\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{bussproofs} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{latexsym} % This is the "centered" symbol \def\fCenter{{\mbox{\Large$\rightarrow$}}} % Optional to turn on the short abbreviations \EnableBpAbbreviations % \alwaysRootAtTop % makes proofs upside down % \alwaysRootAtBottom % -- this is the default setting \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} When the {\tt bussproofs.sty} code was first written, the only documention for the {\tt bussproofs} style was in the comments at the beginning of the style file {\tt bussproofs.sty}. But recently (July 2004), Peter Smith has written an excellent exposition of {\tt bussproofs.sty}, presently available at \begin{center} \tt http://www.phil.cam.ac.uk/teaching\_staff/Smith/LaTeX/nd.html \end{center} The present document is a sample \LaTeX{} file that was created for testing purposes while writing the {\tt bussproofs} code and you might find that it useful as an example of how to use special features of the style. Author: Sam Buss \hspace*{1in} Email: {\tt sbuss@ucsd.edu}. \vspace*{0.25in} Here is some text. \begin{center} \Axiom$\Gamma^\prime\fCenter\Delta,A,A$ \LeftLabel{Weakening}\RightLabel{} \UnaryInf$\lnot A,\Gamma^\prime \fCenter \Delta, A$ \LeftLabel{.}\RightLabel{\small $\lor$:right} \UnaryInf$\lnot A,\lnot A,\Gamma^\prime \fCenter \Delta$ \LeftLabel{eigenvariable $x$}\RightLabel{$\forall$:right} \UnaryInf$\Gamma \fCenter \Delta$ \DisplayProof \end{center} Here is more text. \begin{prooftree} \alwaysDashedLine \alwaysDoubleLine \Axiom$\Delta\fCenter\Pi$ \Axiom$\Gamma^\prime\fCenter\Delta,A$ \dottedLine \singleLine \UnaryInf$\lnot A,\Gamma^\prime \fCenter \Delta$ \UnaryInf$\lnot A,\lnot A,\Gamma^\prime \fCenter \Delta$ \singleLine \UnaryInf$\Gamma \fCenter \Delta$ \BinaryInf$\Gamma,\Pi,A \fCenter \Delta, \Delta,B$ \Axiom$\fCenter\mbox{\rm Hi there}$ \singleLine \BinaryInf$\Gamma\fCenter\Delta$ \end{prooftree} \begin{center} \alwaysDoubleLine \AX$\Delta\fCenter\Pi$ \AX$\Gamma^\prime\fCenter\Delta,A$ \singleLine \UI$\lnot A,\Gamma^\prime \fCenter \Delta$ \UI$\lnot A,\lnot A,\Gamma^\prime \fCenter \Delta$ \singleLine \UI$\Gamma \fCenter \Delta$ \LL{.}\RightLabel{$\lor$:left} \BI$\Gamma,\Pi,A \fCenter \Delta, \Delta,B$ \AXC{Hi there} \singleLine \BI$\Gamma\fCenter\Delta$ \DisplayProof \end{center} The above examples show `displayed' proofs. On the other hand, for putting proofs inline instead of displayed, it is also permissable to put proofs into text rather than into centered environments. For example, one can write a proof right here: \centerAlignProof %Which ever one of these is LAST sets the vertical alignment \bottomAlignProof %Try commenting out all but one of these three lines. \normalAlignProof \Axiom$\Gamma^\prime\fCenter\Delta,A$ \doubleLine \UnaryInf$\lnot A,\Gamma^\prime \fCenter \Delta$ \UnaryInf$\lnot A,\lnot A,\Gamma^\prime \fCenter \Delta$ \doubleLine \UnaryInf$\Gamma \fCenter \Delta$ \Axiom$\Delta\fCenter\Pi$ \kernHyps{-.5in}\insertBetweenHyps{\hskip-.25in} \BinaryInf$\Gamma,\Pi,A \fCenter \Delta, \Delta,B$ \Axiom$\fCenter\mbox{\rm Hi there}$ \doubleLine \BinaryInf$\Gamma\fCenter\Delta$ \DisplayProof{} %% NOTE THE USE OF "{}" although of course the proof is quite big compared to the text. There is no reason you could not add \verb+\subscriptstyle+ or \verb+\small+ commands to the lines of the proofs to shrink things down. The previous proof looks strange because it is illustrated the usage of \verb+\kernHyps+ and \verb+\insertBetweenHyps+. Finally a 3-ary inference with a usage of \verb+\noLine+ is: \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$A\lor B$} \AxiomC{$[A]$} \noLine \UnaryInfC{$C$} \AxiomC{$[B]$} \noLine \UnaryInfC{$C$} \TrinaryInfC{$C$} \end{prooftree} Two more examples: \begin{center} \AxiomC{A,B} \AxiomC{C} \BIC{A-B-C} \AXC{good} \AXC{bad} \BIC{$\frac{good}{bad}$A} \BIC{done} \DP \end{center} \begin{center} \Axiom$\fCenter A,B$ \Axiom$\fCenter C$ \BI$\fCenter A-B-C$ \AX$\fCenter good$ \AX$\fCenter bad$ \BI$\fCenter\frac{good}{bad}A$ \BI$\fCenter done$ \DP \end{center} Small labels can be created as in the third proof below: \[ \AxiomC{A} \RightLabel{1} \UnaryInfC{$\bot$} \DisplayProof \quad \AxiomC{A} \RightLabel{(2)} \UnaryInfC{$\bot$} \DisplayProof \quad \AxiomC{A} \RightLabel{\scriptsize(3)} \UnaryInfC{$\bot$} \DisplayProof \quad \AxiomC{A} \LeftLabel{(4)} \UnaryInfC{$\bot$} \DisplayProof \] Arnold's example of inline proof: The figure \AxiomC{$\dots\Gamma_\iota\dots(\iota\in I)$} \RightLabel{$I$} \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma$} \DisplayProof{} is called ... %% NOTE THE USE OF "{}" after \DisplayProof to keep LaTeX from eating subsequent spaces! \bigskip \noindent{\bf Upside down proofs} Proofs can be rendered upside down. For instance the proof above with a 3-ary inference can be made upside down by giving the command \verb+\rootAtTop+. This is useful if you want your proof trees to have their root at the top. \alwaysRootAtTop % Henceforth puts the root at the top \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$A\lor B$} \AxiomC{$[A]$} \noLine \UnaryInfC{$C$} \AxiomC{$[B]$} \noLine \UnaryInfC{$C$} \TrinaryInfC{$C$} \end{prooftree} To make the change permanent for the rest of your document, use the command \verb+\alwaysRootAtTop+ \bigskip \noindent Another upside-down example, from Alex Hertel: \bigskip \hbox{\kern-2cm% \tiny \rootAtTop \AxiomC{$= 1$} \noLine \UnaryInfC{$( ( (1 \wedge 1) \vee 0 ) \vee ( (0 \wedge 0) \vee 0 ) )$} \AxiomC{$= 1$} \noLine \UnaryInfC{$( ( (1 \wedge 1) \vee 1 ) \vee ( (0 \wedge 0) \vee 1 ) )$} \LeftLabel{$[0/z]$} \RightLabel{$[1/z]$} \BinaryInfC{$\forall z ( ( (1 \wedge 1) \vee z ) \vee ( (0 \wedge 0) \vee z ) )$} \RightLabel{$[0/y]$} \UnaryInfC{$\exists y \forall z ( ( (1 \wedge \neg y) \vee z ) \vee ( (0 \wedge y) \vee z ) )$} \RightLabel{$[0/y]$} \UnaryInfC{$\exists y \forall z ( ( (1 \wedge \neg y) \vee z ) \vee ( (0 \wedge y) \vee z ) )$} \AxiomC{$= 1$} \noLine \UnaryInfC{$( ( (0 \wedge 0) \vee 0 ) \vee ( (1 \wedge 1) \vee 0 ) )$} \AxiomC{$= 1$} \noLine \UnaryInfC{$( ( (0 \wedge 0) \vee 1 ) \vee ( (1 \wedge 1) \vee 1 ) )$} \LeftLabel{$[0/z]$} \RightLabel{$[1/z]$} \BinaryInfC{$\forall z ( ( (0 \wedge 0) \vee z ) \vee ( (1 \wedge 1) \vee z ) )$} \RightLabel{$[1/y]$} \UnaryInfC{$\exists y \forall z ( ( (0 \wedge \neg y) \vee z ) \vee ( (1 \wedge y) \vee z ) )$} \LeftLabel{$[0/x]$} \RightLabel{$[1/x]$} \BinaryInfC{$\forall x \exists y \forall z ( ( (\neg x \wedge \neg y) \vee z ) \vee ( (x \wedge y) \vee z ) )$} \DisplayProof } % End of \hbox \bigskip \newbox\gnBoxA \newdimen\gnCornerHgt \setbox\gnBoxA=\hbox{$\ulcorner$} \global\gnCornerHgt=\ht\gnBoxA \newdimen\gnArgHgt \def\Godelnum #1{% \setbox\gnBoxA=\hbox{$#1$}% \gnArgHgt=\ht\gnBoxA% \ifnum \gnArgHgt<\gnCornerHgt \gnArgHgt=0pt% \else \advance \gnArgHgt by -\gnCornerHgt% \fi \raise\gnArgHgt\hbox{$\ulcorner$} \box\gnBoxA % \raise\gnArgHgt\hbox{$\urcorner$}} This last sentence has nothing to do with proof trees, but shows my macros for G\"odel number delimeters: $\Godelnum A, \Godelnum B$ $\Godelnum s$ \end{document}