.PS # `Jack.m4' cct_init P: [ P1: plug "\sl A" wid 0.1 at P1.A rjust "\sl B" at P1.B rjust "\sl TB" at P1.TB ljust above "\sl TA" at P1.TA ljust below P2: plug(,R) with .B at P1.A+(0.85,0) "\sl A" wid 0.1 at P2.A rjust "\sl B" at P2.B rjust # P3: plug(L) with .A at P2.A+(1,0) # "\sl A" wid 0.1 at P3.A ljust # "\sl B" at P3.B ljust P4: plug(,3) with .A at P2.B+(0.85,0) "\sl A" at P4.A rjust "\sl B" at P4.B rjust "\sl C" at P4.C rjust P5: plug(L,3R) with .A at P4.A+(1,0) "\sl A" wid 0.1 at P5.A ljust "\sl B" at P5.B ljust "\sl C" at P5.C ljust `"\tt plug"' below at P1.s+(0,-0.1) `"\tt plug(,R)"' below at P2.s+(0,-0.1) # `"\tt plug(L)"' below at P3.s+(0,-0.1) `"\tt plug(,3)"' below at P4.s+(-0.1,-0.1) `"\tt plug(L,3R)"' below at P5.s+(0.1,-0.1) ] L: [ right_ J1: jack thinlines_ "\sl L" wid 0.1 rjust at J1.L arrow <- right 0.1 from J1.F; "\sl F" ljust arrow <- down 0.1 from J1.G then left 0.1 ; "\sl G" rjust thicklines_ J2:[K2: jack(,LMBS) #with .F at J1.F+(1.2,0) thinlines_ "\sl L" rjust at K2.L arrow <- from K2.LM left 0.25; "\sl LM" wid 0.18 rjust arrow <- from K2.LB left 0.25; "\sl LB" rjust "\sl S" rjust at K2.S thicklines_ ] with .K2.F at J1.F+(1.2,0) J3: jack(L,RLS) with .F at J2.K2.F+(0.4,0) thinlines_ "\sl L" ljust at J3.L "\sl S" ljust at J3.S thicklines_ J4: jack(L,RLBLMLMS) with .F at J3.F+(1.1,0) thinlines_ "\sl L1" ljust at J4.L1 arrow <- right 0.3 from J4.LM1; "\sl LM1" ljust "\sl L2" ljust at J4.L2 arrow <- right 0.3 from J4.LM2; "\sl LM2" wid 0.2 ht 11pt__ ljust "\sl S" ljust at J4.S "\sl L" ljust at J4.L arrow <- right 0.2 from J4.LB ; "\sl LB" ljust right_ J5: jack(,RSBSMLB) with .F at J4.F+(1.95,0) thinlines_ "\sl L" rjust at J5.L "\sl S" rjust at J5.S "\sl S1" rjust at J5.S1 arrow <- left 0.3 from J5.SM1; "\sl SM1" rjust spline 0.5 <- left 0.25 then left 0.1 down 0.05 from J5.LB; "\sl LB" rjust spline 0.5 <- left 0.25 then left 0.1 up 0.05 from J5.SB; "\sl SB" rjust thicklines_ `"\tt jack"' ht 0.15 below at J1.s+(0,-0.15) `"\tt jack(,LMBS)"' below at (J2,last "") `"\tt ..(L,RLS)"' below at (J3,last "") `"\tt ..(L,RLBLMLMS)"' below at (J4,last "") `"\tt ..(,RSBSMLB)"' below at (J5,last "") ] with .nw at P.sw + (0,0.1) .PE