========================================================================== The `caption' package bundle Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Axel Sommerfeldt (caption@sommerfee.de) License: LPPL = LaTeX Project Public Licence Maintenance Status: maintained (by Axel Sommerfeldt) If you need help for installation please visit: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=instpackages http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=miktexinst http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=privinst -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The `caption' package v3.1 offers customization of captions of floating environments such `figure' and `table' and cooperates with the packages float, floatflt, fltpage, hyperref, hypcap, listings, longtable, picinpar, picins, rotating, sidecap, subfigure, supertabular, threeparttable, and wrapfig. Furthermore the `floatrow' and the `subfig' package supports the `caption' package and uses its \captionsetup interface. User Manual: caption-eng.pdf (English) caption-rus.pdf (Russian, outdated) caption-deu.pdf (German, not completely finished yet) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The `ltcaption' package v1.1 fixes caption problems with other-than-center aligned longtables. (solving LaTeX PR `tools/3387') A bonus feature is the addition of the environment longtable* which does not increment the table counter. This package will be loaded by the `caption' package v3.1 automatically, but can be used without the caption package, too. User Manual: ltcaption.pdf (English) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The `subcaption' package v0.3 is a tiny package to demonstrate the sub-caption feature of the `caption' package. User Manual: subcaption.pdf (English) ========================================================================== (The pictures cat.eps & elephant.eps were taken with permission from the LaTeX Companion examples.)