.PS # CrullerSVG.m4 threeD_init NeedDpicTools scale = 2.54 define(`lobe',`(sind(6*(`$1'))+4)/5*2.25') viewazimuth = 20 # Set view angles in degrees viewelevation = 30 setview(viewazimuth,viewelevation,0) dt = 3 # major angle degrees per facet ds = 10 # minor angle degrees per facet tradius = 6 define(`cruller',`rot3Dz((`$1')*dtor_, sum3D(0,tradius,0,0,Rect_(lobe(`$2'+2*(`$1')),`$2')))') define(`tvisible',`dot3D(View3D, cross3D(diff3D(cruller(`$1'+dt/2,`$2'),cruller(`$1',`$2')), diff3D(cruller(`$1',`$2'+ds/2),cruller(`$1',`$2'))))') # create the arrays and sort n = 0 for t = dt to 360+dt/2 by dt do { for s=ds/2 to 360.1 by ds do { if tvisible(t,s) > -0.01 then { n +=1 t[n] = t s[n] = s d[n] = dot3D(cruller(t,s),view3D1,view3D2,view3D3) # view distance ix[n] = n } } } # prval(n) dpquicksort(d,1,n,ix) # Background Bne: (9,6) Bsw: (-9,-6) B: 0.5 between Bne and Bsw iflatex(`line fill_(0.75) \ from (Bsw,Bne) to Bsw then to (Bne,Bsw) then to Bne then to (Bsw,Bne)', `ShadedPolygon((Bsw,Bne):Bsw:(Bne,Bsw):Bne,,-30, 0,1,1,1, .5,.1,.4,0, 1,0,0,0) at B') # draw the facets thinlines_ [ rgbtohsv(0.6,0.4,0,h,s,v) for i = 1 to n do { tc = t[ix[i]]; sc = s[ix[i]] SE: Project(cruller(tc+dt/2,sc-ds/2)) SW: Project(cruller(tc-dt/2,sc-ds/2)) NW: Project(cruller(tc-dt/2,sc+ds/2)) NE: Project(cruller(tc+dt/2,sc+ds/2)) f = ((dcosine3D(3,cruller(tc,sc))/2.25+1)/2)^2 hsvtorgb(h,(1-f)*s,1,r,g,b) line outlined rgbstring(r,g,b) shaded rgbstring(r,g,b) ifpdf( invis ) \ from SE to SW then to NW then to NE then to SE } ] at B thicklines_ .PE