\documentclass[DIV=9, pagesize=auto, version=last]{scrartcl} \addtokomafont{title}{\rmfamily} \title{The \textsf{boxedminipage} package\thanks{This manual corresponds to \textsf{boxedminipage}~v2, dated~21 May 1992.}} \subtitle{A package for producing framed minipages.} \author{Mario Wolczko, \texttt{mario@acm.org}} \date{21 May 1992} \begin{document} \maketitle \noindent The \textsf{boxedminipage} package is a \LaTeX\ package which defines the \texttt{boxedminipage} environment -- like \texttt{minipage}, but with a frame around it. The thickness of the rules around the box is controlled by \verb+\fboxrule+, and the distance between the rules and the edges of the inner box is governed by \verb+\fboxsep+. This code is based on Lamport's \texttt{minipage} code. \minisec{Changes:} % \begin{labeling}[\hspace{\labelsep}--]{Fixed, 7 Jun 89 by Jerry Leichter} \item[Fixed, 7 Jun 89 by Jerry Leichter] Leave \verb+\fboxsep+ worth of separation at top and bottom, not just at the sides! \end{labeling} \end{document}