\documentclass[a4paper]{ltxguide} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \title{Inserting Bible texts with the \textsf{bible} package} \author{Camil Staps\footnote{info@camilstaps.nl}} \date{Version 0.1\\2016-02-18} \usepackage{bibletext} \usepackage{framed} \usepackage{minted} \newenvironment{example} {\VerbatimOut{\jobname.tmp}} {\endVerbatimOut \begin{framed} \setlength{\parskip}{-10pt} \inputminted[xleftmargin=-8pt]{latex}{\jobname.tmp} \medskip \input{\jobname.tmp} \end{framed}} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This package allows you to add Bible texts by specifying references, rather than copying the text into the document. Under the hood, this uses the \texttt{bible} command, for which you need to install \texttt{bible-kjv}. This means that by default you will have the KJV translation. Because of the need for this package and other implementation details, this package won't work on Windows. \section{Examples} \begin{example} \bibletext{Jn 1:1-2} \end{example} \begin{example} \bibletext[ref=true]{Jn 1:1-2} \end{example} \begin{example} \bibletext[ref=true,omitrepeatedchapter=true]{Jn 1:1-2} \end{example} \begin{example} \bibletext[ref=true,omitchapter=true]{Jn 1:1-2} \end{example} \section{Future work} \begin{itemize} \item When \verb$omitrepeatedchapter=true$, the chapter should again be outputted when a new chapter is begun. \item The verse indications should be parsed and a \verb$\versefont$ command should be defined. \item Implement the \verb$translation$ option to allow the writer to select a specific translation. \end{itemize} \section{Incompatibilities} The \textsf{bible} package needs to pipe shell commands, for which it needs to \verb$\DeleteShortVerb{\|}$. This means that you cannot use \verb$|foo|$ as shorthand for \verb$\verb|foo|$\footnote{Credits go to egreg on TeX.SE, \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/294732/23992}.}. \end{document}