.PS # Flow.m4 gen_init ifdef(`FlowchartDefs_',, `sinclude(FlowchartDefs.m4def) sinclude(../FlowchartDefs.m4def)') define(`Thistle',`rgbstring(0.85,0.75,0.85)')dnl define(`RubineRed',`rgbstring(0.81,0,0.35)')dnl define(`YellowGreen',`rgbstring(0.68,1,0.18)')dnl define(`SeaGreen',`rgbstring(0.13,0.70,0.67)')dnl define(`Goldenrod',`rgbstring(0.85,0.65,0.13)')dnl define(`Beaublue',`rgbstring(0.74,0.83,0.9)')dnl define(`Celadon',`rgbstring(0.67,0.88,0.69)')dnl linethick_(1.0) arrowwid = 0.05 arrowht = 0.1 fillval = 0.9 maxpsht = 20 define(`shad',`shaded rgbstring(0.9,0.8,0.7)') define(`Below',`with .nw at last [].sw+(0,-0.25)') TL: Here Simple: [ Fbox("\tt F{}box",,shad) Ftest("\tt F{}test",,shad) Below Fdata("\tt F{}data") Below Fprep("\tt F{}prep",) Below Fkeying("\tt F{}keying") Below Fkeyboard("\tt F{}keyboard") Below Fdocument("\tt F{}document",,shaded rgbstring(0.9,0.8,0.7)) Below Fdelay("\tt F{}delay",,shaded Beaublue) Below Fdisplay("\tt F{}display",,shaded Celadon) Below Fstored("\tt F{}stored",,shaded Thistle) Below Fconnect(,,shaded Thistle) Below Fconnect("45",wid boxwid ht boxht:45,shaded Thistle) \ with .w at last [].e+(boxht/8,0) "\tt F{}connect" at last [].nw + (0,boxht/6) ] with .nw at TL+(0.1,0); move from Simple.nw to TL #showbox_ Complex: [ Case: Fcase(, "Test 1",[Fbox("Task 1",, shaded Thistle); W:last [].W; N:last [].N arrow down linewid/3 from last [].S Fbox("Task 1.5",, shaded Thistle) with .N at Here E:last [].E; S:last [].S], "Test 2",Fbox("Task 2" "is bigger", wid fboxwid*1.2 ht fboxht*3/2, \ shaded SeaGreen), "Test 3",Fbox("Task 3",, shaded RubineRed)dnl ) "\sl .N" at Case.N rjust above; "\sl .S" at Case.S rjust below "\sl .E" at Case.E ljust; "\sl .W" at Case.W rjust "\tt F{}case" below at Case.s #+(0,-0.1) Whiledo: Fwhiledo("$i < n$",,,Fbox("Task"),"T" above ljust at Test.E) \ with .nw at Case.ne+(0.25,0) "\sl .N" at Whiledo.N rjust; "\sl .S" at Whiledo.S rjust below "\sl .E" at Whiledo.E ljust; "\sl .W" at Whiledo.W rjust "\tt F{}whiledo" below at Whiledo.s Repeatuntil: Frepeatuntil("$n \geq 5$",,,Fbox("Task"), "T" at Test.E above ljust) with .nw at Whiledo.sw + (0.25,-0.5) "\sl .N" at Repeatuntil.N rjust above; "\sl .S" at Repeatuntil.S rjust below "\sl .E" at Repeatuntil.E ljust; "\sl .W" at Repeatuntil.W rjust "\tt F{}repeatuntil" below at Repeatuntil.se +(-0.0,0.1) Ifthenelse: Fifthenelse("$A