.PS # Koch snowflake gen_init leng = 4 X: 3,5 nsides = 3; rot[1] = 0; rot[2] = -120; rot[3] = -120 depth=4 for i=1 to depth do { for j=1 to nsides do { tmp[j] = rot[j] } leng = leng/3 k = 0 for j=1 to nsides do { rot[k+1] = tmp[j] rot[k+2] = 60 rot[k+3] = -120 rot[k+4] = 60 k += 4 } nsides = k } a = 0 line from X to X for i=1 to nsides do { a += rot[i] X: X+(Rect_(leng,a)) continue to X } .PE