.PS # diamond.m4 # See LaTeX Graphics Companion pp 57-58 gen_init dimen = 1.5*scale ratio = 0.9 n = 30 North: (0,dimen) East: (dimen,0) South: (0,-dimen) West: (-dimen,0) define(`square', `shade(`$1', line from North to East then to South then to West then to North) ') define(`diamond',`[ for i = 2 to n do { square(`$1') Tmp: North North: ratio between East and North East: ratio between South and East South: ratio between West and South West: ratio between Tmp and West }]') linethick = 0 diamond( i % 2 ) linethick = 0.4 diamond( (n-i)/(n-2) ) with .w at last [].e+(0.25,0) .PE