2013/05/28 version 13.5 Persian TeX Group * Version 13.5 released. * Added alignment option to `calstable' environment. 2013/05/26 version 13.4 Persian TeX Group * Version 13.4 released. * Synced `cals-xetex-bidi.def' with version 2.1 of `cals' package. 2013/05/22 version 13.3 Persian TeX Group * Version 13.3 released. * `cals' package partially supported. * Fixed `sideways' environment of `rotating' package in RTL mode. * `newfloat' package supported. 2013/05/01 version 13.2 Persian TeX Group * Version 13.2 released. * `fancybox' package is supported. * Removed redefinition of `\eqref' from `amsmath-xetex-bidi.def'. 2013/04/27 version 13.1 Persian TeX Group * Version 13.1 released. * Removed redefinition of `\@imakebox' from `xetex-bidi.def'. 2013/04/26 version 13.0 Persian TeX Group * Version 13.0 released. * Fixed wrong behaviour of `\autofootnoterule' with `\footnote'. 2013/04/25 version 12.9 Persian TeX Group * Version 12.9 released. * Fixed bad interaction of `\numberwithin' command of `amsmath' package with `\SepMark' command in `LTR' environment. 2013/04/24 version 12.8 Persian TeX Group * Version 12.8 released. * Fixed footnotes inside `minipage' environment. * Fixed footnote-rules inside `minipage' environment. * Fixed footnote-rules with `mdframed' package. 2013/04/16 version 12.7 Persian TeX Group * Version 12.7 released. * Fixed `frametitle' of `mdframed' package in RTL. 2013/04/12 version 12.6 Persian TeX Group * Version 12.6 released. * `rotating' package supported. 2013/04/10 version 12.5 Persian TeX Group * Version 12.5 released. * Redefinition of `\endpicture' removed from `xetex-bidi.def'. * Updated `crop-xetex-bidi.def'. * Fixed the issue of `showframe' package when the main direction is RTL. * `ftnright' package no longer loaded by `bidi' package; instead in two-columns documents, only `\textwidthfootnoterule' works. 2013/04/09 version 12.4 Persian TeX Group * Version 12.4 released. * `midfloat' package supported. * Fixed reported bug in `biditools' package. * Fixed redefinitions of `\l@part' and `\l@chapter' when `titletoc' package loaded. * Synced `lettrine-xetex-bidi.def' with version 1.64 of `lettrine' package. 2013/04/08 version 12.3 Persian TeX Group * Version 12.3 released. * Fixed `c' position of `window' environment of `picinpar' package in RTL. * Disabled some frequently-used commands of `bidi' package in pdfstring when `hyperref' package is used. * Disabled footnote-rules when `ftnright' package is used. * Fixed the issue of `\ref' not working in math-mode in RTL when `hyperref' package is used. * `biditufte' bundle and `bidi-longtable' package documented. * Fixed wrong spacing of `\color' in RTL. * `mdframed' package supported. * `floatrow' package supported. * Loaded `ftnright' package automatically in `bidi' package for two-columns documents. 2013/04/04 version 12.2 Persian TeX Group * Version 12.2 released. * Fixed the issue of `\ref' in math mode when `hyperref' loaded. * Removed `\text' redefinitions from `amsmath-xetex-bidi.def', created a new file `amstext-xetex-bidi.def', took the original definition of `\text' from `amstext' package and put the modified version in `amstext-xetex-bidi.def'. * Fixed the numbering issue of `float' package. 2013/04/01 version 12.1 Persian TeX Group * Version 12.1 released. * On page 17, line 2 of the documentation, `scartcl' changed to `scrartcl'. * Fixed `format=hang' option of `caption' package in RTL. * If any pages end inside `RTL/LTR' environment, then the direction of the headers and footers do not get confused. * Fixed `koma-script' and `caption' combination issue in RTL. * Version 0.2 of `bidi.tex' released. * Fixed `\setRTL' issue in plain xetex. * Fixed horizontal alignment of `longtable'. * `cuted' package supported. * `ftnright' package supported. * Fixed `showframe' option of geometry package.