.PS # keyboardDPV.m4 gen_init scale=25.4 # unit is mm divert(-1) define(`kbd_u',(11mm__)) define(`kbdrowsep',`movewid') define(`kbdshadewid',`(kbd_u/9)') `kbdkey(name|text=chars,keys) chars: string or string string keys: wdth=expr; # base wid hght=expr; # base ht rad=expr; # base rad shadewid=expr; # base shade wid base=attribs; # base attributes top=attribs; # top attributes ' define(`kbdkey', `pushkeys_(`$2', wdth:kbd_u; hght:kbd_u*14/13+lthick; rad:kbd_u/10; shadewid:kbdshadewid; base:fill_(0.3):N; top:fill_(0.9):N)dnl [ Base: box wid m4wdth ht m4hght rad m4rad m4base Top: box wid m4wdth-2*m4shadewid ht m4hght-m4shadewid-lthick \ rad m4rad*(kbd_u-2*m4shadewid)/(kbd_u) with .n \ at Base.n-(0,lthick) m4top move to Top.w ifelse(`$1',,,`pushkey_(`$1',text,,N)ifelse(m4text,, `"iflatex(\sf) `$1'" above ljust', `m4text');') `$3' popdef(`m4wdth', `m4hght', `m4shadewid', `m4rad', `m4base', `m4top') dnl popdef(`m4text') ] ') define(`tsmall', `iflatex(`"{\sf\scriptsize `$1'}"', ifelse(`$3',,")svg_fsize(`$1',ifelse(`$2',,75,`$2'))ifelse(`$3',,"))') define(`stkbdkey', `iflatex(`command "{\sf\scriptsize"',`m4tmp=textht textht = ifelse(`$1',,0.66*textht,`$1') ') kbdkey(shift($*)) iflatex(`command "}%"',`textht = m4tmp')') `enterkey(name|text=chars,keys) chars: string or string string keys: wdth=expr; # base wid hght=expr; # base ht bhght=expr; # ht of bottom part rad=expr; # base rad shadewid=expr; # base shade wid base=attribs; # base attributes top=attribs; # top attributes ' define(`enterkey', `pushkeys_(`$2', wdth:kbd_u*2.26; hght:kbd_u*14/13*2+kbdrowsep+linethick bp__; bhght: kbd_u*14/13; twdth: kbd_u*3/2; rad:kbd_u/10; shadewid:kbdshadewid; base:fill_(0.3):N; top:fill_(0.9):N)dnl [ ltx = lthick; r = m4rad*(kbd_u-2*m4shadewid)/(kbd_u) # thick outer linethick = (m4shadewid+r)/(1bp__); lth2 = lthick/2 NEx: Here; NE: NEx-(lth2,lth2); SE: NE-(0,m4hght-lth2*3-ltx*3/2) SW: SE-(m4wdth-lthick,0) W: SW+(0,m4bhght-lthick+ltx*3/2); NW: NE-(m4twdth-lthick,0); X: (NW,W) d = 0.3; ro = m4rad-lth2 move to W; arcto(X,NW,m4rad+lth2,outlined graystring(d)); Tx:NW Loopover_(`PK',`arcto(Tx,PK,ro,outlined graystring(d));Tx:PK',NE,SE,SW,W,X) linethick = ltx # outer outline NE: NEx; SE: NE-(0,m4hght+ltx); SW: SE-(m4wdth,0) W: SW+(0,m4bhght); NW: NE-(m4twdth,0); X: (NW,W) m4enteroutline(m4rad,,m4rad) # thick inner linethick = m4shadewid/(1bp__)+linethick; lth2 = lthick/2 NE: NEx-(m4shadewid+lth2,lth2+ltx); SE: (NE,SE)+(0,m4shadewid*3/2) SW: SE-(m4wdth-m4shadewid*3,0); W: SW+(0,m4bhght-m4shadewid*2-ltx*3/2); NW: NE-(m4twdth-m4shadewid*3,0); X: (NW,W) c = 0.9; ri = r-lth2 move to W; arcto(X,NW,ri+lth2*2,outlined graystring(c)); Tx:NW Loopover_(`PK',`arcto(Tx,PK,ri,outlined graystring(c));Tx:PK',NE,SE,SW,W,X) N: 1/2 between NW and NE line from N to (N,SE) thick (NE.x-NW.x)/(1bp__) outlined graystring(c) SSW: 1/2 between SW and W line from SSW to (SE,SSW) thick (W.y-SW.y)/(1bp__) outlined graystring(c) # inner outline NE: NE+(lth2,lth2); SE: SE+(lth2,-lth2); SW: SW-(lth2,lth2) W: W+(-lth2,lth2); NW: NW+(-lth2,lth2); X: (NW,W) linethick = ltx m4enteroutline(ri,,ri+lth2*2) move to (X,(1/2 between SW and W)); ifelse(`$1',,,`pushkey_(`$1',text,,N)dnl ifelse(m4text,,`"iflatex(\sf) `$1'" above ljust',`m4text')') popdef(`m4wdth', `m4hght', `m4bhght', `m4twdth', `m4shadewid', `m4rad', `m4base', `m4top', `m4bhght' ) popdef(`m4text')dnl `$3' ] ') define(`m4enteroutline',`move to W+(`$1',0); arcto(X,NW,`$3',`$2'); Tx: NW Loopover_(`PP',`arcto(Tx,PP,`$1',`$2'); Tx: PP',NE,SE,SW,W,X)') define(`m4enterup',`[ u = ifelse(`$1',,kbd_u*0.3) line right u/4 then up u/2 then right u/6 then up u/2 left u/4+u/6 \ then down u/2 left u/4+u/6 then right u/6 then down u/2 then right u/4 ]') define(`kbdsymb',`iflatex("\tt\char`$1'",`dsvg_symb(`$1')')') define(`m4kbdarrow',`arrow thick 1.5 ht kbd_u/5 wid kbd_u/5') divert(0)dnl define dsvg_symb {"&#$1;"} maxpswid = 25*kbd_u movewid = kbd_u/11 define(`rshift',` at Here+(ifelse(`$1',,`kbd_u/8',`$1'),0) ') iflatex(`command "{\small\sf"', `ifsvg(svg_font(Arial,kbd_u*16/13/4,0bp__)) textht=kbd_u/4 ') Row2: [ textoffset = kbd_u/8 Loopover_(`KK',`kbdkey(text=KK); move', kbdsymb(126) ljust kbdsymb(96) ljust, Loopover_(`NN',`kbdsymb(NN) ljust "m4Lx" ljust,',33,64,35,36,37,94,38,42,40) kbdsymb(41) ljust "0" ljust, kbdsymb(95) ljust "-" ljust, kbdsymb(43) ljust "=" ljust, kbdsymb(124) ljust kbdsymb(92) ljust, "" ) m4kbdarrow left kbd_u*0.5 at last [].Top ] Row1: [ kbdkey(tsmall(Esc,,N)); move right_ last [].wid+movewid*2 Loopover_(`KK',`kbdkey(KK); move',F1,F2,F3,F4) move right_ last [].wid/2 Loopover_(`KK',`kbdkey(KK); move',F5,F6,F7,F8) move right_ Row2.wid-Here.x-4*last [].wid-4*movewid Loopover_(`KK',`kbdkey(KK); move',F9,F10,F11,F12) ] with .sw at Row2.nw+(0,2*kbdrowsep) Row3: [ # Uparrow: kbdkey(,,m4kbdarrow up kbd_u/2 at Top) Tab: kbdkey(text=tsmall(Tab) rshift ljust,wdth=kbd_u*1.6, [ A: m4kbdarrow left kbd_u/2; line thick A.thick up A.wid at A.end A: m4kbdarrow right A.len at A-(0,kbd_u/2) line thick A.thick up A.wid at A.end ] with .w at Top ); move Loopover_(`KK',`KK: kbdkey(KK); move',Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P) textoffset = kbd_u/8 kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(123) ljust kbdsymb(91) ljust); move kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(125) ljust kbdsymb(93) ljust); move w = Row2.wid-Here.x R: box invis wid w-movewid ht last [].Base.ht ] with .nw at Row2.sw-(0,kbdrowsep) Row4: [ Capslock: kbdkey(text=tsmall(Caps Lock) rshift ljust, wdth=Row3.Tab.wid+Row3.Q.wid/3;); move Loopover_(`KK',`KK: kbdkey(KK); move',A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L) textoffset = kbd_u/8 kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(58) ljust kbdsymb(59) ljust); move kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(34) ljust kbdsymb(39) ljust); move ] with .nw at Row3.sw-(0,kbdrowsep) Enter: enterkey(text=tsmall(Enter),, m4kbdarrow <- from last ""+(kbd_u/2,0) \ right kbd_u/2 then up kbd_u/5 ) \ with .ne at (Row2.e,Row3.n)-(movewid,0) Row5: [ ShiftL: kbdkey(text=tsmall(Shift) at 0.4 between Top.w and Top.e, wdth=kbd_u*2.4, m4enterup at 0.15 between Top.w and Top.e); move Loopover_(`KK',`KK: kbdkey(KK); move',Z,X,C,V,B,N,M) textoffset = kbd_u/8 kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(60) ljust kbdsymb(44) ljust); move kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(62) ljust kbdsymb(46) ljust); move kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(63) ljust kbdsymb(47) ljust); move v = Row2.wid-Here.x-kbd_u-movewid*2 ShiftR: kbdkey(text=tsmall(Shift) at 1/2 between Top.w and Top.e,wdth=v, m4enterup at 0.15 between Top.w and Top.e); move kbdkey(); move ] with .nw at Row4.sw+(0,-kbdrowsep) Row6: [ w = 22/18*kbd_u CtrlL: kbdkey(text=tsmall(Ctrl) rshift ljust,wdth=w); move kbdkey(,wdth=w); move kbdkey(text=tsmall(Alt) rshift ljust,wdth=w); move s = Row2.wid-(7*w+8*movewid) kbdkey(,wdth=s); move kbdkey(text=tsmall(Alt) rshift ljust,wdth=w); move kbdkey(,wdth=w); move kbdkey(,wdth=w); move CtrlR: kbdkey(text=tsmall(Ctrl) rshift ljust,wdth=w); move ] with .nw at Row5.sw+(0,-kbdrowsep) Arrowkeys: [ iflatex(`command "{\sf\scriptsize"',`textht *=0.66') Row1:[ textoffset = kbd_u/20 kbdkey(text=`"Print" ljust "Screen" ljust "SysRQ" ljust'); move textoffset = kbd_u/12 kbdkey(text="Scroll" ljust "Lock" ljust); move kbdkey(text="Pause" ljust "Break" ljust); move ] Row2: [ textoffset = kbd_u/12 kbdkey(text="Insert" ljust); move kbdkey(text=tsmall(Home) ljust); move kbdkey(text="Page" ljust "Up" ljust); move ] with .nw at Row1.sw-(0,2*kbdrowsep) Row3: [ textoffset = kbd_u/12 Delete: kbdkey(text="Delete" ljust); move End: kbdkey(text="End" ljust); move kbdkey(text="Page" ljust "Down" ljust); move ] with .nw at Row2.sw+(0,-kbdrowsep) Row5: [ move right Row3.End.w.x + movewid Uparrow: kbdkey(,,m4kbdarrow up kbd_u/2 at Top) ] with .nw at Row3.sw-(0,Row3.Delete.ht+2*kbdrowsep) Row6: [ kbdkey(,,m4kbdarrow left kbd_u/2 at Top); move kbdkey(,,m4kbdarrow down kbd_u/2 at Top); move kbdkey(,,m4kbdarrow right kbd_u/2 at Top); move ] with .nw at Row5.sw-(0,kbdrowsep) iflatex(`command "}%"',`textht *=(1/0.66)') ] with .nw at Row1.ne+(movewid,0) Keypad: [ move down_ Arrowkeys.n.y-Arrowkeys.Row2.e.y; right_ textoffset = kbd_u/8 Row2:[ kbdkey(text=tsmall(Num) ljust tsmall(Lock) ljust); move iflatex(`command "{\large"',`textht *=1.5') kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(47) ljust); move kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(42) ljust); move kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(45) ljust); move iflatex(`command "}"') ] Row3:[ textoffset = kbd_u/12 kbdkey(text="7" ljust tsmall(Home) ljust); move kbdkey(text="8" ljust "" ljust,,m4kbdarrow up_ kbd_u/3 \ at 3/4 between Top.ne and Top.sw); move kbdkey(text="9" ljust tsmall(PgUp) ljust); move ] with .nw at Row2.sw+(0,-kbdrowsep) Row4:[ textoffset = kbd_u/12 kbdkey(text="4" ljust "" ljust,,m4kbdarrow left kbd_u/3 \ at 0.7 between Top.ne and Top.sw); move kbdkey(text="5" ljust "" ljust); move Six: kbdkey(text="6" ljust "" ljust,,m4kbdarrow right kbd_u/3 \ at 0.7 between Top.ne and Top.sw); move ] with .nw at Row3.sw+(0,-kbdrowsep) Row5:[ textoffset = kbd_u/12 kbdkey(text="1" ljust tsmall(End) ljust); move kbdkey(text="2" ljust "" ljust,,m4kbdarrow down kbd_u/3 \ at 0.7 between Top.ne and Top.sw); move kbdkey(text="3" ljust tsmall(PgDn) ljust); move ] with .nw at Row4.sw+(0,-kbdrowsep) Row6:[ textoffset = kbd_u/12 kbdkey(text="0" ljust tsmall(Ins) ljust, wdth=Row4.wid-Row4.Six.wid-2*movewid); move kbdkey(text=kbdsymb(46) ljust tsmall(Del) ljust); move ] with .nw at Row5.sw+(0,-kbdrowsep) Col4: [ textoffset = kbd_u/12 iflatex(`command "{\large"',`textht *=1.5') kbdkey(text="+" ljust,hght=Row3.n.y-Row4.s.y); move iflatex(`command "}"',`textht /=1.5') kbdkey(text=tsmall(Enter) ljust,hght=Row5.n.y-Row6.s.y) \ with .nw at last [].sw - (0,kbdrowsep) ] with .ne at (Row2.e,Row3.n) ] with .nw at Arrowkeys.ne+(movewid,0) iflatex(`command "}%"', ifsvg(`command ""')) .PE