#!/bin/sh # mftest -- script to test the mf version of a single picture file # # Usage: mftest file # # e.g. copy ex01.m4 here and type ./mftest ex01 # Invokes m4 on file.m4, and builds the resulting picture in file.ps LIBS=mfpic.m4 MODE=ljfzzz echo "\documentclass{article} \usepackage[amssymb,Gray,thinqspace,textstyle]{SIunits} \usepackage{mfpic} &begin{document} \opengraphsfile{"$1"mfpic} %{This is a test of the -m option of dpic (mfpic output).}" \ | tr '\046' '\134' > $1.tex m4 -B16000 $LIBS $1.m4 | dpic -m >> $1.tex echo " &closegraphsfile \end{document}" | tr '\046' '\134' >> $1.tex echo " latex "$1 latex $1 echo " mf \mode:=$MODE; scrollmode; input $1""mfpic < /dev/null" mf "\mode:="$MODE"; scrollmode; input "$1mfpic < /dev/null echo " gftopk:" ls $1mfpic.*gf | sed -e 's/^/gftopk /' \ -e "s/$1mfpic.\([0-9]*\)gf/$1mfpic.\1gf $1mfpic.\1pk/" | sh ls $1mfpic.*gf $1mfpic.*pk cp $1mfpic.*pk $1mfpic.pk echo " TEXFORMATS=.: TEXFONTS=.: latex $1" TEXFORMATS=.: TEXFONTS=.: latex $1 echo " TEXPKS=.: dvips -M1 -P$MODE $1 -o" TEXPKS=.: dvips -M1 -P$MODE $1 -o