ragged2e}, \needpackage{marginnote}~\cite{pkg:marginnote} and \needpackage{hyperref}~\cite{pkg:hyperref}. It is a wrapper class for the \KOMAScript\ class \cls{scrartcl}\footnote{\CTANurl{koma-script}}~\cite{bnd:koma-script}. The class has the option \option{load-preamble} which when used will load additional packages, see section~\vref{sec:preamble} for details. The \cnltxexample\ package loads the packages: \cnltxbase, \cnltxlistings, \cnltxtools, \needpackage{translations}, \needpackage{mdframed}~\cite{pkg:mdframed} and \needpackage{idxcmds}~\cite{pkg:idxcmds}. The \cnltxlistings\ package loads the packages \cnltxbase, \needpackage{listings}~\cite{pkg:listings} and \needpackage{catchfile}~\cite{pkg:catchfile}. The \cnltxtools\ package loads the packages \cnltxbase\ and \needpackage[macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek]{accsupp}~\cite{pkg:accsupp}. All other packages that are loaded are loaded by the mentioned packages and not directly by any of the packages or classes of the \cnltx\ bundle. Like all of my packages \cnltx\ implicitly relies on an up to date \TeX\ distribution. \part{Details of Available Commands, Environments and Options} \section{Options and Setup} The \cnltx\ bundle has a large number of options. The \cnltxdoc\ class only knows a few options (described in section~\vref{sec:class:options}) as \emph{class} options, though. All other options regardless if they're defined by a package or a class can and should be set with the setup command: \begin{commands} \command{setcnltx}[\marg{options}] Setup command for the \cnltx\ bundle. This command is provided by \cnltxbase. \end{commands} The source code environments defined by the \cnltxexample\ package also have optional arguments that can be used to set the options for the environment locally. \section{Available Commands} \subsection{Description of Macros, Environments and Options}\label{sec:cmds:macros} The commands described in this section all are provided by the \cnltxexample\ package\bypackage{example}. They all are related to the typesetting of provided macros, options and the like. \begin{commands} \command{code}[\marg{arg}] Formatting of source code. This is \emph{no} verbatim command. Used internally in the following commands. \command{verbcode}[\meta{char}\meta{code}\meta{char}] \sinceversion{0.2}A verbatim command that uses the same formatting as the source code example environments, \cf\ section~\ref{sec:usage:examples}. This is a wrapper for \cs*{lstinline} which loads the corresponding style. \command{cs}[\sarg\marg{name}] Format the control sequence \meta{name}, \cs{cs}\Marg{name}: \cs*{name}. Adds a corresponding index entry. The starred form does not add an index entry. \command{csidx}[\marg{name}] Adds an index entry but does not typeset the control sequence \meta{name}. \command{env}[\sarg\marg{name}] Format the environment \meta{name}, \cs{env}\Marg{name}: \env*{name}. Adds a corresponding index entry with a hint that the entry refers to an environment. The starred form does not add an index entry. \command{envidx}[\marg{name}] Adds an index entry but does not typeset the environment \meta{name}. \command{meta}[\marg{meta}] Description of an argument, \cs{meta}\Marg{meta}: \meta{meta}. \command{marg}[\marg{arg}] A mandatory argument. \meta{arg} is formatted with \cs{meta} if it is not blank, \cs{marg}\Marg{arg}: \marg{arg}. \command{Marg}[\marg{arg}] \sinceversion{0.2}A mandatory argument. \meta{arg} is formatted with \cs{code} if it is not blank, \cs{Marg}\Marg{arg}: \Marg{arg}. \command{oarg}[\marg{arg}] An optional argument. \meta{arg} is formatted with \cs{meta} if it is not blank, \cs{oarg}\Marg{arg}: \oarg{arg}. \command{Oarg}[\marg{arg}] \sinceversion{0.2}An optional argument. \meta{arg} is formatted with \cs{code} if it is not blank, \cs{Oarg}\Marg{arg}: \Oarg{arg}. \command{darg}[\marg{arg}] An argument with parentheses as delimiters. \meta{arg} is formatted with \cs{meta} if it is not blank, \cs{darg}\Marg{arg}: \darg{arg}. \command{Darg}[\marg{arg}] \sinceversion{0.2}An argument with parentheses as delimiters. \meta{arg} is formatted with \cs{code} if it is not blank, \cs{Darg}\Marg{arg}: \Darg{arg}. \command{sarg} An optional star argument, \cs{sarg}: \sarg. \command{option}[\sarg\marg{name}] An option \meta{name}, \cs{option}\Marg{name}: \option{name}. Adds a corresponding index entry. The starred form does not add an index entry. \command{optionidx}[\marg{name}] Adds an index entry but does not typeset the option \meta{name}. \command{module}[\sarg\marg{name}] A module \meta{name}, \cs{module}\Marg{name}: \module{name}. Adds a corresponding index entry. The starred form does not add an index entry. In some of my packages I like to organize options by grouping them in different classes that I call ``modules''. This command refers to those modules. \command{moduleidx}[\sarg\marg{name}] Adds an index entry but does not typeset the option \meta{name}. \command{key}[\sarg\code{-}\marg{name}\marg{value}] A key \meta{name} with value \meta{value}, the optional star prevents an index entry, the optional \code{-} strips the braces around \meta{value}; \cs{key}\Marg{key}\Marg{value}: \key{key}{value}; \cs{key}\code{-}\Marg{key}\Marg{value}: \key-{key}{value} \command{keyis}[\sarg\marg{name}\marg{value}] \sinceversion{0.2}A key \meta{name} set to value \meta{value}, the optional star prevents an index entry, \cs{key}\Marg{keyis}\Marg{value}: \keyis{key}{value}. \command{choices}[\marg{clist of choices}] A list of choices, \cs{choices}\Marg{one,two,three}: \choices{one,two,three} \command{choicekey}[\marg{name}\marg{clist of choices}] A key \meta{name} with a list of possible values, \cs{choicekey}\Marg{key}\Marg{one,two,three}: \choicekey{key}{one,two,three} \command{boolkey}[\marg{name}] A boolean key \meta{name} with choices \code{true} and \code{false}, \cs{boolkey}\Marg{key}: \boolkey{key} \command{default}[\marg{value}] Markup for a default choice, \cs{choices}\Marg{one,\cs{default}\Marg{two},three}: \choices{one,\default{two},three} \end{commands} \subsection{Versioning Commands, Licensing and Related Stuff}\label{sec:cmds:versioning} The commands described in this section are provided by the \cnltx\ class\byclass\ except where indicated differently. These commands are related to information about the legal stuff of a package and where to find it on th world wide web. \begin{commands} \command{sinceversion}[\marg{version}] \sinceversion{0.0}Gives a sidenote like the one on the left. \command{changedversion}[\marg{version}] \changedversion{0.0}Gives a sidenote like the one on the left. \command{newnote}[\sarg\marg{cs}\oarg{num}\oarg{optional}\marg{definition}] Defines a note like \cs{sinceversion}. The syntax of the command is the same as the one of \cs*{newcommand}. \cs{sinceversion} was defined as follows:\\ \verbcode+\newnote*\sinceversion[1]{Introduced in version~#1}+ \command{newpackagename}[\marg{cs}\marg{name}] Define a comand \meta{cs} that prints \meta{name} formatted like \cnltx, \ie\ in small caps and colored with the color \code{cnltx} (see section~\ref{sec:actual-used-color}). \command{lppl} Typesets ``\lppl'' and adds a corresponding index entry. \command{LPPL} Typesets ``\LPPL'' and adds the same index entry as \cs{lppl}. \command{license}[\sarg\oarg{maintenance status}]\Default{maintained} \changedversion{0.2}Typesets `\license*'. The un-starred variant adds a \cs*{par}. \command{ctan} Typesets ``\ctan'' and adds a corresponding index entry. \command{CTAN} Typesets ``\CTAN'' and adds the same index entry as \cs{ctan}. \command{pkg}[\sarg\marg{package}] \bypackage{example}Format the package name \meta{package} and add an index entry. The starred variant adds nothing to the index. \command{pkgidx}[\marg{package}] \bypackage{example}Add an index entry for the package \meta{package}. \command{cls}[\sarg\marg{class}] \bypackage{example}Format the class name \meta{class} and add an index entry. The starred variant adds nothing to the index. \command{clsidx}[\marg{class}] \bypackage{example}Add an index entry for the class \meta{class}. \command{CTANurl}[\oarg{directory}\marg{name}] Writes a \ctan\ link like the ones in section~\vref{sec:license} in the footnotes. The predefined directory is \code{macros/latex/contrib}. The link address will be:\par \code{http://mirrors.ctan.org/\meta{directory}/\meta{name}/}. \command{needpackage}[\oarg{directory}\marg{name}] \sinceversion{0.2}A wrapper for \verbcode+\pkg{#2}\footnote{\CTANurl[#1]{#2}}+ \command{needclass}[\oarg{directory}\marg{name}] \sinceversion{0.2}A wrapper for \verbcode+\cls{#2}\footnote{\CTANurl[#1]{#2}}+ \end{commands} \begin{example} \newpackagename{\foothree}{foo-3}% now \foothree\ looks like \cnltx. \end{example} \subsection{Input Source Code Files} Similar to the environments described in section~\vref{sec:envs:sourcecode} \cnltxexample\ provides a few commands for inputting source code files, formatting and printing the source code and inputting the file directly. \begin{commands} \command{inputexample}[\oarg{options}\marg{file name}] The equivalent of the \env{example} environment, see section~\vref{sec:envs:sourcecode}. \command{inputsidebyside}[\oarg{options}\marg{file name}] The equivalent of the \env{sidebyside} environment, see section~\vref{sec:envs:sourcecode}. \command{inputsourcecode}[\oarg{options}\marg{file name}] The equivalent of the \env{sourcecode} environment, see section~\vref{sec:envs:sourcecode}. \command{implementation}[\oarg{options}\marg{file name}] \sinceversion{0.5}A wrapper for \verbcode+\lstinputlisting[style=cnltx,#1]{#2}+ \end{commands} It is possible to define further commands like this: \begin{commands} \command{newinputsourcefilecmd}[\oarg{option}\marg{control sequence}] Defines \meta{control sequence} as a new source code input command where \meta{options} are preset. \end{commands} The existing commands have been defined like this: \begin{sourcecode} \newinputsourcefilecmd\inputexample \newinputsourcefilecmd[side-by-side]\inputsidebyside \newinputsourcefilecmd[code-only]\inputsourcecode \end{sourcecode} \section{Available Environments}\label{sec:envs} \subsection{Description Environments}\label{sec:envs:description} \cnltxdoc\ defines some description environments used to describe macros, environments or options. \begin{environments} \environment{commands} A description-like environment for describing commands. While this environment is a list internally and thus recognizes \cs*{item} own commands are used to describe macros. They are explained in section~\vref{sec:usage:commands}. \environment{options} A description-like environment for describing options. While this environment is a list internally and thus recognizes \cs*{item} own commands are used to describe options. They are explained in section~\vref{sec:usage:options}. \environment{environments} A description-like environment for describing environments. While this environment is a list internally and thus recognizes \cs*{item} own commands are used to describe environments. They are explained in section~\vref{sec:usage:environments}. \end{environments} These environments are lists all using the same internal \cs*{list}. The setup of this list can be changed via an option: \begin{options} \keyval{list-setup}{definitions}{} \Default{\cs*{leftmargin}=0pt \cs*{labelwidth}=2em \cs*{labelsep}=0pt \cs*{itemindent}=-1em } The setup of the \cs*{list} used by the \env{commands}, \env{options} and \env{environments} environments. \end{options} \subsection{Source Code Environments}\label{sec:envs:sourcecode} \cnltxexample\ defines the following environments that are used to display source code and possibly the output of the source code, too. \begin{environments} \environment{example}[\oarg{options}] This environment is a formatted verbatim environment that also inputs the output of the inputted code. This environment is described in section~\vref{sec:usage:examples}. \environment{sidebyside}[\oarg{options}] This environment is a formatted verbatim environment that also inputs the output of the inputted code. Source and output are printed side-by-side. This environment is described in section~\vref{sec:usage:examples}. \environment{sourcecode}[\oarg{options}] This environment is a formatted verbatim environment. This environment is described in section~\vref{sec:usage:examples}. \end{environments} \sinceversion{0.2}In each of these environments certain hooks are provided that can be used to add definitions you like: \begin{options} \keyval{pre-code}{definitions} \meta{definitions} are placed before the source code is inserted. \keyval{after-code}{definitions} \meta{definitions} are placed after the source code is inserted. \keyval{pre-output}{definitions} \meta{definitions} are placed before the output of the source code is inserted. \keyval{after-output}{definitions} \meta{definitions} are placed after the output of the source code is inserted. \end{options} It is possible to define further environments like this: \begin{commands} \command{newsourcecodeenv}[\oarg{option}\marg{name}] Defines \meta{name} as a new source code environment where \meta{options} are preset. \end{commands} The existing environments have been defined like this: \begin{sourcecode} \newsourcecodeenv{example} \newsourcecodeenv[side-by-side]{sidebyside} \newsourcecodeenv[code-only]{sourcecode} \end{sourcecode} \section{Usage of the Various Functions} \subsection{Command Descriptions}\label{sec:usage:commands} Inside of the environment \env{commands} that was introduced in section~\vref{sec:envs:description} items are input via the following command: \begin{commands} \command{command}[\sarg\marg{name}\oarg{stuff after}] This macro formats a control sequence with \cs{cs} and puts a line break after it. The optional argument allows printing things directly after the command name and can thus be used for adding arguments. The star prevents the creation of an index entry. \command{Default}[\sarg\code{!}\marg{code}] \changedversion{0.3}This command can be placed after \cs{command} or \cs{opt} in order to give a default definition of a macro or a default value of an option. The definition will then be placed on the same line flush right. The star prevents the insertion of \cs*{newline} after it. The optional bang adds the information that an option is mandatory, \ie\ has to be set. \command{expandable} \sinceversion{0.5}Adds the symbol \textcolor{expandable}{\expandablesign} to the left of a command in the margin to indicate that the command is expandable. This command should be used \emph{immediately} before \cs{command}. \command{unexpandable} \sinceversion{0.5}Adds the symbol \textcolor{unexpandable}{\expandablesign} to the left of a command in the margin to indicate that the command is not expandable. This command should be used \emph{immediately} before \cs{command}. \command{expandablesign}\Default{\cs*{textasteriskcentered}} \sinceversion{0.5}The macro that holds the sign used by \cs{expandable} and \cs{unexpandable}. \end{commands} \begin{example} \begin{commands} \command{cs} This is about foo bar baz. \command{cs}[\marg{arg}] This one has an argument. \command{cs}[\sarg\oarg{option}] This has a star variant and an optional argument. \command{cs}\Default{foo bar} This one has the default replacement text \code{foo bar} \expandable\command{cs} This macro is expandable. \end{commands} \end{example} The \cs{expandablesign} can of course be redefined to something else you like better. For the sake of completeness there is an option that does exactly this: \begin{options} \keyval{expandable-sign}{definition}\Default{\cs*{textasteriskcentered}} \sinceversion{0.5}Redefines \cs{expandablesign} to \meta{definition}. \end{options} \subsection{Option Descriptions}\label{sec:usage:options} The \env{options} environment knows a few more commands to meet all the different kinds of options. \begin{commands} \command{opt}[\sarg] An option. The star prevents an index entry. \command{keyval}[\sarg\code{-}\marg{key}\marg{value}] A key/value option. The optional star prevents an index entry. The optional \code{-} strips the braces around \meta{value}, see the example below. \command{keychoice}[\sarg\marg{key}\marg{list of choices}] A key/value option where the value is one of a list of choices. The star prevents an index entry. \command{keybool}[\sarg\marg{name}] A boolean key, that ist a choice key with choices \code{true} and \code{false}. The star prevents an index entry. \command{Default}[\sarg\code{!}\marg{code}] \changedversion{0.3}This command can be placed after \cs{command} or \cs{opt} (or any of the other commands for adding an option to the \env{options} list) in order to give a default definition of a macro or a default value of an option. The definition will then be placed on the same line flush right. The star prevents the insertion of \cs*{newline} after it. The optional bang adds the information that an option is mandatory, \ie, it has to be set. \command{Module}[\sarg\code{!}\marg{name}] \sinceversion{0.3}This command can be placed after \cs{option} but before \cs{Default} in order to determine the module the option belongs to. It will be written in the left margin next to the option name. The star prevents the insertion of \cs*{newline} after it. The optional bang \emph{adds} an index entry for the module. This is somehow inconsistent with many of the other commands where an optional star \emph{prevents} an index entry but it fits to the functionality of \cs{Default} which is why this syntax was chosen. \end{commands} The following demonstrates how the commands would be used to create option descriptions: \begin{sourcecode} \begin{options} \opt{foo} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \opt*{foo}\Default{bar} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \opt{foo}\Module{bar} This option belongs to \module*{bar}. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \opt{foo}\Module{bar}\Default{baz} This option belongs to \module*{bar}. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keyval{foo}{bar}\Default This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keyval{foo}{bar}\Default! This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keyval*{foo}{bar} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keyval-{foo}{bar} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keychoice{foo}{one,two,three} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keybool{foo} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \end{options} \end{sourcecode} The code above gives the following output: \begin{options} \opt{foo} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \opt*{foo}\Default{bar} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \opt{foo}\Module{bar} This option belongs to the module \module{bar}. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \opt{foo}\Module{bar}\Default{baz} This option belongs to the module \module{bar}. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keyval{foo}{bar}\Default This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keyval{foo}{bar}\Default! This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keyval*{foo}{bar} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keyval-{foo}{bar} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keychoice{foo}{one,two,three} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \keybool{foo} This makes stuff. Let's add a few more words so that the line gets filled and we can see how the output actually looks. \end{options} \subsection{Environment Descriptions}\label{sec:usage:environments} Environment descriptions are made -- unsurprisingly -- with the \env{environments} environment. It knows the command \cs{environment}: \begin{commands} \command{environment}[\sarg\marg{name}\oarg{stuff after}] This macro prints the environment name and puts a line break after it. The optional argument allows printing things directly after the environment name and can thus be used for adding arguments. \end{commands} \begin{example} \begin{environments} \environment*{foobar}[\oarg{options}] This is environment \env*{foobar}. The star prevents it from being added to the index. \end{environments} \end{example} \subsection{Code Examples}\label{sec:usage:examples} Code examples can be included through the \env{example} environment or the \env{sourcecode} environment. The \env{sourcecode} only shows the piece of \LaTeX code while the \env{example} environment also shows the output of the \LaTeX\ code. \begin{sourcecode} \begin{example} a \LaTeX\ code example \end{example} \end{sourcecode} This example would give: \begin{example} a \LaTeX\ code example \end{example} Both environments can be influenced by options: \begin{options} \keybool{code-only}\Default{false} Only typeset the code as code but don't include it afterwards. The code box above is an example for the usage of this option. This option has no effect on the \env{sourcecode} environment: is is already set for this environment. \keybool{side-by-side}\Default{false} Typeset source and output side by side. The code is input on the left and the output on the right. Side by side examples are typeset in \env*{minipage} environments with all consequences that come with them (think of \cs*{parindent}, page breaks \ldots). Since a \code{minipage} cannot be broken across pages the surrounding \pkg{mdframed} frame gets the option \keyis*{nobreak}{true}. This option has no effect on the \env{sourcecode} environment. \keybool{code-left}\Default{true} If \code{true} and the option \option{side-by-side} is chosen the source code is printed on the right side else on the left. This option has no effect on the \env{sourcecode} environment. \keyval{code-sep}{definition}\Default{\cs*{hrulefill}} Code that is inserted between a source code and the corresponding output when printed below each other. This option has no effect on the \env{sourcecode} environment. \end{options} The same example again, this time using \option{side-by-side} (which is the same as using the \env{sidebyside} environment): \begin{example}[side-by-side] a \LaTeX\ code example \end{example} \option{side-by-side} and \keyis{code-left}{false}: \begin{example}[side-by-side,code-left=false] a \LaTeX\ code example \end{example} The frame around the examples is done by the \pkg{mdframed} package~\cite{pkg:mdframed}. It is of course possible to customize it: \begin{options} \keyval{add-frame-options}{\pkg{mdframed} options}\Default Add options to the predefined settings. \keyval{frame-options}{\pkg{mdframed} options}{} \Default{backgroundcolor=cnltxbg,linecolor=cnltx,roundcorner=5pt} Overwrite the settings with new ones. \end{options} The source code is formatted using the great \pkg{listings} package~\cite{pkg:listings} by \heinz, \moses, and \hoffmann. Similar options exist to adapt \pkg{listings}' options that are used for formatting the source code. The predefined style has many options that will not be mentioned here. If you're interested you can find them in \file{cnltx-example.sty} or in section~\vref{sec:listings-sourcecode}. \begin{options} \keyval-{gobble}{integer}\Default{2} The number of initial characters that is gobbled from each line. \keyval{add-cmds}{list of csnames}\Default A list of control sequence names that should be recognized as a command sequence in the source code examples and should be formatted accordingly. The control sequence names in this list will also get an index entry when they're used in the source example. This is done internally via \cs{csidx}. The option should be used to add the new commands that are defined by the package for which you are writing the manual for. \keyval{add-silent-cmds}{list of csnames} A list of control sequence names that should be recognized as a command sequence in the source code examples and should be formatted accordingly. The control sequence names in this list will \emph{not} get an index entry when they're used in the source example. There already is quite a large but far from comprehensive list of silent commands but many are still missing. This option allows you to extend the list on a per document basis. \keyval{add-listings-options}{\pkg{listings} options}\Default Additional options for the \pkg{listings}~\cite{pkg:listings} environments. \emph{This redefines the \code{cnltx} \pkg{listings} style which will affect all sourcecode environments!} \keyval{listings-options}{\pkg{listings} options} Overwrite existing options with new ones. This can be used to build an own style from scratch. \emph{This redefines the \code{cnltx} \pkg{listings} style which will affect all sourcecode environments!} \keyval{sourcecode-options}{\pkg{listings} options} \sinceversion{0.4}These options are added to the \pkg{listings} options of the source code environments without redefing the main style. Hence it can be used to locally add options to a source code environment. \keyval{add-envs}{list of environment names}\Default Like \option{add-cmds} but for environment names. \keyval{add-silent-envs}{list of environment names} Like \option{add-silent-cmds} but for environment names. \end{options} \subsection{Example File} Let's say you're documenting a package called \code{mypackage} that provides the command \cs*{mycommand} and the environment \env*{myenv}. The basic manual setup could then look something like this: \begin{sourcecode} \documentclass[load-preamble]{cnltx-doc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \setcnltx{ package = mypackage , authors = John Doe , email = john@doe.com , add-cmds = {mycommand} , add-envs = {myenv} } \begin{document} ... \end{document} \end{sourcecode} \subsection{Additional Functionality Provided by \cnltxbase} The \cnltxbase\ package's main purpose is to provide programming facilities. Most of its macros are listed in section~\ref{sec:defined-cnltxbase}. However, I like to explain some of its features in a bit more detail. \subsubsection{Looking for Trailing Punctuation} The command \cs{cnltx\at ifpunctuation} is is a conditional that detects if a punctuaction mark follows and acts depending on it. What counts as a punctuation mark can be set by the user. \begin{commands} \command{cnltx\at ifpunctuation}[\sarg\oarg{punctuation marks}\marg{true}\marg{false}\meta{trailing punctuation}] The starred version does not gobble the trailing punctuation while the unstarred does. That's why in the unstarred version you can also use \cs{cnltx\at trailpunct} to access the gobbled punctuation mark. The optional argument sets the punctuation marks that should be considered for this use only. \end{commands} \begin{options} \keyval{set-trail-punct}{punctuation marks}\Default{,.!?;:} Sets the default list of punctuation marks that should be checked if the optional argument of \cs{cnltx\at ifpunctuation} is not used. \end{options} The usage is probably self-explaining: \begin{example} \makeatletter \cnltx@ifpunctuation{(test\cnltx@trailpunct)}{(test)}!\par \cnltx@ifpunctuation[.]{(test\cnltx@trailpunct)}{(test)}!\par a punctuation mark \cnltx@ifpunctuation*{follows}{doesn't follow}!\par a full stop \cnltx@ifpunctuation*[.]{follows}{doesn't follow}! \end{example} If the non-starred variant has gobbled a \cs*{par} the \cs*{par} is placed back: \begin{example} \makeatletter \def\test{\cnltx@ifpunctuation{(test\cnltx@trailpunct)}{(test)}}% \makeatother \test \test. \test{} . \end{example} \subsubsection{Counter Representation Commands}\label{sec:count-repr-comm} \minisec{Background} A counter representation command like \cs*{arabic}\Marg{section} always is a command that calls an associated internal command (\cs*{@arabic} in the case of our example) that acts on the count associated with the counter: \begin{sourcecode} \def\arabic#1{\expandafter\@arabic\csname c@#1\endcsname} \def\@arabic#1{\number #1} \end{sourcecode} The command \cs*{arabic}\marg{counter} builds a command sequence \cs*{c@\meta{counter}} from its argument \meta{counter}. It then calls the internal command \cs*{@arabic} that takes this command sequence as an argument. The command sequence \cs*{c@\meta{counter}} is the count (in the \TeX\ sense) that is associated with the counter \meta{counter}, \ie, it holds the actual number. The command \cs*{@arabic} now simply typesets the integer value of the count. The same holds for every counter representation command. The principle always is as follows: \begin{sourcecode} \def\foo#1{\expandafter\@foo\csname c@#1\endcsname} \def\@foo#1{do something with #1 (where #1 is a count)} \end{sourcecode} This means in order to get a new counter representation command you actually need to define \emph{two} macros. \cnltxbase\ defines an interface that allows to define both commands at once without having to think about \cs*{expandafter}, associated counts, internal command names and so on. The only thing left to do is choosing a name for the counter representation and providing a valid definition of what should happen with the (integer) value of the counter. \minisec{New Commands} \begin{commands} \command{DeclareCounterRepresentation}[\marg{command}\marg{definition}] Declares a new counter representation command and its internal equivalent. In the \meta{definition} \code{\#1} is used to refer to the counter \emph{number}, that is, the value of \cs*{c@\meta{counter}}. This command will silently overwrite any existing definition. \command{newcounterrepresentation}[\marg{command}\marg{definition}] Defines a new counter representation command and its internal equivalent. In the \meta{definition} \code{\#1} is used to refer to the counter \emph{number}, that is, the value of \cs*{c@\meta{counter}}. This command will issue an error if either the user command or the internal command (\cf\ \cs*{arabic} and \cs*{@arabic}) already exist. \command{providecounterrepresentation}[\marg{command}\marg{definition}] Provides a new counter representation command and its internal equivalent. In the \meta{definition} \code{\#1} is used to refer to the counter \emph{number}, that is, the value of \cs*{c@\meta{counter}}. This command will define the commands only if neither the user command nor the internal command (\cf\ \cs*{arabic} and \cs*{@arabic}) already exist and will do nothing if either of them exist. \command{renewcounterrepresentation}[\marg{command}\marg{definition}] Redefines an existing counter representation command and its internal equivalent. In the \meta{definition} \code{\#1} is used to refer to the counter \emph{number}, that is, the value of \cs*{c@\meta{counter}}. This command will issue an error if either the user command or the internal command (\cf\ \cs*{arabic} and \cs*{@arabic}) or both already exist. \end{commands} Let's take a look at what is actually defined by these commands: \begin{example} \makeatletter\ttfamily before:\par \meaning\arabic\par \meaning\@arabic \renewcounterrepresentation\arabic{\the\numexpr#1\relax}% after:\par \meaning\arabic\par \meaning\@arabic \end{example} As you can see nothing bad happens. The commands are only a convenient interface. Let's take a look at some more realistic examples. The above redefinition was only a demonstration. For example you may want to have a representation which calculates the displayed value from the counter value? \begin{example} \newcounterrepresentation\minusone{\the\numexpr#1-1\relax}% \newcounterrepresentation\multoffourrm{\romannumeral\numexpr(4*#1)-4\relax}% % \newrobustcmd is provided by the `etoolbox' package \newrobustcmd*\circlenumber[1]{% \tikz[baseline]\node[anchor=base,draw,shape=circle]{\number#1};}% \newcounterrepresentation\circled{\circlenumber{#1}}% \makeatletter \newcounterrepresentation\twodigits{\two@digits{#1}}% \makeatother \newcounter{test}% \setcounter{test}{9} \minusone{test}\par \multoffourrm{test}\par \circled{test}\par \twodigits{test} \end{example} \subsubsection{Expandable Document Commands} The commands presented in this section are highly experimental. \emph{Use them \emph{only} if you really have to!} \begin{commands} \command{newexpandablecmd}[\sarg\marg{cs}\oarg{num args}\oarg{default opt}\marg{definition}] \sinceversion{0.7}This command has the same syntax as \cs*{newcommand}. The difference is that if \meta{cs} is defined with an optional argument it is still fully expandable. This comes with a cost: in order to still being able to check for the optional argument it needs to see a following token as argument. If it is used without optional argument and has no mandatory arguments it may be necessary to add a trailing \cs*{empty} or something. There's another drawback: a command \cs*{test} thus defined cannot distinguish between \verbcode+\test[]+ and \verbcode+\test{[}]+ and will misinterpret the second as a present optional argument. My recommendation is to never use this for defining a user command.\footnote{I can see the contradiction here: if a command is no user command there is no need for an optional argument.} Use it in code you can control and only if you have to. If you define a command \emph{without} optional argument this command falls back to \cs*{newcommand}. \command{renewexpandablecmd}[\sarg\marg{cs}\oarg{num args}\oarg{default opt}\marg{definition}] \sinceversion{0.7}The equivalent of \cs*{renewcommand}. See description of \cs{newexpandablecmd} for further details. is to \cs*{newcommand}. \command{provideexpandablecmd}[\sarg\marg{cs}\oarg{num args}\oarg{default opt}\marg{definition}] \sinceversion{0.7}The equivalent of \cs*{providecommand}. See description of \cs{newexpandablecmd} for further details. \end{commands} \subsection{Additional Functionality Provided by \cnltxtools} \subsubsection{Commands for Defining Different Document Macros} \label{sec:prov-defin-comm} The \cnltxtools\ package defines some additional macros which provide useful functionality also in contexts \emph{not} documenting a \LaTeX\ package. \begin{commands} \command{newname}[\marg{cs}\marg{first name}\marg{second name}] Defines \meta{cs} to write out the full name and add an index entry sorted by the last name. Also defines a starred variant of \meta{cs} that only writes the last name but still adds the full index entry. \command{cnltxacronym}[\marg{pdf and sort string}\marg{acronym}] Typesets \meta{acronym} with small caps and uses \meta{pdf and sort string} as \PDF\ string and for sorting the index entry that is added. This command was used to define \cs{lppl} and \cs{ctan}. \emph{This is not intended as a replacement for packages like \pkg*{acro}~\cite{pkg:acro} or \pkg*{glossaries}\cite{pkg:glossaries}!} In fact it is a ``poor man's'' solution that allows me not to require one of those packages. \command{newabbr}[\sarg\marg{control sequence}\marg{definition}] Defines the abbreviation \meta{control sequence} with the definition \meta{definition}. The star argument prevents that a dot is added at the end of the definition. An error is raised if \meta{control sequence} already exists. \command{renewabbr}[\sarg\marg{control sequence}\marg{definition}] Redefines the abbreviation \meta{control sequence} with the definition \meta{definition}. The star argument prevents that a dot is added at the end of the definition. An error is raised if \meta{control sequence} does not exist already. \command{defabbr}[\sarg\marg{control sequence}\marg{definition}] Defines or overwrites the abbreviation \meta{control sequence} with the definition \meta{definition}. The star argument prevents that a dot is added at the end of the definition. \command{cnltxtimeformat}[\marg{abbreviation}]\Default{\cs*{textsc}\Marg{\cs*{,}\#1}} Used in some predefined abbreviations. \command{cnltxlatin}[\marg{abbreviation}]\Default{\cs*{textit}\Marg{\#1}} Used in some localization strings. \end{commands} \begin{options} \keyval{acronym-format}{definition}\Default{\cs*{scshape}} Formatting of the acronyms as typeset with \cs{cnltxacronym}. \end{options} A short example of the usage of \cs{newname} and \cs{cnltxacronym}: \begin{example} \newname\carlisle{David}{Carlisle}% \carlisle\ is a well-known member of the \LaTeX\ community. \carlisle* is the author of many packages such as \pkg*{longtable}. Take a look in the index where you'll find \carlisle* mentioned. \lppl\ is defined as \cnltxacronym{LPPL}{lppl}. \end{example} \subsubsection{Defining Abbreviations}\label{sec:defin-abbr} In section~\ref{sec:prov-defin-comm} when describing \cs{newabbr} and similar commands I said \enquote{The star argument prevents that a dot is added at the end of the definition}. We should clarify what that means. Many abbreviations end with a dot. Some don't which explains the starred form of the commands. But why add a dot automatically in the first place? The reasoning is two-fold: \begin{itemize} \item Suppose you add the dot explicitly in the definition but forget one or two times that you did -- you'll end up with abbreviations followed by \emph{two} dots! Macros defined with \cnltxtools\ recognize a following dot and will not print a second one in those cases. \item In a document where \cs*{nonfrenchspacing} is active the space after a dot in the middle of a sentence should be shorter than the one after the full stop ending a sentence. \TeX\ automatically interprets a dot following a small letter as the end of a sentence and a dot after a capital letter as a dot after an abbreviation inside of a sentence. Usually you solve this by adding \cs*{@} in the appropriate places: \verbcode+e.\,g.\@+ for a intra-sentence space and \verbcode+NASA\@.+ for a inter-sentence space. The dot added by \cnltxtools\ always will be followed by a intra-sentence space. If you add a dot explicitly it will be your responsibility. Per default it will then act like a dot after a small letter. \end{itemize} Let's see some example: \begin{example}[side-by-side] \ttfamily% <= this will amplify the visual effect of \nonfrenchspacing \newabbr\ab{a.b}% \newabbr\AB{A.B}% \newabbr*\cd{c.d.}% \ab\ and some words\par \ab. and some words\par \AB\ and some words\par \AB. and some words\par \cd\ and some words \end{example} Beware: \cnltxtools\ will only leave the dot out if one follows directly in the input! That means that spaces are not ignored. However, of course \TeX\ ignores spaces after macro names so usually this won't be an issue. If you define an abbreviation with a macro name consisting of one non-letter where spaces are not ignored you have to keep this fact in mind, though. \subsubsection{Predefined Abbreviations} \cnltxtools\ already provides a bunch of abbreviations defined with its \cs{newabbr} command. \minisec{Abbreviations that allow Localization}\label{sec:abbr-that-allow} \cnltxtools\ defines a few abbreviations that are sensitive to \pkg{babel} settings. Currently only translations for English and German are provided and the definition falls back to the English version if you're using a language other than those. It is possible to add further localization strings quite easily, see section~\ref{sec:language-support}. \begin{commands} \command{ie} Prints \enquote{\ie} or \enquote{\foreignlanguage{ngerman}{\ie}} \command{eg} Prints \enquote{\eg} or \enquote{\foreignlanguage{ngerman}{\eg}} \command{etc} Prints \enquote{\etc} or \enquote{\foreignlanguage{ngerman}{\etc}} \command{cf} Prints \enquote{\cf} or \enquote{\foreignlanguage{ngerman}{\cf}} \end{commands} All of these macros add a final dot followed by \cs*{@} \emph{except} if a dot \emph{directly} follows the macro. \begin{example}[side-by-side] \eg\ and some following text\par \eg, and some following text\par \eg. and some following text\par \selectlanguage{ngerman} \eg\ and some following text\par \eg, and some following text\par \eg. and some following text \end{example} \minisec{German Abbreviations}\label{sec:german-abbreviations} The following abbreviations are not sensitive to localization are and only of use in a German text. Although they're defined: \emph{please} do not use abbreviations at the start of a sentence! \begin{commands} \command{dsh} Prints \enquote{\dsh} \command{Dsh} Prints \enquote{\Dsh} \command{usf} Prints \enquote{\usf} \command{usw} Prints \enquote{\usw} \command{uswusf} Prints \enquote{\uswusf} \command{zB} Prints \enquote{\zB} \command{ZB} Prints \enquote{\ZB} \command{vgl} Prints \enquote{\vgl} \command{Vgl} Prints \enquote{\Vgl} \end{commands} These macros behave the same as the ones described in section~\vref{sec:abbr-that-allow}. \begin{example}[side-by-side] \dsh\ und weiterer Text\par \dsh. und weiterer Text\par \usw\ und weiterer Text\par \usw. und weiterer Text\par \usf\ und weiterer Text\par \usf. und weiterer Text\par \zB\ und weiterer Text\par \zB. und weiterer Text \end{example} \minisec{Time related Abbreviations}\label{sec:time-relat-abbr} The abbreviations presented in this section differ from the others in that they're formatted by the command \cs{cnltxtimeformat}\marg{}, see section~\vref{sec:prov-defin-comm}. \begin{commands} \command{AM} Prints \enquote{\AM} \command{PM} Prints \enquote{\PM} \command{AD} Prints \enquote{\AD} \command{BC} Prints \enquote{\BC} \end{commands} In their current definition these abbreviations are meant to be used \emph{directly} after the time of day or the date, respectively. \begin{example}[side-by-side] She left for work before 6\AM, but did not arrive until 12\PM. The interval 5\BC--5\AD\ is one year shorter than the interval 95\AD--105\AD. \end{example} \section{Formatting Possibilities}\label{sec:cmds:formatting} One of the goals I wanted to achieve with this package is a consistent look and an easy interface for customization. No font choice and no color choice is fixed. In this section ways to change the formatting are shown. The formatting of the different commands provided by \cnltx\ and various other properties can be changed in two ways: either by redefining the internal commands that are used for the formatting or by setting a corresponding option. Both variants are described in the next subsections. How the colors should be changed is described in section~\vref{sec:colors}. \subsection{Formatting by Redefining Hooks} You can change the formatting by redefining the following commands. They're all defined by the \cnltxexample\ package except where indicated differently. \begin{commands} \command{codefont}\Default{\cs*{ttfamily}} This command is used for all formatting of source code. \command{sourceformat}\Default{\cs{codefont}\cs*{small}} Formatting of the listings. \command{exampleformat}\Default Special formatting of the output of a listing. \command{versionnoteformat}\Default{\cs*{footnotesize}\cs*{sffamily}\cs*{RaggedRight}} \byclass Formatting of the notes introduced in section~\vref{sec:cmds:versioning}. \command{packageformat}\Default{\cs*{sffamily}} The formatting of package names. \command{classformat}\Default{\cs*{sffamily}} The formatting of class names. \command{argumentformat}\Default{\cs*{normalfont}\cs*{itshape}} The formatting of \cs{meta}\marg{meta}. \end{commands} \begin{example} \renewcommand*\codefont{\sffamily\bfseries} \code{foo} and \cs*{bar}, option \option{baz} \end{example} \subsection{Formatting by Setting Options} You can change the formatting of by setting the following options. They're all defined by the \cnltxexample\ package except where indicated differently. \begin{options} \keyval{title-format}{definition}\Default{\cs*{bfseries}\cs*{scshape}} \sinceversion{0.2}Formatting of the document title. \keyval{abstract-width}{dimension}\Default{.75\cs*{linewidth}} \sinceversion{0.6}The width of the \cs*{parbox} the abstract as set with the \option{abstract} option is placed in. \keyval{abstract-format}{definition}% \Default{\cs*{setlength}\cs*{parskip}\Marg{.333\cs*{baselineskip}}} \sinceversion{0.6}Code that is placed in the parbox the abstract is placed in \emph{before} the abstract text. \keyval{caption-font}{definition}% \Default{\cs*{normalfont}\cs*{small}\cs*{sffamily}} This option only has any effect if you use the option \option{load-preamble}, see section~\vref{sec:preamble} for details on the option. \keyval{caption-label-font}{definition}% \Default{\cs*{normalfont}\cs*{small}\cs*{sffamily}\cs*{scshape}} This option only has any effect if you use the option \option{load-preamble}, see section~\vref{sec:preamble} for details on the option. \keyval{code-font}{definition}\Default{\cs*{ttfamily}} Used for all formatting of source code. \keyval{source-format}{definition}\Default{\cs{codefont}\cs*{small}} Formatting of the listings. \keyval{expl-format}{definition}\Default Special formatting of the output of a listing. \keyval{module-sep}{definition}\Default{\cs*{,}>{}>\cs*{,}} \byclass Change the separator between module name and corresponding option name. \keyval{version-note-format}{definition}% \Default{\cs*{footnotesize}\cs*{sffamily}\cs*{RaggedRight}} \byclass Formatting of the notes introduced in section~\vref{sec:cmds:versioning}. \keyval{pkg-format}{definition}\Default{\cs*{sffamily}} The formatting of package names. \keyval{cls-format}{definition}\Default{\cs*{sffamily}} The formatting of class names. \keyval{arg-format}{definition}\Default{\cs*{normalfont}\cs*{itshape}} The formatting of \cs{meta}\marg{meta}. \keyval{default-format}{code}\Default{\cs*{uline}} \sinceversion{0.2}The formatting of \cs{default}'s argument. \meta{code}'s last macro should take one argument. \end{options} \begin{example} \setcnltx{code-font=\sffamily\itshape} \code{foo} and \cs*{bar}, option \option{baz} \end{example} \section{Commands, Options and Further Settings Directly Related to the \cnltxdoc\ Class} \subsection{Using Class Options}\label{sec:class:options} The \cnltxdoc\ class only knows a few options: \begin{options} \keybool{load-preamble}\Default{false} See section~\vref{sec:preamble} for details. \keybool{load-preamble+}\Default{false} See section~\vref{sec:predefined-indexing} for details. \keybool{add-index}\Default{false} See section~\vref{sec:predefined-indexing} for details. \keyval{babel-options}{options}\Default{english} Options given to the \needpackage[macros/latex/required]{babel} package. This option only has an effect if \keyis{load-preamble}{true}. \keyval{scrartcl}{options}\Default Options that are passed to the underlying class \cls{scrartcl}. \emph{All global options you want to use should be given here.} \end{options} \subsection{Information on the Described Package or Class}\label{sec:inform-descr-pack} A manual for a package or a class needs some information on the described package like the package name, the version number, the date and so on. This information is given with the following options. They are used to build the title page of the manual. \begin{options} \keyval{package}{package} The name of the package that is described. Either this option or \option{class} or \option{name} should always be given. This command also defines a command sequence from the package name that formats the package name with color and small caps like \cnltx. \keyval{class}{class} The name of the class that is described. Either this option or \option{package} or \option{name} should always be given. This command also defines a command sequence from the class name that formats the class name with color and small caps like \cnltx. \keyval{name}{name} The name of the class/package that is described. Either this option or \option{package} or \option{class} should always be given. This command also defines a command sequence from the class name that formats the class name with color and small caps like \cnltx. \keyval{authors}{author list} \changedversion{0.4}Comma separated list of package/class authors. After each author name you can add an email address by writing it in square brackets: \verbcode+Some Name[some@name.com]+. Email addresses specified this way get written as a footnote. At least one author should always be given. \keyval{version}{version number} Version number of the package/class. \cnltx\ tries to extract the information from the given \option{package} or \option{class}. This option can be used to set it explicitly. \keyval{date}{date} Date of the package/class. \cnltx\ tries to extract the information from the given \option{package} or \option{class}. This option can be used to set it explicitly. \keyval{info}{package/class info} Information about the package/class. \cnltx\ tries to extract the information from the given \option{package} or \option{class}. This option can be used to set it explicitly. \keyval{subtitle}{subtitle} A subtitle, printed below the package/class name. \keyval{url}{url} The homepage of the package. \keyval{email}{email} A contact email address. \keyval{abstract}{abstract} An abstract of the package/class/manual. This is text typeset in a box of \code{.75\cs*{linewidth}}. Actually it does not have to be text but could be an image or whatever you like. \end{options} \subsection{Building of the Manuals Title Page} If either the \option{package} or \option{class} has been given an automatic title page is built using the gathered information. Figure~\vref{fig:titlepage} roughly sketches which informations is used and how the different elements are arranged on the title page. The page style of the title page is \code{plain}. Additionally a table of contents is automatically built that is set in two columns. The automatic building of the title page can be prevented by explicitly setting the following option: \begin{options} \keybool{build-title} The default state depends on other options given like \option{package}. However, setting this option to \code{false} \emph{after} any of the options described in section~\vref{sec:inform-descr-pack} will prevent the building of a title page and allows you to design your own. \end{options} \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[ start chain=going below, node distance=1em, every node/.style={draw,align=center} ] \node[on chain] {package name formatted with \cs{titleformat} and scaled to 1.5 of its size} ; \node[on chain] {subtitle} ; \node[on chain,draw=none] {\tikz\draw (0,0) node[draw] {version} ++(4,0) node[draw] {date} ;} ; \node[on chain] {package information} ; \node[on chain] {author names (formatted according to specifications for names as defined with \cs{newname})} ; \node[on chain] {url when specified via the \option{url} option} ; \node[on chain] {email address when specified via the \option{email} option} ; \node[on chain] {abstract when specified via the \option{abstract} option} ; \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Schematic sketch of the title page.} \label{fig:titlepage} \end{figure} \subsection{A Quotation Environment} \cnltxdoc\sinceversion{0.5} provides a quotation environment: \begin{environments} \environment{cnltxquote}[\oarg{author/reference}] A quotation environment. \end{environments} The environment sets the body indented on both sides as it simply uses a \env*{quote} environment internally. The contents of the optional argument is set flush right after the environment's body. The formatting is controlled by two options: \begin{options} \keyval{quote-format}{definition}\Default{\cs*{small}\cs*{sffamily}} The formatting of the environment's body. \keyval{quote-author-format}{definition}\Default{\cs*{itshape}} \end{options} \begin{example} \begin{cnltxquote}[Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe] ``The first ten million years were the worst,'' said Marvin, ``and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline.'' \end{cnltxquote} \end{example} \subsection{Predefined Preamble}\label{sec:preamble} It is possible to load a part of my standard preamble automatically by passing an option as class option. \begin{options} \opt{load-preamble} Class option that preloads part of my custom preamble. \end{options} Using the option will include the following code: \begin{sourcecode} \RequirePackage{ifxetex,ifluatex} \ifboolexpr{not bool{xetex} and not bool{luatex}} {\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}} {\RequirePackage{fontspec}} \RequirePackage[oldstyle]{libertine} % `libertinehologopatch' is not on CTAN, yet! % you can get it at https://bitbucket.org/cgnieder/libertinehologopatch/ \RequirePackage{libertinehologopatch} \RequirePackage[supstfm=libertinesups]{superiors} % libertine does not have superior letters: \def\@makefnmark{% \hbox{% \cnltx@ifisnum{\@thefnmark} {\textsu{\hspace*{\superiors@spaced}\@thefnmark}} {\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}}% }% } \RequirePackage{microtype} \ifboolexpr { test {\ifcsdef{MT@pr@set@@romansans}} and test {\ifcsdef{MT@ex@set@@romansans}} } {} { \DeclareMicrotypeSet{romansans}{ encoding = {*}, family = {rm*,sf*} } } \ifcsdef{MT@tr@set@@scshape} {} { \DeclareMicrotypeSet[tracking]{scshape}{ encoding = {*} , shape = {sc,scit,si} } } \microtypesetup{ tracking = scshape , protrusion = romansans , expansion = romansans } \ifboolexpr{not bool{xetex} and not bool{luatex}} {\RequirePackage[scaled=.79]{beramono}} {\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Bitstream Vera Sans Mono}} \RequirePackage{fnpct} \expandafter\RequirePackage\expandafter[\cnltx@babel@options]{babel} \renewcommand*\othersectionlevelsformat[3]{% \textcolor{cnltx}{#3\autodot}\enskip} \renewcommand*\partformat{% \textcolor{cnltx}{\partname~\thepart\autodot}} \deffootnote{2em}{1em}{\llap{\thefootnotemark. }}% \pagestyle{headings} \setcapindent{1.5em} \setkomafont{caption}{\cnltx@caption@font} \setkomafont{captionlabel}{\cnltx@captionlabel@font} \end{sourcecode} The effect of this preamble is demonstrated by the document you're reading at this moment. \subsection{Predefined Indexing}\label{sec:predefined-indexing} \cnltxdoc\ allows the automated creation of an index. This is done with the help of the \pkg{imakeidx} package by \egreg~\cite{pkg:imakeidx}. To use this feature you have two class options. They cannot be set with \cs{setcnltx} but must be given as class options. \begin{options} \keybool{add-index}\Default{false} Enables the automatic creation of an index at the end of the document. \keybool{load-preamble+}\Default{false} This option has the same effect as adding the options \option{load-preamble}, \option{add-index} and \option{add-bib}. \end{options} Enabling the feature \begin{itemize} \item loads the \needpackage{imakeidx} package, \item uses a given style file for the index that can be specified with the \option{index-style} option, \item sets a certain setup for the index that can be specified with the \option{index-setup} option and \item adds an index at the end of the document. \end{itemize} The following options are available to customize the appearance of the index: \begin{options} \keyval{index-prologue}{text} Adds \meta{text} as index prologue between heading and the actual index. \keyval{index-space}{dimension}\Default{0pt} The vertical space between index prologue and index. \keyval{index-setup}{options}% \Default{othercode=\cs*{footnotesize},level=\cs*{addsec}} The options that are passed to \pkg{imakeidx}'s \cs*{indexsetup} command. \keyval{makeindex-setup}{options}\Default{columns=2,columnsep=1em} The options that are passed to the \cs*{makeindex} command. \keyval{index-style}{style file}\Default{cnltx.ist} The style file that is used for formatting the index. \end{options} The index style file \file{cnltx.ist} contains the following lines: \inputsourcecode[sourcecode-options={style=cnltx-makeindex}]{cnltx.ist} The feature is demonstrated by this document which does not contain a single control sequence containing the string \code{index}! \subsection{Bibliography with \pkg*{biblatex}} \subsubsection{Bibliography Entry Types \code{package}, \code{class} and \code{bundle} for \pkg*{biblatex}} \label{sec:listings:bibtex-language} \cnltxdoc\sinceversion{0.4} defines the bibliograpy entry types \code{package}, \code{class} and \code{bundle} when \pkg{biblatex}~\cite{pkg:biblatex} is used. This allows specifying \LaTeX\ packages in \file{bib} files: \begin{sourcecode}[sourcecode-options={style=cnltx-bibtex}] @package{pkg:chngcntr, title = {chngcntr} , author = {Peter Wilson} , maintainer = {Will Robertson} , date = {2009-09-02} , version = {1.0a} , url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/chngcntr/} } @class{cls:exam, title = {exam}, author = {Philip Hirschhorn}, date = {2011-05-22}, version = {2.4}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/exam/} } @bundle{bnd:koma-script, title = {\KOMAScript} , sorttitle = {KOMA-Script} , indextitle = {\KOMAScript} , indexsorttitle = {KOMA-Script} , author = {Markus Kohm and Frank Neukahm}, date = {2012-07-29} , version = {3.11b} , url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/koma-script/} } \end{sourcecode} As you can see also an entry field \code{maintainer} is defined. For this to work you have to use the \pkg{biblatex} bibliography style \code{cnltx}. This style basically is a clone of the style \code{alphabetic} but defines the necessary additions for the \code{package}, \code{class} and \code{bundle} entry types and the \code{maintainer} entry field. Along with the bibliography style a citation style \code{cnltx} is provided, again a clone of the \code{alphabetic} style. The only addition it makes is that indexing of maintainer names is enabled if \pkg{biblatex}'s \code{indexing} option is used. \emph{The styles can only be used with the \cnltxdoc\ class} as it relies on definitions made by it. This document uses the following call of \pkg{biblatex}: \begin{sourcecode} \usepackage[ backend=biber, style=cnltx, sortlocale=en_EN, indexing=cite, useprefix]{biblatex} \addbibresource{cnltx.bib} \end{sourcecode} Actually it let's \cnltxdoc\ do it, see section~\ref{sec:autom-bibl} for details. Just for the sake of the example I am going to cite the \pkg*{chngcntr} package now~\cite{pkg:chngcntr} so you can see both the bibliography entry and the indexed names of package, author and maintainer in the appendix. \subsubsection{Automatic Bibliography}\label{sec:autom-bibl} \cnltxdoc\ allows the automated creation of a bibliography. \begin{options} \keybool{add-bib}\Default{false} Enables the automatic creation of a bibliography at the end of the document. \keybool{load-preamble+}\Default{false} This option has the same effect as adding the options \option{load-preamble}, \option{add-index} and \option{add-bib}. \end{options} What this options does is including the following code: \begin{sourcecode} \RequirePackage[ backend=biber, style=cnltx, sortlocale=en_EN, indexing=cite, useprefix]{biblatex} \addbibresource{cnltx.bib} \AtEndDocument{\printbibliography} \end{sourcecode} As you can see there's also a bibliography database file \file{cnltx.bib} that provides a yet small but growing number of package entries. \section{Predefined \pkg*{listings} and \pkg*{mdframed} Styles} \subsection{\pkg*{mdframed}} The source code environments (see section~\vref{sec:usage:examples}) all get a frame with the help of the \pkg{mdframed}~\cite{pkg:mdframed} package. For this a custom style is defined called \code{cnltx}. The options \option{frame-options} and \option{add-frame-options} mentioned in section~\vref{sec:usage:examples} manipulate this style. It is predefined with these values: \begin{sourcecode} \def\cnltx@mdframed@options{ backgroundcolor = cnltxbg , linecolor = cnltx , roundcorner = 5pt } \end{sourcecode} \subsection{\pkg*{listings}} \subsubsection{\LaTeX\ Sourcecode}\label{sec:listings-sourcecode} The code of the source code environments (see section~\vref{sec:usage:examples}) is formatted with the help of the \pkg{listings} package~\cite{pkg:listings}. A \pkg{listings} style is defined called \code{cnltx}. The options \option{add-cmds}, \option{add-silent-cmds}, \option{add-envs}, \option{add-silent-envs}, \option{listings-options} and \option{add-listings-options} manipulate this style. It is predefined by \cnltxexample\ as follows: \begin{sourcecode} \def\cnltx@listings@style{ language = [AlLaTeX]TeX, alsolanguage = [plain]TeX, basicstyle = {\sourceformat}, numbers = left, numberstyle = \tiny, xleftmargin = 1em, numbersep = .75em, gobble = \cnltx@gobble , columns = fullflexible, literate = {ä}{{\"a}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1 {Ä}{{\"A}}1 {Ö}{{\"O}}1 {Ü}{{\"U}}1 {ß}{{\ss}}1 , breaklines = true, keepspaces = true, breakindent = 1em, commentstyle = \color{comment}, keywordstyle = \color{cs}, deletetexcs = { a,o,u,A,O,U, begin, center, description,document, end,enumerate, figure,flushleft,flushright, itemize,list, otherlanguage, table,tabu,tabular }, deletekeywords = { a,o,u,A,O,U, begin, center, description,document, end,enumerate, figure,flushleft,flushright, itemize,list, otherlanguage, table,tabu,tabular }, % \begin, \end: texcsstyle = [2]\color{beginend}, index = [2][texcs2], indexstyle = [2]\@gobble, moretexcs = [2]{begin,end}, % added environments that'll be indexed: texcsstyle = [3]\color{env}, index = [3][texcs3], indexstyle = [3]\envidx, % environments that won't be indexed: texcsstyle = [4]\color{env}, index = [4][texcs4], indexstyle = [4]\@gobble, % control sequences that'll be indexed: texcsstyle = [5]\color{cs}, index = [5][texcs5], indexstyle = [5]\indexcs, % control sequences that won't be indexed: texcsstyle = [6]\color{cs}, index = [6][texcs6], indexstyle = [6]\@gobble } \end{sourcecode} \subsubsection{\BibTeX\ Entries} The \cnltxlistings\ package defines\sinceversion{0.4} a \pkg{listings} language \code{BibTeX} that contains a huge number of bibentry types and bibentry field types, have a look at section~\vref{sec:listings:bibtex-language}. \cnltxexample\ defines a \pkg{listings} style for formatting them called \code{cnltx-bibtex}: \begin{sourcecode} \def\cnltx@bibtex@listings@style{ language = BiBTeX, basicstyle = {\sourceformat}, numbers = left, numberstyle = \tiny, xleftmargin = 1em, numbersep = .5em, gobble = \cnltx@gobble , columns = fullflexible, literate = {ä}{{\"a}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1 {Ä}{{\"A}}1 {Ö}{{\"O}}1 {Ü}{{\"U}}1 {ß}{{\ss}}1 , breaklines = true, keepspaces = true, breakindent = 1em, commentstyle = \color{comment}, keywordstyle = \color{bibentry} , keywordstyle = [2]\color{bibentryfield}\itshape , showstringspaces = false , } \end{sourcecode} \subsubsection{\code{makeindex} Style Files} \cnltxlistings\ defines\sinceversion{0.7} a \pkg{listings} language \code{makeindex} that contains the keywords used in \code{makeindex} style files. \cnltxexample\ defines a \pkg{listings} style for formatting them called \code{cnltx-makeindex}: \begin{sourcecode} \def\cnltx@makeindex@listings@style{ language = makeindex, basicstyle = {\sourceformat}, numbers = left, numberstyle = \tiny, xleftmargin = 1em, numbersep = .75em, gobble = \cnltx@gobble , columns = fullflexible, literate = {ä}{{\"a}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1 {Ä}{{\"A}}1 {Ö}{{\"O}}1 {Ü}{{\"U}}1 {ß}{{\ss}}1 , breaklines = true, keepspaces = true, breakindent = 1em, commentstyle = \color{comment}, keywordstyle = \color{makeidxkey}\bfseries , stringstyle = \color{makeidxstring} , showstringspaces = false } \end{sourcecode} \section{\PDF\ Strings and \pkg*{hyperref}} Since the formatting and indexing commands \cs{cs}, \cs{env}, \cs{option}, \cs{pkg}, \cs{cls} and \cs{key} are robust they are ignored in \PDF\ strings. For this reason you should \emph{only use the starred variants} in places where \PDF\ bookmarks are built from such as section titles when you use \pkg{hyperref}~\cite{pkg:hyperref}. Since \cnltxdoc\ loads \pkg{hyperref} this means you should do so, too, when you use \cnltxdoc. This is important for two reasons: \begin{enumerate} \item Indexing in strings that get written to the table of contents does noch make much sense, anyway, so the starred versions should be used in section titles even if you don't use \pkg{hyperref}. \item When \pkg{hyperref} is loaded the mentioned commands are disabled in \PDF\ strings in a way that \emph{expects} them to be followed by a star. This means leaving the star out will result in \code{doesn't match its definition} errors. \end{enumerate} \section{Predefined Colors and Color-Schemes}\label{sec:colors} \subsection{Explicitly Defined Colors}\label{sec:expl-defin-colors} The \cnltxbase\ package defines a number of colors: \begin{colors} \colour{cnltxbrown} Per default used for the control sequences. \colour{cnltxblue} Per default used for module names. \colour{cnltxred} Per default used as base color in various places. \colour{cnltxgreen} Unused per default. \colour{cnltxgray} Per default used for formatting comments. \colour{cnltxyellow} Per default used for option names. \colour{cnltxformalblue} Unused per default. \colour{cnltxformalred} Unused per default. \end{colors} \subsection{Actual Used Color Names and Color Schemes}\label{sec:actual-used-color} The colors defined in section~\vref{sec:expl-defin-colors} are not directly used with those names. Instead colors are used whose names describe their function rather than the color. For this the color names are mapped to actual colors and saved as a coloring scheme. There are currently three predefined color schemes whose definitions are given below. Those definitions also show the actually used color names. They are defined via the following command: \begin{commands} \command{definecolorscheme}[\marg{name}\marg{color assignments}] \sinceversion{0.5}Defines the color scheme \meta{name}. When used all assignments will be actually carried out with \pkg{xcolor}'s \cs*{colorlet} command. How to input \meta{color assignments} will be immediately clear from the examples below. \end{commands} The `default' color scheme is defined as follows: \begin{sourcecode} \definecolorscheme{default}{ cs => cnltxbrown , % command sequences option => cnltxyellow ,% options module => cnltxblue , % modules comment => cnltxgray , % comments beginend => red , % \begin and \end env => black , % environment names argument => black , % argument delimiters meta => black!80 , % arguments of \meta cnltx => cnltxred , % base color cnltxbg => white , % source code box background link => black!90 , % hyperlinks versionnote => black!75 % versioning notes text bibentry => cnltxgreen , % BibTeX entry types bibentryfield => black, % BibTeX entry fields expandable => red , % the color used in \expandable unexpandable => black , % the color used in \unexpandable makeidxkey => cnltxgreen , % used for keywords in the cnltx-makeindex % style makeidxstring => black % used for strings in the cnltx-makeindex % style } \end{sourcecode} The `blue' color scheme is defined this way: \begin{sourcecode} \definecolorscheme{blue}{ cs => cnltxbrown , option => cnltxgreen , module => cnltxred , comment => cnltxgray , beginend => red , env => black , argument => black , meta => black!80 , cnltx => cnltxblue , cnltxbg => yellow!10 , link => cnltx , versionnote => black!75 bibentry => cnltxyellow , bibentryfield => black , expandable => red , unexpandable => black , makeidxkey => cnltxyellow , makeidxstring => black } \end{sourcecode} Finally the `formal' color scheme is defined like this: \begin{sourcecode} \definecolorscheme{formal}{ cs => black , option => cnltxformalblue , module => cnltxblue , comment => cnltxgray , beginend => red , env => black , argument => black , meta => black!80 , cnltx => cnltxformalblue , cnltxbg => white , link => black!90 , versionnote => black!75 , bibentry => black , bibentryfield => black , expandable => red , unexpandable => black , makeidxkey => black , makeidxstring => black } \end{sourcecode} \section{Language Support}\label{sec:language-support} \noindent\sinceversion{0.2}The \cnltxdoc, the \cnltxexample\ and the \cnltxtools\ package all rely on the \pkg{translations} package~\cite{pkg:translations} for providing some document language dependent strings. Currently only translations for English and German are provided. Others can be added and the existing ones changed with the following command provided by the \pkg{translations} package: \begin{commands} \command{DeclareTranslation}[\marg{language}\marg{keyword}\marg{translation}] Provide translations for the string identified by the \textsc{id} \meta{keyword}. \end{commands} The defined strings are listed in table~\vref{tab:language:strings}. They are used in indexing strings and in different parts of the document. \begin{table} \centering\renewcommand\arraystretch{1.3} \caption{Overview over available internationalization key words.} \label{tab:language:strings} \begin{tabular}{ l >{\ttfamily}l >{\RaggedRight}p{.25\linewidth} >{\RaggedRight}p{.25\linewidth} } \toprule Package/Class & key word & English version & German version\\ \midrule \cnltxexample & cnltx-package & \GetTranslation{cnltx-package} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-package} \\ \cnltxexample & cnltx-class & \GetTranslation{cnltx-class} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-class} \\ \cnltxexample & cnltx-bundle & \GetTranslation{cnltx-bundle} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-bundle} \\ \cnltxexample & cnltx-environment & \GetTranslation{cnltx-environment} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-environment} \\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-default & \GetTranslation{cnltx-default} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-default} \\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-empty & \GetTranslation{cnltx-empty} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-empty} \\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-required & \GetTranslation{cnltx-required} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-required} \\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-toc & \GetTranslation{cnltx-toc} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-toc} \\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-license & \GetTranslation{cnltx-license} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-license}\\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-introduced & \GetTranslation{cnltx-introduced} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-introduced} \\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-changed & \GetTranslation{cnltx-changed} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-changed} \\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-f. & \GetTranslation{cnltx-f.} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-f.} \\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-ff. & \GetTranslation{cnltx-ff.} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-ff.} \\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-maintainer & \GetTranslation{cnltx-maintainer} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-maintainer} \\ \cnltxdoc & cnltx-maintainer & \GetTranslation{cnltx-maintainers} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-maintainers} \\ \cnltxtools & cnltx-i.e. & \GetTranslation{cnltx-i.e.} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-i.e.} \\ \cnltxtools & cnltx-e.g. & \GetTranslation{cnltx-e.g.} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-e.g.} \\ \cnltxtools & cnltx-cf. & \GetTranslation{cnltx-cf.} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-cf.} \\ \cnltxtools & cnltx-etc. & \GetTranslation{cnltx-etc.} & \GetTranslationFor{German}{cnltx-etc.} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \part{Appendix} \appendix \section{Internal Helper Commands} The commands in this section are only described for the sake of completeness. They are not meant to be used in a document. Expandable commands are marked with \textcolor{expandable}{\expandablesign}. \subsection{Defined by \cnltxbase}\label{sec:defined-cnltxbase} Especially \cnltxbase\ defines some useful helper macros that are also used by the other packages and classes. \subsubsection{Related to the Bundle} \begin{commands} \expandable\command{cnltx\at\at date} The creation date of the current version of the bundle. \expandable\command{cnltx\at\at version} The version number of the bundle. \expandable\command{cnltx\at\at info} The short description of the bundle. \command{cnltx\at create\at bundle\at message}% [\sarg\marg{module}\Marg{\choices{Error,Warning,WarningNoLine,Info}}] \sinceversion{0.7}Create suiting error and warning messaging commands for the module \meta{module} of the \cnltx\ bundle. The starred version creates messages for a class the un-starred version messages for a package. \command{cnltx\at base\at error}[\marg{message}] Issue an error message using \cs*{PackageError}\Marg{cnltx-base}. \command{cnltx\at base\at warning}[\marg{message}] Issue a warning message using \cs*{PackageWarning}\Marg{cnltx-base}. \command{cnltx\at base\at warningnoline}[\marg{message}] Issue a warning message using \cs*{PackageWarningNoLine}\Marg{cnltx-base}. \command{cnltx\at base\at info}[\marg{message}] Issue a message using \cs*{PackageInfo}\Marg{cnltx-base}. \command{cnltx\at define\at colorscheme}[\marg{name}\marg{scheme definition}] Command that can be used to define a color scheme. \end{commands} \subsubsection{Programming Tools} \begin{commands} \command{cnltx\at create\at message}% [\sarg\marg{prefix}\marg{package/class name}\Marg{\choices{Error,Warning,WarningNoLine,Info}} \marg{detailed error message}] \changedversion{0.7}Create error and warning massaging commands \cs*{\meta{prefix}@\choices{error,warning,warningnoline,info}}\marg{message}. The starred version creates messages for a class the un-starred version messages for a package. All commands have one argument which takes the message. \meta{prefix} will be all lowercase in the generated command. \command{cnltx\at create\at generic\at message}% [\sarg\marg{prefix}\marg{package/class name}\Marg{\choices{Error,Warning,WarningNoLine,Info}}] \sinceversion{0.7}Create error and warning massaging commands \cs*{\meta{prefix}@\choices{error,warning,warningnoline,info}}\marg{message}. The starred version creates messages for a class the un-starred version messages for a package. All commands have one argument which takes the message \emph{except for the error command which gets two arguments}, the first for the short version and the second for the detailed message. \meta{prefix} will be all lowercase in the generated command. \command{cnltx\at par} Expands to \cs*{par}. Sometimes you need to smuggle a \cs*{par} in a short macro \ldots \expandable\command{iftest}[\marg{test directive}\marg{true}\marg{false}] \sinceversion{0.7}Checks if \meta{test directive} is true and either places \meta{true} or \meta{false} in the input stream. \meta{test directive} should be a \TeX\ test like \cs*{ifx}\meta{token1}\meta{token2}.\\ This is a command in the spirit of \pkg{etoolbox}'s \cs*{ifbool} that does the same for a boolean \meta{bool} defined with \cs*{newif}\cs*{if\meta{bool}} or \cs*{newbool}\marg{bool}. It corresponds to \pkg{etoolbox}'s \code{test} directive for its \cs*{ifboolexpr}. \expandable\command{nottest}[\marg{test directive}\marg{not true}\marg{not false}] \sinceversion{0.7}Checks if \meta{test directive} is not true and either places \meta{not true} or \meta{not false} in the input stream. Test directive should be a \TeX\ test like \cs*{ifx}\meta{token1}\meta{token2}.\\ This is a command in the spirit of \pkg{etoolbox}'s \cs*{notbool} that does the same for a boolean \meta{bool} defined with \cs*{newif}\cs*{if\meta{bool}} or \cs*{newbool}\marg{bool}. \command{cnltx\at ifnextchars}[\marg{list of tokens}\marg{true}\marg{false}\meta{trailing token}] \sinceversion{0.8}Tests if \meta{trailing token} is any of those in \meta{list of tokens} and either places \meta{true} or \meta{false} in the input stream without removing \meta{trailing token}. \command{cnltx\at ifsym}[\marg{token}\marg{true}\marg{false}] A generic version of \LaTeX's \cs*{@ifstar} that checks if \meta{token} follows if the input stream. If yes it is removed and \meta{true} is placed in the input stream else \meta{false}. \command{cnltx\at ifdash}[\marg{true}\marg{false}] A wrapper for \verbcode+\cnltx@ifsym{-}+. \command{cnltx\at ifbang}[\marg{true}\marg{false}] \sinceversion{0.3}A wrapper for \verbcode+\cnltx@ifsym{!}+. \expandable\command{cnltx\at ifisnum}[\marg{token list}\marg{true}\marg{false}] \sinceversion{0.6}Checks if \meta{token list} is an integer zero or greater and leaves \meta{true} in the input stream if it is an \meta{false} if it isn't. \command{cnltx\at expandargs}[\darg{specs}\meta{control sequence}] \sinceversion{0.7}This is a \LaTeXe\ version of expl3's \cs*{exp\_args:N}\meta{specs}. The command expands the arguments of \meta{control sequence} according to \meta{specs}. In \meta{specs} \begin{itemize} \item \code{N} means unexpanded token, \item \code{n} means unexpanded braced group, \item \code{c} means braced group converted into a control sequence name, \item \code{o} means braced group expanded once, \item \code{f} means braced group expanded with \cs*{romannumeral}, and \item \code{x} means braced group expanded with \cs*{edef}. \end{itemize} \expandable\command{cnltx\at stripbs} A shortcut for \verbcode+\expandafter\@gobble\string+. \command{cnltx\at if\at in}[\marg{tokenlist}\marg{search}\marg{true}\marg{false}] Places \meta{true} in the input stream if \meta{search} is found in \meta{tokenlist} and \meta{false} if it isn't. \command{cnltx\at replace\at once}[\marg{cs}\marg{search}\marg{replace}] Replaces the first occurence of \meta{search} in the first expansion of \meta{cs} with \meta{replace}. \command{cnltx\at long\at replace\at once}[\marg{cs}\marg{search}\marg{replace}] \sinceversion{0.3}The same as \cs{cnltx\at replace\at once} but \meta{cs} will be redefined with \cs*{long}. \command{cnltx\at replace\at all}[\marg{cs}\marg{search}\marg{replace}] Replaces all occurences of \meta{search} in the first expansion of \meta{cs} with \meta{replace}. \command{cnltx\at long\at replace\at all}[\marg{cs}\marg{search}\marg{replace}] \sinceversion{0.3}The same as \cs{cnltx\at replace\at all} but \meta{cs} will be redefined with \cs*{long}. \command{cnltx\at remove\at once}[\marg{cs}\marg{search}] \sinceversion{0.3}Removes the first occurence of \meta{search} in the first expansion of \meta{cs}. \command{cnltx\at long\at remove\at once}[\marg{cs}\marg{search}] \sinceversion{0.3}The same as \cs{cnltx\at remove\at once} but \meta{cs} will be redefined with \cs*{long}. \command{cnltx\at remove\at all}[\marg{cs}\marg{search}] \sinceversion{0.3}Removes all occurences of \meta{search} in the first expansion of \meta{cs}. \command{cnltx\at long\at remove\at all}[\marg{cs}\marg{search}] \sinceversion{0.3}The same as \cs{cnltx\at remove\at all} but \meta{cs} will be redefined with \cs*{long}. \end{commands} \subsection{Defined by \cnltxdoc} \begin{commands} \command{cnltx\at doc\at error}[\marg{message}] Issue an error message using \cs*{ClassError}\Marg{cnltx-doc}. \command{cnltx\at doc\at warning}[\marg{message}] Issue a warning message using \cs*{ClassWarning}\Marg{cnltx-doc}. \command{cnltx\at doc\at warningnoline}[\marg{message}] Issue a warning message using \cs*{ClassWarningNoLine}\Marg{cnltx-doc}. \command{cnltx\at doc\at info}[\marg{message}] Issue a message using \cs*{ClassInfo}\Marg{cnltx-doc}. \command{cnltx\at getfileinfo}[\marg{file name}\marg{file extension}] Extract the date, version and background information for a package or a class and defines \cs{cnltx\at package\at date}, \cs{cnltx\at package\at version} and \cs{cnltx\at package\at info} to contain the extracted data. \command{cnltx\at version\at note}[\marg{note}] Command that is used for the versioning notes interally. Sets \cs*{reversemarginpar} and then writes the note \meta{note} to the margin with corresponding formatting. \end{commands} \begin{environments} \environment{cnltxlist} The list environment that is used by the environments \env{commands}, \env{options} and \env{environments}. \end{environments} \subsection{Defined by \cnltxexample} \begin{commands} \command{cnltx\at example\at error}[\marg{message}] Issue an error message using \cs*{PackageError}\Marg{cnltx-example}. \command{cnltx\at example\at warning}[\marg{message}] Issue a warning message using \cs*{PackageWarning}\Marg{cnltx-example}. \command{cnltx\at example\at warningnoline}[\marg{message}] Issue a warning message using \cs*{PackageWarningNoLine}\Marg{cnltx-example}. \command{cnltx\at example\at info}[\marg{message}] Issue a message using \cs*{PackageInfo}\Marg{cnltx-example}. \command{cnltxat} Robust command that typesets `\at' with category code 11. An @ in command names confuses the indexing of the command names. Either one uses another symbol for makeindex's ``actual'' recognition and also tells \pkg{idxcmds}~\cite{pkg:idxcmds} about it or one uses \cs{cnltxat} in \cs{cs} and friends. For the sake of convenience you can define a command like \cs*{at} that expands to it\footnote{This is important. If you \cs*{let} it to \cs{cnltxat} index entries may be sorted differently! Remember: \cs{cnltxat} is robust.}. In order not to overwrite any such existing macro it is not defined by \cnltxexample. This document for example defines \verbcode+\def\at{\cnltxat}+. \command{cnltxletterat} An alias of \cs{cnltxat}. \command{cnltxotherat} The same as \cs{cnltxat} but with a `\at' with category code 12. \command{cnltxbang} The same as \cs{cnltxotherat} except that it contains a `\bang'. \command{cnltxequal} The same as \cs{cnltxotherat} except that it contains a `\equal'. \command{cnltx\at isvalue} Used in definitions of the key/value option typesetting commands. Inserts a \code{=} with some stretchable space around and a legal break-point after it. \command{indexcs} Version of \cs{csidx} that takes care of a \cs*{textcompwordmark} inserted by listings. Also replaces all occurences of @ with category code 11 or 12 with \cs{cnltxat}. Used to index commands in the \env{sourcecode} and \env{example} environments that have been added with \option{add-cmds}. \command{indexenv} \sinceversion{0.7a}Version of \cs{envidx} that takes care of a \cs*{textcompwordmark} inserted by listings. Also replaces all occurences of @ with category code 11 or 12 with \cs{cnltxat}. Used to index environments in the \env{sourcecode} and \env{example} environments that have been added with \option{add-envs}. \command{cnltx\at treat\at lst\at index}[\marg{new index cs}\marg{internal index cs}] \sinceversion{0.7a}This command was used to define \cs{indexcs} and \cs{indexenv}:\\ \verbcode+\cnltx@treat@lst@index{\indexcs}{\csidx}+ \command{newarg}[\oarg{arg formatting}\marg{cs}\marg{left delim}\marg{right delim}]% \Default{\cs{meta}} \changedversion{0.2}Command used to define the argument commands: \verbcode+\newarg\marg{\{}{\}}+. The optional argument determines how the argument of the new command will be formatted. This is done with \cs{meta} per default. \verbcode+\newarg[\code]\Marg{\{}{\}}+ \command{MakePercentComment} Sets the category code of \code{\%} to 14. \command{cnltx\at copyablespace} Prints a space that is also copyable. Uses the \pkg{accsupp} package by \oberdiek~\cite{pkg:accsupp}. \command{cnltx\at mdframed\at options} Predefined option list for the \pkg{mdframed}~\cite{pkg:mdframed} style \code{cnltx}. \command{cnltx\at listings\at style} Predefined option list for the \pkg{listings}~\cite{pkg:listings} style \code{cnltx}. \end{commands} \subsection{Defined by \cnltxlistings} \begin{commands} \command{cnltx\at listings\at error}[\marg{message}] Issue an error message using \cs*{PackageError}\Marg{cnltx-listings}. \command{cnltx\at listings\at warning}[\marg{message}] Issue a warning message using \cs*{PackageWarning}\Marg{cnltx-listings}. \command{cnltx\at listings\at warningnoline}[\marg{message}] Issue a warning message using \cs*{PackageWarningNoLine}\Marg{cnltx-listings}. \command{cnltx\at listings\at info}[\marg{message}] Issue a message using \cs*{PackageInfo}\Marg{cnltx-listings}. \command{cnltx\at predefined\at control\at sequences} A comma-separated list of predefined `silent' control sequence names. \command{cnltx\at predefined\at environments} A comma-separated list of predefined `silent' environment names. \command{listsilentcmds} Prints all known control sequence names formatted and separated with the separator set with \option{list-sep}. Requires \cnltxexample. \command{listsilentenvs} Prints all known environment names formatted and separated with the separator set with \option{list-sep}. Requires \cnltxexample. \command{listbibfilekeys}[\marg{file name}] \sinceversion{0.7}Prints all cite keys contained in the bibliography file \meta{file name} formatted with \cs{code} and separated with the separator set with \option{list-sep}. Requires \cnltxexample. \command{listbibfiletypes}[\marg{file name}] \sinceversion{0.7}Prints all citation types contained in the bibliography file \meta{file name} formatted with \cs{code} and separated with the separator set with \option{list-sep}. Requires \cnltxexample. \command{listbibfileentries}[\marg{file name}] \sinceversion{0.7}Prints all cite keys contained in the bibliography file \meta{file name} formatted with \cs{code} and gives their respective entry types, separated with the separator set with \option{list-sep}. Requires \cnltxexample. \end{commands} \begin{options} \keyval{list-sep}{separator}\Default{,\cs*{space}} Sets the separator for \cnltxlistings' commands listing the different commands \etc. \end{options} \subsection{Defined by \cnltxtools} \begin{commands} \command{cnltx\at tools\at error}[\marg{message}] Issue an error message using \cs*{PackageError}\Marg{cnltx-tools}. \command{cnltx\at tools\at warning}[\marg{message}] Issue a warning message using \cs*{PackageWarning}\Marg{cnltx-tools}. \command{cnltx\at tools\at warningnoline}[\marg{message}] Issue a warning message using \cs*{PackageWarningNoLine}\Marg{cnltx-tools}. \command{cnltx\at tools\at info}[\marg{message}] Issue a message using \cs*{PackageInfo}\Marg{cnltx-tools}. \command{cnltx\at accsupp}[\marg{actual text}\marg{additional options}\marg{\TeX\ text}] A wrapper for package \pkg{accsupp}'s \cs*{BeginAccSupp}\Marg{ActualText = \meta{actual text}} \meta{\TeX\ text} \cs*{EndAccSupp}\marg{}. \end{commands} \section{List of Known \LaTeX\ Control Sequences}\label{sec:known:csnames} Below are listed all \emph{predefined} control sequence names that are treated as ``silent'' names by \cnltx, that is, those defined by \cnltxlistings. \begin{multicols}{3}\small \RaggedRight\listsilentcmds \end{multicols} \section{List of Known \LaTeX\ Environments}\label{sec:known:environments} Below are listed all \emph{predefined} control sequence names that are treated as ``silent'' names by \cnltx, that is, those defined by \cnltxlistings. \begin{multicols}{3}\small \RaggedRight\listsilentenvs \end{multicols} \section{List of Entries in \code{cnltx.bib}} Most entries in \code{cnltx.bib} are entries of the \code{@package} type. The cite keys that the file currently contains are listed below. This list is very likely to be extended significantly in the future. \setcnltx{list-sep={,\par}} \begin{multicols}{3}\small \RaggedRight\listbibfileentries{cnltx.bib} \end{multicols} \end{document}