% % This file is similar to the 'per section' example except that % all references are printed at the end of the document. The % citation labels are still local to the 'refsection' environments. % % With Biber, this file is processed as follows: % % latex file % biber file % latex file % % With BibTeX, this file is processed as follows: % % latex file % bibtex file1-blx % bibtex file2-blx % bibtex file3-blx % latex file % % Note that the file name suffix may generally be omitted. It's % 'latex file' and 'bibtex file' rather than 'latex file.tex' and % 'bibtex file.aux'. Depending on the TeX distribution, omitting the % 'aux' file prefix when invoking BibTeX may even by mandatory. % \documentclass[a4paper,oneside]{book} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage[style=authoryear,backend=biber]{biblatex} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{nameref} \addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib} \defbibheading{subbibliography}{% \section*{% Chapter \therefsection: \nameref{refsection:\therefsection}}} \begin{document} \chapter{Title of first chapter} \begin{refsection} This is just filler text \parencite{westfahl:space}. This is just filler text \parencite{nietzsche:ksa}. \end{refsection} \chapter{Title of second chapter} \begin{refsection} This is just filler text \parencite{nietzsche:historie}. This is just filler text \parencite{westfahl:frontier}. \end{refsection} \chapter{Title of third chapter} \begin{refsection} This is just filler text \parencite{aristotle:anima}. This is just filler text \parencite{averroes/bland}. \end{refsection} \printbibheading \bibbysection[heading=subbibliography] % % \bibbysection is a shorthand for: % % \printbibliography[section=1] % \printbibliography[section=2] % \printbibliography[section=3] % ... \end{document}