divert(-1) Google flowchart display symbol FlowchartDefs.m4 `Some experimental flow-chart macros. In the following, every block (subchart) is in [] brackets, with .N, .S, .E and .W internally defined. Follow this convention if you create compound constructs. Generally, the first argument is one or more strings; the second adjusts the size, and the third can be used to add color, dashed lines, labels, or other embellishements. Default is grey fill if arg3 is blank. These macros have been renamed from earlier versions because of slight differences of arguments.' define(`FlowchartDefs_') `Default sizes:' define(`fboxwid',linewid*2) define(`fboxht',linewid*0.75) define(`farrowht',linewid*0.5) `Fbox( "text", wid expr ht expr, attributes ) The basic task box: arg1 may be 1 or more text strings. Attributes include box line and fill specs. To adjust the box size to the size of the typeset text, see the \boxdims macro in the manual. Example: Fbox("$x < 1$",, shaded rgbstring(0.46,0.53,0.63))' define(`Fbox',`[ boxwid = fboxwid; boxht = fboxht Box: box `$2' ifelse(`$3',,`fill_(fillval)',`$3') `$1' N: Box.n; S:Box.s; E:Box.e; W: Box.w `$4']') `Fdelay("text",wid expr ht expr,attributes)' define(`Fdelay',`[ boxwid = fboxwid; boxht = fboxht Box: box invis `$2' N: Box.n; S: Box.s; E: Box.e; W: Box.w arc from Box.se-(Box.ht/2,0) to Box.ne-(Box.ht/2,0) \ with .c at Box.e-(Box.ht/2,0) `$3' line to Box.nw to Box.sw to Box.se-(Box.ht/2,0) `$3' ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at Box) `$4']') `Fdisplay("text",wid expr ht expr,attributes)' define(`Fdisplay',`[ boxwid = fboxwid; boxht = fboxht Box: box invis `$2' N: Box.n; S: Box.s; E: Box.e; W: Box.w NE: Box.ne-(Box.ht/4,0); SE: (NE,Box.s) NW: Box.nw+(Box.ht/2,0); SW: (NW,Box.s) ifelse(`$3',,,` box wid NE.x-NW.x ht Box.ht with .ne at NE `$3' invis line from W to NW then to SW then to W `$3' invis ') arc from SE to NE with .c at E-(Box.ht*2/3,0) `$3' line to NW `$3' arc from NW to W with .c at (NW,Box)+(Box.ht/4,-Box.ht/4) `$3' arc from W to SW with .c at (NW,Box)+(Box.ht/4,Box.ht/4) `$3' line to SE `$3' ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at Box) `$4']') `Fstored("text",wid expr ht expr,attributes)' define(`Fstored',`[ boxwid = fboxwid; boxht = fboxht Box: box invis `$2' r = Box.ht*7/8; d = r - sqrt(r^2-(Box.ht/2)^2) N: Box.n; S: Box.s; E: Box.e-(d,0); W: Box.w NW: Box.nw+(d,0); SW: (NW,Box.s); NE: Box.ne; SE: Box.se ifelse(`$3',,,` box wid NE.x-NW.x ht Box.ht with .nw at NW `$3' invis ') arc from NW to SW with .c at Box.w+(r,0) `$3'; round line to SE; round arc cw to NE with .c at E+(r,0) fill_(1); round line to NW `$3'; round ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at Box) `$4']') `Fconnect("text", wid expr ht expr[:U|D|L|R|angle], attributes)' define(`Fconnect',`[ boxht = fboxht; boxwid = boxht define(`m4wh',`m4Leftstr(`$2')')dnl define(`m4wid',`patsubst(patsubst(m4wh, ht .*),^wid ,)')dnl ifelse(m4wid,,`define(`m4wid',boxwid)')dnl define(`m4ht',`patsubst(m4wh,.* *ht *,)')dnl ifelse(m4ht,,`define(`m4ht',boxht)')dnl define(`m4cpt',`m4Rightstr(`$2')')dnl setdir_(ifelse(m4cpt,,`ifdef(`m4a_',rp_ang*rtod_,0)',m4cpt)) # {Box: [lbox(m4wid,m4ht,invis)]} W: Here; NW: vec_(0,m4ht/2); N: vec_(m4wid/2,m4ht/2); NE: vec_(m4wid,m4ht/2) SW: vec_(0,-m4ht/2); S: vec_(m4wid/2,-m4ht/2); SE: vec_(m4wid,-m4ht/2) E: vec_(m4wid,0); C: 3/8 between W and E line from 1/2 between NW and N \ to NW to SW to S to E to N to 1/2 between NW and N `$3' ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at C) `$4'; resetdir_ ]') `Fdata("text",wid expr ht expr, xslant,attributes)' define(`Fdata',`[ boxwid = fboxwid; boxht = fboxht Box: box invis `$2' xs = ifelse(`$3',,fboxht/6,`($3)/2') NE: Box.ne+(xs,0); SE: Box.se-(xs,0) NW: Box.nw+(xs,0); SW: Box.sw-(xs,0) N: Box.n; E: Box.e; S: Box.s; W: Box.w line from N to NE then to SE then to SW then to NW then to N \ ifelse(`$4',,`fill_(fillval)',`$4') ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at Box) `$5']') `Fprep("text",wid expr ht expr,attributes)' define(`Fprep',`[ boxwid = fboxwid; boxht = fboxht Box: box invis `$2' NE: Box.ne-(fboxht/4,0); E: Box.e; SE: (NE,Box.s); N: Box.n NW: Box.nw+(fboxht/4,0); W: Box.w; SW: (NW,Box.s); S: Box.s line from N to NE to E to SE to SW to W to NW to N \ ifelse(`$3',,`fill_(fillval)',`$3') ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at Box) `$4']') `Fkeyboard("text",wid expr ht expr,attributes)' define(`Fkeyboard',`[ boxwid = fboxwid; boxht = fboxht Box: box invis `$2' NW: Box.nw-(0,min(Box.ht/4,Box.wid/16)); W: Box.w; SW: Box.sw; S: Box.s NE: Box.ne+(0,min(Box.ht/4,Box.wid/16)); E: Box.e; SE: Box.se; N: 0.5 between NW and NE line from N to NE to SE to SW to NW to N ifelse(`$3',,`fill_(fillval)',`$3') ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at Box) `$4']') `Fdocument("text",wid expr ht expr,attributes)' define(`Fdocument',`[ boxwid = fboxwid; boxht = fboxht Box: box invis `$2'; Q: move from Box.sw to Box.se NE: Box.ne; E: Box.e; SE: Box.se-(0,Box.ht/4); N: Box.n NW: Box.nw; W: Box.w; SW: Box.sw-(0,Box.ht/4); S: Box.s-(0,Box.ht/4) line from SE to NE to NW to SW `$3' arc to S with .c at (0.5 between SW and S) + (0,Box.ht) `$3' arc to SE with .c at (0.5 between S and SE) -(0,Box.ht) cw \ ifelse(`$3',,,``$3' shaded rgbstring(1,1,1)') ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at Box) `$4']') `Fkeying("text",wid expr ht expr,attributes)' define(`Fkeying',`[ boxwid = fboxwid; boxht = fboxht Box: box `$2' invis hsq = (Box.wid/2)^2-(Box.ht/2)^2 if hsq > 0 then { d = Box.wid/2-sqrt(hsq) } else { d = 0 } W: Box.w; NW: Box.nw+(d,0); N: Box.n; NE: Box.ne-(d,0) E: Box.e; SE: Box.se-(d,0); S: Box.s; SW: Box.sw+(d,0) if hsq >= 0 then { x = 0 } else { x = sqrt(-hsq) } box wid NE.x-NW.x ht N.y-S.y `$3' invis at Box arc from SE to NE with .c at Box - (x,0) `$3'; round(,,`$3') line to NW `$3'; round(,,`$3') arc to SW with .c at Box + (x,0) `$3'; round(,,`$3') line to SE `$3'; round(,,`$3') ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at Box) `$4']') `If-then Ftest( "text", wid expr ht expr, attributes )' define(`Ftest',`[boxwid = fboxwid*0.8; boxht = fboxht*1.4 Box: box `$2' invis N: Box.n; S: Box.s; E: Box.e; W: Box.w line from 0.5 between last box.n and last box.e to last box.e to last box.s \ to last box.w to last box.n to 0.5 between last box.n and last box.e \ ifelse(`$3',,`fill_(fillval)',`$3') ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at Box) `$4']') `Fcase: case statement Fcase(wid expr ht expr, "Test string 1"[:attributes],task, ..., "Test string n"[:attributes],task )' `arg1 adjusts the size of the tests The optional attributes for each string apply to the Ftest containing the string. The Ftest blocks are labeled Test1, Test2, ... A task is a flow subchart with internal names .E and .S defined. The tasks are labeled Task1, Task2, ... ' define(`Fcase',`[ down; S: Here; sx = S.x Fcaseloop_(1,$@) ifelse(`$2',,`E:S; W:S; N:S', `E:(sx+linewid/2,Task1.E.y); W:Test1.W; N:Test1.N') Fcasearrow_(1,$@) arrow from E to (E,S) then to S ]') define(`Fcaseloop_',`ifelse(`$3',,, `Test`$1': Ftest(patsubst(`$3',":.*,"),`$2', ifinstr(`$3',":,`patsubst(`$3',.*":,)')) with .N at S Task`$1': `$4' with .nw at Test`$1'.E+(linewid/2,min(Test`$1'.ht,fboxht)/2) arrow right linewid/4 from Test`$1'.E \ then down Test`$1'.E.y-Task`$1'.W.y then to Task`$1'.W S: (Test`$1'.S.x,min(Test`$1'.S.y,Task`$1'.S.y)-linewid/3) ifelse(`$5',,`line',`arrow') from Test`$1'.S to S sx = max(sx,Task`$1'.E.x) Fcaseloop_(incr($1),`$2',shift(shift(shift(shift($@)))))')') define(`Fcasearrow_',`ifelse(`$3',,, `arrow from Task`$1'.E to (E,Task`$1'.E) Fcasearrow_(incr($1),,shift(shift(shift(shift($@)))))')') `while statement with explicit test Fwhiledo("test text", wid x ht y, attributes, task spec ) The task structure is given label Task ' define(`Fwhiledo',`[ down Test: Ftest(`$1',`$2',`$3') arrow right linewid/2 from Test.E Task: `$4' with .W at Here E: Task.E; W: Test.w; S: Test.S arrow up max(linewid/4,Test.n.y-Task.n.y+arrowht*1.5) \ from Task.N then left Task.x-Test.x N: Here arrow to Test.n `$5']') `repeat statement with explicit test Frepeatuntil("test",wid x ht y, attributes, task spec ) The task structure is given label Task ' define(`Frepeatuntil',`[ N: Here Task: ifelse(`$4',,Here,`$4' with .N at N) W: Task.W arrow from Task.S down linewid/3 Test: Ftest(`$1',`$2',`$3') E: Task.E+(linewid/2+max(0,Test.e.x-Task.e.x),0) arrow from Test.e to (E,Test) then to E then to Task.E S: Test.S `$5']') `if-then-else Fifthenelse( "test", wid x ht y, attributes, left tasks, right tasks) The left task structure is given label Ltask and the right task structure is given label Rtask ' define(`Fifthenelse',`[ Test: Ftest(`$1',`$2',`$3') N: Test.N Ltask: ifelse(`$4',,`Test.S; W:Test.W; LS:Ltask', `$4 with .ne at ((Test.W.x+Test.x)/2,Test.S.y) W: Ltask.W; LS:Ltask.S arrow from Test.W to (Ltask.N,Test.W) then to Ltask.N') Rtask: ifelse(`$5',,`Test.S; E:Test.E; RS:Rtask', `$5 with .nw at ((Test.E.x+Test.x)/2,Test.S.y) E: Rtask.E; RS: Rtask.S arrow from Test.E to (Rtask.N,Test.E) then to Rtask.N') S: (Test.x,min(LS.y,RS.y)-linewid/3) arrow from LS to (LS,S) arrow from RS to (RS,S) line to (LS,Here) `$6']') divert(0)dnl