\documentclass{ltxdockit}[2011/03/25] \usepackage{btxdockit} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmonofont[Ligatures=TeX]{Courier New} \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O} \setsansfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Biolinum O} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage[strict]{csquotes} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{shortvrb} \usepackage{pifont} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{typearea} \areaset[current]{370pt}{700pt} \lstset{basicstyle=\ttfamily,keepspaces=true} \KOMAoptions{numbers=noenddot} \addtokomafont{title}{\sffamily} \addtokomafont{paragraph}{\spotcolor} \addtokomafont{section}{\spotcolor} \addtokomafont{subsection}{\spotcolor} \addtokomafont{subsubsection}{\spotcolor} \addtokomafont{descriptionlabel}{\spotcolor} \setkomafont{caption}{\bfseries\sffamily\spotcolor} \setkomafont{captionlabel}{\bfseries\sffamily\spotcolor} \pretocmd{\cmd}{\sloppy}{}{} \pretocmd{\bibfield}{\sloppy}{}{} \pretocmd{\bibtype}{\sloppy}{}{} \makeatletter \patchcmd{\paragraph} {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}{}{} \patchcmd{\paragraph}{-1em}{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}{}{} \makeatother \MakeAutoQuote{«}{»} \MakeAutoQuote*{<}{>} \MakeShortVerb{\|} \newcommand*{\biber}{Biber\xspace} \newcommand*{\biblatex}{Biblatex\xspace} \newcommand*{\biblatexhome}{http://sourceforge.net/projects/biblatex/} \newcommand*{\biblatexctan}{% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex/} \titlepage{% title={The \biblatex Package}, subtitle={Programmable Bibliographies and Citations}, url={\biblatexhome}, author={Philipp Lehman \\(with Philip Kime, Audrey Boruvka and Joseph Wright)}, email={}, revision={2.9a}, date={24/06/2014}} \hypersetup{% pdftitle={The \biblatex Package}, pdfsubject={Programmable Bibliographies and Citations}, pdfauthor={Philipp Lehman, Philip Kime}, pdfkeywords={tex, latex, bibtex, bibliography, references, citation}} % tables \newcolumntype{H}{>{\sffamily\bfseries\spotcolor}l} \newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright\let\\=\tabularnewline}p} \newcolumntype{R}{>{\raggedleft\let\\=\tabularnewline}p} \newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\let\\=\tabularnewline}p} \newcolumntype{V}{>{\raggedright\let\\=\tabularnewline\ttfamily}p} \newcommand*{\sorttablesetup}{% \tablesetup \ttfamily \def\new{\makebox[1.25em][r]{\ensuremath\rightarrow}\,}% \def\alt{\par\makebox[1.25em][r]{\ensuremath\hookrightarrow}\,}% \def\note##1{\textrm{##1}}} \newcommand{\tickmarkyes}{\Pisymbol{psy}{183}} \newcommand{\tickmarkno}{\textendash} \providecommand*{\textln}[1]{#1} \providecommand*{\lnstyle}{} % markup and misc \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} \makeatletter \newenvironment{nameparts} {\trivlist\item \tabular{@{}ll@{}}} {\endtabular\endtrivlist} \newenvironment{namedelims} {\trivlist\item \tabularx{\textwidth}{@{}c@{=}l>{\raggedright\let\\=\tabularnewline}X@{}}} {\endtabularx\endtrivlist} \newenvironment{namesample} {\def\delim##1##2{\@delim{##1}{\normalfont\tiny\bfseries##2}}% \def\@delim##1##2{{% \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{##1}% \@tempdima=\wd\@tempboxa \wd\@tempboxa=\z@ \box\@tempboxa \begingroup\spotcolor \setbox\@tempboxa\hb@xt@\@tempdima{\hss##2\hss}% \vrule\lower1.25ex\box\@tempboxa \endgroup}}% \ttfamily\trivlist \setlength\itemsep{0.5\baselineskip}} {\endtrivlist} \makeatother \newrobustcmd*{\Deprecated}{% \textcolor{spot}{\margnotefont Deprecated}} \newrobustcmd*{\DeprecatedMark}{% \leavevmode\marginpar{\Deprecated}} \newrobustcmd*{\BiberOnly}{% \textcolor{spot}{\margnotefont Biber only}} \newrobustcmd*{\BiberOnlyMark}{% \leavevmode\marginpar{\BiberOnly}} \newrobustcmd*{\BibTeXOnly}{% \textcolor{spot}{\margnotefont BibTeX only}} \newrobustcmd*{\BibTeXOnlyMark}{% \leavevmode\marginpar{\BibTeXOnly}} \newrobustcmd*{\LF}{% \textcolor{spot}{\margnotefont Label field}} \newrobustcmd*{\LFMark}{% \leavevmode\marginpar{\LF}} \hyphenation{% star-red bib-lio-gra-phy white-space } \begin{document} \printtitlepage \tableofcontents \listoftables \section{Introduction} \label{int} This document is a systematic reference manual for the \biblatex package. Look at the sample documents which ship with \biblatex to get a first impression.\fnurl{\biblatexctan/doc/examples} For a quick start guide, browse \secref{int:abt, bib:typ, bib:fld, bib:use, use:opt, use:xbx, use:bib, use:cit, use:use}. \subsection[About]{About \biblatex} \label{int:abt} This package provides advanced bibliographic facilities for use with \latex in conjunction with \bibtex. The package is a complete reimplementation of the bibliographic facilities provided by \latex. A custom backend \biber by default is used which processes the \bibtex format data files and them performs all sorting, label generation (and a great deal more). Legacy \bibtex is also supported as a backend, albeit with a reduced feature set. Biblatex does not use the backend to format the bibliography information as with traditional \bibtex: instead of being implemented in \bibtex style files, the formatting of the bibliography is entirely controlled by TeX macros. Good working knowledge in \latex should be sufficient to design new bibliography and citation styles. There is no need to learn \bibtex's postfix stack language. This package also supports subdivided bibliographies, multiple bibliographies within one document, and separate lists of bibliographic information such as abbreviations of various fields. Bibliographies may be subdivided into parts and\slash or segmented by topics. Just like the bibliography styles, all citation commands may be freely defined. With \biber as the backend, features such as customisable sorting, multiple bibliographies with different sorting, customisable labels, dynamic data modification are available. Please refer to \secref{int:pre:bibercompat} for information on \biber/\biblatex version compatibility. The package is completely localized and can interface with the \sty{babel} package. Please refer to \tabref{bib:fld:tab1} for a list of languages currently supported by this package. \subsection{License} Copyright \textcopyright\ 2006--2012 Philipp Lehman, 2012--2013 Philip Kime, Audrey Boruvka, Joseph Wright. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and\slash or modify this software under the terms of the \lppl, version 1.3.\fnurl{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/lppl.txt} \subsection{Feedback} \label{int:feb} Please use the \biblatex project page on GitHub to report bugs and submit feature requests.\fnurl{http://github.com/plk/biblatex} Before making a feature request, please ensure that you have thoroughly studied this manual. If you do not want to report a bug or request a feature but are simply in need of assistance, you might want to consider posting your question on the \texttt{comp.text.tex} newsgroup or \tex-\latex Stack Exchange.\fnurl{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/biblatex} \subsection{Acknowledgments} The language modules of this package are made possible thanks to the following contributors: Augusto Ritter Stoffel, Mateus Araújo (Brazilian); Sebastià Vila-Marta (Catalan); Ivo Pletikosić (Croatian); Michal Hoftich (Czech); Johannes Wilm (Danish\slash Norwegian); Alexander van Loon, Pieter Belmans, Hendrik Maryns (Dutch); Hannu Väisänen, Janne Kujanpää (Finnish); Denis Bitouzé (French); Apostolos Syropoulos, Prokopis (Greek); Baldur Kristinsson (Icelandic); Enrico Gregorio, Andrea Marchitelli (Italian); Håkon Malmedal (Norwegian); Anastasia Kandulina, Yuriy Chernyshov (Polish); José Carlos Santos (Portuguese); Oleg Domanov (Russian); Tea Tušar and Bogdan Filipič (Slovene); Ignacio Fernández Galván (Spanish); Per Starbäck, Carl-Gustav Werner, Filip Åsblom (Swedish). \subsection{Prerequisites} \label{int:pre} This section gives an overview of all resources required by this package and discusses compatibility issues. \subsubsection{Requirements} \label{int:pre:req} The resources listed in this section are strictly required for \biblatex to function. The package will not work if they are not available. \begin{marglist} \item[\etex] The \biblatex package requires \etex. \tex distributions have been shipping \etex binaries for quite some time, the popular distributions use them by default these days. The \biblatex package checks if it is running under \etex. Simply try compiling your documents as you usually do, the chances are that it just works. If you get an error message, try compiling the document with \bin{elatex} instead of \bin{latex} or \bin{pdfelatex} instead of \bin{pdflatex}, respectively. \item[\biber] \biber is the default backend of \biblatex. You only need one backend, either \bibtex or \biber. \biber comes with TeXLive and is also available from SourceForge.\fnurl{http://biblatex-biber.sourceforge.net/}. There are some slight differences in name parsing of parts with \biber as compared with \bibtex which you probably won't normally notice. \biber uses the \texttt{btparse} C library for \bibtex format file parsing which aimed to be compatible with \bibtex's parsing rules but also aimed at correcting some of the common problems. For details, see the manual page for the Perl \texttt{Text::BibTeX} module\fnurl{http://search.cpan.org/~ambs/Text-BibTeX}. \item[\bibtex] The \biblatex package can use legacy \bibtex as a data backend. While a legacy \bibtex binary is sufficient to run \biblatex, using \bin{bibtex8} is recommended. If your \tex distribution does not ship with \bin{bibtex8}, you can get it from \acr{CTAN}.\fnurl{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/8-bit/} \item[etoolbox] This \latex package, which is loaded automatically, provides generic programming facilities required by \biblatex. It is available from \acr{CTAN}.\fnurl{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/etoolbox/} \item[kvoptions] This \latex package, which is also loaded automatically, is used for internal option handling. It is available with the \sty{oberdiek} package bundle from \acr{CTAN}.\fnurl{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/kvoptions} \item[logreq] This \latex package, which is also loaded automatically, provides a frontend for writing machine-readable messages to an auxiliary log file. It is available from \acr{CTAN}.\fnurl{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/logreq/} \end{marglist} Apart from the above resources, \biblatex also requires the standard \latex packages \sty{keyval} and \sty{ifthen} as well as the \sty{url} package. These package are included in all common \tex distributions and will be loaded automatically. \subsubsection{Recommended Packages} \label{int:pre:rec} The packages listed in this section are not required for \biblatex to function, but they provide recommended additional functions or enhance existing features. The package loading order does not matter. \begin{marglist} \item[babel/polyglossia] The \sty{babel} and \sty{polyglossia} packages provides the core architecture for multilingual typesetting. If you are writing in a language other than American English, using one of these packages is strongly recommended. If loaded, \biblatex package will detect \sty{babel} or \sty{polyglossia} automatically. \item[csquotes] If this package is available, \biblatex will use its language sensitive quotation facilities to enclose certain titles in quotation marks. If not, \biblatex uses quotes suitable for American English as a fallback. When writing in any other language, loading \sty{csquotes} is strongly recommended.\fnurl{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/csquotes/} \item[xpatch] The \sty{xpatch} package extends the patching commands of \sty{etoolbox} to \biblatex bibliography macros, drivers and formatting directives.\fnurl{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/xpatch/} \end{marglist} \subsubsection{Compatible Classes and Packages} \label{int:pre:cmp} The \biblatex package provides dedicated compatibility code for the classes and packages listed in this section. \begin{marglist} \item[hyperref] The \sty{hyperref} package transforms citations into hyperlinks. See the \opt{hyperref} and \opt{backref} package options in \secref{use:opt:pre:gen} for further details. When using the \sty{hyperref} package, it is preferable to load it after \biblatex. \item[showkeys] The \sty{showkeys} package prints the internal keys of, among other things, citations in the text and items in the bibliography. The package loading order does not matter. \item[memoir] When using the \sty{memoir} class, the default bibliography headings are adapted such that they blend well with the default layout of this class. See \secref{use:cav:mem} for further usage hints. \item[\acr{KOMA}-Script] When using any of the \sty{scrartcl}, \sty{scrbook}, or \sty{scrreprt} classes, the default bibliography headings are adapted such that they blend with the default layout of these classes. See \secref{use:cav:scr} for further usage hints. \end{marglist} \subsubsection{Incompatible Packages} \label{int:pre:inc} The packages listed in this section are not compatible with \biblatex. Since it reimplements the bibliographic facilities of \latex from the ground up, \biblatex naturally conflicts with all packages modifying the same facilities. This is not specific to \biblatex. Some of the packages listed below are also incompatible with each other for the same reason. \begin{marglist} % FIXME: complete list % % amsrefs % apacite % drftcite % footbib % multibbl % overcite % bibtopicprefix \item[babelbib] The \sty{babelbib} package provides support for multilingual bibliographies. This is a standard feature of \biblatex. Use the \bibfield{langid} field and the package option \opt{autolang} for similar functionality. Note that \biblatex automatically adjusts to the main document language if \sty{babel} or \sty{polyglossia} is loaded. You only need the above mentioned features if you want to switch languages on a per"=entry basis within the bibliography. See \secref{bib:fld:spc, use:opt:pre:gen} for details. Also see \secref{use:lng}. \item[backref] The \sty{backref} package creates back references in the bibliography. See the package options \opt{hyperref} and \opt{backref} in \secref{use:opt:pre:gen} for comparable functionality. \item[bibtopic] The \sty{bibtopic} package provides support for bibliographies subdivided by topic, type, or other criteria. For bibliographies subdivided by topic, see the category feature in \secref{use:bib:cat} and the corresponding filters in \secref{use:bib:bib}. Alternatively, you may use the \bibfield{keywords} field in conjunction with the \opt{keyword} and \opt{notkeyword} filters for comparable functionality, see \secref{bib:fld:spc, use:bib:bib} for details. For bibliographies subdivided by type, use the \opt{type} and \opt{nottype} filters. Also see \secref{use:use:div} for examples. \item[bibunits] The \sty{bibunits} package provides support for multiple partial (\eg per chapter) bibliographies. See \sty{chapterbib}. \item[chapterbib] The \sty{chapterbib} package provides support for multiple partial bibliographies. Use the \env{refsection} environment and the \opt{section} filter for comparable functionality. Alternatively, you might also want to use the \env{refsegment} environment and the \opt{segment} filter. See \secref{use:bib:sec, use:bib:seg, use:bib:bib} for details. Also see \secref{use:use:mlt} for examples. \item[cite] The \sty{cite} package automatically sorts numeric citations and can compress a list of consecutive numbers to a range. It also makes the punctuation used in citations configurable. For sorted and compressed numeric citations, see the \opt{sortcites} package option in \secref{use:opt:pre:gen} and the \texttt{numeric-comp} citation style in \secref{use:xbx:cbx}. For configurable punctuation, see \secref{use:fmt}. \item[citeref] Another package for creating back references in the bibliography. See \sty{backref}. \item[inlinebib] The \sty{inlinebib} package is designed for traditional citations given in footnotes. For comparable functionality, see the verbose citation styles in \secref{use:xbx:cbx}. \item[jurabib] Originally designed for citations in law studies and (mostly German) judicial documents, the \sty{jurabib} package also provides features aimed at users in the humanities. In terms of the features provided, there are some similarities between \sty{jurabib} and \biblatex but the approaches taken by both packages are quite different. Since both \sty{jurabib} and \biblatex are full"=featured packages, the list of similarities and differences is too long to be discussed here. \item[mcite] The \sty{mcite} package provides support for grouped citations, \ie multiple items can be cited as a single reference and listed as a single block in the bibliography. The citation groups are defined as the items are cited. This only works with unsorted bibliographies. The \biblatex package also supports grouped citations, which are called or in this manual. See \secref{use:use:set,use:bib:set,use:cit:mct} for details. \item[mciteplus] A significantly enhanced reimplementation of the \sty{mcite} package which supports grouping in sorted bibliographies. See \sty{mcite}. \item[multibib] The \sty{multibib} package provides support for bibliographies subdivided by topic or other criteria. See \sty{bibtopic}. \item[natbib] The \sty{natbib} package supports numeric and author"=year citation schemes, incorporating sorting and compression code found in the \sty{cite} package. It also provides additional citation commands and several configuration options. See the \texttt{numeric} and \texttt{author-year} citation styles and their variants in \secref{use:xbx:cbx}, the \opt{sortcites} package option in \secref{use:opt:pre:gen}, the citation commands in \secref{use:cit}, and the facilities discussed in \secref{use:bib:hdg, use:bib:nts, use:fmt} for comparable functionality. Also see \secref{use:cit:nat}. \item[splitbib] The \sty{splitbib} package provides support for bibliographies subdivided by topic. See \sty{bibtopic}. \item[titlesec] The \sty{titlesec} package redefines user-level document division commands such as \cmd{chapter} or \cmd{section}. This approach is not compatible with internal command changes applied by the \biblatex \texttt{refsection} and \texttt{refsegment} option settings described in \secref{use:opt:pre:gen}. \item[ucs] The \sty{ucs} package provides support for \utf encoded input. Either use \sty{inputenc}'s standard \file{utf8} module or a Unicode enabled engine such as \xetex or \luatex instead. \end{marglist} \subsubsection{Compatibility Matrix for \biber} \label{int:pre:bibercompat} \biber\ versions are closely coupled with \biblatex\ versions. You need to have the right combination of the two. \biber\ will warn you during processing if it encounters information which comes from a \biblatex\ version which is incompatible. \tabref{tab:int:pre:bibercompat} shows a compatibility matrix for the recent versions. \begin{table} \tablesetup\centering \begin{tabular}{cc} \toprule \sffamily\bfseries\spotcolor Biber version & \sffamily\bfseries\spotcolor \biblatex\ version\\ \midrule 1.9 & 2.9\\ 1.8 & 2.8\\ 1.7 & 2.7\\ 1.6 & 2.6\\ 1.5 & 2.5\\ 1.4 & 2.4\\ 1.3 & 2.3\\ 1.2 & 2.1, 2.2\\ 1.1 & 2.1\\ 1.0 & 2.0\\ 0.9.9 & 1.7x\\ 0.9.8 & 1.7x\\ 0.9.7 & 1.7x\\ 0.9.6 & 1.7x\\ 0.9.5 & 1.6x\\ 0.9.4 & 1.5x\\ 0.9.3 & 1.5x\\ 0.9.2 & 1.4x\\ 0.9.1 & 1.4x\\ 0.9 & 1.4x\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{\biber/\biblatex\ compatibility matrix} \label{tab:int:pre:bibercompat} \end{table} \section{Database Guide} \label{bib} It is important to distinguish between \bibtex the program and \bibtex the file format. \biblatex can be used with or without \bibtex the program since its default backend \biber uses fully supports the \bibtex file format (\file{bib}) and users should be able to move to \biblatex will little or no changes to their \bibtex data files when using \biber as a backend. If using \bibtex as the data backend, note that you cannot use arbitrary \file{bst} files because the package depends on a special \bibtex interface. When using \bibtex as a backend, \biblatex uses its own special \file{bst} file only. The entry guide below is backend agnostic unless otherwise stated. This section describes the default data model defined in the \file{blx-dm.def} file which is part of \path{biblatex}. The data model is defined using the macros documented in \secref{aut:ctm:dm}. It is possible to redefine the data model which both \biblatex and \biber use so that datasources can contain new entrytypes and fields (which of course will need style support). The data model specification also allows for constraints to be defined so that data sources can be validated against the data model (using \biber's \path{--validate_datamodel} option). Users who want to customise the data model need to look at the \file{blx-dm.def} file and to read \secref{aut:ctm:dm}. \subsection{Entry Types} \label{bib:typ} This section gives an overview of the entry types supported by the default \biblatex data model along with the fields supported by each type. \subsubsection{Regular Types} \label{bib:typ:blx} The lists below indicate the fields supported by each entry type. Note that the mapping of fields to an entry type is ultimately at the discretion of the bibliography style. The lists below therefore serve two purposes. They indicate the fields supported by the standard styles which ship with this package and they also serve as a model for custom styles. Note that the fields are not strictly required in all cases, see \secref{bib:use:key} for details. The fields marked as are optional in a technical sense. Bibliographical formatting rules usually require more than just the fields. The default data model defined a few constraints for the format of date fields, ISBNs and some special fields like \bibfield{gender} but the constraints are only used if validating against the data model with \biber's \path{--validate_datamodel} option. Generic fields like \bibfield{abstract} and \bibfield{annotation} or \bibfield{label} and \bibfield{shorthand} are not included in the lists below because they are independent of the entry type. The special fields discussed in \secref{bib:fld:spc}, which are also independent of the entry type, are not included in the lists either. See the default data model specification in the file \file{blx-dm.def} which comes with \biblatex for a complete specification. \begin{typelist} \typeitem{article} An article in a journal, magazine, newspaper, or other periodical which forms a self"=contained unit with its own title. The title of the periodical is given in the \bibfield{journaltitle} field. If the issue has its own title in addition to the main title of the periodical, it goes in the \bibfield{issuetitle} field. Note that \bibfield{editor} and related fields refer to the journal while \bibfield{translator} and related fields refer to the article. \reqitem{author, title, journaltitle, year/date} \optitem{translator, annotator, commentator, subtitle, titleaddon, editor, editora, editorb, editorc, journalsubtitle, issuetitle, issuesubtitle, language, origlanguage, series, volume, number, eid, issue, month, pages, version, note, issn, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{book} A single"=volume book with one or more authors where the authors share credit for the work as a whole. This entry type also covers the function of the \bibtype{inbook} type of traditional \bibtex, see \secref{bib:use:inb} for details. \reqitem{author, title, year/date} \optitem{editor, editora, editorb, editorc, translator, annotator, commentator, introduction, foreword, afterword, subtitle, titleaddon, maintitle, mainsubtitle, maintitleaddon, language, origlanguage, volume, part, edition, volumes, series, number, note, publisher, location, isbn, chapter, pages, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{mvbook} A multi"=volume \bibtype{book}. For backwards compatibility, multi"=volume books are also supported by the entry type \bibtype{book}. However, it is advisable to make use of the dedicated entry type \bibtype{mvbook}. \reqitem{author, title, year/date} \optitem{editor, editora, editorb, editorc, translator, annotator, commentator, introduction, foreword, afterword, subtitle, titleaddon, language, origlanguage, edition, volumes, series, number, note, publisher, location, isbn, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{inbook} A part of a book which forms a self"=contained unit with its own title. Note that the profile of this entry type is different from standard \bibtex, see \secref{bib:use:inb}. \reqitem{author, title, booktitle, year/date} \optitem{bookauthor, editor, editora, editorb, editorc, translator, annotator, commentator, introduction, foreword, afterword, subtitle, titleaddon, maintitle, mainsubtitle, maintitleaddon, booksubtitle, booktitleaddon, language, origlanguage, volume, part, edition, volumes, series, number, note, publisher, location, isbn, chapter, pages, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{bookinbook} This type is similar to \bibtype{inbook} but intended for works originally published as a stand-alone book. A typical example are books reprinted in the collected works of an author. \typeitem{suppbook} Supplemental material in a \bibtype{book}. This type is closely related to the \bibtype{inbook} entry type. While \bibtype{inbook} is primarily intended for a part of a book with its own title (\eg a single essay in a collection of essays by the same author), this type is provided for elements such as prefaces, introductions, forewords, afterwords, etc. which often have a generic title only. Style guides may require such items to be formatted differently from other \bibtype{inbook} items. The standard styles will treat this entry type as an alias for \bibtype{inbook}. \typeitem{booklet} A book"=like work without a formal publisher or sponsoring institution. Use the field \bibfield{howpublished} to supply publishing information in free format, if applicable. The field \bibfield{type} may be useful as well. \reqitem{author/editor, title, year/date} \optitem{subtitle, titleaddon, language, howpublished, type, note, location, chapter, pages, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{collection} A single"=volume collection with multiple, self"=contained contributions by distinct authors which have their own title. The work as a whole has no overall author but it will usually have an editor. \reqitem{editor, title, year/date} \optitem{editora, editorb, editorc, translator, annotator, commentator, introduction, foreword, afterword, subtitle, titleaddon, maintitle, mainsubtitle, maintitleaddon, language, origlanguage, volume, part, edition, volumes, series, number, note, publisher, location, isbn, chapter, pages, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{mvcollection} A multi"=volume \bibtype{collection}. For backwards compatibility, multi"=volume collections are also supported by the entry type \bibtype{collection}. However, it is advisable to make use of the dedicated entry type \bibtype{mvcollection}. \reqitem{editor, title, year/date} \optitem{editora, editorb, editorc, translator, annotator, commentator, introduction, foreword, afterword, subtitle, titleaddon, language, origlanguage, edition, volumes, series, number, note, publisher, location, isbn, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{incollection} A contribution to a collection which forms a self"=contained unit with a distinct author and title. The \bibfield{author} refers to the \bibfield{title}, the \bibfield{editor} to the \bibfield{booktitle}, \ie the title of the collection. \reqitem{author, title, booktitle, year/date} \optitem{editor, editora, editorb, editorc, translator, annotator, commentator, introduction, foreword, afterword, subtitle, titleaddon, maintitle, mainsubtitle, maintitleaddon, booksubtitle, booktitleaddon, language, origlanguage, volume, part, edition, volumes, series, number, note, publisher, location, isbn, chapter, pages, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{suppcollection} Supplemental material in a \bibtype{collection}. This type is similar to \bibtype{suppbook} but related to the \bibtype{collection} entry type. The standard styles will treat this entry type as an alias for \bibtype{incollection}. \typeitem{manual} Technical or other documentation, not necessarily in printed form. The \bibfield{author} or \bibfield{editor} is omissible in terms of \secref{bib:use:key}. \reqitem{author/editor, title, year/date} \optitem{subtitle, titleaddon, language, edition, type, series, number, version, note, organization, publisher, location, isbn, chapter, pages, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{misc} A fallback type for entries which do not fit into any other category. Use the field \bibfield{howpublished} to supply publishing information in free format, if applicable. The field \bibfield{type} may be useful as well. \bibfield{author}, \bibfield{editor}, and \bibfield{year} are omissible in terms of \secref{bib:use:key}. \reqitem{author/editor, title, year/date} \optitem{subtitle, titleaddon, language, howpublished, type, version, note, organization, location, date, month, year, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{online} An online resource. \bibfield{author}, \bibfield{editor}, and \bibfield{year} are omissible in terms of \secref{bib:use:key}. This entry type is intended for sources such as web sites which are intrinsically online resources. Note that all entry types support the \bibfield{url} field. For example, when adding an article from an online journal, it may be preferable to use the \bibtype{article} type and its \bibfield{url} field. \reqitem{author/editor, title, year/date, url} \optitem{subtitle, titleaddon, language, version, note, organization, date, month, year, addendum, pubstate, urldate} \typeitem{patent} A patent or patent request. The number or record token is given in the \bibfield{number} field. Use the \bibfield{type} field to specify the type and the \bibfield{location} field to indicate the scope of the patent, if different from the scope implied by the \bibfield{type}. Note that the \bibfield{location} field is treated as a key list with this entry type, see \secref{bib:fld:typ} for details. \reqitem{author, title, number, year/date} \optitem{holder, subtitle, titleaddon, type, version, location, note, date, month, year, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{periodical} An complete issue of a periodical, such as a special issue of a journal. The title of the periodical is given in the \bibfield{title} field. If the issue has its own title in addition to the main title of the periodical, it goes in the \bibfield{issuetitle} field. The \bibfield{editor} is omissible in terms of \secref{bib:use:key}. \reqitem{editor, title, year/date} \optitem{editora, editorb, editorc, subtitle, issuetitle, issuesubtitle, language, series, volume, number, issue, date, month, year, note, issn, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{suppperiodical} Supplemental material in a \bibtype{periodical}. This type is similar to \bibtype{suppbook} but related to the \bibtype{periodical} entry type. The role of this entry type may be more obvious if you bear in mind that the \bibtype{article} type could also be called \bibtype{inperiodical}. This type may be useful when referring to items such as regular columns, obituaries, letters to the editor, etc. which only have a generic title. Style guides may require such items to be formatted differently from articles in the strict sense of the word. The standard styles will treat this entry type as an alias for \bibtype{article}. \typeitem{proceedings} A single"=volume conference proceedings. This type is very similar to \bibtype{collection}. It supports an optional \bibfield{organization} field which holds the sponsoring institution. The \bibfield{editor} is omissible in terms of \secref{bib:use:key}. \reqitem{title, year/date} \optitem{editor, subtitle, titleaddon, maintitle, mainsubtitle, maintitleaddon, eventtitle, eventtitleaddon, eventdate, venue, language, volume, part, volumes, series, number, note, organization, publisher, location, month, isbn, chapter, pages, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{mvproceedings} A multi"=volume \bibtype{proceedings} entry. For backwards compatibility, multi"=volume proceedings are also supported by the entry type \bibtype{proceedings}. However, it is advisable to make use of the dedicated entry type \bibtype{mvproceedings} \reqitem{title, year/date} \optitem{editor, subtitle, titleaddon, eventtitle, eventtitleaddon, eventdate, venue, language, volumes, series, number, note, organization, publisher, location, month, isbn, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{inproceedings} An article in a conference proceedings. This type is similar to \bibtype{incollection}. It supports an optional \bibfield{organization} field. \reqitem{author, title, booktitle, year/date} \optitem{editor, subtitle, titleaddon, maintitle, mainsubtitle, maintitleaddon, booksubtitle, booktitleaddon, eventtitle, eventtitleaddon, eventdate, venue, language, volume, part, volumes, series, number, note, organization, publisher, location, month, isbn, chapter, pages, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{reference} A single"=volume work of reference such as an encyclopedia or a dictionary. This is a more specific variant of the generic \bibtype{collection} entry type. The standard styles will treat this entry type as an alias for \bibtype{collection}. \typeitem{mvreference} A multi"=volume \bibtype{reference} entry. The standard styles will treat this entry type as an alias for \bibtype{mvcollection}. For backwards compatibility, multi"=volume references are also supported by the entry type \bibtype{reference}. However, it is advisable to make use of the dedicated entry type \bibtype{mvreference}. \typeitem{inreference} An article in a work of reference. This is a more specific variant of the generic \bibtype{incollection} entry type. The standard styles will treat this entry type as an alias for \bibtype{incollection}. \typeitem{report} A technical report, research report, or white paper published by a university or some other institution. Use the \bibfield{type} field to specify the type of report. The sponsoring institution goes in the \bibfield{institution} field. \reqitem{author, title, type, institution, year/date} \optitem{subtitle, titleaddon, language, number, version, note, location, month, isrn, chapter, pages, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{set} An entry set. This entry type is special, see \secref{use:use:set} for details. \typeitem{thesis} A thesis written for an educational institution to satisfy the requirements for a degree. Use the \bibfield{type} field to specify the type of thesis. \reqitem{author, title, type, institution, year/date} \optitem{subtitle, titleaddon, language, note, location, month, isbn, chapter, pages, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate} \typeitem{unpublished} A work with an author and a title which has not been formally published, such as a manuscript or the script of a talk. Use the fields \bibfield{howpublished} and \bibfield{note} to supply additional information in free format, if applicable. \reqitem{author, title, year/date} \optitem{subtitle, titleaddon, language, howpublished, note, location, isbn, date, month, year, addendum, pubstate, url, urldate} \typeitem{xdata} \BiberOnlyMark This entry type is special. \bibtype{xdata} entries hold data which may be inherited by other entries using the \bibfield{xdata} field. Entries of this type only serve as data containers; they may not be cited or added to the bibliography. See \secref{use:use:xdat} for details. \typeitem{custom[a--f]} Custom types for special bibliography styles. Not used by the standard styles. \end{typelist} \subsubsection{Type Aliases} \label{bib:typ:als} The entry types listed in this section are provided for backwards compatibility with traditional \bibtex styles. These aliases are resolved by the backend as the data is processed. Bibliography styles will see the entry type the alias points to, not the alias name. All unknown entry types are generally exported as \bibtype{misc}. \begin{typelist} \typeitem{conference} A \bibtex legacy alias for \bibtype{inproceedings}. \typeitem{electronic} An alias for \bibtype{online}. \typeitem{mastersthesis} Similar to \bibtype{thesis} except that the \bibfield{type} field is optional and defaults to the localized term . You may still use the \bibfield{type} field to override that. \typeitem{phdthesis} Similar to \bibtype{thesis} except that the \bibfield{type} field is optional and defaults to the localized term . You may still use the \bibfield{type} field to override that. \typeitem{techreport} Similar to \bibtype{report} except that the \bibfield{type} field is optional and defaults to the localized term . You may still use the \bibfield{type} field to override that. \typeitem{www} An alias for \bibtype{online}, provided for \sty{jurabib} compatibility. \end{typelist} \subsubsection{Unsupported Types} \label{bib:typ:ctm} The types in this section are similar to the custom types \bibtype{custom[a--f]}, \ie the standard bibliography styles provide no support for these types. When using the standard styles, they will be treated as \bibtype{misc} entries. \begin{typelist} \typeitem{artwork} Works of the visual arts such as paintings, sculpture, and installations. \typeitem{audio} Audio recordings, typically on audio \acr{CD}, \acr{DVD}, audio cassette, or similar media. See also \bibtype{music}. \typeitem{bibnote} This special entry type is not meant to be used in the \file{bib} file like other types. It is provided for third-party packages like \sty{notes2bib} which merge notes into the bibliography. The notes should go into the \bibfield{note} field. Be advised that the \bibtype{bibnote} type is not related to the \cmd{defbibnote} command in any way. \cmd{defbibnote} is for adding comments at the beginning or the end of the bibliography, whereas the \bibtype{bibnote} type is meant for packages which render endnotes as bibliography entries. \typeitem{commentary} Commentaries which have a status different from regular books, such as legal commentaries. \typeitem{image} Images, pictures, photographs, and similar media. \typeitem{jurisdiction} Court decisions, court recordings, and similar things. \typeitem{legislation} Laws, bills, legislative proposals, and similar things. \typeitem{legal} Legal documents such as treaties. \typeitem{letter} Personal correspondence such as letters, emails, memoranda, etc. \typeitem{movie} Motion pictures. See also \bibtype{video}. \typeitem{music} Musical recordings. This is a more specific variant of \bibtype{audio}. \typeitem{performance} Musical and theatrical performances as well as other works of the performing arts. This type refers to the event as opposed to a recording, a score, or a printed play. \typeitem{review} Reviews of some other work. This is a more specific variant of the \bibtype{article} type. The standard styles will treat this entry type as an alias for \bibtype{article}. \typeitem{software} Computer software. \typeitem{standard} National and international standards issued by a standards body such as the International Organization for Standardization. \typeitem{video} Audiovisual recordings, typically on \acr{DVD}, \acr{VHS} cassette, or similar media. See also \bibtype{movie}. \end{typelist} \subsection{Entry Fields} \label{bib:fld} This section gives an overview of the fields supported by the \biblatex default data model. See \secref{bib:fld:typ} for an introduction to the data types used by the data model specification and \secref{bib:fld:dat, bib:fld:spc} for the actual field listings. \subsubsection{Data Types} \label{bib:fld:typ} In datasources such as a \file{bib} file, all bibliographic data is specified in fields. Some of those fields, for example \bibfield{author} and \bibfield{editor}, may contain a list of items. This list structure is implemented by the \bibtex file format via the keyword <|and|>, which is used to separate the individual items in the list. The \biblatex package implements three distinct data types to handle bibliographic data: name lists, literal lists, and fields. There are also several list and field subtypes and a content type which can be used to semantically distinguish fields which are otherwise not distinguishable on the basis of only their datatype (see \secref{aut:ctm:dm}). This section gives an overview of the data types supported by this package. See \secref{bib:fld:dat, bib:fld:spc} for information about the mapping of the \bibtex file format fields to \biblatex's data types. \begin{description} \item[Name lists] are parsed and split up into the individual items at the \texttt{and} delimiter. Each item in the list is then dissected into four name components: the first name, the name prefix (von, van, of, da, de, della, \dots), the last name, and the name suffix (junior, senior, \dots). Name lists may be truncated in the \file{bib} file with the keyword <\texttt{and others}>. Typical examples of name lists are \bibfield{author} and \bibfield{editor}. \item[Literal lists] are parsed and split up into the individual items at the \texttt{and} delimiter but not dissected further. Literal lists may be truncated in the \file{bib} file with the keyword <\texttt{and others}>. There are two subtypes: \begin{description} \item[Literal lists] in the strict sense are handled as described above. The individual items are simply printed as is. Typical examples of such literal lists are \bibfield{publisher} and \bibfield{location}. \item[Key lists] are a variant of literal lists which may hold printable data or localization keys. For each item in the list, a test is performed to determine whether it is a known localization key (the localization keys defined by default are listed in \secref{aut:lng:key}). If so, the localized string is printed. If not, the item is printed as is. A typical example of a key list is \bibfield{language}. \end{description} \end{description} \begin{description} \item[Fields] are usually printed as a whole. There are several subtypes: \begin{description} \item[Literal fields] are printed as is. Typical examples of literal fields are \bibfield{title} and \bibfield{note}. \item[Range fields] consist of one or more ranges where all dashes are normalized and replaced by the command \cmd{bibrangedash}. A range is something optionally followed by one or more dashes optionally followed by some non-dash (e.g. \texttt{5--7}). Any number of consecutive dashes will only yield a single range dash. A typical example of a range field is the \bibfield{pages} field. See also the \BiberOnlyMark\cmd{bibrangessep} command which can be used to customise the separator between multiple ranges. With \biber, range fields will be skipped and will generate a warning if they do not consist of one or more ranges. You can normalise messy range fields before they are parsed using \cmd{DeclareSourcemap} (see \secref{aut:ctm:map}). \item[Integer fields] hold unformatted integers which may be converted to ordinals or strings as they are printed. A typical example is the \bibfield{extrayear} field. \item[Datepart fields] hold unformatted integers which may be converted to ordinals or strings as they are printed. A typical example is the \bibfield{month} field. \item[Date fields] hold a date specification in \texttt{yyyy-mm-dd} format or a date range in \texttt{yyyy-mm-dd/yyyy-mm-dd} format. Date fields are special in that the date is parsed and split up into its components. See \secref{bib:use:dat} for details. A typical example is the \bibfield{date} field. \item[Verbatim fields] are processed in verbatim mode and may contain special characters. Typical examples of verbatim fields are \bibfield{file} and \bibfield{doi}. \item[URI fields] are processed in verbatim mode and may contain special characters. They are also URL-escaped if they don't look like they already are. The typical example of a uri field is \bibfield{url}. \item[Separated value fields] A separated list of literal values. Examples are the \bibfield{keywords} and \bibfield{options} fields. The separator is always a comma when using \bibtex as the backend but can be configured to be any Perl regular expression when using \biber via the \opt{xsvsep} option which defaults to the usual \bibtex comma surrounded by optional whitespace. \item[Pattern fields] A literal field which must match a particular pattern. An example is the \bibfield{gender} field from \secref{bib:fld:spc}. \item[Key fields] May hold printable data or localization keys. A test is performed to determine whether the value of the field is a known localization key (the localization keys defined by default are listed in \secref{aut:lng:key}). If so, the localized string is printed. If not, the value is printed as is. A typical example is the \bibfield{type} field. \item[Code fields] Holds \tex code. \end{description} \end{description} \subsubsection{Data Fields} \label{bib:fld:dat} The fields listed in this section are the regular ones holding printable data in the default data model. The name on the left is the default data model name of the field as used by \biblatex and its backend. The \biblatex data type is given to the right of the name. See \secref{bib:fld:typ} for explanation of the various data types. \BiberOnlyMark Some fields are marked as