% % This file demonstrates how to configure biblatex to prefix % numerical citations with a letter or a string. This will work with % all numerical styles which ship with biblatex. Note that you must % set defernumbers=true globally when using prefixes. % % Since the prefixes are assigned as the bibliography is generated, % you may use any filter supported by biblatex to subdivide the % references (by type, by category, by keyword, etc.). % \documentclass[a4paper,oneside]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} % When using prefixed numerical labels, the labels must be assigned % as the bibliography is generated. That's why we set % defernumbers=true here: \usepackage[style=numeric,defernumbers,backend=biber]{biblatex} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{nameref} \addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib} % A catch-all filter for all items which are not assigned to a % dedicated sub-bibliography: \defbibfilter{other}{ not type=article and not type=book and not type=collection } \begin{document} \section*{Prefixed numerical citations} % Some citations: \cite{angenendt, kastenholz, augustine, companion, jaffe, ctan} \nocite{*} % Let's print the overall heading of the bibliography first: \printbibheading % And now the sub-bibliographies: we use three of them (based on the % entry type). Each sub-bibliography assigns a different prefix: \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={Articles},type=article,prefixnumbers={A}] \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={Books},type=book,prefixnumbers={B}] \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={Collections},type=collection,prefixnumbers={C}] % The catch-all sub-bibliography for all remaining types: \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={Other Sources},filter=other,prefixnumbers={O}] \end{document}