divert(-1) libcct.m4 * Circuit_macros Version 9.1, copyright (c) 2019 J. D. Aplevich under * * the LaTeX Project Public License. The files of this distribution may * * be redistributed or modified provided that this copyright notice is * * included and provided that modifications are clearly marked to * * distinguish them from this distribution. There is no warranty * * whatsoever for these files. * define(`libcct_') ifdef(`libgen_',,`include(libgen.m4)divert(-1)') `============================================================================== HINTS: THE ARGUMENTS of circuit elements are optional; if omitted, default values are assumed. TWO-TERMINAL ELEMENTS are constructed as follows, with variations: # Draw the initial invisible line (default length rp_len), and set the # direction cosines: eleminit_(`$1') # Element body height and width define(`m4v',...)define(`m4h',...) # Visible lines: { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4h/2,0) (element body lines) line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4h/2,0) } # The invisible body block: {[box invis ht_ m4v wid_ m4h ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} # The final invisible line: line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis A side effect of the eleminit_ macro is to change the current drawing angle. NON-TWO-TERMINAL ELEMENTS are usually constructed within a block: set dimension parameters [ set size and direction from the initial linespec argument set orientation draw internal elements define internal locations ] If there is a linespec argument, it determines orientation but not the placement of the element, since [] blocks are placed as if they were boxes. ============================================================================== CUSTOMIZATIONS: The non-two-terminal circuit elements enclosed in [] blocks allow a final argument not shown in the argument list. The last argument is expanded just before exit from the [] block to allow custom additions to the elements. Subcomponents of a circuit element are drawn selectively according to a "dna_" string and a sequence of calls to sc_draw(`dna_',arg2,arg3,arg4). If the second argument of sc_draw is a substring of the first, it is deleted from the first and the third argument is expanded, otherwise the fourth argument (which may be null) is expanded. ============================================================================== DEBUGGING: The statement print "`$0'($@)" ; inserted into a macro will display the macro name and current arguments ============================================================================== This file redefines default arrow dimensions and the dotrad_ macro. ==============================================================================' `capacitor( linespec,[char][+],R,height,wid ) char: F or none: flat plates C = polarized, curved plate E = polarized rectangular plates K = filled rectangular plates M = rectangular plates N = one rectangular plate P = alternate polarized + = polarity sign to right of drawing dir +L =polarity sign to left arg3 = R: reversed orientation arg4 = height (defaults F: dimen_/3 C,P: dimen_/4, E,K: dimen_/5) arg5 = wid (defaults F: height*0.3, C,P: height*0.4, E,K: height) ' define(`capacitor', `ifelse(`$3',R,`reversed(`capacitor',`$1',`$2',,shift(shift(shift($@))))', `eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4ctype',ifelse(`$2',,F,`$2',+,F,`$2',+L,F,`$2'))dnl m4_dna(`m4ctype',+L)`'m4_dna(`m4ctype',+)dnl { ifelse(m4ctype,F, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/3',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht*0.3',`($5)')')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) {line from rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4cht/2)} move to rvec_(m4cwd,0) {line from rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4cht/2)} line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) ', m4ctype,C, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/4',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht*0.4',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cr',`dimen_*0.25')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) {line from rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4cht/2)} {arc cw from rvec_(m4cwd,-m4cht/2) \ to rvec_(m4cwd,m4cht/2) \ with .c at rvec_(m4cwd+sqrt((m4cr)^2-(m4cht/2)^2),0) } line from last arc.c+vec_(-m4cr,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4cwd/2,0) ', m4ctype,P, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/4',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht*0.4',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cr',`dimen_*0.25')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) {line from rvec_(m4cwd,-m4cht/2) \ to rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) \ then to rvec_(0,m4cht/2) \ then to rvec_(m4cwd,m4cht/2) } {line from rvec_(m4cwd*2/3,-m4cht*3/8) \ to rvec_(m4cwd*2/3,m4cht*3/8)} line from rvec_(m4cwd*2/3,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4cwd/2,0) ', m4ctype,E, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cs',`(m4cwd/3.2)')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) m4linethicktemp = linethick; thinlines_ { lbox(m4cs,m4cht) } move to rvec_(m4cwd,0) {ifsvg(`lbox(-m4cs,m4cht,fill_(0))',`m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(-m4cs,m4cht))')} linethick_(m4linethicktemp) line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) ', m4ctype,M, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cs',`(m4cwd/3.2)')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) m4linethicktemp = linethick; thinlines_ { lbox(m4cs,m4cht) } move to rvec_(m4cwd,0) { lbox(-m4cs,m4cht) } linethick_(m4linethicktemp) line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) ', m4ctype,K, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cs',`(m4cwd/3.2)')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) {ifsvg(`lbox(m4cs,m4cht,fill_(0))',`m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(m4cs,m4cht))')} move to rvec_(m4cwd,0) {ifsvg(`lbox(-m4cs,m4cht,fill_(0))',`m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(-m4cs,m4cht))')} line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) ', m4ctype,N, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht*2/3',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cs',`(m4cwd/3.2*3/2)')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) { lbox(m4cs,m4cht) } move to rvec_(m4cwd,0) {line from rvec_(0,m4cht/2) to rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) } line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) ') } ifinstr(`$2',+L, `{ move to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2-m4cht/3,m4cht/3) {line thick 0.5 from rvec_(m4cht/6,0) \ to rvec_(-m4cht/6,0)} line thick 0.5 from rvec_(0,m4cht/6) \ to rvec_(0,-m4cht/6)}', `$2',+, `{ move to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2-m4cht/3,-m4cht/3) {line thick 0.5 from rvec_(m4cht/6,0) \ to rvec_(-m4cht/6,0)} line thick 0.5 from rvec_(0,m4cht/6) \ to rvec_(0,-m4cht/6)}') {[box invis ht_ m4cht wid_ m4cwd ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')') `resistor( linespec, cycles, chars, cycle wid) chars : E=ebox ES=ebox with slash Q=offset H=squared (default 3 cycles) N=IEEE (default 3 cycles) V=varistor variant R=to right of drawing direction arg4: cycle width, default dimen_/6' define(`resistor', `define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/6',`($4)')/4')dnl ifinstr( `$2',E, `ebox(`$1',shift(shift($@)))', `$3',ES, `ebox(`$1',shift(shift(shift($@)))) {line from last line.c+vec_(m4wd*0.3,m4ht/2) \ to last line.c+vec_(-m4wd*0.3,-m4ht/2)} line invis from 2nd last line.start to 2nd last line.end', `$3',E, `ebox(`$1',shift(shift(shift($@))))', `$3',V, `M4_varistor($@)', `define(`dna_',ifelse(`$3',,N,`$3',R,N,`$3'))dnl eleminit_(`$1') sc_draw(`dna_',N, `define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,6,`eval(2*($2))')')dnl Default resistor: define(`m4v',2)dnl if m4h*m4n*2 > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4h*m4n*2,0)) } tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4h, sc_draw(`dna_',R,-))dnl { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4n,0)\ for_(2,m4n,2, `then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-3-m4n), m4v) \ then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-1-m4n),-m4v) \')dnl then to tr_xy(m4n, 0) \ then to last line.end [box invis ht_ m4h*m4v*2 wid_ m4h*m4n*2] at 2nd last line.c }') sc_draw(`dna_',Q, `define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,6,`eval(2*($2))')')dnl define(`m4v',2)dnl if m4h*m4n*2 > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4h*m4n*2,0)) } tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4h, sc_draw(`dna_',R,-))dnl { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4n,0)\ for_(2,m4n,2, `then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-2-m4n), m4v*2) \ then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-m4n),0) \')dnl then to tr_xy(m4n, 0) \ then to last line.end [box invis ht_ m4h*m4v*2 wid_ m4h*m4n*2] at 2nd last line.c + ta_xy(0,m4v) }') sc_draw(`dna_',H, `define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,5,`eval(2*($2)-1)')')dnl define(`m4hh',`m4h*6/5')dnl define(`m4v',7/3)dnl if m4hh*m4n*2 > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4hh*m4n*2,0)) } tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4hh, sc_draw(`dna_',R,-))dnl { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4n,0)\ for_(-m4n,m4n,2, `ifelse(eval(((m4x+m4n)/2)%2),0, `then to tr_xy(m4x,m4v) \ then to tr_xy(eval(m4x+2),m4v) \', `then to tr_xy(m4x,0) \ ifelse(m4x,m4n,,`then to tr_xy(eval(m4x+2),0)')\')')dnl then to tr_xy(m4n, 0) \ then to last line.end [box invis ht_ m4hh*m4v wid_ m4hh*m4n*2] at 2nd last line.c+(0,m4hh*m4v/2) }') line invis from 2nd last line.start to 2nd last line.end ')') define(`M4_varistor',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',`dimen_/2')dnl define(`m4ht',`dimen_/4')dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) {m4fshade(m4fill,line to rvec_(0,ifinstr(`$3',R,,-)m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/2,0) \ then to Here)} move to rvec_(m4wd,0) m4fshade(m4fill,line to rvec_(0,ifinstr(`$3',R,-)m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(-m4wd/2,0) \ then to Here) line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) } {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `potentiometer(linespec, cycles, fractional pos, length, fractional pos, length,...) Resistor in a block, tapped at fractional positions with specified (possibly negative) arrow lengths. Taps are labelled T1, T2, ... Uses side effects of resistor macro' define(`potentiometer',`[R: resistor(`$1',`$2') Start: R.start; End: R.end; C: 0.5 between Start and End m4pot_arrows(1,ifelse(`$3',,0.5,`$3'),ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_*5/12',`$4'), shift(shift(shift(shift($@)))))] ') define(`m4pot_arrows',`ifelse(`$2',,,` x = (`$2')*2*m4n+1; x = (int(x)%4)+(x-int(x)) M4_Tmp: `$2' between last [].c-vec_(prod_(m4n,m4h),0) \ and last [].c+vec_(prod_(m4n,m4h),0) T`$1': M4_Tmp + vec_(0,ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_*5/12',`$3')) { arrow from T`$1' to M4_Tmp+vec_(0,m4h*m4v*(1-(x-2)*sign(x-2))) } m4pot_arrows(incr($1),shift(shift(shift($@))))')') `KelvinR(cycles,[R],cycle wid) IEEE resistor with kelvin taps added if arg1 is blank then a [] block is used' define(`KelvinR',`[ M4R: resistor(,`$1',,`$3') define(`m4kRm',`ifinstr(`$2',R,-,+)') { dot(at tr_xy(-m4n,0),lthick) line to tr_xy(-m4n-1,m4kRm`'2) then to tr_xy(-m4n-1,m4kRm`'4) T1: Here dot(at tr_xy(m4n,0),lthick) line to tr_xy(m4n+1,m4kRm`'2) then to tr_xy(m4n+1,m4kRm`'4) T2: Here } Start: M4R.start; End: M4R.end; C: M4R.c `$4' ]') ') `FTcap(chars) Feed-through capacitor; composite element derived from a two-terminal element. Defined points: .Start, .End, .C chars: A|B|C|D element type' define(`FTcap',`[ define(`FTctyp',`ifelse(`$1',,A,`$1')')dnl ifelse(FTctyp,A, `capacitor(to vec_(dimen_*2/3,0)) Start: last line.start; End: last line.end; C: last line.c Conductor: line from C+vec_(0,dimen_/3) to C+vec_(0,-dimen_/3) T1: last line.start; T2: last line.end', FTctyp,B, `capacitor(to vec_(dimen_*2/3,0),C) Start: last line.start; End: last line.end; C: last line.c r = last arc.rad-hlth T1: (0.5 between 2nd line.end and last arc.c-vec_(r,0)) + vec_(0,dimen_/3) T2: T1+(0,-dimen_*2/3) Conductor: line from T1 to T2', FTctyp,C, `line to vec_(dimen_*2/3,0) Start: last line.start; End: last line.end; C: last line.c rp_a = rp_ang capacitor(from C to C-vec_(0,dimen_/10),C) point_(rp_a) line from last line.end to last line.end-vec_(0,dimen_/3) T: Here', FTctyp,D, `Start: Here capacitor(to rvec_(dimen_/3,0),C) C: Here { line to rvec_(0,-dimen_/3); T: Here } End: rvec_(dimen_/3,0) rp_a = rp_ang capacitor(from End to Here,C) point_(rp_a)') `$2' ]') `addtaps([ahead | type=ahead;name=Name], fractional pos, length, fractional pos, length,...) Tap names are Tap1, Tap2, ... or Name1, Name2, ... if specified ahead = blank or one of . - <- -> <-> ' define(`addtaps',` ifelse(`$2',,`undefine(`m4tap_x')popdef(`m4type')popdef(`m4name')', `ifdef(`m4tap_x',`define(`m4tap_x',incr(m4tap_x))', `define(`m4tap_x',1) M4tap_w: last [].w_; M4tap_e: last [].e_ setkey_(`$1',type,`$1',N)setkey_(`$1',name,Tap,N)dnl M4tap_xy: (last [].wid_,last [].ht_)') {define(`m4tapl',`ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/3',`$3')')dnl move to (`$2' between M4tap_w and M4tap_e) + vec_(0,sign(m4tapl)*M4tap_xy.y/2) ifinstr(m4type,.,`{dot(,lthick)}define(`m4type')');dnl line ifelse(m4type,-,,m4type) to rvec_(0,m4tapl) m4name`'m4tap_x: Here } addtaps(,shift(shift(shift($@))))')') `tapped(`two-terminal element',[. | <- | -> | <->], fractional pos, length, fractional pos, length,...) Draw the two-terminal element and taps in a [] block' define(`tapped',`[ $1 Start: last line.start; End: last line.end; C: last line.c addtaps(shift($@)) ]') `b_current( label, above_|below_, O[ut], S[tart]|E[nd], frac ) Branch current for last-drawn element. The arrowhead is drawn frac (default 2/3) of the way between the line end and element body.' define(`b_current', `define(`m4y',`ifelse(`$5',,2/3,`($5)')')dnl define(`m4v',`ifinstr(`$4',E, `ifinstr(`$3',O,-)',`ifinstr(`$3',O,,-)')arrowht')dnl define(`m4h',`(rp_len-last [].wid_)/2') { move to last line.start+vec_(ifinstr(`$4',E,`rp_len-')dnl ifinstr(`$3',O,`(m4h-arrowht)*m4y',`(m4h*m4y+arrowht/3)'),0) arrow <- m4c_l to rvec_(m4v,0) ifelse(`$1',,, `m4lstring(`$1',"sp_`iflatex(`$ `$1'$',`$1')'sp_") \ ifelse(`$2',,`above_',`$2')')}') `larrow( label, <-, separation ) Arrow alongside the left of the last-drawn element' define(`larrow',`define(`m4h',`min(lin_leng(last line),linewid)/2')dnl define(`m4v',`ifelse(`$3',,`5pt__',`($3)')')dnl {arrow `$2' from last [].n_+vec_(-m4h,m4v) \ to last [].n_+vec_(m4h,m4v) \ m4lstring(`$1',"sp_`iflatex(`$ `$1'$',` $1')'sp_") above_}') `rarrow( label, <-, separation ) Arrow alongside the right of the last-drawn element' define(`rarrow',`define(`m4h',`min(lin_leng(last line),linewid)/2')dnl define(`m4v',`ifelse(`$3',,`5pt__',`($3)')')dnl {arrow `$2' from last [].s_+vec_(-m4h,-m4v) \ to last [].s_+vec_(m4h,-m4v) \ m4lstring(`$1',"sp_`iflatex(`$ `$1'$',` $1')'sp_") below_}') `inductor( linespec,W|L,cycles,M|P,loop wid ) W=wide arcs (default narrow); L=looped arcs M=metal core; P=powder core loop wid defaults W,L: dimen_/5, other: dimen_/8' define(`inductor',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4hlw',`ifelse(`$5',,`dimen_/10',`($5)/2')')dnl half loop wid define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$3',,4,`$3')')dnl ifelse(`$2',W, `m4Inductor', `$2',L, `m4Lnductor', `m4inductor(,ifelse(`$5',,,`($5)/2'))') ifelse(ifelse(`$4',M,T,`$4',P,T),T,`m4m_core(rvec_(rp_len/2,0), m4wd,m4ht+dimen_/24,dimen_/16,ifelse(`$4',P,dashed m4wd/(2*m4n+1))) define(`m4hs',`(dimen_/24+dimen_/16)')',`define(`m4hs',0)') {[box invis ht_ m4ht+m4hs+m4dp wid_ m4wd] \ at rvec_(rp_len/2,(m4ht+m4hs-m4dp)/2)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `Wide loop inductor' define(`m4Inductor',`define(`m4ht',`(1+m4st)*m4hlw')dnl define(`m4dp',`(m4s2t-m4st)*m4hlw')define(`m4wd',((2*m4n-2)*m4c2t+2)*m4hlw)dnl { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-((m4n-1)*m4c2t+m4ct)*m4hlw,0); round arc cw from Here to rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,m4ct+m4c2t,m4st-m4s2t)) \ with .c at rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,m4ct,m4st)); round for m4i=3 to m4n do { arc cw from Here to rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,2*m4c2t,0)) \ with .c at rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,m4c2t,m4s2t)); round } arc cw from Here to rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,m4ct+m4c2t,m4s2t-m4st)) \ with .c at rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,m4c2t,m4s2t)); round line to rvec_(rp_len/2-((m4n-1)*m4c2t+m4ct)*m4hlw,0) } ') define(`m4ct',`Cos(25)')define(`m4st',`Sin(25)') define(`m4c2t',`Cos(50)')define(`m4s2t',`Sin(50)') `Looped inductor' define(`m4Lnductor',`define(`m4ht',`m4hlw*10/8')dnl define(`m4dp',`m4hlw/2')define(`m4wd',(m4n+1)*m4hlw)dnl { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0); round spline ifdpic(0.55) \ to rvec_(0,m4ht) for_(1,m4n,1,`\ then to rvec_((m4x+0.3)*m4hlw, m4ht) \ then to rvec_((m4x+0.3)*m4hlw,-m4dp) \ then to rvec_((m4x-0.3)*m4hlw,-m4dp) \ then to rvec_((m4x-0.3)*m4hlw, m4ht)\')\ then to rvec_(m4wd,m4ht) \ then to rvec_(m4wd,0) round; line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0) }') `Narrow inductor' define(`m4inductor',`define(`m4ht',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/16',`$2')')dnl define(`m4dp',0)define(`m4wd',m4n*m4ht*2)dnl ifelse(ifpstricks(T)`'ifmpost(T)`'ifpgf(T)`'ifsvg(T),T, `define(`m4y')',`undefine(`m4y')')dnl { line to rvec_((rp_len-m4wd)/2,0) ifdef(`m4y',`{line to rvec_(0,-hlth)};') for m4i=1 to m4n do { arc cw from Here to rvec_(m4ht*2,0) with .c at rvec_(m4ht,0) ifdef(`m4y',`{line to rvec_(0,-hlth)}') } line to rvec_((rp_len-m4wd)/2,0)} ') `m4m_core(bottom ctr, length, ht offset, separation,linetype) Two lines for the metal core' define(`m4m_core',`dnl {M4Core1: line from `$1'+vec_(-(`$2')/2,`$3') \ to `$1'+vec_( (`$2')/2,`$3') `$5' M4Core2: line from M4Core1.start+vec_(0,`$4') \ to M4Core1.end+vec_(0,`$4') `$5'}') `transformer( linespec, L|R, np, [A|P][W|L][D1|D2|D12|D21], ns ) 2-winding transformer or choke: np = number of primary arcs ns = number of secondary arcs A = air core; P = powder (dashed) core W = wide windings; L = looped windings D1: phase dots at P1 and S1 ends; D2: dots at P2 and S2 ends; D12: dots at P1 and S2 ends; D21: dots at P2 and S1 ends' define(`transformer', `[ P1: Here define(`m4drt',m4dir) define(`m4WL',`ifinstr(`$4',W,W,`ifinstr(`$4',L,L)')')dnl define(`m4np',`ifelse(`$3',,4,(`$3'))')dnl define(`m4ns',`ifelse(`$5',,4,(`$5'))')dnl ifelse(`$1',,`mvw = max(\ ifelse(m4WL,W,`dimen_/5*((m4np-1)*m4c2t+m4ct)',`m4np*dimen_/8'),dimen_*2/3) move to P1+vec_(mvw,0)', move `$1' ) P2: Here TP: 0.5 between P1 and P2 L1: inductor(from ifelse(`$2',R,`P2 to P1',`P1 to P2'),m4WL,`$3') define(`m4WP',m4wd)dnl define(`m4t',`ifelse(m4WL,W,((2*m4ns-2)*m4c2t+2)*m4hlw,m4WL,L,(m4ns+1)*m4hlw, m4ns*m4ht*2)')dnl ifinstr(`$4',A, `move to last line.c+vec_(0,m4ht*ifelse(m4WL,W,3,m4WL,L,3,4))', `m4m_core(rvec_(-(rp_len/2),0),max(m4wd,m4t),m4ht+dimen_/12,dimen_/8, ifinstr(`$4',P,dashed m4wd/(2*m4n+1))) move to last line.c+vec_(0,m4ht+dimen_/12)') TS: Here S2: rvec_( ifelse(`$2',R,-)(ifelse(`$5',,rp_len/2,m4t/2)), 0 ) S1: 2 between S2 and Here L2: inductor(from ifelse(`$2',R,`S1 to S2',`S2 to S1'),m4WL,`$5') rpoint_(from P1 to P2) define(`m4WS',m4wd) ifinstr(`$4',D1, `m4trdot(P1,P2,-,m4WP,ifelse(`$2',R,-),D1:) ifinstr(`$4',D12,`m4trdot(S1,S2, ,m4WS,ifelse(`$2',R,,-),D2:)', `m4trdot(S1,S2,-,m4WS,ifelse(`$2',R,,-),D2:)')', `$4',D2, `m4trdot(P1,P2,,m4WP,ifelse(`$2',R,-),D1:) ifinstr(`$4',D21,`m4trdot(S1,S2,-,m4WS,ifelse(`$2',R,,-),D2:)', `m4trdot(S1,S2, ,m4WS,ifelse(`$2',R,,-),D2:)')') m4xpand(m4drt`'_) `$6' ]') define(`m4trdot',`{`$6'dot(at (0.5 between `$1' and `$2') \ +vec_(`$3'(`$4'+m4hlw)/2,`$5'dimen_/16), dotrad_/2)}') `delay( linespec, width )' define(`delay',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4ht',`ifelse(`$2',,`delay_rad_*2',`($2)')')dnl define(`m4wd',`m4ht*5/6')dnl { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0) { line from rvec_(m4ht/3,-m4ht/2) \ to rvec_(0,-m4ht/2)\ then to rvec_(0,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(m4ht/3,m4ht/2) arc cw from Here to rvec_(0,-m4ht) with .c at rvec_(0,-m4ht/2) } move to rvec_(m4wd,0) line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0) } { [box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `crystal xtal( linespec )' define(`xtal',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4ht',`dimen_/4')define(`m4wd',`m4ht*2/3')define(`m4cs',`m4ht/3')dnl { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0) {line from rvec_(0,-m4ht/3) \ to rvec_(0,m4ht/3)} { move to rvec_(m4wd/2-m4cs/2,0) line to rvec_(0,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(m4cs,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(m4cs,-m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4ht/2) \ then to Here } move to rvec_(m4wd,0) {line from rvec_(0,-m4ht/3) \ to rvec_(0,m4ht/3)} line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0) } {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `source( linespec, V|v|I|i|AC|B|F|G|H|Q|L|N|P|R|S[C[r]|E[r]]]|T|X|U|other, diameter, R, fill) V = voltage source; v=alternate voltage source; I = current source; i = alternate current source; AC = AC source, B = bulb, F = fluorescent, G = generator, Q = charge, L = lamp, N = neon, P = pulse, R = ramp, SC = quarter arc, SE = arc; r = right orientation, S = sinusoid, T = triangle, X = interior X, U = square-wave, other = custom interior label or waveform, R = reversed polarity arg 5 modifies the circle with e.g., color or fill' define(`source',`ifelse(`$4',R, `reversed(`source',`$1',`$2',`$3',,shift(shift(shift(shift($@)))))', `eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4h',ifelse(`$3',,`sourcerad_',`($3)/2'))dnl ifelse( `$2',G,`m4_sourceGQ($@)', `$2',Q,`m4_sourceGQ($@)', `{ line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4h,0) move to rvec_(m4h,0) { Src_C: circle rad m4h `$5' at Here } ifelse(`$2',,, `$2',F,`{ line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(-m4h/2,0)} { line from rvec_(-m4h/2,-m4h/2) \ to rvec_(-m4h/2,m4h/2)} { line from rvec_(m4h/2,-m4h/2) \ to rvec_(m4h/2,m4h/2)} { line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h/2,0)}', `$2',I,`{arrow from rvec_(-m4h*3/4,0) \ to rvec_(m4h*3/4,0)}', `$2',i,`{line from rvec_(0,-m4h) \ to rvec_(0,m4h)}', `$2',B,`{line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(-m4h*2/3,0) round arc ccw to rvec_(m4h*12/12,0) with .c at rvec_(m4h*12/24,0) arc ccw to rvec_(-m4h*2/3,0) with .c at rvec_(-m4h*1/3,0) arc ccw to rvec_(m4h*12/12,0) with .c at rvec_(m4h*12/24,0) round line to rvec_(m4h/3,0)}', `$2',H,`{ line from Here+(-m4h/2,-m4h/3) \ to Here+(0,-m4h/3) \ then to Here+(0,m4h/3) \ then to Here+(m4h/2,m4h/3) }', `$2',L,`{line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(-m4h/4,0) round spline to rvec_(m4h/12,m4h*2/3) \ then to rvec_(m4h*5/12,m4h*2/3) \ then to rvec_(m4h/2,0) round line to rvec_(m4h*3/4,0)}', `$2',N,`{ {line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(-m4h/2,0)} for_(70,250,180, `{ line from rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,-m4x)) \ to rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,m4x)) round } { arc cw from rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,m4x)) \ to rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,-m4x)) \ with .c at Here round }') {line from rvec_(m4h/2,0) \ to rvec_(m4h,0)}}', `$2',V,`{"ifsvg(-,`$_-$')" at rvec_(-m4h/2,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10))} {"ifsvg(svg_small(+),`$_+$')" \ at rvec_( m4h/2,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10))}', `$2',v,`{line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h,0)}', `$2',AC,`{ arc rad m4h/3 cw from Here-(m4h*2/3,0) \ to Here with .c at Here-(m4h/3,0) arc rad m4h/3 ccw from Here to Here+(m4h*2/3,0) with .c at Here+(m4h/3,0)}', `$2',P,`{ line from Here+(-m4h/2,-m4h/4) \ to Here+(-m4h/4,-m4h/4) \ then to Here+(-m4h/4,m4h/4) \ then to Here+(m4h/4,m4h/4) \ then to Here+(m4h/4,-m4h/4) \ then to Here+(m4h/2,-m4h/4) }', `$2',U,`{ line from Here+(-m4h/2,0) \ to Here+(-m4h/2,m4h/3) \ then to Here+(0,m4h/3) \ then to Here+(0,-m4h/3) \ then to Here+(m4h/2,-m4h/3) \ then to Here+(m4h/2,0) }', `$2',R,`{ line from Here+(-m4h*2/3,-m4h/3) \ to Here+(m4h/3,m4h/2) \ then to Here+(m4h/3,-m4h/3) }', `$2',SCr,`{ arc cw from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(0,-m4h) \ with .c at rvec_(-m4h,-m4h) }', `$2',SC,`{ arc from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(0,m4h) \ with .c at rvec_(-m4h,m4h) }', `$2',SEr,`{ arc cw from Cintersect(Here,m4h,rvec_(0,-2*m4h),1.8*m4h,R) \ to Cintersect(Here,m4h,rvec_(0,-2*m4h),1.8*m4h) \ with .c at rvec_(0,-2*m4h) }', `$2',SE,`{ arc from Cintersect(Here,m4h,rvec_(0,2*m4h),1.8*m4h) \ to Cintersect(Here,m4h,rvec_(0,2*m4h),1.8*m4h,R) \ with .c at rvec_(0,2*m4h) }', `$2',S,`{ ifgpic( `arc rad m4h/3 cw from Here-(m4h*2/3,0) \ to Here with .c at Here-(m4h/3,0) arc rad m4h/3 ccw from Here to Here+(m4h*2/3,0) with .c at Here+(m4h/3,0)', `savem4dir(`m4srcstack') right_ sinusoid(m4h/2,twopi_/(m4h),pi_/2,-m4h/2,m4h/2) with .Origin at Here restorem4dir(`m4srcstack') ') }', `$2',T,`{ line from Here+(-m4h*3/4,-m4h/4) \ to Here+(-m4h/4,m4h/4) \ then to Here+(m4h/4,-m4h/4) \ then to Here+(m4h*3/4,m4h/4) }', `$2',X,`define(`m4v',`m4h/sqrt(2)')dnl {line from rvec_(-m4v,m4v) \ to rvec_(m4v,-m4v)} {line from rvec_(-m4v,-m4v) \ to rvec_(m4v,m4v)}', `{$2}' ) line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} ') { [box invis ht_ m4h*2 wid_ m4h*2] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0) } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')') `Internal to source macro:' define(`m4_sourceGQ', `{ line to rvec_(rp_len/2-3/2*m4h,0) {[C1: circle rad m4h L: C1+vec_(m4h/2, m4h*sqrt(3)/2) R: C1+vec_(m4h/2,-m4h*sqrt(3)/2) C2: ifelse(`$2',G,`circle rad m4h',`arc rad m4h from R to L') \ with .c at C1 +vec_(m4h,0)] at rvec_(m4h*3/2,0)} line from rvec_(m4h*3,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2+3/2*m4h,0) } ') `ttmotor( linespec, string, diameter, brushwid, brushht )' define(`ttmotor',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4r',ifelse(`$3',,`sourcerad_',`($3)/2'))dnl define(`m4w',ifelse(`$4',,`sourcerad_/4',`($4)'))dnl define(`m4h',ifelse(`$5',,`sourcerad_/2',`($5)'))dnl define(`m4cr',`(m4r-sqrt(max(m4r*m4r-m4h*m4h/4,0)))')dnl { line to rvec_(max(rp_len/2-m4r-m4w,0),0) { line from rvec_(m4w+m4cr,m4h/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(m4w+m4cr,-m4h/2) } { TTM_C: circle rad m4r \ at rvec_(m4w+m4r,0) ifelse(`$2',,,`m4lstring($2,"$2")') } move to rvec_((m4w+m4r)*2,0) { line from rvec_(-m4w-m4cr,m4h/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(-m4w-m4cr,-m4h/2) } line to rvec_(max(rp_len/2-m4r-m4w,0), 0) } { [box invis ht_ m4r*2 wid_ (m4r+m4w)*2] at last circle.c } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `Controlled source consource( linespec ,V|I|v|i, R ) arg 4 can be used to modify the body with e.g. color or fill' define(`consource',`ifelse(`$3',R, `reversed(`consource',`$1',`$2',,shift(shift(shift($@))))', `eleminit_(`$1') {line to rvec_(rp_len/2-csdim_,0) {line to rvec_(csdim_,csdim_) \ then to rvec_(2*csdim_,0)\ then to rvec_(csdim_,-csdim_) \ then to Here `$4' } ifelse(`$2',I, `{arrow from rvec_(csdim_/4,0) \ to rvec_(csdim_*7/4,0)}', `$2',i, `{line from rvec_(csdim_,csdim_) \ to rvec_(csdim_,-csdim_)}', `$2',V, `{"ifsvg(-,`$-$')" at rvec_(csdim_*0.5,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10))} {"ifsvg(+,`$+$')" at rvec_(csdim_*1.5,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10))}', `$2',v, `{line to rvec_(2*csdim_,0)} ') line from rvec_(2*csdim_,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2+csdim_,0) } {[box invis ht_ 2*csdim_ wid_ 2*csdim_] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')') `battery( linespec, n, R ) Arg 3: reversed polarity' define(`battery',`ifelse(`$3',R, `reversed(`battery',`$1',`$2',,shift(shift(shift($@))))', `eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,1,(`$2'))')define(`m4cs',`dimen_/12')dnl define(`m4wd',`m4cs*(m4n*2-1)')define(`m4ht',`dimen_/2')dnl { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0) for m4i = 0 to 2*(m4n-1) by 2 do { { line from rvec_(m4i*m4cs,m4ht/4) \ to rvec_(m4i*m4cs,-m4ht/4) } { line from rvec_((m4i+1)*m4cs,m4ht/2) \ to rvec_((m4i+1)*m4cs,-m4ht/2) } } line from rvec_(m4wd,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4wd/2,0) } {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')') `ebox(linespec, length, ht, greyvalue) Box element; length and ht are relative to the direction of linespec' define(`ebox',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))dnl define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/5',`($3)'))dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) ifelse(`$4',,`lbox(m4wd,m4ht)',`m4fshade(`$4',lbox(m4wd,m4ht))') line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)} {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `fuse( linespec, chars, wid, ht ) chars A|B|C|D|S|HB|HC or dA (=D)' define(`fuse',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4fusetype',`ifelse(`$2',,A,`$2',D,dA,`$2')')dnl define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5'ifinstr(`$2',H,*5/3),`($4)'))dnl define(`m4d',ifinstr(`$2',H,`m4ht/5',0))dnl define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$3',,`m4ht*2',`($3)'))dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) sc_draw(`m4fusetype',HB, `{move to rvec_(m4d,0); lbox(m4wd-2*m4d,m4ht-2*m4d)} {lbox(m4wd,m4ht)} line to rvec_(m4wd+max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)}') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',HC, `{move to rvec_(m4d,0); {lbox(m4wd-2*m4d,m4ht-2*m4d)} {line from rvec_((m4wd-2*m4d)/5,m4ht/2-m4d) \ to rvec_((m4wd-2*m4d)/5,-m4ht/2+m4d)} line from rvec_((m4wd-2*m4d)*4/5,m4ht/2-m4d) \ to rvec_((m4wd-2*m4d)*4/5,-m4ht/2+m4d) } {lbox(m4wd,m4ht)} move to rvec_(m4wd,0); line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)}') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',A, `arc cw to rvec_(m4ht,0) rad m4ht/2 with .c at rvec_(m4ht/2,0)dnl ifelse(m4a,d,`; {dot(at last arc.start,,1)}') arc ccw to rvec_(m4ht,0) rad m4ht/2 with .c at rvec_(m4ht/2,0) line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)dnl ifelse(m4a,d,`; dot(at last line.start,,1)') }') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',B, `{lbox(m4wd,m4ht)} line to rvec_(m4wd+max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)}') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',C, `{lbox(m4wd,m4ht)} {line from rvec_(m4wd/5,-m4ht/2) \ to rvec_(m4wd/5,m4ht/2)} {line from rvec_(m4wd*4/5,-m4ht/2) \ to rvec_(m4wd*4/5,m4ht/2)} move to rvec_(m4wd,0); line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)}') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',S, `{lbox(m4wd,m4ht)} {m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(m4wd/5,m4ht))} move to rvec_(m4wd,0); line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)}') {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `memristor( linespec, wid, ht )' define(`memristor',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/5',`($3)'))define(`m4htx',`m4ht/4')dnl define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))define(`m4wdx',`m4wd*4/25')dnl { line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) {[lbox(m4wd,m4ht)] at rvec_(m4wd/2,0)} line to rvec_(m4wdx,0) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx,m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*2,m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*2,-m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*3,-m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*3,m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*4,m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*4,0) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*5,0) m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(m4wd/4,m4ht)) line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) } line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0)') `heater( linespec, nparts, wid, ht )' define(`heater',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4hn',ifelse(`$2',,4,`$2'))dnl define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/2',`($3)'))dnl define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5',`($4)'))dnl { line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) {[lbox(m4wd,m4ht)] at rvec_(m4wd/2,0)} for m4ix=1 to m4hn-1 do { {line from rvec_(m4ix*m4wd/(m4hn),m4ht/2) \ to rvec_(m4ix*m4wd/(m4hn),-m4ht/2)}} line from rvec_(m4wd,0) \ to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2+m4wd/2),0) } line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0)') `thermocouple(linespec, wid, ht, L|R) R=right orientation' define(`thermocouple',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/5',`($2)'))dnl define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/2',`($3)'))dnl define(`m4ths',`ifinstr(`$4',R,-)')dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) \ then to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),m4ths`'(m4ht-m4wd/2)) \ then to rvec_(rp_len/2,m4ths`'m4ht) \ then to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2)+m4wd,m4ths`'(m4ht-m4wd/2)) \ then to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2)+m4wd,0) \ then to rvec_(rp_len,0)} { dot(at rvec_(rp_len/2,m4ths`'m4ht)) } {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,m4ths`'m4ht/2)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `lamp(linespec,[R])' define(`lamp',`define(`m4ng',ifinstr(`$2',R,-))define(`m4hw',`dimen_/10')dnl define(`m4dp',(m4ng`'m4hw/2))define(`m4ht',(m4ng`'dimen_/8))dnl eleminit_(`$1') { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4hw,0) \ then to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4hw,m4ng`'dimen_/3.2) spline ifdpic(ctension_) to rvec_(0,m4ht) \ then to rvec_(1.3*m4hw, m4ht) \ then to rvec_(1.3*m4hw,-m4dp) \ then to rvec_(0.7*m4hw,-m4dp) \ then to rvec_(0.7*m4hw, m4ht) \ then to rvec_(2*m4hw,m4ht) \ then to rvec_(2*m4hw,0) line to rvec_(0,-(m4ng`'dimen_/3.2)) \ then to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4hw,-(m4ng`'dimen_/3.2)) } { [ circle rad dimen_/5 ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,m4ng`'dimen_/3.2) } line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0) ') `cbreaker( linespec, L|R, D|T|TS ) circuit breaker to left or right of linespec, D=with dots; T=thermal; TS=squared thermal' define(`cbreaker',`ifinstr(`$3',T, `tbreaker($@)', `mbreaker($@)')') define(`tbreaker',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4ho',0) {ifinstr(`$3',TS, `define(`m4h',`dimen_/5')define(`m4v',`m4h/2')define(`m4ho',`m4v/2')dnl m4j = max(0,rp_len/2-m4h/2) line to rvec_(m4j,0) \ then to rvec_(m4j,ifelse(`$2',R,-)m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(m4j+m4h,ifelse(`$2',R,-)m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(m4j+m4h,0) \ then to rvec_(m4j*2+m4h,0) ', `define(`m4h',`dimen_*2/5')define(`m4v',`m4h/2')define(`m4ho',0)dnl m4j = max(0,rp_len/2-m4h/2) line to rvec_(m4j,0) {round arc cw to rvec_( m4h/4,0)+vec_(Rect_(m4h/4,-60)) with .c at rvec_( m4h/4,0)} move to rvec_(m4h,0) {round arc cw to rvec_(-m4h/4,0)+vec_(Rect_(m4h/4,120)) with .c at rvec_(-m4h/4,0)} line to rvec_(m4j,0) ') } {[box invis ht_ m4v wid_ m4h ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,ifelse(`$2',R,-)m4ho) } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') define(`mbreaker',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4R',`ifelse(`$2',R,-)') define(`m4h',`dimen_/3') define(`m4cr',`((m4h+2*dimen_/32)*5/8)')dnl define(`m4ht',`(m4cr-sqrt(m4cr^2-(m4h/2+dimen_/32)^2)+dimen_/16)')dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4h/2),0) {ifelse(`$3',D,`dot(,,1) move to rvec_(0,m4R`'dotrad_);')dnl arc ifelse(`$2',R,c)cw from rvec_(-dimen_/32,m4R`'dimen_/16) \ to rvec_(m4h+dimen_/32,m4R`'dimen_/16) rad m4cr \ with .c at rvec_(m4h/2,m4R`'(m4ht-m4cr))} {line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h+max(0,rp_len/2-m4h/2),0) ifelse(`$3',D,`dot(at last line.start,,1)') } [box invis ht_ m4ht ifelse(`$3',D,`+2*dotrad_') wid_ m4h+dimen_/16] \ at rvec_(m4h/2,m4R`'(m4ht/2)) } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `gap( linespec,fill,A ) Gap with filled dots e.g. gap(down_ linewid/2,1); rlabel(+,v_1,-) A: chopped arrow between dots' define(`gap',`eleminit_(`$1') dot(,,ifelse(`$2',,0,`$2')); dot(at last line.end,,ifelse(`$2',,0,`$2')) ifelse(`$3',A, `{arrow from last line.start to last line.end chop dotrad_*3}') {[box invis ht_ 0 wid_ min(rp_len,(dimen_*4/9+rp_len)/3)] at last line.c} ') `arrowline( linespec ) line with midpoint arrowhead e.g. arrowline(up 1 dotted); llabel(,I_2)' define(`arrowline',`line ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(elen_,0)',`$1') { arrow from last line.start to last line.end \ chop lin_leng(last line)/2-arrowht/2 [box invis ht_ arrowwid wid_ arrowht] at last line.c }') `ground( at position, T, N|F|S|L|P|E, D|U|L|R|degrees) T=truncated stem; N=normal ground, F=frame, S=signal, L=low-noise, P=protective, E=European; down (default), up, left, right, angle (deg)' define(`ground',`box invis ht 0 wid 0 with .c ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1') define(`m4v',`dimen_/6')define(`m4h',`dimen_/16')dnl {setdir_(ifelse(`$4',,-90,`$4')) ifelse(`$2',,`line from last box.c to rvec_(dimen_/4,0)') ifelse(`$3',F, `{line from rvec_(dimen_/8,m4v-dimen_/12) \ to rvec_(0,m4v) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v) \ then to rvec_(dimen_/8,-m4v-dimen_/12)} line to rvec_(dimen_/8,-dimen_/12)', `$3',S, `{line to rvec_(0,m4v) \ then to rvec_(m4v*1.5,0) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v) \ then to Here }', `$3',Q, `{shade(0,line to rvec_(0,m4v) \ then to rvec_(m4v*1.5,0) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v) \ then to Here) }', `$3',L, `{move to rvec_(m4h,0) arc cw rad m4v*3/2 from rvec_(Rect_(m4v*3/2,-60)) \ to rvec_(Rect_(m4v*3/2,60)) with .c at Here} ground(,T,,`$4')', `$3',P, `{Grnd_C: circle rad m4v*3/2 at rvec_(m4h,0)} ground(,T,,`$4')', `$3',E, `{line from rvec_(0,m4v*2/3) \ to rvec_(0,-m4v*2/3) thick linethick*2}', `{line from rvec_(0,m4v) \ to rvec_(0,-m4v)} {line from rvec_(m4h,dimen_/9) \ to rvec_(m4h,-dimen_/9)} line from rvec_(2*m4h,dimen_/14) \ to rvec_(2*m4h,-dimen_/14)') resetdir_} ') `antenna(at position, T, A|L|T|S|D|P|F, U|D|L|R|degrees) arg2=T: truncate stem arg3= A=aerial; L=loop, T=triangle, S=diamond, D=dipole, P=phased, F=fork; up (default), down, left, right, angle (deg)' define(`antenna',`[ T: Here define(`m4v',`dimen_/2')define(`m4h',`dimen_/12')dnl define(`m4atype',ifelse(`$3',,A,`$3'))dnl setdir_(ifelse(`$4',,90,`$4')) ifelse( m4atype,L, `T1: rvec_(0,m4h); T2: rvec_(0,-m4h) ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2,0)') line from T1 to rvec_(0,m4h) \ then to rvec_(0,m4v/2) \ then to rvec_(m4v-m4h,m4v/2) \ then to rvec_(m4v-m4h,-m4v/2+m4h) \ then to rvec_(m4h,-m4v/2+m4h) \ then to rvec_(m4h,m4v/2-m4h) \ then to rvec_(m4v,m4v/2-m4h) \ then to rvec_(m4v,-m4v/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h) \ then to T2', m4atype,T, `ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2,0)') line to rvec_(m4v*3/4,m4v*sqrt(3)/4) \ then to rvec_(m4v*3/4,-m4v*sqrt(3)/4) \ then to Here line from rvec_(m4v*3/4,0) \ to T', m4atype,S, `T1: rvec_(0,m4h); T2: rvec_(0,-m4h) ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2,0)') line from T1 to rvec_(0,m4h) \ then to rvec_(m4v*3/4-m4h,m4v*3/4) \ then to rvec_(2*m4v*3/4-m4h,0) \ then to rvec_(m4v*3/4-m4h,-m4v*3/4) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h) \ then to T2', m4atype,D, `T1: rvec_(0,m4h); T2: rvec_(0,-m4h) ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4v,0)') { line from T1 to rvec_(0,m4h) \ then to rvec_(0,m4h*3) } { line from T2 to rvec_(0,-m4h) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h*3) }', m4atype,P, `ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4v*2/3,0)') line from T to Here { line from rvec_(0,-m4v/3) \ to rvec_(0,m4v/3) } { line from rvec_(m4h,-m4v*2/3) \ to rvec_(m4h,m4v*2/3) }', m4atype,F, `ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2,0)') { line from rvec_(m4v*3/4,m4v*sqrt(3)/4) \ to rvec_(0,m4v*sqrt(3)/4) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v*sqrt(3)/4) \ then to rvec_(m4v*3/4,-m4v*sqrt(3)/4)} line from rvec_(m4v*3/4,0) \ to T', m4atype,A, `ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2,0)') { line from rvec_(m4v*3/4, m4v*sqrt(3)/4) to Here \ then to rvec_(m4v*3/4,-m4v*sqrt(3)/4) } line from rvec_(m4v*3/4,0) \ to T') `$5'; resetdir_ ] with .T ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')') `switch( linespec,L|R,[O|C][D],L|B|D ) Wrapper for bswitch, lswitch, dswitch R=right orientation (default L=left) if arg4=blank or L: arg3 = [O|C][D][K][A] D=dotted points; K=closed switch; A=arrowhead on switch blade; O=opening arrow; C=closing arrow if arg4=B (button switch): arg3 = O|C O=normally open; C=normally closed if arg4=D: arg3 = same as for dswitch' define(`switch',`ifelse( `$4',, `lswitch(`$1',`$2',`$3')', `$4',L,`lswitch(`$1',`$2',`$3')', `$4',B,`bswitch(`$1',`$2',`$3')', `$4',D,`define(`m4qna_',`$3')dnl define(`m4rna_',W`'ifinstr(`$2',C,dBK,B)`'m4qna_)dnl dswitch(`$1',`$2',m4rna_)')') `bswitch( linespec,L|R,chars ) pushbutton switch R=right orientation (default L=left) chars: O= normally open, C=normally closed' define(`bswitch',`eleminit_(`$1') dnl define(`m4h',`dimen_/3') define(`m4cs',`0.069186*dimen_')dnl (2.5pt) define(`m4v',`ifelse(`$2',R,-m4cs,m4cs)')define(`dna_',`$3') dnl {line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4h/2,0) chop 0 chop m4cs} { Bsw_T1: circle rad m4cs at rvec_(rp_len/2-m4h/2,0); move to last circle { Bsw_T2: circle rad m4cs at rvec_(m4h,0) }; ifelse(`$4',,,`{`$4'}') sc_draw(`dna_',C,dnl `{ line from rvec_(-m4cs,-(m4v)) \ to rvec_(m4h+m4cs,-(m4v)) } { line from rvec_(m4h/2,-(m4v)) \ to rvec_(m4h/2,m4v*3) } {[box invis ht_ 4*m4cs wid_ m4h+2*m4cs] at rvec_(m4h/2,m4v)}', `{ line from rvec_(-m4cs,m4v*2.5) \ to rvec_(m4h+m4cs,m4v*2.5) } { line from rvec_(m4h/2,m4v*2.5) \ to rvec_(m4h/2,m4v*4.5) } {[box invis ht_ 5.5*m4cs wid_ m4h+2*m4cs] at rvec_(m4h/2,m4v*1.75)}') line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h/2+rp_len/2,0) chop m4cs chop 0 } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `lswitch( linespec,L|R,chars ) knife switch R=right orientation (default L=left) chars=[O|C][D][K][A] D=dotted points; K=closed switch; A=arrowhead on switch blade; O=opening arrow; C=closing arrow' define(`lswitch',`eleminit_(`$1') dnl define(`m4v',`dimen_/4')define(`m4cs',`dimen_/4*Sin(10)')dnl define(`dna_',`$3')define(`m4d',-1)define(`m4k',15)dnl m4t1 = arrowht; m4t2 = arrowwid; arrowht = dimen_/0.75*0.08; arrowwid = dimen_/0.75*0.053 {line to rvec_(rp_len/2-dimen_/6,0) sc_draw(`dna_',K,`define(`m4k',25)dnl {{ifinstr(`$3',A,arrow m4c_l,line) \ to LCtangent(Here,rvec_(dimen_/3,0),dotrad_,`$2') chop 0 chop -dotrad_} line from rvec_(dimen_/3,0) to rvec_(dimen_/3,ifelse(`$2',R,-)dotrad_)}', `{ifinstr(`$3',A,arrow m4c_l,line) \ to rvec_(dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,-)dimen_/4)}') sc_draw(`dna_',D,`dot(,,1) define(`m4d',1)') sc_draw(`dna_',C,`{ arc <- m4c_l ifelse(`$2',R,,`c')cw \ from rvec_(Rect_(dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,,-)m4k))\ to rvec_(Rect_(dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,-)60)) \ with .c at rvec_(Rect_(-dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,-)(60-m4k)/2)) }') sc_draw(`dna_',O, `{ arc -> m4c_l ifelse(`$2',R,,`c')cw \ from rvec_(Rect_(dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,,-)10))\ to rvec_(Rect_(dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,-)75)) \ with .c at rvec_(Rect_(-dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,-)(75-10)/2)) }') } { line from rvec_(rp_len/2+dimen_/6,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len,0) ifelse(m4d,-1,,`dot(at last line.start,,1)') } { [box invis ht_ dimen_/4+m4cs wid_ dimen_/3] \ with .c at rvec_(rp_len/2,ifelse(`$2',R,-)(m4v-(m4cs))/2)} arrowht = m4t1 ; arrowwid = m4t2; ifelse(`$4',,,`{`$4'}') line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `dswitch(linespec,R,W[ud]B[K] chars) Comprehensive IEEE-IEC single-pole switch: arg2=R: orient to the right of drawing dir arg 3: blank means WB by default W=baseline B=contact blade Bo=contact blade more widely open dB=contact blade to the right of direction K=vertical closing contact line use WdBK for a normally-closed switch C = external operating mechanism D = circle at contact and hinge (dD = hinge only, uD = contact only) E = emergency button EL = early close (or late open) LE = late close (or early open) F = fused H = time delay closing uH = time delay opening HH = time delay opening and closing K = vertical closing contact L = limit M = maintained (latched) MM = momentary contact on make MR = momentary contact on release MMR = momentary contact on make and release O = hand operation button P = pushbutton R = time-delay operating arm T = thermal control linkage Y = pull switch Z = turn switch' define(`dswitch',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`dna_',ifelse(`$3',,WB,`$3'))dnl define(`m4R',`ifelse(`$2',R,-)')define(`m4sc',`dimen_/24')dnl tr_xy_init(last line.c,m4sc,m4R) M4T: M4_xyO; M4B: M4T { line to tr_xy(-4,0) line from tr_xy(4,0) \ to 2nd last line.end sc_draw(`dna_',Bo, `define(`m4c',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl M4B: line from tr_xy(-4,0) \ to tr_xy(4,m4c`'13/sqrt(3)) M4Q: 2 between M4_xyO and M4B.c') sc_draw(`dna_',B, `define(`m4c',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl M4B: line from tr_xy(-4,0) \ to tr_xy(5.5,m4c`'4) M4Q: 2 between M4_xyO and M4B.c') sc_draw(`dna_',MMR, `line from tr_xy(6,1.16) \ to tr_xy(4,0) \ then to tr_xy(6,-1.16)') sc_draw(`dna_',MM, `line from tr_xy(5,0) \ to tr_xy(4,0) \ then to tr_xy(6,1.16)') sc_draw(`dna_',MR, `line from tr_xy(5,0) \ to tr_xy(4,0) \ then to tr_xy(6,-1.16)') sc_draw(`dna_',D, `ifelse(m4a,u,,`dot(at tr_xy(-4,0),,1)') ifelse(m4a,d,,`dot(at tr_xy(4,0),,1)')') sc_draw(`dna_',EL, `line from 0.99 along_(M4B) \ to M4B.end \ then to M4B.end + ta_xy(vperp(M4B,m4c`'2.5,R))') sc_draw(`dna_',LE, `line from 0.99 along_(M4B) \ to M4B.end \ then to M4B.end + ta_xy(vperp(M4B,m4c`'2.5))') sc_draw(`dna_',K, `line from tr_xy(4,0) \ to tr_xy(4,m4c`'5)') sc_draw(`dna_',F, `M4dT: 3/16 along_(M4B); M4dQ: 11/16 along_(M4B) line from M4dT to M4dT + ta_xy(neg_(m4c)1/2,1) \ then to M4dQ + ta_xy(neg_(m4c)1/2,1) \ then to M4dQ + ta_xy(m4c`'1/2,-1) \ then to M4dT + ta_xy(m4c`'1/2,-1) \ then to M4dT ') sc_draw(`dna_',L, `M4dT: 11/16 along_(M4B) define(`m4e',ifelse(m4a,d,-)) line from 5/16 along_(M4B) \ to M4dT + ta_xy(neg_(m4e)1,ifelse(m4c,m4e,,-)2) \ then to M4dT') sc_draw(`dna_',T, `define(`m4t',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl M4T: M4B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'12) line from M4B.c to M4B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'4.5) \ then to M4B.c+ta_xy(3,m4t`'4.5) \ then to M4B.c+ta_xy(3,m4t`'7.5) \ then to M4B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'7.5) \ then to M4T ') sc_draw(`dna_',M, `define(`m4t',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl M4T: M4B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'12) line dashed 1.5*m4sc from M4B.c to M4B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'4.5) line to M4B.c+ta_xy(-3,m4t`'6) \ then to M4B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'7.5) line dashed 1.5*m4sc to M4T ') sc_draw(`dna_',C, `M4T: M4B.c+ta_xy(0,ifelse(m4a,d,-)12) line dashed from M4B.c to M4T ') sc_draw(`dna_',O, `line from M4T + ta_xy(-2.5,0) \ to M4T + ta_xy(2.5,0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',P, `line from M4T + ta_xy(-2.5,-2.5) \ to M4T + ta_xy(-2.5,0) \ then to M4T + ta_xy(2.5,0) \ then to M4T + ta_xy(2.5,-2.5) ') sc_draw(`dna_',Y, `line from M4T + ta_xy(-2.5,2.5) \ to M4T + ta_xy(-2.5,0) \ then to M4T + ta_xy(2.5,0) \ then to M4T + ta_xy(2.5,2.5) ') sc_draw(`dna_',Z, `line from M4T + ta_xy(-2.5,-2.5) \ to M4T + ta_xy(-2.5,0) \ then to M4T + ta_xy(2.5,0) \ then to M4T + ta_xy(2.5,2.5) ') sc_draw(`dna_',R, `define(`m4t',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl M4dT: 5/12 along_(M4B); M4dQ: 7/12 along_(M4B) line from M4dT to M4dT + ta_xy(0,m4t`'12) line from M4dQ to M4dQ + ta_xy(0,m4t`'(neg_(m4c)sqrt(3)/2+12)) M4T: 1/2 between Here and 2nd last line.end ') sc_draw(`dna_',HH, `arc ifelse(m4R,-,c)cw \ from M4T+ta_xy(3,3/2) \ to M4T+ta_xy(-3,3/2) with .c at M4T+ta_xy(0,4.0) arc ifelse(m4R,,c)cw \ from M4T+ta_xy(3,-3/2) \ to M4T+ta_xy(-3,-3/2) \ with .c at M4T+ta_xy(0,-4.0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',H, `define(`m4t',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl arc ifelse(m4t,m4R,,c)cw \ from M4T+ta_xy(3,m4t`'3/2) \ to M4T+ta_xy(-3,m4t`'3/2) \ with .c at M4T + ta_xy(0,m4t`'4.0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',E, `line from M4T + ta_xy(-2.5,0) \ to M4T + ta_xy(2.5,0) arc ifelse(m4R,-,,c)cw to last line.start with .c at M4T + ta_xy(0,-1.5) ') M4dQ: M4Q - (M4_xyO.x,M4_xyO.y) M4dT: M4T - (M4_xyO.x,M4_xyO.y) if M4dQ.x*M4dT.x + M4dQ.y*M4dT.y > 0 then { M4Q: M4_xyO } [ box invis ht_ distance(M4T,M4Q) wid_ 8*m4sc ] \ with .c at 0.5 between M4T and M4Q } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `Amplifier amp( linespec,size )' define(`amp',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`($2)')')dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) line from rvec_(m4wd,0) \ to rvec_(0,m4wd/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4wd/2) \ then to rvec_(m4wd,0) \ then to rvec_(max(m4wd,rp_len/2+m4wd/2),0) } {[box invis ht_ m4wd wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(max(m4wd,rp_len)/2,0)} line to rvec_(max(rp_len,m4wd),0) invis ') `integrator( linespec,size )' define(`integrator',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`($2)')')dnl {line from rvec_(m4wd/4,m4wd/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4wd/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4wd/2) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/4,-m4wd/2) } {line from rvec_(m4wd*5/4,0) \ to rvec_(m4wd/4,m4wd/2) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/4,-m4wd/2) \ then to rvec_(m4wd*5/4,0) \ then to rvec_(max(rp_len,m4wd*5/4),0) } { [box invis ht_ m4wd wid_ m4wd*5/4] at rvec_(m4wd*5/8,0) } line to rvec_(max(rp_len,m4wd*5/4),0) invis ') `opamp(linespec, - label, + label, size, chars) drawn as a []: defined positions: W, N, E, S, Out, E1, E1, In1, In2 chars: P: power connections V1,V2 R: labels at In1,In2 swapped T: truncated point ' define(`opamp', `[define(`m4v',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_',`($4)')')define(`m4h',`m4v')dnl define(`dna_',`$5')dnl eleminit_(`$1',max(elen_-m4h/4,m4h)) W: Here N: vec_(0,m4v/2) S: vec_(0,-m4v/2) E: vec_(m4h,0) C: vec_(m4h/2,0) { sc_draw(`dna_',T, `line to N then to 0.75 between N and E \ then to 0.75 between S and E then to S then to W line from 0.75 between W and E to E', `line to N then to E then to S then to W; move to E') if rp_len > m4h then { line to rvec_(rp_len-m4h,0) } Out: Here } E1: vec_(m4h/2,m4v/4) E2: vec_(m4h/2,-m4v/4) In1: vec_(0,m4v/4) In2: vec_(0,-m4v/4) { move to In`'ifinstr(dna_,R,2,1) ifelse(`$2',,"ifsvg(-,`{\scriptsize$-$}')" \ at rvec_(4pt__,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10)),m4lstring(`$2',"`$2'"))} { move to In`'ifinstr(dna_,R,1,2) ifelse(`$3',,"ifsvg(+,`{\scriptsize$+$}')" \ at rvec_(4pt__,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10)),m4lstring(`$3',"`$3'"))} sc_draw(`dna_',P, `{line from E1 to (vec_(m4h/2,m4v/4+m4v/8)); V1: Here} {line from E2 to (vec_(m4h/2,-(m4v/4+m4v/8))); V2: Here}') `$6' ] ') `dac(width,height,nIn,nN,nOut,nS)' define(`dac',`[ define(`dac_ht',`ifelse(`$2',,(dimen_),`$2')')dnl define(`dac_wd',`ifelse(`$1',,(dimen_+dac_ht/2),`$1')')dnl In: Here C: rvec_((dac_wd-dac_ht/2)/2,0) NE: rvec_(dac_wd-dac_ht/2, dac_ht/2) Out:rvec_(dac_wd,0) SE: rvec_(dac_wd-dac_ht/2,-dac_ht/2) NW: rvec_(0,dac_ht/2) SW: rvec_(0,-dac_ht/2) define(`m4dn',ifelse(`$3',,1,`eval($3)'))dnl for_(1,m4dn,1,`In`'m4x: NW-vec_(0,dac_ht*(2*m4x-1)/(2*m4dn))')dnl define(`m4dn',ifelse(`$4',,1,`eval($4)'))dnl for_(1,m4dn,1,`N`'m4x: NW+vec_((dac_wd-dac_ht/2)*m4x/(m4dn+1),0)')dnl define(`m4dn',ifelse(`$5',,1,`eval($5)'))dnl for_(1,m4dn,1,`r = eval(2*m4x-1)/eval(m4dn*2) Out`'m4x: Out-vec_(ifelse(eval((2*m4x-1)0),1,`m4bi_Em(eval(`$1'-1),`$2',`$3')')') `Unijunction transistor ujt(linespec, R,P,E) Bulk and terminals B1, B2, E defined arg 2: drawn to the right of curr direction arg 3: P-channel, default N arg 4: envelope' define(`ujt', `[ ifelse(`$1',,,`eleminit_($1)') B1: Here ifelse(`$1',,,`line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4_U*2,0)') Bl1: line to rvec_(0,ifelse(`$2',R,-)3.5*m4_U) Bulk: line from rvec_(-m4_U*0.5,0) \ to rvec_(m4_U*4.5,0) Bl2: line from Bulk.end+vec_(-m4_U/2,0) \ to Bulk.end+vec_(-m4_U/2,ifelse(`$2',R,,-)3.5*m4_U) ifelse(`$1',,,`\ then to Bulk.c+vec_(rp_len/2,ifelse(`$2',R,,-)3.5*m4_U)') B2: Here E: Bulk.c+vec_(2*m4_U,ifelse(`$2',R,-)3.5*m4_U) E1: line from E to Bulk.center {arrow m4c_l from last line.ifelse(`$3',P,`end to 1',`start to 7')/8 \ between last line.start and last line.end wid m4_Awd ht m4_Aht } ifelse(`$4',E,dnl `Env: circle rad 4*m4_U with .c at Bulk.c') `$5'; manhattan ] ') `FETS: j_fet(linespec, R, P, E ) e_fet(linespec, R, P, E|S ) d_fet(linespec, R, P, E|S ) c_fet(linespec, R, P ) with terminals S, D, G. arg 2: G pin drawn to right of curr direction arg 3: P-channel, default N arg 4: envelope' define(`j_fet',`mosfet(`$1',`$2',ifelse(`$3',P,u,d)GSDF,`$4',`$5')') `Enhancement-mode FET e_fet(linespec,R,P,S,E)' define(`e_fet',`mosfet(`$1',`$2', ifelse(`$4',S,`TFD'ifelse(`$3',P,u,d)S,`LEDSQ'ifelse(`$3',P,d,u)B), `$4',`$5')') `Depletion-mode FET d_fet(linespec,R,P,S,E)' define(`d_fet',`mosfet(`$1',`$2', ifelse(`$4',S,`TFDR'ifelse(`$3',P,u,d)S,`LFDSQ'ifelse(`$3',P,d,u)B), `$4',`$5')') `Simplified switching c_fet(linespec,R,P) arg 3: negated G pin' define(`c_fet',`mosfet(`$1',`$2',`ZSDF'ifelse(`$3',P,d)T,,`$4')') ` The comprehensive mosfet(linespec,R,BDEFGLQRSTXZ,E) Every drawn component is controlled by a letter or letter pair in arg 3; adding or changing elements is easily done by adding a test for a letter or letter sequence: udB: center bulk connection pin; u or d arrow D: D pin and lead E: dashed substrate F: solid-line substrate udG: G pin to substrate at source; u or d arrow udH: G pin to substrate at center; u or d arrow L: G pin to channel (kept for compatibility for now; the same as dM below) udM: G pin to channel center or u: pin at drain end, d: pin at source end udMn: gates G0 to Gn as above Pz: parallel zener diode Q: connect B pin to S pin R: thick channel udS: S pin and lead; u or d arrow dT: G pin to center of channel d: not circle X: XMOSFET terminal Z: simplified complementary MOS arg 2: body drawn to right of curr direction arg 4: envelope' define(`mosfet', `define(`m4R',`ifelse(`$2',R,-)')dnl right orientation flag define(`dna_',`ifelse(`$3',,DSEdMuBQ,`$3')')dnl define(`m4s',ifinstr(dna_,Z,2.5,3.5))dnl size parameter [ ifelse(`$1',, `tr_xy_init(,m4_U,m4R); S: tr_xy(-2,0); D: tr_xy(2,0)', `eleminit_(`$1'); tr_xy_init(last line.c,m4_U,m4R) S: last line.start; line from S to tr_xy(-2,0) \ then to tr_xy(-2,0)+vec_(0,m4R`'linethick pt__) D: S+vec_(rp_len,0); line from D to tr_xy(2,0) \ then to tr_xy(2,0)+vec_(0,m4R`'linethick pt__)') sc_draw(`dna_',B, `B: tr_xy(0,0); Bl: line from B to tr_xy(0,m4s) ifelse(m4a,,,`arrow m4c_l ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd ifelse(m4a,d,<-) \ from tr_xy(0,m4s/2)-vec_(0,m4R`'m4_Aht/2) \ to tr_xy(0,m4s/2)+vec_(0,m4R`'m4_Aht/2) ')') sc_draw(`dna_',D, `Dl: line from tr_xy(2,0) \ to tr_xy(2,m4s)') sc_draw(`dna_',E, `Channel: line invis from tr_xy(-2.5,m4s) \ to tr_xy(2.5,m4s) line from tr_xy(-2.5,m4s) \ to tr_xy(-1,m4s) line from tr_xy(-0.5,m4s) \ to tr_xy(0.5,m4s) line from tr_xy(1,m4s) \ to tr_xy(2.5,m4s)') sc_draw(`dna_',F, `Channel: line from ifinstr(dna_,Z, `tr_xy(-2,m4s) \ to tr_xy(2,m4s)', `tr_xy(-2.5,m4s) \ to tr_xy(2.5,m4s)')') sc_draw(`dna_',G, `G: tr_xy(-2,(m4s+3.5)) ifelse(m4a,,`Gl: line from tr_xy(-2,m4s) \ to G', m4a,d,`Gl: arrow m4c_l from G to tr_xy(-2,m4s) ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd', m4a,u,`Gl: line from tr_xy(-2,m4s) \ to G; arrow m4c_l ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd \ from tr_xy(-2,(m4s+3-m4_Aht/(m4_U))) \ to tr_xy(-2,(m4s+3))')') sc_draw(`dna_',H, `G: tr_xy(0,(m4s+4)) ifelse(m4a,,`Hl: line from tr_xy(0,m4s) \ to G', m4a,d,`Hl: arrow m4c_l from G to tr_xy(0,m4s) ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd', m4a,u,`Hl: line from tr_xy(0,m4s) \ to G; arrow m4c_l ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd \ from tr_xy(0,(m4s+3-m4_Aht/(m4_U))) \ to tr_xy(0,(m4s+3))')') sc_draw(`dna_',L, `G: tr_xy(-2,(m4s+3.5)) Ll: line from tr_xy(2,(m4s+1)) \ to tr_xy(-2,(m4s+1)) \ then to G') for_(1,4,1, `sc_draw(`dna_',M`'m4x,`m4mo_Mm(m4x,m4a,`$4',ifinstr(dna_,Z,2,2.5))')') sc_draw(`dna_',M,`ifelse( m4a,, `G: tr_xy(0,(m4s+4)) Glh: line from tr_xy(2,(m4s+1)) \ to tr_xy(-2,(m4s+1)) Glv: line from tr_xy(0,(m4s+1)) \ to G', m4a,u,`G: tr_xy(2,(m4s+3.5)) Gl: line from tr_xy(-2,(m4s+1)) \ to tr_xy(2,(m4s+1)) \ then to G', m4a,d,`G: tr_xy(-2,(m4s+3.5)) Gl: line from tr_xy(2,(m4s+1)) \ to tr_xy(-2,(m4s+1)) \ then to G')') sc_draw(`dna_',Pz, `define(`m4q',m4a)dnl Diode: diode(ifelse(m4q,d,to,from) tr_xy(-2,-2) \ ifelse(m4q,d,from,to) tr_xy( 2,-2),Z) ifelse(m4q,d,rp_ang = rp_ang + pi_) line from tr_xy(-2,0) \ to tr_xy(-2,-2) \ then to tr_xy(2,-2) \ then to tr_xy(2,0)') sc_draw(`dna_',Q, `Ql: line from tr_xy(0,0)+vec_(0,m4R`'linethick pt__) \ to tr_xy(0,0) \ then to tr_xy(-2,0) \ then to tr_xy(-2,0)+vec_(0,m4R`'linethick pt__)') sc_draw(`dna_',R, `Rl: line thick 2*linethick from tr_xy(-2,m4s)\ -vec_(0,m4R`'linethick*3/2 pt__) \ to tr_xy(2,m4s)-vec_(0,m4R`'linethick*3/2 pt__) ') sc_draw(`dna_',S, `Sl: line from tr_xy(-2,0) \ to tr_xy(-2,m4s) ifelse(m4a,,,`arrow m4c_l ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd ifelse(m4a,d,<-) \ from tr_xy(-2,m4s/2)-vec_(0,m4R`'m4_Aht/2) \ to tr_xy(-2,m4s/2)+vec_(0,m4R`'m4_Aht/2) ')') sc_draw(`dna_',T, `Tl: line from tr_xy(-2,(m4s+1)) \ to tr_xy(2,(m4s+1)) ifelse(m4a,d,`Nt: circle rad m4_U*2/3 with .c at tr_xy(0,(m4s+1+2/3))') Gl: line from tr_xy(0,`(m4s+1'`ifelse(m4a,d,+4/3))') \ to tr_xy(0,ifelse(`$4',E,(m4s+4),(m4s+4))); G: Here') sc_draw(`dna_',X,dnl From Matteo Agostinelli `B: tr_xy(0,0); Xv: line from B to tr_xy(0,m4s-1) Xh: line from tr_xy(-1.5,m4s-1) \ to tr_xy(1.5,m4s-1)') ifelse(`$4',E,`Env: circle rad 4*m4_U with .c at tr_xy(0,m4s)') `$5'; manhattan ] ') define(`m4mo_Mm',dnl (m4n,m4a,[E]) `define(`m4mo_d',`eval((`$1')*2+1)')dnl for_(0,`$1',1, `define(`m4moc',`ifelse(`$2',u, ` (`$4')-`$4'*4*m4x/m4mo_d',`-`$4'+`$4'*4*m4x/m4mo_d')')dnl ifinstr(`$3',E, `M4moM: move from tr_xy(m4moc,m4s) to tr_xy(m4moc,m4s+1) G`'m4x: LCintersect(M4moM,tr_xy(0,m4s),4*m4_U,R)', `G`'m4x: tr_xy(m4moc,m4s+4)') Gm`'m4x: line from G`'m4x to tr_xy(m4moc,m4s+1) \ then to tr_xy(m4moc`'ifelse(`$2',u,-,+)2*`$4'/m4mo_d,m4s+1) ') ') `Macro-internal coordinates adjusted for L|R' define(`ta_xy',`vec_(vscal_(m4_xyU,`$1',ifelse(`$2',0,0,m4_xyS`($2)')))') `Relative adjusted macro-internal coordinates' define(`tr_xy',`M4_xyO+vec_(vscal_(m4_xyU,`$1',ifelse(`$2',0,0,m4_xyS`($2)')))') `Initialize tr_xy_init(origin,unit,-)' define(`tr_xy_init',`M4_xyO: ifelse(`$1',,Here,`$1') define(`m4_xyU',`$2')dnl define(`m4_xyS',`$3')') `Extract substring plus preceding char if u or d' define(`m4_dna',`define(`m4I_',index($1,`$2'))dnl ifelse(m4I_,-1,`define(`m4t',0)',`define(`m4t',eval(m4I_+len($2)))dnl define(`m4a',ifelse(substr($1,decr(m4I_),1),u,`define(`m4I_',decr(m4I_))'u, substr($1,decr(m4I_),1),d,`define(`m4I_',decr(m4I_))'d))dnl define(`$1',substr($1,0,m4I_)`'substr($1,m4t))')')dnl `Conditional subcomponent draw sc_draw(dna string, chars, iftrue, iffalse)' define(`sc_draw',`m4_dna(`$1',`$2')ifelse(m4I_,-1,`$4',`$3')') `Element labels to the left, right, centre of the current direction. Labels are spaced and treated as math, but copied literally if double quoted or defined by sprintf' `The hash (pound sign) is used in svg text so we temporarily turn off comments for svg' define(`rlabel',`ifsvg(`changecom(,)')dnl m4label(`$1',`$2',`$3',.s_,below_,`$4')`'ifsvg(`changecom(`#',)')') define(`llabel',`ifsvg(`changecom(,)')dnl m4label(`$1',`$2',`$3',.n_,above_,`$4')`'ifsvg(`changecom(`#',)')') define(`clabel',`ifsvg(`changecom(,)')dnl m4label(`$1',`$2',`$3',,,`$4')`'ifsvg(`changecom(`#',)')') labels at centre and both ends of an element `dimen_' long define(`m4label',`dnl ifelse(`$1',,, `{m4lstring(`$1',"sp_`'iflatex(`$ `$1'$',`$1')`'sp_") \ at last [].w_ $5 rjust_ $6};')dnl ifelse(`$2',,, `{m4lstring(`$2',"sp_`'iflatex(`$ `$2'$',`$2')`'sp_") \ at last []$4 $5 $6};')dnl ifelse(`$3',,, `{m4lstring(`$3',"sp_`'iflatex(`$ `$3'$',`$3')`'sp_") \ at last [].e_ $5 ljust_ $6};')dnl ') `Labels for oblique or aligned elements dlabel(long,lateral,label,label,label,chars) long, lateral: dispacement with respect to drawing direction chars: X displacement is from the centre of the last line rather than the centre of the last [] L,R,A,B align labels ljust, rjust, above, or below (absolute) respectively' define(`dlabel',`ifsvg(`changecom(,)')dnl ifelse(`$3',,, `{m4lstring(`$3',"iflatex(`$ `$3'$',` $3')") \ at last ifinstr(`$6',X,line,[]).c+vec_(-(`$1'),`$2') \ ifinstr(`$6',L,ljust,`$6',R,rjust) dnl ifinstr(`$6',A,above,`$6',B,below) };') dnl ifelse(`$4',,, `{m4lstring(`$4',"iflatex(`$ `$4'$',` $4')") \ at last ifinstr(`$6',X,line,[]).c+vec_(0,`$2') \ ifinstr(`$6',L,ljust,`$6',R,rjust) dnl ifinstr(`$6',A,above,`$6',B,below) };') dnl ifelse(`$5',,, `{m4lstring(`$5',"iflatex(`$ `$5'$',` $5')") \ at last ifinstr(`$6',X,line,[]).c+vec_(`$1',`$2') \ ifinstr(`$6',L,ljust,`$6',R,rjust) dnl ifinstr(`$6',A,above,`$6',B,below) };') ifsvg(`changecom(`#',)')') `eleminit_( linespec, default length ) compute element direction and length. Eleminit_ defines the position, length, and angle of two-terminal elements. It calls rpoint_ with its linespec or circuit-element default. The rpoint_ macro draws the invisible line determined by its argument, calculates the length and angle, and gives the angle to the point_ macro to set the rotation parameters used by vec_ and rvec_.' define(`eleminit_', `rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(ifelse(`$2',,`elen_',`$2'),0)',`$1'))') `parallel_(`elementspec', `elementspec', ... Parallel combination of two-terminal elements in a [ ] block. Each elementspec is quoted and of the form [Sep=val;][Label:] element; [attributes] where an attribute is of the form [llabel(...);]|[rlabel(...);][b_current(...);] Sep=val; in the first branch sets the default separation of all branches to val; in a later element Sep=val; applies only to that branch. An element may have normal arguments but should not change the drawing direction. An argument may also be series_(args) or parallel_(args) without attributes or quotes. example: define(`elen_',dimen_) setdir_(Down) parallel_( `resistor;llabel(,R);inductor(,W);llabel(,L)', `capacitor;rlabel(,C)') ' define(`parallel_', `[ ifdef(`m4rp_ang',rp_ang = m4rp_ang;) pwid = 0 stackargs_(`m4parR',$@) stackexec_(`m4parR',`m4parS')dnl define(`m4br',0) define(`m4parsep',`m4sepdefault')dnl stackdo_(`m4parS', `define(`m4pel',m4parS) setkey_(m4pel,Sep,m4parsep)dnl ifelse(m4br,0,`define(`m4parsep',m4Sep)')dnl ifinstr(m4pel,Sep=,`define(`m4pel',substr(m4pel,eval(index(m4pel,;)+1)))') E`'eval(m4br+1): [ Start: Here m4pel End: Here C: 0.5 between Start and End ] ifelse(m4br,0,,`with .C at C`'m4br-vec_(0,m4Sep)') define(`m4br',incr(m4br))dnl Start`'m4br: E`'m4br.Start; End`'m4br: E`'m4br.End; C`'m4br: E`'m4br.C pwid = max(pwid,distance(Start`'m4br,End`'m4br)) ') U: Vdiff_(End1,Start1) d = vlength(U.x,U.y); if d==0 then { d=1 } else { d = 1/d } Unit: Vsprod_(U,d) line from C1-(Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2)) to C`'m4br-(Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2)) \ chop -lthick/2 Start: last line.c line from C1+Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2) to C`'m4br+Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2) \ chop -lthick/2 End: last line.c; C: 0.5 between Start and End for_(1,m4br,1,` line from Start`'m4x to C`'m4x-Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2) line from End`'m4x to C`'m4x+Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2)') ] with .Start at Here; move to last [].End ') `par_( element, element, separation ) Parallel combination of two branches that have the same direction and length. The branch arguments must be quoted, e.g. par_(`resistor',`capacitor',dimen_)' ` ***WARNING: this macro is considered obsolete' define(`par_',`[Start: Here; r = ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_',`$3') { move to Start + vec_(0,r/2); $1 } line from Start + vec_(0,r/2) \ to Start + vec_(0,-r/2) ; $2 line to rvec_(0,r) End: last line.c; `$4'] with .Start at Here move to last [].End') `gpar_( element, element, separation ) Parallel combination of two branches that have the same direction, e.g.: down_; gpar_( resistor;llabel(,R_1);resistor;llabel(,R_2), capacitor;rlabel(,C)) This macro trades simplicity for generality and robustness to gpic' ` ***WARNING: this macro is considered obsolete' define(`gpar_', `[ M4_B1: Here; `$1'; M4_E1: Here M4_C: 0.5 between M4_B1 and M4_E1; eleminit_(from M4_B1 to M4_E1) E2:[ M4_B: Here; `$2'; M4_E: Here; `$4'] \ with .c at M4_C + (rect_(ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_',`$3'),rp_ang-pi_/2)) M4_B2: E2.M4_B; M4_E2: E2.M4_E s = distance(M4_B2,M4_E2) if rp_len*s == 0 then { r = 1 } else { r = (1+max(rp_len/s, s/rp_len))/2 } if rp_len < s then { Tmp:M4_B2; M4_B2:M4_B1; M4_B1:Tmp Tmp:M4_E2; M4_E2:M4_E1; M4_E1:Tmp } line from M4_B2 to r between M4_E2 and M4_B2 Start: 0.5 between Here and M4_B1; line to M4_B1 line from M4_E2 to r between M4_B2 and M4_E2 End: 0.5 between Here and M4_E1 C: 0.5 between Start and End; line to M4_E1 ] with .Start at Here move to last [].End ') define(`m4sepdefault',`dimen_') `Default separation in the parallel_ macro' define(`m4lendefault',`dimen_') `Default length in the series_ macro' `series_(elementspec, elementspec, ... ) Series combination in a [] block of elements with shortened default length An elementspec is of the form [Label:] element; [attributes] where an attribute is of the form [llabel(...);]|[rlabel(...);][b_current(...);] Internal points Start, End, and C are defined automatically.' define(`series_', `[ pushdef(`elen_',m4lendefault)dnl stackargs_(`m4serR',$@) stackexec_(`m4serR',`m4serS')dnl ifdef(`m4rp_ang',rp_ang = m4rp_ang;) Start: Here stackdo_(`m4serS',`m4serS ') End: Here; C: 0.5 between Start and End popdef(`elen_')] with .Start at Here; move to last [].End ') `reversed(`macro name in quotes', macro args) reverse polarity of two-terminal element' define(`reversed',`eleminit_(`$2') $1(from last line.end to last line.start,shift(shift($@))) rp_ht = -rp_ht; rp_wid = -rp_wid; rp_ang = rp_ang - pi_ line invis to last line.start ') `resized(factor,`macro name in quotes',args) multiply element body size by factor' define(`resized',`define(`m4resiztmp',dimen_)define(`dimen_',(dimen_)*(`$1'))dnl $2(shift(shift($@))) define(`dimen_',m4resiztmp)') `variable(`element', type, angle, length) overlaid arrow or line on two-terminal element to show variablility: type = [A|P|L|[u]N][C|S] A=arrow, P=preset, L=linear, N=nonlinear, C=continuous, S=setpwise' define(`variable',`$1 {[ define(`dna_',`ifelse($2,,A,$2)') ang = ifelse(`$3',,45,`$3') M4_T: Here+(Rect_(ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_*0.8',`$4'),ang)) sc_draw(`dna_',P,`Line: line to M4_T [line to (Rect_(dimen_/6,ang-90))] at Line.end') sc_draw(`dna_',L,`Line: line to M4_T') sc_draw(`dna_',N,`Line: line to M4_T ifelse(m4a,u,`line up dimen_/6 from Line.end', `line left dimen_/6 from Line.start')') sc_draw(`dna_',A,`Line: arrow to M4_T') sc_draw(`dna_',C,`move to Line.end+(dimen_*0.10,-dimen_*0.06) line to Here+(Rect_(dimen_/6,ang))') sc_draw(`dna_',S,`move to Line.end+(dimen_*0.10,-dimen_*0.12) line up dimen_*0.06 then right dimen_*0.12 then up dimen_*0.06') `$5'] with .Line.c at last [].c } ') `Line hopping over named lines, diverting left or right: crossover(linespec,L|R,line_name,line_name,...)' define(`hoprad_',`dimen_/12') define(`crossover',`eleminit_(`$1')dnl M4_Tmp: last line.end m4_xover_(shift($@))dnl line to M4_Tmp') define(`m4_xover_', `define(`m4_lt2',`ifelse(ifpstricks(T)`'ifmpost(T)`'ifpgf(T)`'ifsvg(T),T, `hlth',0)')dnl ifelse(`$2',,, `line to intersect_(last line.start,M4_Tmp,`$2'.start,`$2'.end)\ chop 0 chop hoprad_-m4_lt2 ifelse(`m4_lt2',0,,`move to rvec_(-m4_lt2,0)') arc ifelse(`$1',R,c)cw to rvec_(2*hoprad_,0) with .c at rvec_(hoprad_,0) ifelse(`m4_lt2',0,,`move to rvec_(-m4_lt2,0)') m4_xover_(`$1',shift(shift($@)))')') `NPDT(npoles,chars) Double throw switch chars: R = right orientation' define(`NPDT',`[define(`m4np',`ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1')')dnl define(`m4xR',ifinstr(`$2',R,R))define(`m4SR',ifelse(m4xR,R,-))dnl for_(1,m4np,1, `{ L`'ifelse(eval(m4np>1),1,m4x): dot(at rvec_(-dimen_/3,0),,1) } { X: Here T`'ifelse(eval(m4np>1),1,m4x): circle invis rad dotrad_ at X lswitch(from X to X+vec_(dimen_/3,0),m4xR,D) R`'ifelse(eval(m4np>1),1,m4x): circle invis rad dotrad_ at Here } ifelse(eval(m4x1),1,`move to vec_(dimen_/6,m4SR`'dimen_/10) DL: line dashed to rvec_(0,m4SR`'(m4np-3/4)*dimen_/2)') `$3']') `relay(npoles,chars,[L|R]) arg1: Number of poles (max 10) chars: O = normally open C = normally closed P = three position neither = double-throw (default) L = drawn left (default) R = drawn right T = thermal arg3: deprecated, kept for compatibility L = drawn left (default) R = drawn right ' define(`relay',`[ define(`m4n',`ifinstr(`$2',R,-,`$3',R,-,0+)') V1: Here L1: line to rvec_(dimen_/5,0) Box: lbox(dimen_/5,dimen_/2) ifinstr(`$2',T,`{move to rvec_(-dimen_/10,0) line from rvec_(-dimen_/20,dimen_/6) \ to rvec_(-dimen_/20,dimen_/20) \ then to rvec_(dimen_/20,dimen_/20) \ then to rvec_(dimen_/20,-dimen_/20) \ then to rvec_(-dimen_/20,-dimen_/20) \ then to rvec_(-dimen_/20,-dimen_/6)}') L2: line to rvec_(ifinstr(`$2',P,,2*)dimen_/5,0) V2: Here move to V2+vec_(0,m4n (dimen_/4+dimen_/5)) m4_contacts(1,ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1'), ifinstr(`$2',O,O,`$2',C,C)`'ifinstr(`$2',P,P)`'ifinstr(`$2',I,I), ifinstr(`$3',R,R,`$2',R,R)) ifelse(`$1',,,`ifelse(eval(`$1'>1),1,`DL: line dashed \ from P1+vec_(dimen_*0.261,-(m4n dimen_/10)) \ to P`'ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1')+vec_(dimen_*0.261,m4n dimen_/10)')') `$4'] ') define(`m4_contacts',`contact(`$3',`$4') with .O at Here define(`m4v',`ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1')')dnl P`$1': circle invis rad dotrad_ at last [].P ifelse(`$3',O,,C`$1': last [].C) ifelse(`$3',C,,O`$1': last [].O) ifelse(m4v,`$2',, `move to last[].C+(0,m4n dimen_/5) ifelse(eval(m4v<11),1,`m4_contacts(incr(m4v),`$2',`$3',`$4')')')') `reed(linespec,wid,ht,box attributes,[R][C]) Enclosed two-terminal reed contact; R=right orientation; C=closed; e.g. reed(,,dimen_/5,shaded "lightgreen"' define(`reed',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_*0.8',`($2)'))dnl define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_*0.3',`($3)'))dnl define(`m4ng',`ifinstr(`$5',R,-)')dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) {rotbox(m4wd,m4ht,$4,r=m4ht/2)} {line to rvec_(m4wd*0.2,0) then to \ rvec_(m4wd*0.6,m4ng`'ifinstr(`$5',C,lthick,m4ht/3))} line from rvec_(m4wd*0.5,0) to rvec_(m4wd,0) line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)} {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `contact(chars [,R]) Relay contact switch Arg 2 deprecated, kept for compatibility chars: P|O|C= three position, normally open, normally closed R= right orientation (default left) I= open circles for contacts' define(`contact',`[define(`m4n',`ifelse(ifinstr(`$1',R,R,`$2',R,R),R,-,0+)')dnl define(`m4dr',`dotrad_')dnl P: dot(,m4dr,1); line to rvec_(dimen_/2,0) chop m4dr chop 0 T: P+vec_(dimen_/2-dimen_/12,0) O: circle invis rad dotrad_ at T+vec_(dimen_/5,-(m4n dotrad_)) C: circle invis rad dotrad_ at T+vec_(dimen_/5,m4n dotrad_) ifinstr(`$1',O,,`move to T ifinstr(`$1',P,`+vec_(0,m4n`'dimen_/8)') ifinstr(`$1',I, `C: dot(at rvec_(0,m4n`'(m4dr`'ifinstr(`$1',P,*2)+lthick/2)),m4dr,1)', `arrow m4c_l <- ht dimen_/6 wid dimen_/6 \ to rvec_(0,m4n`'dimen_/4) \ then to rvec_(dimen_/5,m4n`'dimen_/4) C: Here')') ifinstr(`$1',C,,`move to T+vec_(0,-(m4n`'dimen_/8)) ifinstr(`$1',I, `O: dot(at rvec_(0,m4n`'(-m4dr*2)),m4dr,1)', `arrow m4c_l <- ht dimen_/6 wid dimen_/6 \ to rvec_(0,-(m4n`'dimen_/4)) \ then to rvec_(dimen_/5,-(m4n`'dimen_/4)) O: Here')'); `$3'] ') `ccoax(at location,M|F,diameter)' define(`ccoax',`[define(`m4cd',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_*0.4',`$3'))dnl S: circle diam m4cd C: circle diam m4cd/3 fill_(ifinstr(`$2',F,1,0)) at S `$4'] with .c ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')') `tconn( linespec, >|>>|<|<<|O[F], wid) terminal connector O=node (circle); OF=filled circle > (default) or >> =output < or << =input arg3 is arrowhead width or circle diam' define(`tconn', `define(`m4ph',`ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/6',`($3)/2')')dnl define(`m4ps',`dimen_/8') define(`m4cd',`ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/5',`$3')')dnl eleminit_(`$1',dimen_*3/4) M4Ss: last line.start; M4Se: last line.end ifelse(ifinstr(`$2',0,O,`$2'),O, `{circle diam m4cd ifinstr(`$2',OF,`fill_(0)') ifinstr(`$2',0F,`fill_(0)') \ at (m4cd)/2/distance(M4Ss,M4Se) between M4Se and M4Ss} {line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4cd}', `$2',<<, `{line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4ps+m4ph {line from rvec_(m4ph,m4ph) to Here then to rvec_(m4ph,-m4ph)} move to rvec_(m4ps,0) line from rvec_(m4ph,m4ph) to Here then to rvec_(m4ph,-m4ph)}', `$2',<, `{line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4ph line from rvec_(m4ph,m4ph) to Here then to rvec_(m4ph,-m4ph)}', `$2',>>, `{line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4ps {line from rvec_(-m4ph,m4ph) to Here then to rvec_(-m4ph,-m4ph)} move to rvec_(m4ps,0) line from rvec_(-m4ph,m4ph) to Here then to rvec_(-m4ph,-m4ph)}', `{line to last line.end line from rvec_(-m4ph,m4ph) to Here then to rvec_(-m4ph,-m4ph)}') line invis to M4Se') `tbox( text,wid,ht,<|>|<>,type ) Pointed terminal box. text is placed at centre of rectangle in math mode unless it starts with a double quote or sprintf arg4= > point on right end (default) < point on left end; <> both ends Defaults: wid dimen_*2/3 ht dimen_/3 type= eg dotted outlined "red" eg tbox(`$V_2$', 30pt__, 15pt__,,fill_(0.9) )' define(`tbox',`[ define(`m4td',`ifelse(`$4',,>,`$4')') pushdef(`m4tw2',`ifelse(`$2',,(dimen_*0.4),`(($2)/2)')')dnl pushdef(`m4th2',`ifelse(`$3',,(dimen_/6),`(($3)/2)')')dnl N: vec_(0,m4th2) NE: N+vec_(m4tw2 ifinstr(m4td,>,-m4th2),0) E: vec_(m4tw2,0) SE: NE+vec_(0,-m4th2*2) NW: N-vec_(m4tw2 ifinstr(m4td,<,-m4th2),0) W: vec_(-m4tw2,0) SW: NW+vec_(0,-m4th2*2) C: 0.5 between SW and NE line from N to NE ifinstr(m4td,>,then to E) then to SE \ then to SW ifinstr(m4td,<,then to W) then to NW then to N `$5' move to C ifelse(`$1',,,`m4lstring(`$1',`"iflatex(`$ `$1'$',` $1')"')') `$6' popdef(`m4th2') popdef(`m4tw2') ]') `pconnex(R|L|U|D|degrees,chars) arg1: drawing direction chars: R=right orientation M|F= male, female A[B]|AC =115V 3-prong, B=box (default), C=circle P= PC connector D= 2-pin connector G[B]|GC= 3-pin, B=default, C=circle J= 110V 2-pin ' define(`pconnex', `[ define(`m4sgn',ifinstr(`$2',F,,-))define(`m4R_',ifinstr(`$2',R,-))dnl setdir_(`$1') define(`m4na_',`ifelse(`$2',,A,`$2')')dnl ifinstr(m4na_,A,` Base: ifinstr(m4na_,AC,`circle diam dimen_',`[lbox(dimen_,dimen_) ]') N: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.3,m4na_) \ at Base+vec_(m4sgn`'(-dimen_*0.2),m4R_`'dimen_*0.15) H: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) \ at Base+vec_(m4sgn`'(dimen_*0.2),m4R_`'dimen_*0.15) gd = dimen_/12 G: [ifelse(ifgpic(T)`'ifinstr(m4na_,F,,T),TT, `circle fill_(m4fill) rad gd at vec_(0,m4R_`'gd/2) box fill_(m4fill) wid 2*gd ht gd at vec_(0,0)', `arc ifinstr(m4na_,R,,c)cw rad gd from vec_(gd,m4R_`'gd/2) \ to vec_(-gd,m4R_`'gd/2) with .c \ at vec_(0,m4R_`'gd/2) ifinstr(m4na_,F,, `ifdef(`r_',`shaded rgbstring(r_,g_,b_)',`fill_(m4fill)')') line from vec_(-gd,m4R_`'gd/2) \ to vec_(-gd,m4R_`'(-gd/2)) \ then to vec_(gd,m4R_`'(-gd/2)) \ then to vec_(gd,m4R_`'gd/2) ifinstr(m4na_,F,, `ifdef(`r_',`shaded rgbstring(r_,g_,b_)',`fill_(m4fill)')')') ] at Base+vec_(0,m4R_`'(-dimen_*0.25))', m4na_,P, `wd = dimen_; hd = wd*3/4 Base: [line to vec_(-wd/2,0) \ then to vec_(-wd/2,-hd*2/3) \ then to vec_(-wd/2+hd/3,-hd) \ then to vec_(wd/2-hd/3,-hd) \ then to vec_(wd/2,-hd*2/3) \ then to vec_(wd/2,0) \ then to Here] N: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) \ at Base+vec_(m4sgn`'(-dimen_*0.2),m4R_`'dimen_*0.15) H: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) \ at Base+vec_(m4sgn`'(dimen_*0.2),m4R_`'dimen_*0.15) G: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.20,m4na_) \ at Base+vec_(0,m4R_`'(-dimen_*0.15))', m4na_,D, `wd = dimen_*1.2; hd = wd/2 Base: [line to vec_(wd-hd,0) arc rad hd/2 ccw to rvec_(0,hd) with .c at rvec_(0,hd/2) line to rvec_(hd-wd,0) arc rad hd/2 ccw to rvec_(0,-hd) with .c at rvec_(0,-hd/2) ] H: m4pcrpin(dimen_/6,m4na_) at Base.c+vec_( (wd-hd)/2,0) N: m4pcrpin(dimen_/6,m4na_) at Base.c+vec_(-(wd-hd)/2,0)', m4na_,G, `wd = dimen_*1.3; hd = dimen_*1.2 Base: ifinstr(m4na_,GC,`circle diam wd', `[line to vec_(wd/2,0) \ then to vec_(wd/2,-hd*0.3) \ then to vec_(hd*0.15,-hd) \ then to vec_(-hd*0.15,-hd)\ then to vec_(-wd/2,-hd*0.3) \ then to vec_(-wd/2,0) \ then to Here ]') H: m4pconpin(dimen_*0.25,dimen_/8,m4na_) \ at Base.c+vec_(-dimen_/3,dimen_*0.3) N: m4pconpin(dimen_*0.25,dimen_/8,m4na_) \ at Base.c+vec_( dimen_/3,dimen_*0.3) G: m4pconpin(dimen_/8,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) \ at Base.c+vec_(0,-dimen_/3)', m4na_,J, `wd = dimen_; hd = wd/2 Base: [line to vec_(wd/2,0) \ then to vec_(wd/2,hd) \ then to vec_(-wd/2,hd) \ then to vec_(-wd/2,0) \ then to Here ] H: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) at Base.c+vec_( wd/4,0) N: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) at Base.c+vec_(-wd/4,0) ') `$3' ; resetdir_ ]') define(`m4pconpin',`[ifinstr(`$3',F,`lbox(`$1',`$2')', `m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(`$1',`$2'))')]') define(`m4pcrpin',`[ifinstr(`$2',F,`circle diam `$1'', `m4fshade(m4fill,circle diam `$1')')]') `Header(1|2,rows,wid,ht,type) arg1: number of columns arg2: pins per column arg3,4: custom sizes arg5: eg fill_(0.9)' define(`Header', `[define(`m4Hm',`ifelse(`$2',,2,`$2')')define(`m4Hn',`ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1')')dnl define(`m4Hw',`ifelse(`$3',,`m4Hn*L_unit*3',`($3)')')dnl define(`m4Hh',`ifelse(`$4',,`m4Hm*L_unit*3',`($4)')')dnl Block: rotbox(m4Hw,m4Hh,`$5') define(`m4Hct',1)dnl for_(1,m4Hm,1, `HeaderPin(Block.NW+vec_(L_unit*3/2,-(m4x-1/2)*m4Hh/m4Hm), eval(m4Hct-1), P`'m4Hct,w) define(`m4Hct',incr(m4Hct)) ifelse(m4Hn,2,`HeaderPin(Block.NE+vec_(-L_unit*3/2,-(m4x-1/2)*m4Hh/m4Hm), 1, P`'m4Hct,e) define(`m4Hct',incr(m4Hct))') ') `$6' ]') `HeaderPin(location,type,Picname, n|e|s|w,length)' define(`HeaderPin',`define(`m4Hpl',`ifelse(`$5',,`lg_plen*L_unit',`$5')')dnl move to `$1' line to ifelse(`$4',n,`rvec_(0,m4Hpl)', `$4',e,`rvec_(m4Hpl,0)',`$4',s,`rvec_(0,-m4Hpl)',`rvec_(-m4Hpl,0)') ifelse(`$3',,,`$3': Here) ifelse(`$3',,,Pin`$3':) ifelse(`$2',0, `rotbox(L_unit,L_unit,fill_(1))', `circle diam L_unit fill_(1)') at last line.start ') `nport(box specs; other commands, nw,nn,ne,ns, space ratio,pin lgth,style,other commands) Default is a standard-box twoport. Args 2 to 5 are the number of ports to be drawn on w, n, e, s sides. The port pins are named by side, number, and by a or b pin, e.g. W1a, W1b, W2a, ... . Arg 6 specifies the ratio of port width to interport space (default 2), and arg 7 is the pin length. Set arg 8 to N to omit the dots on the port pins. Arguments 1 and 9 allow customizations' define(`nport',`[Box: box `$1' r = ifelse(`$6',,2.0,`$6') plg = ifelse(`$7',,`dimen_/4',`$7') # `West side' define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2'`$3'`$4'`$5',,1,`$2',,0,`($2)')') d = Box.ht/(m4n*(r+1)+1) move to Box.nw+(0,-d); down_ m4portpins(-plg,d*r,d,W,`$8') # `North side' ifelse(`$3',,,`define(`m4n',`($3)') d = Box.wid/(m4n*(r+1)+1) move to Box.nw+(d,0); right_ m4portpins(plg,d*r,d,N,`$8')') # `East side' define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2'`$3'`$4'`$5',,1,`$4',,0,`($4)')') d = Box.ht/(m4n*(r+1)+1) move to Box.ne+(0,-d); down_ m4portpins(plg,d*r,d,E,`$8') # `South side' ifelse(`$5',,,`define(`m4n',`($5)') d = Box.wid/(m4n*(r+1)+1) move to Box.sw+(d,0); right_ m4portpins(-plg,d*r,d,S,`$8')') `$9']') define(`m4portpins',`for_(1,m4n,1, `{ if (`$1' != 0) then { line to rvec_(0,`$1') } `$4'`'m4x`'a: ifelse(xtract(`$5',N),N,Here,`dot') } move to rvec_(`$2',0) { if (`$1' != 0) then { line to rvec_(0,`$1') } `$4'`'m4x`'b: ifelse(xtract(`$5',N),N,Here,`dot') } ifelse(m4x,m4n,,`move to rvec_(`$3',0)')')') `gyrator(box specs,space ratio,pin lgth,style) Gyrator two-port wrapper for nport e.g. gyrator(ht boxwid invis,,0,N)' define(`gyrator', `define(`m4dna_',ifelse(xtract(`$4',V)`'xtract(`$4',H),,H`$4',`$4'))dnl sc_draw(`m4dna_',H, `nport(ifelse(`$1',,wid boxht,`$1'),1,,1,,`$2',`$3',`$4', line from (Box,W1a)+(-Box.wid/2,0) \ left -Box.wid/4 then down W1a.y-W1b.y then right -Box.wid/4 arcd(Box+(-Box.wid/4,0),(W1a.y-W1b.y)/3,-90,-270) line from (Box,W1a)+(Box.wid/2,0) \ left Box.wid/4 then down W1a.y-W1b.y then right Box.wid/4 arcd(Box+(Box.wid/4,0),(W1a.y-W1b.y)/3,90,270) `$5')')dnl sc_draw(`m4dna_',V, `nport(ifelse(`$1',,wid boxht,`$1'),,1,,1,`$2',`$3',`$4', line from (N1a,Box)+(0,-Box.ht/2) \ down -Box.ht/4 then right N1b.x-N1a.x then up -Box.ht/4 arcd(Box+(0,-Box.ht/4),(N1b.x-N1a.x)/3,-90+90,-90+270) line from (N1a,Box)+(0,Box.ht/2) \ down Box.ht/4 then right N1b.x-N1a.x then up Box.ht/4 arcd(Box+(0,Box.ht/4),(N1b.x-N1a.x)/3,90+90,90+270) `$5')') ') `nullator(linespec, wid, ht)' define(`nullator',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))dnl define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/4',`($3)'))dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) move to rvec_(m4wd/2,0) { spline ifdpic(0.58) from rvec_(ifdpic(0,-m4wd/20),m4ht/2) \ to rvec_(m4wd/20*3,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/2,m4ht/4) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/2,-m4ht/4) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/20*3,-m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(-m4wd/20*3,-m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(-m4wd/2,-m4ht/4) \ then to rvec_(-m4wd/2,m4ht/4) \ then to rvec_(-m4wd/20*3,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(ifdpic(0,m4wd/20),m4ht/2) } line from rvec_(m4wd/2,0) \ to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2),0)} {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `norator(linespec, wid, ht)' define(`norator',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))dnl define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/4',`($3)'))dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) move to rvec_(m4wd/2,0) for i=-1 to 1 by 2 do { { spline to rvec_(i*m4wd/4,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(i*m4wd/2,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(i*m4wd/2,-m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(i*m4wd/4,-m4ht/2) \ then to Here } } line from rvec_(m4wd/2,0) \ to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2),0)} {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `n-terminal box nterm(box specs; other commands, nw,nn,ne,ns, pin lgth,style,other commands) The default is three-terminal. Args 2 to 5 are the number of pins to be drawn on W, N, E, S sides. The pins are named by side and number, e.g. W1, W2, N1, ... Arg 6 is the pin length. Set arg 7 to N to omit the dots on the pins. Arguments 1 and 8 allow customizations, e.g. nterm(,,,,,,N, "$a$" at Box.w ljust "$b$" at Box.e rjust "$c$" at Box.s above) ' define(`nterm',`[Box: box ifelse(`$1',,wid dimen_ ht dimen_*2/3,`$1') plg = ifelse(`$6',,`dimen_/4',`$6') # `West side' define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2'`$3'`$4'`$5',,1,`$2',,0,`($2)')') d = Box.ht/(m4n+1) move to Box.nw+(0,-d); down_ m4termpins(-plg,d,W,`$7') # `North side' ifelse(`$3',,,`define(`m4n',`($3)') d = Box.wid/(m4n+1) move to Box.nw+(d,0); right_ m4termpins(plg,d,N,`$7')') # `East side' define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2'`$3'`$4'`$5',,1,`$4',,0,`($4)')') d = Box.ht/(m4n+1) move to Box.ne+(0,-d); down_ m4termpins(plg,d,E,`$7') # `South side' define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2'`$3'`$4'`$5',,1,`$5',,0,`($5)')') d = Box.wid/(m4n+1) move to Box.sw+(d,0); right_ m4termpins(-plg,d,S,`$7') `$8']') define(`m4termpins',`for_(1,m4n,1, `{ if (`$1' != 0) then { line to rvec_(0,`$1') } `$3'`'m4x: ifelse(xtract(`$4',N),N,Here,`dot') } ifelse(m4x,m4n,,`move to rvec_(`$2',0)')')') `speaker(U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size, type) type=H horn' define(`speaker',`[setdir_($1,R) define(`m4v',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/3',`($2)/4')')dnl define(`m4h',`m4v*sqrt(2)')dnl ifelse(`$3',H, `{H1: line from rvec_(m4h,m4v/2) \ to rvec_(m4h*3/2,m4v*7/8) \ then to rvec_(m4h*3/2,-m4v*7/8) \ then to rvec_(m4h,-m4v/2)}', `{H1: line from rvec_(m4h,m4v) \ to rvec_(m4h*2,m4v*2) \ then to rvec_(m4h*2,-m4v*2) \ then to rvec_(m4h,-m4v)}') {lbox(m4h,m4v*2)} {Box: box invis ht_ m4v*2 wid_ m4h at rvec_(m4h/2,0)} In1: rvec_(0,m4v/2) In2: Here In3: rvec_(0,-m4v/2) In4: rvec_(m4h/4,m4v) In5: rvec_(m4h*3/4,m4v) In6: rvec_(m4h/4,-m4v) In7: rvec_(m4h*3/4,-m4v) `$4'; resetdir_ ]') `bell(U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size)' define(`bell',`[setdir_($1,R) define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl {lbox(m4h,m4h)} {Box: box invis ht_ m4h wid_ m4h at rvec_(m4h/2,0)} {Circle: circle diameter m4h at rvec_(m4h*3/2,0)} In1: rvec_(0,m4h/4) In2: Here In3: rvec_(0,-m4h/4) `$3'; resetdir_ ]') `microphone(U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size)' define(`microphone',`[setdir_($1,R) define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl {L1: line from rvec_(m4h,-m4h/2) \ to rvec_(m4h,m4h/2)} {Circle: circle diameter m4h at rvec_(m4h/2,0)} In1: rvec_(m4h*(2-sqrt(3))/4,m4h/4) In2: Here In3: rvec_(m4h*(2-sqrt(3))/4,-m4h/4) `$3'; resetdir_ ]') `buzzer(U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size,[C])' define(`buzzer',`[setdir_($1,R) ifelse(`$3',, `define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl {L1: line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h,m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(0,m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(m4h,-m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(m4h,0)} {Box: box invis ht_ m4h wid_ m4h at rvec_(m4h/2,0)} {L2: line from rvec_(m4h,m4h/2) \ to rvec_(m4h,m4h/2)+vec_(Rect_(m4h,-75))} In1: rvec_(0,m4h/4) In2: Here In3: rvec_(0,-m4h/4)', `$3',C,`define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`(dimen_/3)',`(($2)/2)')')dnl {Face: line from rvec_(m4h,-m4h) \ to rvec_(m4h,m4h)} {arc ccw from Face.end to Face.start with .c at Face.c} In1: rvec_(m4h-sqrt(m4h^2-(m4h/3)^2),m4h/3) In2: Here In3: rvec_(m4h-sqrt(m4h^2-(m4h/3)^2),-m4h/3)') `$4'; resetdir_ ]') `earphone(U|D|L|R|degrees, size, [C][R]) earphone pair if arg3 contains C' define(`earphone',`[ setdir_($1,R) define(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`($2)')')dnl ifinstr(`$3',C, `L: circle diam m4h*0.4 R: circle diam m4h*0.4 at L+vec_(m4h,0) C: 0.5 between L and R N: C+(vscal_(m4h/2,Vperp(L,R))) Lx: Cintersect(L,L.rad,C,m4h/2,`$3') Rx: Cintersect(C,m4h/2,R,R.rad,`$3') arc ifinstr(`$3',R,c)cw rad m4h/2 from Lx to Rx with .c at C', `{lbox(m4h/3,m4h/2)} {Box: box invis ht_ m4h/2 wid_ m4h/3 at rvec_(m4h/6,0)} {L1: line thick 2*linethick from rvec_(m4h/3+linethick pt__,-m4h/3) \ to rvec_(m4h/3+linethick pt__, m4h/3) } In1: rvec_(0,m4h/8) In2: Here In3: rvec_(0,-m4h/8)') `$4'; resetdir_ ]') `Signal-flow graph macros: labeled node, directed labeled chopped straight line, directed labeled chopped arc, and a self loop. All are contained in [] blocks.' `Signal-flow graph initialization macro sfg_init(line len, node rad, arrowhd len, arrowhd wid)' ifdef(`sfg_init',, `define(`sfg_init',`cct_init sfg_wid = ifelse(`$1',,`(linewid/0.75*(2.5+0.25)/4)',(`$1'))# default line len sfg_rad = ifelse(`$2',,(0.25/4/2),(`$2')) # node radius sfg_aht = ifelse(`$3',,(0.25/4),(`$3')) # arrow height (arrowhead length) sfg_awid = ifelse(`$4',,`sfg_aht',(`$4')) # arrowhead width ')') `sfgline(linespec, text,sfgabove|sfgbelow|ljust|rjust, attributes) Draw a straight line with linespec, chopped by node radius, with optional label' define(`sfgline',`eleminit_(`$1',sfg_wid) [ L1: line to rvec_(rp_len,0) chop sfg_rad `$4' Start: last line.start End: Here move to last line.c ifelse(ifinstr(`$4',->,T,`$4',<-,T),, `{ arrow m4c_l ht sfg_aht wid sfg_awid from rvec_(-sfg_aht/2,0) \ to rvec_(sfg_aht/2,0) }') ifelse(`$2',,,`"iflatex(`$ `$2'$',` $2')" ifelse(`$3',,`sfgabove',`$3')') ] with .Start at rvec_(sfg_rad,0) move to last [].End ') `Like above_ or below_ but adding extra space to put text above or below arrowheads or nodes' define(`sfgabove',`at Here+(0,sfg_awid/2) above') define(`sfgbelow',`at Here+(0,-sfg_awid/2) below') `sfgnode(at pos,text,above_,circle options) Node: a white circle, possibly labelled. The default label position is inside if the diameter is bigger than textht and textwid' define(`sfgnode', `[C: circle fill_(1) rad sfg_rad ifelse(`$4',,`thickness 0.5',`$4')] with .c \ ifelse(`$1',,`at rvec_(sfg_rad,0)',`$1') move to last [].c ifelse(`$2',,, `if 2*sfg_rad > Max(textwid,textht,10pt__) \ then { {"iflatex(`$ `$2'$',` $2')" `$3'} } \ else { {"iflatex(`$ `$2'$',` $2')" ifelse(`$3',,`sfgabove',`$3')} }') ') `sfgarc(linespec,label,above_,cw|ccw,sfact) An arc between nodes at the endpoints of the linespec. The resulting positions Start, End, C (arc center) and M (arc midpoint) are defined. The fifth argument scales the arc height above its chord.' define(`sfgarc',`eleminit_(`$1',sfg_wid) [ Start: Here End: Start + vec_(rp_len,0) chordht = (rp_len/sqrt(2)-rp_len/2)ifelse(`$5',,,`*($5)') arcrd = (chordht^2+(rp_len)^2/4)/chordht/2 C: 0.5 between Start and End; C: C+vec_(0,ifelse(`$4',ccw,,-)(arcrd-chordht)) M: C + vec_( 0,ifelse(`$4',ccw,-)arcrd) ifelse(ifinstr(`$1',->,T)ifinstr(`$1',<-,T),, `arc -> m4c_l ifelse(`$4',ccw,ccw,cw) \ from Cintersect(Start,sfg_rad,C,arcrd,ifelse(`$4',ccw,R)) \ to Cintersect(C,arcrd,M,sfg_aht/2,ifelse(`$4',ccw,,R)) \ ht sfg_aht wid sfg_awid with .c at C arc m4c_l ifelse(`$4',ccw,ccw,cw) from M \ to Cintersect(C,arcrd,End,sfg_rad,ifelse(`$4',ccw,R)) with .c at C', `arc m4c_l patsubst(patsubst(`$1',.*<-,<-),->.*$,->) ifelse(`$4',ccw,ccw,cw)\ from Cintersect(Start,sfg_rad,C,arcrd,ifelse(`$4',ccw,R)) \ to Cintersect(C,arcrd,End,sfg_rad,ifelse(`$4',ccw,R)) with .c at C') ifelse(`$2',,,`{move to M; "iflatex(`$ `$2'$',` $2')" ifelse(`$3',, `sfgabove',`$3')}') ] with .Start at last line.start move to last line.end ') `sfgself(at position,U|D|L|R|degrees,label,above_,cw|ccw,sfact, [-> | <- | <->]) A teardrop-shaped self-loop drawn at "angle" degrees from "positon". The resulting Origin and M (arc midpoint) are defined. The sixth argument scales the loop. The seventh puts the arrowhead at the beginning, end, or both' define(`sfgself',`[ Origin: Here setdir_(`$2',U) d = ifelse(`$6',,,`($6)*') sfg_wid/2; d = d * max(1,sfg_rad/(0.3605*d)) { m4sfgselfcurve(-, ifelse(`$5',ccw,`ifinstr(`$7',<-,<-)',`ifinstr(`$7',->,<-)')) M: Here ifelse(`$7',,`{ arrow m4c_l from rvec_(0,ifelse(`$5',cw,,-)sfg_aht/2) \ to rvec_(0,ifelse(`$5',cw,-)sfg_aht/2) ht sfg_aht wid sfg_awid }') ifelse(`$3',,, `"iflatex(`$ `$3'$',` $3')" ifelse(`$4',,`sfgabove',`$4')') } m4sfgselfcurve(, ifelse(`$5',ccw,`ifinstr(`$7',->,<-)',`ifinstr(`$7',<-,<-)')) resetdir_ ] with .Origin ifelse(`$1',,at Here,`$1') move to last [].Origin ') define(`m4sfgselfcurve',`spline `$2' m4c_l from rvec_(Rect_(sfg_rad,`$1'30)) \ to rvec_(0.3*d,`$1'0.2*d) \ then to rvec_(0.6*d,`$1'0.35*d) \ then to rvec_(0.9*d,`$1'0.35*d) \ then to rvec_(d,`$1'0.2*d) \ then to rvec_(d,0)') `winding(L|R,diam, pitch, nturns, core wid, core color ) The complete spline is drawn, then parts of it are overwritten with the background color (default white). Arg 1 contains R for right-handed winding. Arg 4 must be an integer. Arg 6 must be compatible with the postprocessor. Requires a recent version of dpic or gpic' define(`winding',`[ define(`m4rt',`ifinstr(`$1',R,-)') d = ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`$2') p = ifelse(`$3',,d/4,`$3') define(`m4n0',`ifelse(`$4',,1,`eval(`$4'-1)')')dnl w = ifelse(`$5',,d*3/4,`$5') W: spline from (0,0) to (0,0) dnl for_(0,m4n0,1, `then to vec_(m4rt`'(m4x*p),d) \ then to vec_(m4rt`'(m4x*p+p/2),d) \ then to vec_(m4rt`'(m4x*p+p/2),0)`'ifelse(m4x,m4n0,,` \ then to vec_(m4rt`'(m4x*p+p),0) \')') if w > 0 then { dx = sign(p)*(linethick+0.5)/2 bp__ vx = p*min(w/d/8+dx/p,0.25) for i=0 to m4n0 do { line color ifelse(`$6',,rgbstring(1,1,1),m4lstring(`$6',"`$6'")) \ thick max(w/(1bp__)-linethick,0) \ from vec_(m4rt`'(i*p-dx),d/2) \ to vec_(m4rt`'(i*p+vx),d/2) dx = vx } } T1: W.ifinstr(`$1',R,end,start) T2: W.ifinstr(`$1',R,start,end) `$7']') `tstrip(U|D|L|R|degrees, n, chars) Terminal strip n=integer number of terminals (default 4) chars: I=invisible terminals C=circle terminals (default) D=dot terminals O=omitted internal lines wid=val; total strip width ht=val; strip height ' define(`tstrip',`[ setdir_(`$1') define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,4,`eval($2)')')dnl ifelse(eval(m4n<1),1,`define(`m4n',1)')dnl setkey_(`$3',ht,dimen_/2)dnl setkey_(`$3',wid,m4n*m4ht*0.6)dnl {Box: [shade(1,lbox(m4wid,m4ht))] } bw = m4wid/(m4n) ifinstr(`$3',O,,`for i=1 to m4n-1 do { {move to rvec_(i*bw,-m4ht/2); line to rvec_(0,m4ht)}}') for_(1,m4n,1,`{T`'m4x: ifinstr(`$3',I,`rvec_((m4x-0.5)*bw,0)', `dot(at rvec_((m4x-0.5)*bw,0),,ifinstr(`$3',D,0,1))') {L`'m4x: T`'m4x+vec_(0,m4ht/2)}; {R`'m4x: T`'m4x+vec_(0,-m4ht/2)} }') `$4' popdef(`m4ht')popdef(`m4ht') resetdir_ ]') `jack(U|D|L|R|degrees, chars) Phone jack; arg1 sets drawing direction chars: L|LM|LB|LMB=long and aux contacts; M|B make|break arrows S|SM|SB|SMB=short and aux contacts; M|B make|break arrows R=right orientation with respect to drawing direction ' define(`jack',`[ setdir_(`$1') define(`dna_',`ifelse(`$2',,L,`$2',R,L,`$2')')dnl s=ifinstr(dna_,R,-1,1) ght = dimen_/2 {Sleeve: [shade(1,lbox(dimen_/12,ght))] } G: Sleeve+vec_(0,-ght/2*s) F: Sleeve+vec_(dimen_/24,0) aht = dimen_/8 Q: Sleeve+vec_(-dimen_*0.7,s*(ght*0.45-aht*3)) define(`m4jbm',) m4auxcontacts(`dna_',L,s,) Q: Sleeve+vec_(-dimen_*0.7,(aht*3-ght*0.45)*s) define(`m4jbm',) m4auxcontacts(`dna_',S,-s,) `$3'; resetdir_ ] ') define(`m4auxcontacts',`ifinstr($1,$2, `define(`m4I_',index($1,$2))dnl define(`m4abm',ifelse(substr($1,incr(m4I_),1),M, M`'ifelse(substr($1,eval(2+m4I_),1),B,B), substr($1,incr(m4I_),1),B, B`'ifelse(substr($1,eval(2+m4I_),1),M,M)))dnl define(`$1',substr($1,0,m4I_)`'substr($1,eval(m4I_+len(m4abm)+1)))dnl cht = aht*ifelse(ifinstr(m4jbm,M,T)`'ifinstr(m4abm,B,T),TT,3.9,3) Z: jackcontact(ifelse(`$2',S,0.5,0.6)*dimen_,m4abm`'ifelse($4,,,H),$3) \ with .T at Q+vec_(0,$3*cht) $2`'$4: Z.T; Q: $2`'$4 define(`m4jbm',m4abm) ifinstr(m4abm,M, $2`'M`'$4: Z.M) ifinstr(m4abm,B,; $2`'B`'$4: Z.B) m4auxcontacts(`$1',$2,$3,ifelse($4,,1,`incr($4)'))')') `jackcontact(length,chars,sign) Phone jack contact to left chars: R: right orientation to drawing direction M|B: make|break contact arrows ' define(`jackcontact',`[ Point: (0,0) line from Point ifinstr(`$2',H,`-vec_(dimen_/10,0)', `to vec_(-dimen_/16,neg_(`$3')*dimen_/16) \ then to vec_(-dimen_/8,0) then') \ to vec_(neg_(`$1'),0) T: dot(,,1) C: T+vec_(dimen_/5,0) ifinstr(`$2',H,` Connector: [shade(1,lbox(dimen_/24,cht))] \ at T+vec_((`$1')-dimen_*0.16,neg_(`$3')*cht/2)')dnl ifinstr(`$2',M,` M: C+vec_(0,`$3'*aht*1.9) arrow m4c_l <- ht aht wid aht from C+vec_(0,`$3'*aht*0.4) \ to M ')dnl ifinstr(`$2',B,` B: C+vec_(0,neg_(`$3')*aht*1.5) arrow m4c_l <- ht aht wid aht from C to B ') ; `$4' ] ') `plug(U|D|L|R|degrees, chars) Phone plug; arg1 sets drawing direction chars: 2|3= two|three conductor R= right orientation wrt drawing direction ' define(`plug',`[ setdir_(`$1') s=ifinstr(`$2',R,-1,1) ght = ifinstr(`$2',3,`dimen_*0.5',`dimen_*0.4') A: Here AA: line to rvec_(dimen_*0.3,0) \ then to rvec_(dimen_*0.3,s*ght/3) \ then to rvec_(dimen_*0.7,s*ght/3); TA: dot(,,1) ifinstr(`$2',3,` C: A+vec_(0,s*ght/2) TC: line from C to C+vec_(dimen_*0.6,0); TC: Here B: 2 between A and C',`B: A+vec_(0,s*ght)') BB: line from B to B+vec_(dimen_*0.3,0) \ then to B+vec_(dimen_*0.3,-s*ght/3) \ then to B+vec_(dimen_*0.6,-s*ght/3); TB: Here `$3'; resetdir_ ]') `A dabble in quantum circuits: SQUID(n,diameter,initial angle,cw|ccw) Superconducting quantum interface device with n junctions labeled J1, ... Jn placed around a circle with initial angle -90 deg (by default) with respect to the current drawing direction. The default diameter is dimen_' define(`SQUID', `[ define(`m4sqn',`ifelse(`$1',,2,`$1')')dnl define(`m4ssz',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`$2')')dnl define(`m4sof',`ifelse(`$3',,-90,`$3')')dnl define(`m4ssg',`ifelse(`$4',,+,`$4',ccw,+,-)(m4x-1)/(m4sqn)*360')dnl define(`m4sxlen',C.rad/4)dnl C: circle diam m4ssz for_(1,m4sqn,1, `move to C+vec_(Rect_(C.rad,m4sof`'m4ssg)) J`'m4x: Here { line from rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg+45)) \ to rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg+225)) } { line from rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg-45)) \ to rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg-225)) }') `$5' ]') `============================================================================== Customizations: The size and style parameters below can be tweaked, and the cct_init macro modified.' Size and style parameters: define(`dimen_',`linewid') Default element body size unit define(`sourcerad_',`(0.25*dimen_)') Source element default radius define(`csdim_',`(0.3*dimen_)') Controlled Source width/2 define(`elen_',`(1.5*dimen_)') Default element length define(`delay_rad_',`(0.35*dimen_)') Delay elements define(`dotrad_',`(0.04*dimen_)') Redefine dot size for circuits define(`m4fill',0) Default fill for diode, fuse, ... define(`em_arrowwid',`(dimen_/9)') `em_arrows arrowhead width' define(`em_arrowht',`(dimen_/7)') `em_arrows arrowhead ht' define(`em_arrowhead',1) `em_arrows arrowhead style' right_ divert(0)dnl