% Euro symbol; process this file as follows: % m4 Euro.m4 > Euro.pic; dpic -p Euro.pic > Euro.tex ; latex Euro; dvips Euro \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage{boxdims,xcolor} \pagestyle{empty} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \noindent\vspace{2ex} .PS include(pstricks.m4) gen_init divert(-1) `euro_simple([height]) Basic euro symbol with round outer boundary default height=10pt' define(`euro_simple', `[ linethick = 0 orad = ifelse(`$1',,`5bp__',(`$1')/2) u = orad/6 irad = orad - u C: (0,0) D: C+(Rect_(irad,40)) CD: move from C+(0,-orad) to D DK: move from D down u Ubot: move from C+(0,u/2) right u Utop: move from Ubot.start+(0,u) right u Ltop: move from C+(0,-u/2) right u Lbot: move from Ltop.start+(0,-u) right u L_edge: C-(7.5*u,0) Start: (C,Utop) slope = (CD.end.y-CD.start.y)/(CD.end.x-CD.start.x) shade(0, line from Start to Intersect_(Utop,CD) \ then to Intersect_(Ubot,CD) \ then to LCintersect(Ubot,C,irad) arc to LCintersect(Ltop,C,irad) with .c at C line to Intersect_(Ltop,CD) \ then to Intersect_(Lbot,CD) \ then to LCintersect(Lbot,C,irad) arc to (D,C)-(0,D.y-C.y) with .c at C line to LCintersect(DK,C,orad,R) arc cw to LCintersect(Lbot,C,orad) with .c at C line to (L_edge,Here) \ then right u/slope up u \ then to LCintersect(Ltop,C,orad) arc cw to LCintersect(Ubot,C,orad) with .c at C line to (L_edge,Here) \ then right u/slope up u \ then to LCintersect(Utop,C,orad) arc cw to LCintersect(CD,C,orad,R) with .c at C line to D arc to LCintersect(Utop,C,irad) with .c at C line to Start ) ]') `euro_symbol([ht=val; aspect=val; slant=degrees]) Euro symbol with variable aspect ratio and slant defaults: ht=10pt, aspect=1, slant=0 e.g., euro_symbol(ht=14pt__; aspect=1.2)' define(`euro_symbol',`[ setkey_(`$1',ht,10pt__) setkey_(`$1',aspect,1) setkey_(`$1',slant,0) linethick = 0 orad = m4ht/2 u = orad/6 irad = orad - u if m4aspect==0 then { squeeze = 1 } else { squeeze = 1/m4aspect } slant = sind(m4slant) C: (0,0) D: C+(Rect_(irad,40)) CD: move from C+(0,-orad) to D DK: move from D down u Ubot: move from C+(0,u/2) right u Utop: move from Ubot.start+(0,u) right u Ltop: move from C+(0,-u/2) right u Lbot: move from Ltop.start+(0,-u) right u L_edge: C-(7.5*u,0) Start: (C,Utop) slope = (CD.end.y-CD.start.y)/(CD.end.x-CD.start.x) shade(0, S: LCintersect(Ubot,C,irad) line from euro_tr(Start) to euro_tr(Intersect_(Utop,CD)) \ then to euro_tr(Intersect_(Ubot,CD)) \ then to euro_tr(S) euro_arc(S,LCintersect(Ltop,C,irad),irad) S: LCintersect(Lbot,C,irad) line to euro_tr(Intersect_(Ltop,CD)) \ then to euro_tr(Intersect_(Lbot,CD)) \ then to euro_tr(S) euro_arc(S,((D,C)-(0,D.y-C.y)),irad) S: LCintersect(DK,C,orad,R) line to euro_tr(S) euro_arc(S,LCintersect(Lbot,C,orad),orad,cw) S: LCintersect(Ltop,C,orad) E: LCintersect(Lbot,C,orad) line to euro_tr((L_edge,E)) \ then to euro_tr((L_edge,E)+(u/slope,u)) \ then to euro_tr(S) E: LCintersect(Ubot,C,orad) euro_arc(S,E,orad,cw) S: LCintersect(Utop,C,orad) line to euro_tr((L_edge,E)) \ then to euro_tr((L_edge,E)+(u/slope,u)) \ then to euro_tr(S) euro_arc(S,LCintersect(CD,C,orad,R),orad,cw) line to euro_tr(D) euro_arc(D,LCintersect(Utop,C,irad),irad) line to euro_tr(Start) ) ]') `aspect ratio and slant transformation' define(`euro_tr',`((`$1').x*squeeze+(`$1').y*slant,(`$1').y)') `transformed arc, centre C' define(`euro_arc', `M4X: `$1'; as = atan2(M4X.y-C.y,M4X.x-C.x) M4X: `$2'; ae = atan2(M4X.y-C.y,M4X.x-C.x) ifelse(`$4',cw,`if ae > as then { ae -= twopi_ }', `if ae < as then { ae += twopi_ }') ax = ae-as n = max(5,ceiling_(abs(ax)/(10*dtor_))) for i=0 to n do { P[i]: euro_tr((rect_(`$3',as+i/n*ax))) } fitcurve(P,n) move to P[n] ') divert(0)dnl euro_simple move euro_symbol(slant=15) move euro_simple(72bp__) move euro_symbol(ht=72bp__*2; aspect=1.0; slant=15) .PE \end{document}