% This file is part of the cjhebrew package % % cjhebrew is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). % A copy of the LPPL can be found in lppl.txt. % For the most recent version of this license have a look at % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{cjhebrew} \usepackage{mathpazo} \usepackage[scaled=0.9]{helvet} \usepackage[scaled=0.8]{luximono} \usepackage[% pdfauthor={Christian Justen}, pdftitle={The CJHebrew manual}, pdfborder={0 0 0}, bookmarksnumbered=true, pdfpagemode=None, pdfstartview=FitH, ]% {hyperref} \usepackage{booktabs} \frenchspacing \def\cjh{\textsf{cjhebrew}} \def\cjhp{\texttt{cjhebrew}} \def\!#1!{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\bs}{\textbackslash} \def\showmacro#1{\marginpar{\texttt{{\bs}#1}}} \def\showother#1{\marginpar{\texttt{#1}}} \def\cjhebversion{0.2} \def\hinweis#1{\mbox{}\marginpar{\textsf{#1}}} \def\command#1{\medskip\par\texttt{#1}\medskip\par} \newcommand{\eTeX}{$\varepsilon$-\TeX} \newcommand{\eLaTeX}{$\varepsilon$-\LaTeX} \begin{document} \title{\cjh% \footnote{\cjh\ is subject to the \textit{\LaTeX\ Project Public License}. The most recent version of this license can be found at \href{http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt}{\!www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt!}.}% } \author{Christian Justen\\ \href{mailto:mail@christian-justen.de}{{\small\!mail@christian-justen.de!}}} \date{February 19\textsuperscript{th}, 2017 -- Version \cjhebversion} \maketitle \section{Overview} \cjh\ is a package which allows the typesetting of Hebrew text in \LaTeX\ documents. Hebrew text can be vocalised, also a few accents are available. \cjh\ makes it easy to insert Hebrew words, sentences or paragraphs into non-Hebrew text; so \cjh\ is quite appropriate e.\,g. for theological papers. When running \LaTeX, \cjh\ uses the extensions of \eTeX\ in order to typeset Hebrew text from right to left. Most modern \TeX\ systems use \eLaTeX\ by default when you run \LaTeX, so there should be nothing special you have to do (unless, of course, you fiddled with your system). This version of \cjh\ can also be used with lua\LaTeX. \section{Installation} \cjh\ is part of most modern \TeX\ distributions. Please, use your distribution's package manager to install \cjh. If no package manager is available, then have a look at your distribution's documentation, as it should tell you how to install packages manually. \section{Usage} To use \cjh\ simply put \verb!\usepackage{cjhebrew}! in the preamble of your document. \cjh\ provides the text font command \showmacro{textcjheb}\verb!\textcjheb! which switches to the hebrew font, but does not change the direction of typesetting. Thus, if you type \verb+\textcjheb{'bgd}+, the result will be \textcjheb{'bgd}, which is in most cases not what you want. Instead you will normally use the command \showmacro{cjRL}\verb+\cjRL+, that also switches to the right direction of typesetting. The input \verb+\cjRL{'bgd}+ will have as result the ouput \cjRL{'bgd}. There is also an even shorter form: \showmacro{<>}\verb+\<>+; so, you can type \verb+\<'bgd>+ instead of \verb+\cjRL{'bgd}+. If you want to typeset a complete passage of Hebrew text, you ought to use the \showother{cjhebrew}\!cjhebrew! environment. Finally, \cjh\ provides also the \verb+\cjLR+\showmacro{cjLR} command, which switches (inside a Hebrew piece of text) back to the ``normal'' direction of typesetting. Be careful: this command does not switch to a non-Hebrew font! \subsection{The consonants} \begin{table} \centering \begin{tabular}{ccccccccccccccc} \toprule\midrule \<'> & \ & \ & \ & \ & \ & \ & \<.h> & \<.t> & \ & \ & \ & \ & \ & \\\ \!'! & \!b! & \!g! & \!d! & \!h! & \!w! & \!z! & \!.h! & \!.t! & \!y! & \!k! & \!K! & \!l! & \!m! & \!M!\\ \midrule \ & \ & \ & \<`> & \ & \

& \<.s|> & \<.s> & \ & \ & \ & \<,s> & \<+s> & \ &\\ \!n! & \!N! & \!s! & \!`! & \!p! & \!P! & \!.s! & \!.S! & \!q! & \!r! & \!/s! & \!,s! & \!+s! & \!t! &\\ \midrule\bottomrule \end{tabular} \medskip \textit{Note: \!'!~= semicolon, \!`!~= grave accent} \caption{Coding of the consonants} \label{coding:consonants} \end{table} How the Hebrew consonants are coded in your input file, is shown in table~\ref{coding:consonants}. Normally the final letters are used automatically; \verb+\+ will become \. Sometimes it is necessary to use final letters in places where they will not be set automatically, e.\,g. in the middle of a word. To do this you either use the coding according to table~\ref{coding:consonants} or you put an exclamation mark (\showother{!}\verb+!+) after the consonant; alternatively you can use the \showmacro{endofword}\verb+\endofword+ command. For example, a \textit{final mem} could be achieved by typing \verb+\+, \verb+\+ or \verb+\+. On the other hand, sometimes you will not want this automatic replacement. In these cases you put \showother{|}\!|! after the consonant or use the \showmacro{zeronojoin}\verb+\zeronojoin+ command. Both \verb+\+ and \verb+\+ will give you a normal \textit{mem}. \subsection{The vowels} \begin{table} \def\dc{\verb+\dottedcircle+} \centering \begin{tabular}{ccccccccccccccc} \toprule\midrule \<\dottedcircle i> & \<\dottedcircle e> & \<\dottedcircle E> & \<\dottedcircle E:> & \<\dottedcircle a> & \ & \<\dottedcircle a:> & \<\dottedcircle A> & \<\dottedcircle A:> & \<\dottedcircle o> & \<\dottedcircle u> & \<\dottedcircle *> & \<\dottedcircle :> & \ & \\\ \!i! & \!e! & \!E! & \!E:! & \!a! & \!/a! & \!a:! & \!A! & \!A:! & \!o! & \!u! & \!*! & \!:! & \!O! / \!wo! & \!U! / \!w*!\\ \midrule \<;> & \<--> & \<\dottedcircle> \\ \!;! & \!-\/-! & \multicolumn{6}{l}{\texttt{\bs dottedcircle}}\\ \midrule\bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{Coding of the vowels, accents and symbols} \label{coding:vowels} \end{table} How to code the vowels in your input file is shown in table~\ref{coding:vowels}. The vowels have to be typed \textit{after} the consonant they belong to (for example \<'E:lohiym> is coded as \verb+\<'E:lohiym>+). The only exception is the \textit{pata\d{h} furtivum} as in \ (\verb+\+). Always use \verb+*+ for \textit{dage\v{s}}; \cjh\ does not distinguish between \textit{dage\v{s} lene} and \textit{dage\v{s} forte}. The \textit{dage\v{s}} has to follow its consonant \textit{immediately} (\verb+\+ becomes \), otherwise you will get a wrong result (\verb+\+ becomes \). \subsection{More accents and symbols} There are some more accents and symbols available, as shown in table~\ref{coding:vowels}. I hope to add some more in the future. \section{An example} Here is the beginning of the Bible: \bigskip \begin{cjhebrew} b*:re'+siyt b*ArA' 'E:lohiym 'et ha+s*Amayim w:'et hA'ArE.s; w:hA'ArE.s hAy:tAh tohU wAbohU w:.ho+sEk: `al--p*:ney t:hOm w:rU/a.h 'E:lohiym m:ra.hEpEt `al--p*:ney ham*Ayim; \end{cjhebrew} \bigskip \bgroup \raggedright \verb+\begin{cjhebrew}+ \!b*:re'+siyt b*ArA' 'E:lohiym 'et ha+s*Amayim w:'et hA'ArE.s; w:hA'ArE.s hAy:tAh tohU wAbohU w:.ho+sEk: `al-\/-p*:ney t:hOm w:rU/a.h 'E:lohiym m:ra.hEpEt `al-\/-p*:ney ham*Ayim;! \verb+\end{cjhebrew}+ \egroup \section{What is new in this version?} \subsection*{v 0.2} \begin{enumerate} \item \cjh\ can now be used with lua\LaTeX. The neccessary code was provided by Axel Kielhorn. \end{enumerate} \subsection*{v 0.1a} \begin{enumerate} \item A typo in \!cjhebrew.sty! was corrected. It would cause trouble if you used a Hebrew font in 7pt size or smaller. \end{enumerate} \subsection*{v 0.1} \begin{enumerate} \item You can use \cjh\ now, even if \eLaTeX\ is not available (but the Hebrew text will be typeset in the ``wrong'' direction, i.\,e. from left to right).% \footnote{This feature was suggested by Malte Rosenau.} \item The documentation was rewritten. Instead of a German and an English documentation there is now only this English manual. \item Some bugs in \!cjhebrew.sty! are fixed.\footnote{Thanks to Walter Schmidt.} \item A problem with the letter ``qof'' is fixed (\ does not look \textit{that} good \ldots\ \ is much better). \item There are also some changes regarding the font names and the encoding. If you use an older version of \cjh\ make sure that all old files are removed before you install the new version! \end{enumerate} Probably, some new bugs have crept into any new version. Please do report them as you discover them! \section{Finally} The version number of \cjh\ is \cjhebversion, it is far from being finished. Especially the fonts still need a lot of work; many letters look rather imperfect. If you have any ideas how to improve \cjh, please do send me an email. \end{document} % Local Variables: % coding: utf-8-unix % End: