SVG Circuit_macros examples, Version XXX

These diagrams are in .svg format. Pdf and png versions are also available. The PDF equivalent can be found in examples.pdf of the distribution.

Click on the link to view the source of each diagram.



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These diagrams have been adapted from the Circuit_macros examples in order to test the experimental svg output of dpic. Generating the line art is relatively straightforward, but the labeling is not created by a text processor and therefore must be more basic. Some of these diagrams might benefit from a little more tweaking of fonts and labels.

These examples conform to the latest dpic, which has changed the treatment of text sizing. That is, "Text" ht y sets the true height of SVG text to y rather than the nominal height as previously.

There are a number of other issues:

cfig(quickSVG) cfig(CctTableSVG) cfig(DiodesSVG) cfig(EmarrowsSVG) cfig(SourcesSVG) cfig(VariableSVG) cfig(AmpTableSVG) cfig(FusesSVG) cfig(SwitchesSVG) cfig(GroundsSVG) cfig(AntennasSVG) cfig(AudioSVG) cfig(OpampSVG) cfig(XformSVG) cfig(NPDTSVG) cfig(ContactSVG) cfig(ContactsSVG) cfig(relaycoilSVG) cfig(RelaySVG) cfig(JackSVG) cfig(ConnSVG) cfig(PconnSVG) cfig(HeadersSVG) cfig(fetSVG) cfig(ujtSVG) cfig(thyristorSVG) cfig(BipSVG) cfig(TgateSVG) cfig(NportSVG) cfig(NLGSVG) cfig(WindingsSVG) cfig(ex01.m4) cfig(TimerSVG) cfig(OptoisoSVG) cfig(MixerSVG) cfig(PushPullSVG) cfig(QuantumSVG) cfig(SQUIDSVG) cfig(SixpoleSVG) cfig(ex18SVG) cfig(MCSVG) cfig(ex10SVG) cfig(ThreeSVG) cfig(ex17SVG) cfig(ex02SVG) cfig(ex12SVG) cfig(pwrsupplySVG) cfig(TTLnandSVG) cfig(I2LSVG) cfig(SchottkySVG) cfig(ex11SVG) cfig(ex04SVG) cfig(CsourceSVG) cfig(DriveSVG) cfig(ex16SVG) cfig(ex03SVG) cfig(MotorControlSVG) cfig(RectifiersSVG) cfig(HeathkitSVG) cfig(lcctSVG) cfig(TubediagsSVG) cfig(sfgSVG) cfig(LogicSVG) cfig(ex08SVG) cfig(DecoderSVG) cfig(ex21SVG) cfig(MultiplexerSVG) cfig(DemultiplexerSVG) cfig(ShiftRSVG) cfig(AdderSVG) cfig(CanLogicSVG) cfig(AlogixSVG) cfig(ABlogixSVG) cfig(XORSVG) cfig(ex00SVG) cfig(controlSVG) cfig(GrayCodeSVG) cfig(CrossbarSVG) cfig(ByteSVG) cfig(RotboxSVG) cfig(ex06SVG) cfig(ex09SVG) cfig(ex05SVG) cfig(LoglogSVG) cfig(randomSVG) cfig(expSVG) cfig(graysurfSVG) cfig(shapesSVG) cfig(AntiqueClockSVG) cfig(cscSVG) cfig(roseSVG) cfig(diamondSVG) cfig(wormSVG) cfig(ButtonsSVG) cfig(DiniSVG) cfig(SierpinskiSVG) cfig(recycleSVG) cfig(ex15SVG) cfig(CountingSVG) cfig(CrowSVG) cfig(FlowSVG) cfig(BtreeSVG) cfig(TtreeSVG) cfig(InclepsSVG) cfig(FontsSVG)