% % Copyright 2008 Boris Oriet % The licence is LPPL. % \documentclass{chletter} % defaults: 11pt,a4paper,oneside \title{sampleletter} % \author{author} % if no signature specified \name{fromname} % to appear in the footer \signature{fromsig} % to appear after valediction \location{office} % to appear in the sender address zone \address{fromaddress} % to appear at the upper left \return{returnaddress} % to appear in the window \telephone{telephone} % to appear under the address \date{place, \today} % to alter the date string \makelabels % envelope page with return address \begin{document} % \begin{letter}{toname % gets the recipient name and address \\toaddress} % and creates the addresses zones \conc[l]{subject} % the letter's subject, left aligned \opening[i]{salutation} % the salutation, text will be indented text % the letter's main text \closing{valediction} % adds the signature \ps{\emph{ps}}post % creates a post scriptum \cc{copies} % creates a copies field \encl{enclosures} % creates an enclosures field \end{letter} % \end{document} %