% % Copyright (C) 2007 by Gustavo MEZZETTI . % % This file is part of a work named "bullcntr package". % % The bullcntr package may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of % this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % The bullcntr package has the LPPL maintenance status % "author-maintained". % % The file `manifest.txt' that comes along with this file specifies what % the bullcntr package consists of; more precisely, it explains how the % locutions "Work" and "Compiled Work", used in the LaTeX Project Public % License, are to be interpreted in the case of this work. % % Note that the distribution of this file alone is "distribution of only % part of the Work" in the sense of the LaTeX Project Public License, % and should be avoided (see the LaTeX Project Public Licence for % details). % \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{bullenum} \usepackage[bookmarksnumbered]{hyperref} \title{Overview\\of \tbull \thanks{This document describes version \bullvers\ (\bulldate). Copyright \copyright~2007 by G.~Mezzetti (see page~\pageref{S:Copyright} for details).}} \author{G.~Mezzetti\\{\ttfamily\normalsize gustavo.mezzetti@istruzione.it}} \date{October~1, 2007} \newcommand*{\bullvers}{0.04} \newcommand*{\bulldate}{2007/04/02} \newcommand*{\filename}{bullcntr-man.dtx} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\command}[1]{% {\texorpdfstring{\normalfont\ttfamily \char\escapechar}{\pdfbslash}#1}% } \DeclareRobustCommand*{\packlass}[1]{% {\texorpdfstring{\normalfont \sffamily}{}#1}% } \DeclareRobustCommand*{\meta}[1]{\mbox{\(\langle\textit{#1}\rangle\)}} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\filedir}[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily #1}} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\env}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\cnt}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\opt}[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily #1}} \newcommand*{\Bullcntr}{bullcntr} \newcommand*{\bull}{\packlass{\Bullcntr}} \newcommand*{\tbull}{the \bull\ package} \newcommand*{\Bullenum}{bullenum} \newcommand*{\benu}{\packlass{\Bullenum}} \newcommand*{\tbenu}{the \benu\ package} \newcommand*{\hreff}[1]{\href{#1}{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand*{\Enumerat}{enumerate} \newcommand*{\beenv}{\env{\Bullenum}} \newcommand*{\enenv}{\env{\Enumerat}} \newcommand*{\pdfbslash}{} {\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=12 |gdef|pdfbslash{\\}} \makeatletter \newcommand*\hyref[1]{% actually two arguments,