.PS #Banking.m4 gen_init scale = 2.54 # use cm svg_font(Arial Black,11 bp__,2 bp__) boxwid = 6.8 boxht = 4.5 linethick_(1.5) define(`heading', ``$1'') define(`subheading', `[`$1']') define(`wtext',``$1'') C: circle diam 2.6 colored "mediumblue" Person: box rad boxht/4 colored "mediumblue" with .n at C.s+(0,C.rad/8) \ "heading(Personal Banking)" \ "" \ "heading(Customer)" \ "subheading(Person)" \ "" \ "wtext(A customer of the bank`,' with)" \ "wtext(personal bank accounts.)" A1: arrow thick 1.5 dashed down 3.5 from Person.s svg_font(Arial,11 bp__,2 bp__) { box invis fill 1 ht 0.4 wid 1.0 "Uses" at A1 } command "" Internet: box colored "steelblue" \ "heading(Internet Banking System)" \ "subheading(Software system)" \ "" \ "wtext(Allows customers to view)" \ "wtext(information about their bank)" \ "wtext(accounts`,' and make payments.)" svg_font(Arial,11 bp__,2 bp__) A2: arrow thick 1.5 dashed right 5.4 from Internet.e \ "Sends e-mail" above "using" below command "" Email: box colored "slategrey" \ "heading(E-mail System)" \ "subheading(Software system)" \ "" \ "wtext(Internal Microsoft Exchange)" \ "wtext(e-mail system.)" A3:arrow thick 1.5 dashed from Email.nw+(0.4,0) to Person.se+(0.3,Person.ht/5) svg_font(Arial,11 bp__,2 bp__) { box invis fill 1 ht 0.4 wid 3.3 "Sends e-mails to" at A3 } command "" # etc command "" # font .PE