%% This is file `cisyms.tex',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% circ.dtx  (with options: `doc')
%% CIRC is a LaTeX package to typeset circuit and optics diagrams.
%% Copyright (C) 1997,1998,2003  Sebastian Tannert and Andreas Tille
%%   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%%   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%%   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
%%   (at your option) any later version.
%%   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%   GNU General Public License for more details.
%%   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%%   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
%%   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
%% For error reports concerning UNCHANGED versions of this file no
%% more than one year old, see CIRC.DVI after installation.
%% If installation fails search thru this file for 'bug'.
\input cidoc
\hbox{\circuit0 \CIRCLogo \endcircuit\hskip3cm
\cwdef        wire   {128\c*fnt}
\cwdef        dashed {120\c*fnt}
 {dashed wire}
\cwwdef bundle {bundle}
\cwwdef wwire {double wire}
\textdef Utext {text with arrow}
\textdef centertext {centered text}
\optionline basic
\cdefo GND ground
\cdefo gnd ground
\cdefo . junction \par
\cdef         R     R     \c*fntw    0
\cdef         Rus   R     \c*fntw   24
 {US resistor}
\cdefviii     Rvar  R     \c*fntw    8          . S *
 {variable resistor}
\cdefviii     Rusvar R    \c*fntw   32          . S *
 {variable resistor}
\cdef         C     C     \c*fntw  128
\cdef         Cvar  C     \c*fntw  130
 {variable capacitor}
\cdefiv       Cel   C     \c*fntw  136          - +
 {electrolytic capacitor}
\cdefiv       D     D     \c*fntd    0          K A
\cdefiv       ZD    D     \c*fntd    4          K A
 {Zener diode}
\cdefiviv     LED   D     \c*fntd    8          K A
 {light emitting diode}
\cdefiv       Dcap  D     \c*fntd   16          K A
 {capacitance variation diode}
\cdefiv       whatI I     \c*fnt   248          d s
 {current flow}
\cdefiv       U     U     \c*fnt    16          + -
 {voltage source}
\cdef       varU  U   \c*fnt  44
 {voltage source, variant}
\cdef       varI  I   \c*fnt 46
 {current source variant}
\cdefiv       Uvar  U     \c*fnt    20          + -
 {variable voltage source}
\cdef         I     I     \c*fnt    12
 {current source}
\cdef         Ivar  I     \c*fnt    14
 {variable current source}
\cdef         V     U     {\def\add*cmds{\clr*acmds
                           \ac*{\symfont V}}\c*fnt}8
\cdef         A     I     {\def\add*cmds{\clr*acmds
                           \ac*{\symfont A}}\c*fnt}8
\cdefiv       L     L     \c*fnt     0          . *
\cdef         xtal  Q     \c*fnt     4
 {quartz crystal}
\cdef         La    La    \c*fnt     6
 {incandescent lamp} % electric bulb
\cdef         GasLa {}   \c*fnt     40
 {gas lamp}
\cdef         S     S     \c*fnt    24
\cdefviii     SW    S     \c*fnt    32          o s c
 {changeover switch}
\cdefivNL     mconnection \c*fnt   232          o c
 {connection (pointed)}
\cdefivNL     connection  \c*fnt   240          o c
 {connection (round empty)}
\cdefivNL     fconnection \c*fnt   244          o c
 {connection (round full)}
\cdefiviv npnPH T \c*fntt 80 E C
\cdefviii     npnEC T     \c*fntt    0          E . C
 {npn-transistor without base}
\cdefviii     pnpEC T     \c*fntt    8          E . C
 {pnp-transistor without base}
\cdefviii     npn   T     \c*fntt   16          E B C
\cdefviii     pnp   T     \c*fntt   24          E B C
\cdefviii     nfet  T     \c*fntt   32          S G D
 {n-channel field effect transistor}
\cdefviii     pfet  T     \c*fntt   40          S G D
 {p-channel field effect transistor}
\cdefviii     nvmos T     \c*fntt   48          S G D
\cdefviii     pvmos T     \c*fntt   56          S G D
\cdefviii     namos T     \c*fntt   64          S G D
\cdefviii     pamos T     \c*fntt   72          S G D
\optionline gate
\gateIIO      OV          \c*fntb  255 \ldd*OV  + O -
 {operational amplifier}
\gateIIO      ov          \c*fntb  254 \ldd*OV  - O +
 {operational amplifier}

\NgateIIO     NAND        \c*fntb  132 {$\&$}
\NgateIIO     AND         \c*fntb  131 {$\&$}
\NgateIIO     OR          \c*fntb  131 {$\ge$1}
\NgateIIO     NOR         \c*fntb  132 {$\ge$1}
\NgateIIO     XOR         \c*fntb  131 {$=$1}
\NgateIIO     XNOR        \c*fntb  131 {$=$\vrule width 0pt height 1.5ex\,}
\NgateIO      INV         \c*fntb  130 {1\,}
\NgateIO      ST          \c*fntb  128 {{\c*fnts\char7}}
 {Schmitt trigger}
\NgateIO      STINV       \c*fntb  130 {{\c*fnts\char7}}
 {inverted Schmitt trigger}
\NgateIO      BUF         \c*fntb  130 {{\c*fnts\char25}}
\optionline oldgate
\NgateIIO     oldAND        \c*fntb  133 {}
 {old AND-gate}
\NgateIIO    oldNAND         \c*fntb  134 {}
 {old NAND-gate}
\NgateIIO     oldOR          \c*fntb  135 {}
 {old OR-gate}
\NgateIIO     oldNOR         \c*fntb  136 {}
 {old NOR-gate}
\NgateIIO     oldXOR         \c*fntb  137 {}
 {old XOR-gate}
\optionline box
\bbdef        BBa         \c*fntb  252
 {black box analog}
\bbdef        BBd         \c*fntb  253
 {black box digital}
\bbdefNeT oscillograph \c*fnt  142 {}
\bbdefNeT G    \c*fntb 250 \vbox{\hc*{\symfont G}\kern1.5\*spc%
\bbdefNeT Gvar \c*fntb 250 \vbox{\hc*{\symfont G}\kern1.5\*spc%
 {generator, variable}
\bbdefNeT Impulse \c*fntb 250 \c*fnts\char13
 {generator, pulses}
\bbdefNeT Amp  \c*fntb 250 \c*fnts\char24
\sbdef ACtoDC \c*fntb 251 \hbox{\raise.6\ht*\hbox{\c*fnts\char16}%
 {AC to DC converter}
\optionline ic
\Ccirc RSFF S {RS flip flop}{\Clpin{S}\Clpin{R}\Crpin{Q}\Crpin{NQ}}
\Ccirc NRSFF S {RS flip flop}{\Clpin{S}\Clpin{R}\Crpin{Q}\Crpin{NQ}}
\Ccirc DFF C {D flip flop}{\Clpin{C}\Clpin{D}\Crpin{Q}\Crpin{NQ}}
\Ccirc JKMSFF R {JK master slave flip flop}{\Clpin{S}\Clpin{J}\Clpin{C}\Clpin{K}\Clpin{R}\Crpin{Q}\Crpin{NQ}}
\Ccirc fff R {timer NE\,555}{\Clpin{IS}\Clpin{IT}\Clpin{R}\Crpin{OK}\Crpin{O}\Crpin{OD}}
\Ccirc NULL i+ {nullor}{\Clpin{i+}\Clpin{i-}\Crpin{o+}\Crpin{o-}}
\optionline optics
\textdef Dtext {text measuring a length}
\cwdef     oa          {128\CIRCcioptic}
 {optical axis}
\cdef      SLens    L  \CIRCcioptic   0
 {thin lens}
\cdefiv    HSLens   L  \CIRCcioptic   2 | )
 {half thin lens}
\cdef      BLens    L  \CIRCcioptic   6
 {thick lens}
\cdefiv    HBLens   L  \CIRCcioptic   8 | )
 {half thick lens}
\cdef      VLens    L  \CIRCcioptic  12
 {concave lens}
\cdefiv    HVLens   L  \CIRCcioptic  14 | (
 {half concave lens}
\cdefviii  Mirror   M  \CIRCcioptic  85 * . +
\cdefviii  BSplit   BS \CIRCcioptic  36 * . +
 {beam splitter}
\cdef      Polar    P  \CIRCcioptic  44
\cdef      Pinhole  {} \CIRCcioptic  46
\cdefiv    Cam      {} \CIRCcioptic  66  . |
\cdef      ScrL     {} \CIRCcioptic  72
 {screen, look at the left side}
\cdef      ScrR     {} \CIRCcioptic  74
 {screen, look at the right side}
\cdef      ScrBL    {} \CIRCcioptic  76
 {screen, look behind the left side}
\cdef      ScrBR    {} \CIRCcioptic  78
 {screen, look behind the right side}
\cdef      ScrTL    {} \CIRCcioptic  80
 {screen, look trough the left side}
\cdef      ScrTR    {} \CIRCcioptic  82
 {screen, look trough the right side}
\cdef      Laser    {} \CIRCcioptic 160
\cdef      PM       {} \CIRCcioptic 162
 {photometer, -multiplyer, etc.}
\bbdefNeTii  OM          \CIRCcioptic 164  {}
 {optical modulator}
\optionline physics
\cdef spring k \CIRCciphysic 0
\cdef lspring k \CIRCciphysic 2
 {long spring}
\cdef fdmass m \CIRCciphysic 4
 {mass with two forces; full drawn}
\cdef dmass m \CIRCciphysic 6
 {mass with two forces; outlined}
\cdefiv fmass m \CIRCciphysic 8 . *
 {mass; full drawn}
\cdefiv mass m \CIRCciphysic 12 . *
 {mass; outlined}
\cdefivNL wall \CIRCciphysic 16 . |
\cdefivNL tile \CIRCciphysic 20 . *
\cdef spinu S \CIRCciphysic 24
 {spin up}
\cdef spind S \CIRCciphysic 26
 {spin down}
%% End of file `cisyms.tex'.