@book{talbert:1992, author = {Talbert, Charles H.}, title = {Reading John: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Fourth Gospel and the Johannine Epistles}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Crossroad}, date = {1992} } @book{robinson+koester:1971, author = {Robinson, James M. and Koester, Helmut}, title = {Trajectories through Early Christianity}, location = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {Fortress}, date = {1971} } @book{scott+etal:1993, author = {Scott, Bernard Brandon and Dean, Margaret and Sparks, Kristen and LaZar, Frances}, title = {Reading New Testament Greek}, location = {Peabody, MA}, publisher = {Hendrickson}, date = {1993} } @book{egger:1996, author = {Egger, Wilhelm}, title = {How to Read the New Testament: An Introduction to Linguistic and Historical-Critical Methodology}, shorttitle = {How to Read}, translator = {Heinegg, Peter}, location = {Peabody, MA}, publisher = {Hendrickson}, date = {1996} } @book{wellhausen:1883, author = {Wellhausen, Julius}, title = {Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels}, edition = {2}, location = {Berlin}, publisher = {Reimer}, date = {1883} } @book{wellhausen:1885, author = {Wellhausen, Julius}, title = {Prolegomena to the History of Israel}, translator = {Black, J. 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Robertson}, withtranslatortype = {withpreface}, location = {Edinburgh}, publisher = {Black}, related = {wellhausen:1883}, relatedtype = {translationof}, date = {1885} } @book{wellhausen:1957, author = {Wellhausen, Julius}, title = {Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Meridian Books}, related = {wellhausen:1885}, relatedtype = {reprintof}, date = {1957} } @book{tigay:1985, editor = {Tigay, Jeffrey H.}, title = {Empirical Models for Biblical Criticism}, shorttitle = {Empiracle Models}, location = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press}, date = {1985} } @book{kaltner+mckenzie:2002, editor = {Kaltner, John and McKenzie, Steven L.}, title = {Beyond Babel: A Handbook for Biblical Hebrew and Related Languages}, series = {Resources for Biblical Study}, shortseries = {RBS}, number = {42}, location = {Atlanta}, publisher = {Society of Biblical Literature}, date = {2002} } @book{oates+etal:2001, editor = {Oates, John F. and Willis, William H. and Bagnall, Roger S. and Worp, Klass A.}, title = {Checklist of Editions of Greek and Latin Papyri, Ostraca, and Tablets}, edition = {5}, series = {Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, Supplements}, shortseries = {BASPSup}, number = {9}, location = {Oakville, CT}, publisher = {American Society of Papyrologists}, date = {2001} } @book{schillebeeckx:1986, author = {Schillebeeckx, Edward}, title = {The Schillebeeckx Reader}, editor = {Schreiter, Robert J.}, location = {Edinburgh}, publisher = {T\&T Clark}, date = {1986} } @book{blass+debrunner:1982, author = {Blass, Friedrich and Debrunner, Albert}, title = {Grammatica del greco del Nuovo Testamento}, editor = {Rehkopf, Friedrich}, translator = {Pisi, Giordana}, location = {Brescia}, publisher = {Paideia}, date = {1982} } @article{irvine:2014, author = {Irvine, Stuart A.}, title = {Idols \mkbibbrackets{\mkbibemph{ktbwnm}}: A note on Hosea 13:2a}, journaltitle = {Journal of Biblical Literature}, shortjournal = {JBL}, volume = {133}, date = {2014}, pages = {509-517} } @incollection{attridge:1986, author = {Attridge, Harold W.}, title = {Jewish Historiography}, pages = {311-343}, booktitle = {Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters}, editor = {Kraft, Robert A. and Nickelsburg, George W. E.}, location = {Philadelphia and Atlanta}, publisher = {Fortress and Scholars Press}, date = {1986} } @incollection{vanseters:1995, author = {Van Seters, John}, title = {The Theology of the Yahwist: A Preliminary Sketch}, shorttitle = {Theology of the Yahwist}, pages = {219-228}, booktitle = {“Wer ist wie du, Herr, unter den Göttern?”: Studien zur Theologie und Religionsgeschichte Israels für Otto Kaiser zum 70. Geburtstag}, editor = {Kottsieper, Ingo and others}, location = {Göttingen}, publisher = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht}, date = {1995} } @suppbook{boers:1996, author = {Boers, Hendrikus}, type = {introduction}, booktitle = {How to Read the New Testament: An Introduction to Linguistic and Historical-Critical Methodology}, bookauthor = {Egger, Wilhelm}, translator = {Heinegg, Peter}, location = {Peabody, MA}, publisher = {Hendrickson}, date = {1996} } @book{gerhardsson:1961, author = {Gerhardsson, Birger}, title = {Memory and Manuscript: Oral Tradition and Written Transmission in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity}, series = {Acta Seminarii Neotestamentici Upsaliensis}, shortseries = {ASNU}, number = {22}, location = {Lund and Copenhagen}, publisher = {Gleerup and Munksgaard}, date = {1961} } @book{pritchard:1969, editor = {Pritchard, James B.}, title = {Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament}, edition = {3}, location = {Princeton}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, date = {1969} } @book{blenkinsopp:1996, author = {Blenkinsopp, Joseph}, title = {A History of Prophecy in Israel}, edition = {rev.\@ and enl.\@ ed.}, location = {Louisville}, publisher = {Westminster John Knox}, date = {1996} } @book{vanseters:1997, author = {Van Seters, John}, title = {In Search of History: Histeriography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History}, origlocation = {New Haven}, origpublisher = {Yale University Press}, origdate = {1983}, location = {Winona Lake, IN}, publisher = {Eisenbrauns}, date = {1997} } @book{deissmann:1995, author = {Deissmann, Gustav Adolf}, title = {Light from the Ancient East: The New Testament Illustrated by Recently Discovered Texts of the Graeco-Roman World}, translator = {Strachan, Lionel R. M.}, origdate = {1927}, location = {Peabody, MA}, publisher = {Hendrickson}, date = {1995} } @book{harrison+welborn:forthcoming, editor = {Harrison, James R. and Welborn, L. L.}, title = {The First Urban Churches 2: Roman Corinth}, shorttitle = {Roman Corinth}, series = {Writings from the Greco-Roman World Supplement Series}, shortseries = {WGRWSup}, location = {Atlanta}, publisher = {SBL Press}, pubstate = {forthcoming} } @mvbook{harnack:1896-1905, author = {Harnack, Adolf}, title = {History of Dogma}, translator = {Buchanan, Neil}, origlanguage = {the 3rd German ed.}, volumes = {7}, location = {Boston}, publisher = {Little, Brown}, date = {1896/1905} } @collection{winter+clarke:1993, editor = {Winter, Bruce W. and Clarke, Andrew D.}, title = {The Book of Acts in Its Ancient Literary Setting}, shorttitle = {Book of Acts}, volume = {1}, maintitle = {The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting}, maineditor = {Winter, Bruce W.}, location = {Grand Rapids}, publisher = {Eerdmans}, date = {1993} } @incollection{mason:1996, author = {Mason, Steve}, title = {Josephus on Canon and Scriptures}, pages = {217-235}, volume = {1}, part = {1}, maintitle = {Hebrew Bible\slash Old Testament: The History of Its Interpretation}, editor = {Sæbø, Magne}, location = {Göttingen}, publisher = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht}, date = {1996} } @incollection{peterson:1993, author = {Peterson, David}, title = {The Motif of Fulfilment and the Purpose of Luke-Acts}, shorttitle = {Motif of Fulfilment}, pages = {83-104}, booktitle = {The Book of Acts in Its Ancient Literary Setting}, bookeditor = {Winter, Bruce W. and Clarke, Andrew D.}, volume = {1}, maintitle = {The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting}, editor = {Winter, Bruce W.}, location = {Grand Rapids}, publisher = {Eerdmans}, date = {1993} } @book{hofius:1989, author = {Hofius, Otfried}, title = {Paulusstudien}, series = {Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament}, shortseries = {WUNT}, number = {51}, location = {Tübingen}, publisher = {Mohr Siebeck}, date = {1989} } @book{jeremias:1967, author = {Jeremias, Joachim}, title = {The Prayers of Jesus}, shorttitle = {Prayers}, series = {Studies in Biblical Theology}, shortseries = {SBT}, seriesseries = {2}, number = {6}, location = {Naperville, IL}, publisher = {Allenson}, date = {1967} } @book{reventlow:2009, author = {Reventlow, Henning Graf}, title = {From the Old Testament to Origen}, volume = {1}, maintitle = {History of Biblical Interpretation}, translator = {Perdue, Leo G.}, location = {Atlanta}, publisher = {Society of Biblical Literature}, date = {2009}, eprint = {Nook}, eprinttype = {ebook} } @book{wright:2014, author = {Wright, Jacob L.}, title = {David, King of Israel, and Caleb in Biblical Memory}, shorttitle = {David, King of Israel}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, date = {2014}, eprint = {Kindle}, eprinttype = {ebook} } @book{killebrew+steiner:2014, editor = {Killebrew, Ann E. and Steiner, Margreet}, title = {The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant: c.~8000--332 BCE}, shorttitle = {Archaeology of the Levant}, location = {Oxford}, publisher = {Oxford University 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Theologie}, shortjournal = {JDT}, pages = {21 \mkbibparens{1876}: 392--450\addsemicolon\space 22 \mkbibparens{1877}: 407--479} } @article{freedman:1977, author = {Freedman, David Noel}, title = {Pottery, Poetry, and Prophecy: An Essay on Biblical Poetry}, journaltitle = {Journal of Biblical Literature}, shortjournal = {JBL}, volume = {96}, date = {1977}, pages = {5-26} } @incollection{freedman:1980, author = {Freedman, David Noel}, title = {Pottery, Poetry, and Prophecy: An Essay on Biblical Poetry}, booktitle = {Pottery, Poetry, and Prophecy: Studies in Early Hebrew Poetry}, location = {Winona Lake, IN}, publisher = {Eisenbrauns}, date = {1980}, pages = {1-22} } @review{teeple:1966, author = {Teeple, Howard M.}, revdauthor = {Robert, André and Feuillet, André}, revdtitle = {Introduction to the New Testament}, journaltitle = {Journal of Bible and Religion}, shortjournal = {JBR}, volume = {34}, date = {1966}, pages = {368-370} } @review{pelikan:1992, author = {Pelikan, Jaroslav}, title = {The Things That You're Liable to Read in the Bible}, revdeditor = {Freedman, David Noel}, revdtitle = {The Anchor Bible Dictionary}, journaltitle = {New York Times Review of Books}, date = {1992-12-20}, pages = {3} } @article{petersen:1988, author = {Petersen, David L.}, title = {Hebrew Bible Textbooks: A Review Article}, journaltitle = {Critical Review of Books in Religion}, shortjournal = {CRBR}, volume = {1}, date = {1988}, pages = {1-18} } @thesis{klosinski:1988, author = {Klosinski, Lee E.}, title = {Meals in Mark}, type = {phdthesis}, institution = {The Claremont Graduate School}, date = {1988} } @mvreference{IDB, editor = {Buttrick, George A.}, title = {The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible}, shorttitle = {IDB}, volumes = {4}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Abingdon}, date = {1962}, shorthand = {IDB} } @inreference{stendahl:1962, author = {Stendahl, Krister}, title = {Biblical Theology, Contemporary}, shorttitle = {Biblical Theology}, volume = {1}, pages = {418-432}, 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Desmond and Baker, David W.}, title = {Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch}, shorttitle = {DOTP}, location = {Downers Grove, IL}, publisher = {InterVarsity}, date = {2003}, shorthand = {DOTP} } @inreference{olson:2003, author = {Olson, Dennis T.}, title = {Numbers, Book of}, shorttitle = {Numbers}, pages = {611-618}, crossref = {DOTP}, xref = {DOTP} } @mvlexicon{NIDNTT, editor = {Brown, Colin}, title = {New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology}, shorttitle = {NIDNTT}, volumes = {4}, location = {Grand Rapids}, publisher = {Zondervan}, date = {1975/1985}, shorthand = {NIDNTT} } @inlexicon{dahn+liefeld:see+vision+eye, author = {Dahn, Karl and Liefeld, Walter L.}, title = {See, Vision, Eye}, volume = {3}, pages = {511-521}, xref = {NIDNTT} } @mvlexicon{TDNT, editor = {Kittel, Gerhard and Friedrich, Gerhard}, title = {Theological Dictionary of the New Testament}, shorttitle = {TDNT}, translator = {Bromiley, Geoffrey W.}, volumes = {10}, location = {Grand Rapids}, publisher = {Eerdmans}, date = {1964/1976}, shorthand = {TDNT} } @inlexicon{beyer:diakoneo+diakonia+ktl, author = {Beyer, Hermann W.}, title = {\textgreek{διακονέω, διακονία, κτλ}}, volume = {2}, pages = {81-93}, xref = {TDNT} } @mvlexicon{TLNT, author = {Spicq, Ceslas}, title = {Theological Lexicon of the New Testament}, shorttitle = {TLNT}, editor = {Ernest, James D.}, translator = {Ernest, James D.}, volumes = {3}, location = {Peabody, MA}, publisher = {Hendrickson}, date = {1994}, shorthand = {TLNT} } @inlexicon{spicq:atakteo+ataktos+ataktos, author = {Spicq, Ceslas}, title = {\textgreek{ἀτακτέω, ἄτακτος, ἀτάκτως}}, volume = {1}, pages = {223-224}, xref = {TLNT} } @inlexicon{spicq:amoibe, author = {Spicq, Ceslas}, title = {\textgreek{ἀμοιβή}}, volume = {1}, pages = {95-96}, xref = {TLNT} } @inlexicon{beyer:diakoneo, author = {Beyer, Hermann W.}, title = {\textgreek{διακονέω}}, volume = {2}, pages = {81-87}, xref = {TDNT} } @inlexicon{dahn:horao, author = {Dahn, Karl}, title = {\textgreek{ὁράω}}, volume = {3}, pages = {511-518}, xref = {NIDNTT} } @conferencepaper{niditch:1994, author = {Niditch, Susan}, title = {Oral Culture and Written Documents}, shorttitle = {Oral Culture}, eventtitle = {the Annual Meeting of the New England Region of the \citeshorthand{SBL}}, venue = {Worcester, MA}, eventdate = {1994-03-25} } @article{saldarini:1998, author = {Saldarini, Anthony J.}, title = {Babatha's Story}, journaltitle = {Biblical Archaeology Review}, shortjournal = {BAR}, volume = {24}, number = {2}, date = {1998}, pages = {23-33, 36-37, 72-74} } @article{springer:2014, author = {Springer, Carl P. E.}, title = {Of Roosters and \mkbibemph{Repetitio}: Ambrose's \mkbibemph{Aeterne rerum conditor}}, journaltitle = {Vigiliae Christianae}, shortjournal = {VC}, volume = {68}, date = {2014}, pages = {155-177}, doi = {10.1163/15700720-12341158} } @article{truehart:1996, author = {Truehart, Charles}, title = {Welcome to the Next Church}, shorttitle = {Next Church}, url = {http://www.theatlantic.com/atlantic/issues/96aug/nxtchrch/nxtchrch.htm}, journaltitle = {Atlantic Monthly}, volume = {278}, date = {1996-08}, pages = {37-58} } @article{kirk:2007, author = {Kirk, Alan}, title = {Karl Polanyi, Marshall Sahlins, and the Study of Ancient Social Relations}, shorttitle = {Karl Polanyi}, journaltitle = {Journal of Biblical Literature}, shortjournal = {JBL}, volume = {126}, date = {2007}, pages = {182-191}, doi = {10.2307/27638428}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/27638428} } @mvcollection{COS, editor = {Hallo, William W.}, title = {The Context of Scripture}, shorttitle = {COS}, volumes = {3}, location = {Leiden}, publisher = {Brill}, date = {1997/2002}, shorthand = {COS}, options = {skipbib} } @collection{hallo:1997, editor = {Hallo, William W.}, title = {Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World}, shorttitle = {COS}, maintitle = {The Context of Scripture}, volume = {1}, location = {Leiden}, publisher = {Brill}, date = {1997}, shorthand = {COS}, xref = {COS}, options = {skipbiblist} } @ancienttext{greathymnaten, entrysubtype = {COS}, title = {The Great Hymn to the Aten}, shorttitle = {Great Hymn to the Aten}, translator = {Lichtheim, Miriam}, part = {26}, pages = {44-46}, related = {hallo:1997}, relatedoptions = {usevolume=false,skipbiblist} } @collection{ANET, editor = {Pritchard, James B.}, title = {Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament}, shorttitle = {ANET}, edition = {3}, location = {Princeton}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, date = {1969}, shorthand = {ANET} } @ancienttext{suppiluliumas, title = {Suppiluliumas and the Egyptian Queen}, translator = {Goetz, Albrecht}, related = {ANET} } @book{dalley:1991, author = {Dalley, Stephanie}, title = {Myths from Mesopotamia}, location = {Oxford}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, date = {1991} } @ancienttext{erraandishum, title = {Erra and Ishum}, pages = {282-315}, related = {dalley:1991} } @book{foster:1993, author = {Foster, Benjamin}, title = {Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature}, shorttitle = {Muses}, volume = {1}, location = {Bethesda, MD}, publisher = {CDL}, date = {1993} } @ancienttext{erraandishum:foster, title = {Erra and Ishum}, pages = {771-805}, related = {foster:1993}, relatedoptions = {usevolume=false} } @mvbook{AEL, author = {Lichtheim, Miriam}, title = {Ancient Egyptian Literature}, shorttitle = {AEL}, volumes = {3}, location = {Berkeley}, publisher = {University of California Press}, date = {1971/1980}, shorthand = {AEL}, options = {skipbib} } @book{lichtheim:1976, author = {Lichtheim, Miriam}, title = {Ancient Egyptian Literature}, shorttitle = {AEL}, volume = {2}, location = {Berkeley}, publisher = {University of California Press}, date = {1976}, shorthand = {AEL}, xref = {AEL}, options = {skipbiblist} } @ancienttext{doomedprince, title = {The Doomed Prince}, pages = {200-203}, related = {lichtheim:1976}, relatedoptions = {shorthand=short,usevolume=false,skipbiblist} } @book{hoffner:1990, author = {Hoffner, Jr., Harry A.}, title = {Hittite Myths}, editor = {Beckman, Gary M.}, series = {Writings from the Ancient World}, shortseries = {WAW}, number = {2}, location = {Atlanta}, publisher = {Scholars Press}, date = {1990} } @ancienttext{disappearanceofsungod, title = {The Disappearance of the Sun God}, related = {hoffner:1990} } @mvbook{RIMA, entrysubtype = {RIMA}, author = {Grayson, Albert Kirk}, title = {Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC \mkbibparens{1114--859 BC}}, series = {The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods}, shortseries = {RIMA}, number = {2}, location = {Toronto}, publisher = {University of Toronto Press}, date = {1991}, shorthand = {RIMA}, options = {skipbiblistshorthand} } @ancienttext{ashurinscription, entrysubtype = {inscription}, title = {Ashur Inscription}, pages = {143-144}, related = {RIMA}, relatedoptions = {skipbiblistshorthand,shorthand=short} } @book{ABC, author = {Grayson, Albert Kirk}, title = {Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles}, shorttitle = {ABC}, series = {Texts from Cuneiform Sources}, shortseries = {TCS}, number = {5}, location = {Locust Valley, NY}, publisher = {Augustin}, date = {1975}, shorthand = {ABC} } @ancienttext{esarhaddonchronicle, entrysubtype = {chronicle}, title = {Esarhaddon Chronicle}, related = {ABC}, relatedoptions = {shorthand=short} } @book{ARM1, author = {Dossin, Georges}, title = {Lettres}, series = {Archives royales de Mari}, shortseries = {ARM}, number = {1}, origdate = {1946}, location = {Paris}, publisher = {Geuthner}, date = {1967}, shorthand = {ARM}, options = {skipbiblistshorthand} } @book{ARMT1, author = {Dossin, Georges}, title = {Correspondance de Šamši-Addu et de ses fils}, series = {Archives royales de Mari, transcrite et traduite}, shortseries = {ARMT}, number = {1}, location = {Paris}, publisher = {Imprimerei nationale}, date = {1950}, shorthand = {ARMT}, options = {skipbiblistshorthand} } @mvbook{josephus, title = {Josephus}, translator = {Thackeray, Henry St.\@ J. and others}, volumes = {10}, series = {Loeb Classical Library}, shortseries = {LCL}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, date = {1926/1965} } @classictext{josephus:ant, author = {Josephus}, title = {Ant\adddot}, xref = {josephus} } @mvbook{tacitus, author = {Tacitus}, title = {The Histories and The Annals}, translator = {Clifford H. Moore and John Jackson}, volumes = {4}, series = {Loeb Classical Library}, shortseries = {LCL}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, date = {1937} } @classictext{tacitus:ann, author = {Tacitus}, title = {Ann\adddot}, xref = {tacitus} } @classictext{josephus:ant:thackery, author = {Josephus}, title = {Ant\adddot}, translator = {Thackeray}, series = {Loeb Classical Library}, shortseries = {LCL}, xref = {josephus} } @classictext{tacitus:ann:jackson, author = {Tacitus}, title = {Ann\adddot}, translator = {Jackson}, series = {Loeb Classical Library}, shortseries = {LCL}, xref = {tacitus} } @book{josephus:ant1-19, author = {Josephus, Flavius}, shortauthor = {Josephus}, title = {The Jewish Antiquities, Books 1--19}, shorttitle = {Ant\adddot}, translator = {Thackeray, Henry St.\@ J. and others}, series = {Loeb Classical Library}, shortseries = {LCL}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, date = {1930/1965}, xref = {josephus}, options = {skipbib} } @ancienttext{p.cair.zen., editor = {Edgar, C. C.}, title = {Zenon Papyri, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire}, location = {Cairo}, shorthand = {P.Cair.Zen.}, options = {skipbib,useeditor=false} } @book{hunt+edgar:1932, author = {Hunt, Arthur S. and Edgar, Campbell C.}, title = {Select Papyri}, series = {Loeb Classical Library}, shortseries = {LCL}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, date = {1932} } @ancienttext{p.cair.zen.:hunt+edgar, editor = {Edgar, C. C.}, title = {Zenon Papyri, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire}, location = {Cairo}, shorthand = {P.Cair.Zen.}, options = {skipbib,useeditor=false}, related = {hunt+edgar:1932}, relatedoptions = {useshorttitle=false} } @ancienttext{PGM, editor = {Preisendaz, Karl}, title = {Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die griechischen Zauberpapyri}, shorttitle = {PGM}, edition = {2}, location = {Stuttgart}, publisher = {Teubner}, date = {1973/1974}, shorthand = {PGM}, options = {skipbib} } @book{betz:1996, author = {Betz, Hans Dieter}, title = {The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells}, edition = {2}, location = {Chicago}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, date = {1996} } @ancienttext{PGM:betz, editor = {Preisendaz, Karl}, title = {Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die griechischen Zauberpapyri}, shorttitle = {PGM}, edition = {2}, location = {Stuttgart}, publisher = {Teubner}, date = {1973/1974}, shorthand = {PGM}, related = {betz:1996}, relatedoptions = {usefullcite=false,useshorttitle=false} } @classictext{heraclitus:epistle1, author = {Heraclitus}, title = {Epistle 1} } @book{malherbe:1977, editor = {Malherbe, Abraham J.}, title = {The Cynic Epistles: A Study Edition}, series = {Stuttgarter Bibelstudien}, shortseries = {SBS}, number = {12}, location = {Atlanta}, publisher = {Scholars Press}, date = {1977} } @classictext{heraclitus:epistle1:worley, author = {Heraclitus}, title = {Epistle 1}, translator = {Worley, David}, pages = {187}, crossref = {malherbe:1977}, options = {skipbib=false,useseries=false} } @mvcollection{ANF, crossref = {ANF:abbreviation}, editor = {Roberts, Alexander and Donaldson, James}, origdate = {1885/1887}, volumes = {10}, location = {Peabody, MA}, publisher = {Hendrickson}, date = {1994}, shorthand = {ANF}, options = {useeditor=false,skipbiblist}, sortkey = {Ante-Nicene Fathers}, xref = {ANF:abbreviation} } @mvcollection{ANF:abbreviation, title = {The Ante-Nicene Fathers}, shorttitle = {ANF}, shorthand = {ANF}, options = {skipbib} } @classictext{clementinehomilies, entrysubtype = {churchfather}, title = {The Clementine Homilies}, related = {ANF}, relatedoptions = {useeditor=false,skipbiblist} } @mvcollection{NPNF1, crossref = {NPNF1:abbreviation}, editor = {Schaff, Philip}, origdate = {1886/1889}, volumes = {14}, location = {Peabody, MA}, publisher = {Hendrickson}, date = {1994}, shorthand = {NPNF\textsuperscript{1}}, options = {useeditor=false,skipbiblist}, sortkey = {Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series 1}, xref = {NPNF1:abbreviation} } @mvcollection{NPNF1:abbreviation, title = {The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, \mkbibemph{Series~1}}, shorttitle = {NPNF\textsuperscript{1}}, shorthand = {NPNF\textsuperscript{1}}, options = {skipbib} } @classictext{augustine:letters, entrysubtype = {churchfather}, author = {Augustine}, title = {The Letters of St.\@ Augustin}, shorttitle = {Letters of St.\@ Augustin}, volume = {1}, crossref = {NPNF1}, related = {NPNF1}, relatedoptions = {useeditor=false,skipbiblist,skipbib}, options = {skipbib=false} } @series{PL, title = {Patrologia Latina}, editor = {Migne, J.-P.}, volumes = {217}, location = {Paris}, date = {1844/1864}, shorthand = {PL} } @series{PG, title = {Patrologia Graeca}, editor = {Migne, J.-P.}, volumes = {162}, location = {Paris}, date = {1857/1886}, shorthand = {PG} } @classictext{gregory:orationestheologicae, entrysubtype = {churchfather}, author = {{Gregory of Nazianzus}}, title = {Orationes theologicae}, volume = {36}, related = {PG}, relatedoptions = {useeditor=false} } @mvbook{Str-B, author = {Strack, Hermann L. and Billerbeck, Paul}, title = {Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch}, volumes = {6}, location = {Munich}, publisher = {Beck}, date = {1922/1961}, shorthand = {Str-B} } @mvcollection{ANRW, editor = {Temporini, Hildegard and Haase, Wolfgang}, title = {Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung}, shorttitle = {ANRW}, titleaddon = {Part 2, \mkbibemph{Principat}}, location = {Berlin}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, date = {1972/}, shorthand = {ANRW} } @ancienttext{anderson:pepaideumenos, entrysubtype = {ANRW}, author = {Anderson, Graham}, title = {The \mkbibemph{pepaideumenos} in Action: Sophists and Their Outlook in the Early Empire}, shorttitle = {\mkbibemph{Pepaideumenos}}, volume = {33}, part = {1}, pages = {80-208}, location = {New York}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, date = {1989}, related = {ANRW}, relatedoptions = {skipbib}, options = {skipbib=false} } @commentary{hooker:1991, author = {Hooker, Morna}, title = {The Gospel according to Saint Mark}, series = {Black's New Testament Commentaries}, shortseries = {BNTC}, number = {2}, location = {Peabody, MA}, publisher = {Hendrickson}, date = {1991} } @inbook{petersen:2006, author = {Petersen, David L.}, title = {Ezekiel}, pages = {1096-1167}, booktitle = {The HarperCollins Study Bible Fully Revised and Updated: New Revised Standard Version, with the Apocryphal\slash Deuterocanonical Books}, editor = {Attridge, Harold W. and others}, location = {San Francisco}, publisher = {HarperSanFrancisco}, date = {2006} } @incommentary{partain:1995, author = {Partain, Jack G.}, title = {Numbers}, pages = {175-179}, booktitle = {Mercer Commentary on the Bible}, editor = {Mills, Watson E. and others}, location = {Macon, GA}, publisher = {Mercer University Press}, date = {1995} } @mvcommentary{dahood:1965-1970, author = {Dahood, Mitchell}, title = {Psalms}, volumes = {3}, series = {Anchor Bible}, shortseries = {AB}, number = {16--17A}, location = {Garden City, NY}, publisher = {Doubleday}, date = {1965/1970} } @commentary{dahood:1965, author = {Dahood, Mitchell}, title = {Psalms I: 1--50}, shorttitle = {Psalms I: 1--50}, volume = {1}, maintitle = {Psalms}, series = {Anchor Bible}, shortseries = {AB}, number = {16}, location = {Garden City, NY}, publisher = {Doubleday}, date = {1965} } @commentary{dahood:1968, author = {Dahood, Mitchell}, title = {Psalms II: 51--100}, shorttitle = {Psalms II: 51--100}, volume = {2}, maintitle = {Psalms}, series = {Anchor Bible}, shortseries = {AB}, number = {17}, location = {Garden City, NY}, publisher = {Doubleday}, date = {1968} } @mvcommentary{NIB, editor = {Keck, Leander E.}, title = {The New Interpreter's Bible}, shorttitle = {NIB}, volumes = {12}, location = {Nashville}, publisher = {Abingdon}, date = {1994/2004}, shorthand = {NIB} } @incommentary{miller:2001, author = {Miller, Patrick D.}, title = {The Book of Jeremiah: Introduction, Commentary, and Reflections}, pages = {553-926}, booktitle = {Introduction to Prophetic Literature, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Baruch, Letter of Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel}, volume = {6}, date = {2001}, crossref = {NIB}, xref = {NIB} } @seminarpaper{crenshaw:2001, author = {Crenshaw, James L.}, title = {Theodicy in the Book of the Twelve}, booktitle = {Society of Biblical Literature 2001 Seminar Papers}, series = {Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers}, shortseries = {SBLSP}, number = {40}, location = {Atlanta}, publisher = {Society of Biblical Literature}, date = {2001}, pages = {1-18} } @online{wilhelm:2013, editor = {Wilhelm, Gernot}, title = {Der Vertrag Šuppiluliumas I. von Ḫatti mit Šattiwazza von Mitrani \mkbibparens{CTH 51.I}}, shorttitle = {Der Vertrag Šuppiluliumas I}, eprintdate = {2013-02-24}, eprint = {CTH 51.I}, eprintclass = {INTR 2013-02-24}, eprinttype = {hethiter} } @online{cobb:figurines, author = {{Cobb Institute of Archaeology}}, title = {The Figurines of Maresha, the Persian Era}, eprint = {http://www.cobb.msstate.edu/dignew/Maresha/index.html}, eprinttype = {DigMaster}, options = {indexing=false} } @online{caraher:2013, editor = {Caraher, William R.}, title = {Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project: \mkbibparens{Overview}}, eprint = {http://opencontext.org/projects/3F6DCD13-A476-488E-ED10-47D25513FCB2}, eprinttype = {Open Context}, doi = {10.6078/M7B56GNS}, eprintdate = {2013-11-05} } @online{100cuneiform, title = {The One Hundred Most Important Cuneiform Objects}, eprint = {http://cdli.ox.ac.uk/wiki/doku.php?id=the_one_hundred_most_important_cuneiform_objects}, eprinttype = {cdli:wiki} } @online{goodacre:2014, author = {Goodacre, Mark}, title = {Jesus' Wife Fragment: Another Round-Up}, journaltitle = {NT Blog}, date = {2014-05-09}, url = {http://ntweblog.blogspot.com} } @lexicon{BDAG, author = {Danker, Frederick W. and Bauer, Walter and Arndt, William F. and Gingrich, F. Wilbur}, title = {Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature.}, edition = {3}, location = {Chicago}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, date = {2000}, shorthand = {BDAG} } @lexicon{BDB:abbreviation, author = {Brown, Francis and Driver, S. R. and Briggs, Charles A.}, title = {A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament}, shorthand = {BDB}, options = {skipbib} } @lexicon{BDB, crossref = {BDB:abbreviation}, location = {Oxford}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, date = {1906}, shorthand = {BDB}, xref = {BDB:abbreviation}, options = {skipbiblist} } @book{BDF, author = {Blass, Friedrich and Debrunner, Albert and Funk, Robert W.}, title = {A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature}, location = {Chicago}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, date = {1961}, shorthand = {BDF} } @mvlexicon{HALOT, author = {Koehler, Ludwig and Baumgartner, Walter and Stamm, Johann J.}, title = {The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament}, shorttitle = {HALOT}, editor = {Richardson, Mervyn E. J.}, editortype = {translated and edited under the supervision of}, volumes = {4}, location = {Leiden}, publisher = {Brill}, date = {1994/1999}, shorthand = {HALOT} } @mvlexicon{TLOT, title = {Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament}, shorttitle = {TLOT}, editor = {Jenni, Ernst}, witheditor = {Westermann, Claus}, witheditortype = {withassistance}, translator = {Biddle, Mark E.}, volumes = {3}, location = {Peabody, MA}, publisher = {Hendrickson}, date = {1997}, shorthand = {TLOT} } @misc{SBL, note = {Society of Biblical Literature}, shorthand = {SBL}, options = {skipbib} } @manual{SBLHS, title = {Society of Biblical Literature Handbook of Style}, shorttitle = {SBLHS}, edition = {2}, location = {Atlanta, GA}, publisher = {SBL Press}, date = {2014}, shorthand = {SBLHS} } @manual{SBLHS:studentsupp, author = {Nogalski, Melanie Greer and Nogalski, James D. and Steibel, Sophia G. and West, Danny M.}, authortype = {compiled by}, editor = {LeMon, Joel M. and Breed, Brennan W.}, title = {Student Supplement for the \citeshorthand{SBL} Handbook of Style, Second Edition}, shorttitle = {Student Supplement for the \mkbibemph{\citeshorthand{SBLHS}}}, location = {Atlanta, GA}, publisher = {SBL Press}, date = {2015-02}, url = {https://www.sbl-site.org/assets/pdfs/pubs/SBLHSsupp2015-02.pdf}, options = {useauthor=false,useeditor=false}, sortkey = {Student Supplement for the SBL Handbook of Style, Second Edition} } @mvbook{sasson:2000, editor = {Sasson, Jack M.}, title = {Civilizations of the Ancient Near East}, volumes = {4}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Scribner's Sons}, year = {1995}, related = {sasson:repr}, relatedtype = {reprint} } @mvbook{sasson:repr, volumes = {4~vols.\ in 2}, location = {Peabody, MA}, publisher = {Hendrickson}, date = {2000} }