Changes in version 3.0 (June 2011) o There have been some major changes in order to port classicthesis to LyX easily. See below for details. Special thanks go to Ivo Pletikosi\'c for all his hard work he put into this project! o Changes in ClassicThesis.tex: - Redundant fleqn removed from documentclass options (will be set by amsmath package in preamble) - KOMA adjustments for documentclass: fontsize=11pt,paper=14 - Moved language options into documentclass due to LyX issues with babel o Changes in classicthesis.sty: - Removed bcor from areaset command so that it can be set via \documentclass option (BCOR=) - New \ctparttext command for putting preamble text after part titles (see ClassicThesis.tex for examples) - \graffito command now also available as original \marginpar (backward compatibility is enabled) - Chapter number in margin done with \oldmarginpar o Changes to classicthesis-preamble.sty: - Fixed autoref for subfigures (see Chapter 2 for example) - Fixed issues with redefining autoref strings (for different languages) - Now contains all configuration information, such as the title, your name etc. - This package now also loads classicthesis.sty, change the options classicthesis to be loaded with here - Package inputenc now loaded with latin9 option - Package listings now also loaded here - Now safer package loading regarding options by using \PassOptionsToPackage command extensively - Inserted new string for \mySubtitle o Changes in Titlepage.tex and Titleback.tex because of new string \mySubtitle o Changed a lot of the documentation, e.g., in Chapter01.tex Changes in version 2.9 (January 2011) o Fixed onlytext euler font for MinionPro font (in classicthesis.sty) o Option "listsseparated" deprecated, because it led to some strange side-effects (in classicthesis.sty) o Changed default font size to 11pt (in ClassicThesis.tex) and adjusted text block size accordingly (in classicthesis.sty) o Fixed bug with backward compatibility regarding old commands \myChapter and \myPart in classicthesis.sty o New option "floatperchapter" for classicthesis.sty, removed all code for that from classicthesis-ldpkg.sty o Removed "nochapters" option from classicthesis-ldpkg.sty o Removed redundant loading of listings package (in classicthesis-ldpkg.sty) o Fixed some headline bug in example classicthesis-book.tex o Fixed a bug when using parts with plain latex as in example classicthesis-book.tex (in classicthesis.sty) Changes in version 2.8 (March/May 2010) o Fixed serious \graffito bug in classicthesis.sty (thanks to Lorenzo Pantieri and Enrico Gregorio) o Included backward compatibility regarding old commands \myChapter and \myPart in classicthesis.sty o Fixed drafting issues (draft information not shown at all) caused by wrong code for listings and listsseparated options in classicthesis.sty Changes in version 2.7 (February 2010, cumulative release) o Removed option for classicthesis-ldpkg.sty: nobackref Introduced instead option "backref" for consistency which works the other way (no backrefs by default) Changes in version 2.6.2 (January 2010, released as beta) o New option for classicthesis-ldpkg.sty: nobackref (removes links to cited page in bibliography) o Fixed some spacing issues for LoF, LoT, LoL with option "listsseparated" (in classicthesis.sty) Changes in version 2.6.1 (October 2009, released as beta) o Removed \myChapter and \myPart, you can now use the regular \chapter and \part commands (in classicthesis.sty) (thanks to Hinrich Harms for this) o Fixed used KOMA-options: numbers=noenddot, cleardoublepage=empty (in ClassicThesis.tex) o Included hack to use citations in float environments, will be fixed with caption package version 3.2 (in classicthesis.sty) o Included some font and text area fine-tuning code (in ClassicThesis.tex) o Some testing with Libertine font (classicthesis-book.tex) o Fixed numbering of listings used in different chapters (in ClassicThesis.tex, classicthesis.sty, classicthesis-ldpkg.sty) o Spacing between listings in different chapters and after List of Listings header fixed (in classicthesis.sty) o Increased \newnumberwidth to sizeof(999) which is better for documents with more than 99 pages (in classicthesis.sty) o New option for classicthesis.sty: manychapters Changes in version 2.6 (August 2009) o Centered the title page with the addmargin environment (thanks to Nicolas Repp for the hint) o Fixed header for page two of Table of Contents (with 3 or more pages) (in Contents.tex) o Added numbering of \subsubsection (in Contents.tex) o Added correct Table of Contents entries for \subsubsection (in classicthesis.sty) o Added printonlyused option to loading acronym package (in classicthesis-ldpkg.sty) o Some code for "clean" hyperlinks (w/o color and w/o boxes) o Minor fix for \graffito (in classicthesis.sty) Changes in version 2.5.1 (May 2009, released as beta) o New option for classicthesis.sty: dottedtoc (Refer to the manual for more information.) o New option for classicthesis.sty: listings (Refer to the manual for more information.) (Credit + thanks to Prof. Enrico Gregorio) o Minor clean-up and bug-fixing Changes in version 2.5 (October 2008, cumulative release) o Increased text-width for better page layout (experimental) o Cumulative release, some minor clean-up and bug-fixing Changes in version 2.4.{1--3} (February and April 2008, released as betas) o Switched back to "obsolete" KOMA options due to compatibility issues on some installations o Increased robustness of \cauthor command in classicthesis-ldpk.sty o Spacing fix for \sectionmark (in classicthesis.sty) o Made Booleans private (in classicthesis.sty) o Acronyms header for long acronym lists (in Contents.tex) o Moved "amsmath" package from classicthesis.sty to ClassicThesis.tex o "MinionPro" package now loaded with "mathlf" option instead of "osf" option (in classicthesis.sty) o Fixed issue with contents headings (in classicthesis.sty and in Contents.tex) o Thanks to Lorenzo Changes in version 2.3 (November 2007) o Fixed serious bug with \myChapter command (using plain LaTeX) o Removed hypcap package from classicthesis-ldpkg.sty and placeins package from classicthesis.sty. Put both into ClassicThesis.tex for finer end-user control o Removed obsolete KOMA options from ClassicThesis.tex o Option "subfigure" deprecated, replaced by "subfig" (in classicthesis.sty) o Inserted some mechanisms to detect whether subfig(ure) package was loaded or not (in classicthesis.sty) o Inserted some mechanism to detect whether classicthesis packackage was loaded or not (in classicthesis-ldpkg.sty) o Moved "headlines" code block a bit up in classicthesis.sty (seemed to cause problems with new KOMA-Script classes) o Removed accidental "natbib" from classicthesis-ldpkg.sty o Some fine-tuning in (Dirty)Titlepage.tex o Thanks to Lorenzo and Denis! :-) Changes in version 2.2 (October 2007) o \myChapter and \myPart now take an optional argument just as the regular \part and \chapter commands o Did some minor changes to classicthesis-book.tex so it's a better example o Inserted some \cleardoublepage before \myPart occurences to avoid pdfbookmark problems o Introduced some general typographic fine-tuning (linespread, penalties, etc.) o Did some fine-tuning of the \graffito command Changes in version 2.1 (July 2007) o Removed duplicate xcolor package call from classicthesis-ldpkg.sty and shifed some color definitions around o Removed re-definition of \ttdefault Changes in version 2.0 (June 2007, cumulative release) o Better setup of the list of acronyms (in classicthesis-ldpkg.sty) o Using KOMA option footinclude in ClassicThesis.tex (text block sizes are adjusted to this) o New option for classicthesis.sty: minionpro o New option for classicthesis.sty: minionprospacing o New option for classicthesis.sty: pdfspacing (Refer to the manual for more information.) Changes in version 1.7 (May 2007, not released separately) o Removed \graphicspath from ClassicThesis.tex o Use the nag package to ensure "compliance" o Switched from ccaption to caption in classicthesis-ldpkg.sty (setup via \captionsetup in ClassicThesis.tex) o Switched from subfigure to subfig in classicthesis-ldpkg.sty o Removed obsolete "usenames" option from loading xcolor package o Noticed problem with \thelstlisting on some installations (commented out in classicthesis-ldpkg.sty) o Noticed problem with some hyperlinks on some installations (could not determine cause) Changes in version 1.6 (April 2007, not released separately) o Included greetings to Lorenzo Pantieri for many very useful suggestions o Introduced new commands in classicthesis-ldpkg.sty to make adaptation of backrefs to different languages easier - \backrefnotcitedstring (ref is not cited) - \backrefcitedsinglestring (ref is cited on one page) - \backrefcitedmultistring (ref is cited on multiple pages) o Removed ellipsis package from classicthesis-ldpkg.sty due to some undesired results for some users o Removed the following packages from classicthesis-ldpkg.sty as these seem to require changes to their options from most users: inputenc, babel, natbib (now in ClassicThesis.tex) o New option for classicthesis-ldpkg.sty: nochapters Use the package with classes that do not have chapter divisions Changes in version 1.5 (April 2007, not released separately) o Fixed some bugs to use classicthesis.sty for article layout o Inserted some info/warnings when using nochapter/parts o Extended the manual: examples for using classicthesis.sty for other projects than a thesis (source available in folder "Examples") o Some minor adjustments in classicthesis-ldpkg.sty o Fixed some spelling mistakes Changes in version 1.4.2 (March 2007) o Renamed loadpackages.sty to classicthesis-ldpkg.sty due to TeX Live package tree issues Changes in version 1.4.1 (March 2007) o Fixed some wording concerning the license :-o o Added fixltx2e and ellipsis packages to to loadpackages.sty to correct some minor glitches o Fixed and changed some things about ToC entries of parts o Some minor bug fixes Changes in version 1.4 (January 2007) o Replaced \lineheight with \baselineskip in classicthesis.sty o Removed obsolete "usenames" option from xcolor package (classicthesis.sty) o Now classicthesis.sty processes the global a5paper option and adjusts the layout accordingly (experimental!) Changes in version 1.3.1 (August 2006) o Urgent bug concerning ToC spacing etc. fixed Changes in version 1.3 (August 2006) o New option for classicthesis.sty: parts Turn this on if you use Part divisions. It fine-tunes the ToC and adds support for Part division via \myPart{} (cf. \myChapter{}) (The style of this feature is preliminary, any suggestions?!) o New option for classicthesis.sty: eulermath Uses the awesome Euler fonts for math (Palatino fonts are default). o Added mparhack package to loadpackages.sty to get the graffiti right o Added a hint to loadpackages.sty on how to typeset the List of Listings consistently with classicthesis o Some minor fine-tuning of typographic details o Collaboration with babel package improved (now easier to use with other languages than English) o Added appropriate textwidth values for 11pt Palatino and Minion (See comments near \areaset in classicthesis.sty) o Note: There is a problem with the case of math text in part-, chapter-, and section titles and I have no clue how to fix this (either the case or the spacing breaks). So far, I chose the case. :-( Changes in version 1.2 (June 2006) o Setup a little postcard collection: o Changed stupid spelling mistake: "A Homage" => "An Homage" D'oh! o New option for classicthesis.sty: nochapters Allows to use the look-and-feel with classes that do not use chapters. o New option for classicthesis.sty: beramono Loads Bera Mono as typewriter font. (Default = no typewriter font.) o Included list of files, see LISTOFFILES. Changes in version 1.1 (May 2006) o classicthesis.sty now stand-alone and usable w/o whole bundle! o classicthesis.sty compatible with both LaTeX and PDFLaTeX Note: this is only true for classicthesis.sty, not the whole bundle. o New option for classicthesis.sty: subfigure Tells the style to add the respective option when loading tocloft. o Now loading microtype package w/o options (classicthesis.sty) o Fixed overfull hbox warnings for ToC entries (classicthesis.sty) o No longer depending on a particular caption package (classicthesis.sty) o Layout for subsubsections provided (classicthesis.sty) o PDF opens on title page (ClassicThesis.[tex|pdf]) o Files are a bit more "ASCII-friendly" (all) o Note: Thanks to all the folks who already sent me a postcard! :-) Version 1.0 (March 2006) o First public release