%% %% This is file `bnumexprchanges.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% bnumexpr.dtx (with options: `changes') %% %% IMPORTANT NOTICE: %% %% For the copyright see the source file. %% %% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed %% with new filenames distinct from bnumexprchanges.tex. %% %% For distribution of the original source see the terms %% for copying and modification in the file bnumexpr.dtx. %% %% This generated file may be distributed as long as the %% original source files, as listed above, are part of the %% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be %% in the same archive or directory.) %% --------------------------------------------------------------- %% The bnumexpr package: Expressions with big integers %% Copyright (C) 2014-2017 by Jean-Francois Burnol %% \item[1.2b (2017/07/09)] \begin{itemize} \item the |_| may be used to separate visually blocks of digits in long numbers. \end{itemize} \item[1.2a (2015/10/14)] \begin{itemize} \item requires \xintcorename |1.2| or later (if not using option |custom|). \item additions to the syntax: factorial |!|, truncated division |//|, its associated modulo |/:| and |**| as alternative to |^|. \item all options removed except |custom|. \item new command |\bnumexprsetup| which replaces the commands such as |\bnumexprusesbigintcalc|. \item the parser is no more limited to numbers with at most 5000 digits. \end{itemize} \item[1.1b (2014/10/28)] \begin{itemize} \item README converted to |markdown/pandoc| syntax, \item the package now loads only |xintcore|, which belongs to |xint| bundle version |1.1| and extracts from the earlier |xint| package the core arithmetic operations as used by |bnumexpr|. \end{itemize} \item[1.1a (2014/09/22)] \begin{itemize} \item added |l3bigint| option to use experimental \LaTeX3 package of the same name, \item added Changes and Readme sections to the documentation, \item better |\BNE_protect| mechanism for use of |\bnumexpr...\relax| inside an |\edef| (without |\bnethe|). Previous one, inherited from |xintexpr.sty 1.09n|, assumed that the |\.=| dummy control sequence encapsulating the computation result had |\relax| meaning. But removing this assumption was only a matter of letting |\BNE_protect| protect two, not one, tokens. This will be backported to next version of \xintexprname, naturally (done with |xintexpr.sty 1.1|). \end{itemize} \item[1.1 (2014/09/21)] First release. This is down-scaled from the (development version of) \xintexprname. Motivation came the previous day from a chat with \textsc{Joseph Wright} over big int status in \LaTeX3. The |\bnumexpr...\relax| parser can be used on top of big int macros of one's choice. Functionalities limited to the basic operations. I leave the power operator |^| as an option. \endinput %% %% End of file `bnumexprchanges.tex'.