% +AMDG See catechis.sty for dedication of this test % file. Pray for us! Have mercy on us! % % This document is copyright 2008 by Donald P. Goodman, and is % released publicly under the LaTeX Project Public License. The % distribution and modification of this work is constrained by the % conditions of that license. See % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % for the text of the license. This document is released % under version 1.3 of that license, and this work may be distributed % or modified under the terms of that license or, at your option, any % later version. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Donald P. Goodman. % % This work consists of the files catechis.ins, catechis.sty, and % test.tex, along with README. \documentclass[12pt]{article} \title{Testing the \texttt{catechis} Package} \author{Donald P.\ Goodman III} \date{\today} \usepackage{catechis} \begin{document} \maketitle \catques{Who made us?}{God made us.} \catques{Why did God make us?}{God made us to know Him, love Him, and serve Him, and by so doing to gain Heaven.} \catques{Are you going to write any actual examples, or just copy them all from other catechisms?}{Wait for it; I'm going to write some of my own. The above are verbatim or nearly verbatim from the Baltimore Catechism, for those who do not know.} \catques{Did you make a package for writing catechisms? For serious?}{Yes, I did. I had a number of reasons for this: \begin{enumerate} \item I wanted to typeset one or two for myself. \catcomment{This although I've already done so in a very hacked, difficult to read and difficult to write style. But at least I'm (hopefully) making it easier for others.} \begin{enumerate} \item There's one in \textit{Thomistic Salvation}. \catcomment{And it's not half bad. I think it addresses the issues it was meant to address pretty thoroughly, in a basic, catechism sort of way.} \item There's also one in \textit{Officium Parvum}.\label{testlabel} \catcomment{This one could use some work. But it still isn't terrible.} \end{enumerate} \item It's a part of my plan to make a complete Catholic desktop (though what that plan is, exactly, is still somewhat up in the air). \catcomment{I'm trying to flesh this idea out a little more. It will at least contain a couple of \LaTeX\ packages and a multilingual Scripture-searching tool; hopefully also a Catholic calendar desklet and similar items.} \end{enumerate} } % \catques{All right, I guess so. But it still seems weird.}{Maybe. But I think (hope) it'll bear fruit. \catcomment{And I'm very hopeful. Hope is, after all, one of the three theological virtues, and mentioned repeatedly in the Scriptures as necessary for us to have.} }% \catques{Here's a really long question that I'm trying to make wrap onto another line so that we can see how that will behave. Will it behave well?}{Yes, it will behave well. The algorithm is reasonably obedient and well-behaved.} \catques{What about the Scripture citations you often see in catechisms? Can this hooty-falooty package of yours handle those?}{% I'm glad you asked. Yes, this package can easily handle those. \catcomment{Even in conjunction with a catcomment, you'll notice; versatility (and ease of goal) is always the key.} \citetitle \scripture{In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.}{St.~John 1:1.} \scripture{Where wast thou when I laid up the foundations of the earth? tell me if thou hast understanding.}{Job 38:4} }% \catques{Finally, how do the labels work with the hacked enumerates?}{Well, they work all right, thanks to \texttt{varioref}; in fact, here's one: \ref{testlabel}.} \catques{I want to see some double-digit question numbers.}{I'm working on it; only one more question to go.} \catques{Finally; do they indent properly and all, at least with the defaults?}{Yes, they indent exactly as one would expect. \catcomment{Although in this, my first real foray into serious \LaTeX\ programming, I found that very little works as expected, and one must have a very thorough knowledge of internals to avoid being surprised and having to work quite hard to figure out some unexpected results.} } \end{document}