\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Cambria} \setsansfont{Arial} \setmonofont{Courier New} \usepackage[russian]{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} @book{tolstoy, author = {given=Лев, patronymic=Николаевич, family=Толстой}, title = {Война и мир}, date = {1877} } \end{filecontents} \usepackage[style=authoryear,datamodel=93-nameparts,backend=biber]{biblatex} \addbibresource[datatype=biblatexml]{biblatex-examples.bltxml} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} % A format using the new name part \DeclareNameFormat{author}{% \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1}% \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1}% \mkbibnamefamily{\namepartfamily}% \ifdefvoid\namepartgiven {} {\revsdnamepunct \bibnamedelimd \mkbibnamegiven{\namepartgiven}% \space \mkbibnamepatronymic{\namepartpatronymic}\isdot} \usebibmacro{name:andothers}} % We want to sort names using these name parts in this order \DeclareSortingNamekeyScheme{ \keypart{ \namepart{patronymic} } \keypart{ \namepart{family} } \keypart{ \namepart{given} } } \begin{document} % Historically, name handling in latex bibliographies has been determined by % the name parsing rules of bibtex. In a modern context, this name handling % is rather archaic, restricted to Western names with the four parts % "family", "given", "prefix", "suffix" (often referred to in bibtex % documentation as "last", "first", "von" and "Jr" parts). When using biber, % it is possible to define arbitrary name parts since the allowable name % parts are defined in the data model (see accompanying file 93-nameparts.dbx). % Here we demonstrate the possibility of adding a new "patronymic" name part to the % datamodel and then using it in formatting, sorting etc. It requires % the biblatexml datasource format (see accompanying file biblatex-examples.bltxml) % Notice that we can use the name part type in the datasource % which is now allowable due to the enhanced datamodel constant definition. % We have also defined a new name format and method of sorting names which % are aware of the new name part. % \noindent\textcite{tolstoy}\\ \textcite{bulgakov} \printbibliography \end{document}