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H. Gombrich}, title = {Art and Scholarship}, eventtitle = {Inaugural Lecture}, venue = {University College London}, eventdate = {1957-02-14}, location = {London}, publisher = {H. K. Lewis}, date = {1957}} @unpublished{holfordstrevens1999hlm, author = {Leofranc Holford-Strevens}, title = {Humanism and the Language of Music Theory Treatises}, howpublished = {paper given at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society}, location = {Kansas City, MO}, date = {1999-11-04/1999-11-07}} @unpublished{mason.etal1984nns, author = {J. B. Mason, and J. P. Habicht and H. Tabatabai}, date = {1984}, title = {Notes on Nutritional Surveillance}, howpublished = {paper delivered to the WHO conference}} @unpublished{pritchard.pritchard1990ard, author = {E. Pritchard and J. Pritchard}, date = {1990}, title = {A Reply to Drèze}, howpublished = {unpub.\ paper}} @report{botswana1980hdr, author = {{Government of Botswana}}, title = {A Human Drought Relief Programme for Botswana}, location = {Gabarone}, institution = {Ministry of Local Government and Lands}, date = {1980}} @report{pac1988upt, author = {{Penal Affairs Consortium}}, title = {An Unsuitable Place for Treatment}, subtitle = {Diverting Mentally Disordered Offenders from Custody}, location = {London}, date = {1988}} @report{unesco2012unw, author = {UNESCO}, maintitle = {The United Nations World Water Development Report 4}, volume = {1}, title = {Managing Water under Uncertainty and Risk}, location = {Paris}, institution = {UNESCO}, date = {2012}, url = {http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002156/215644e.pdf}, urldate = {2013-11-09}} @report{who1986nde, author = {{World Health Organization}}, shortauthor = {WHO}, title = {Nutrition and Development in {East Africa}}, date = {1986}, location = {Geneva}, institution = {WHO}} @report{cnnr2008tut, shortauthor = {CNNR/GMH}, author = {{Comisión Nacional de Reparación y Reconciliación y Grupo de Memoria Historica}}, date = {2008}, title = {Trujilla}, subtitle = {Una Tragedia que no Cesa}, titleaddon = {\printtext[title]{{Trujilla:} {A} Tragedy Without End}}, location = {Bogotá, Columbia}, institution = {CNRR}} @report{opcs1979amt, author = {{Office of Population Censuses and Surveys}}, date = {1979}, title = {Area Mortality Tables}, subtitle = {The Registrar-General's Decennial Supplement for England and Wales 1969–1973}, series = {Series DS}, number = {3}, location = {London}} @report{opcs1979pnc, author = {{Office of Population Censuses and Surveys}}, date = {1979}, title = {Projections of the {New Commonwealth} and {Pakistani} Population}, type = {OPCS Monitor}, number = {PP2 79/1}, location = {London}} @report{rosenblatt.etal1988cap, author = {Julius Rosenblatt and others}, title = {The {Common Agricultural Policy} of the {European Community}}, date = {1988-11}, series = {International Monetary Fund}, type = {occasional paper}, number = {62}} @thesis{blackburn1970tlp, author = {Bonnie J. Blackburn}, title = {The Lupus Problem}, type = {Ph.D. diss.}, institution = {University of Chicago}, date = {1970}} @music{carter1991fsq, author = {Elliott Carter}, title = {The Four String Quartets}, editor = {{Juilliard String Quartet}}, editortype = {performer}, publisher = {Sony}, number = {S2K 47229}, date = {1991}} @music{hillier1989p, author = {Paul Hillier}, title = {Proensa}, publisher = {ECM Records}, type = {compact disc}, number = {ECM 1368}, date = {1989}} @music{couperin1970pdc, author = {Francois Couperin}, title = {Pièces de clavecin}, subtitle = {Huit préludes de L'Art de toucher le clavecin. Livre I. Troisième et quatrième ordres}, editor = {Huguette Dreyfus}, editortype = {performer}, series = {Valois}, number = {MB 797}, date = {1970}} @music{pageNDmn, title = {The Mirror of Narcissus}, subtitle = {Songs by Guillaume do Machaut}, editor = {{Gothic Voices}}, editortype = {performer}, editora = {Christopher Page}, editoratype = {director}, publisher = {Hyperion}, type = {compact disc}, number = {CDA 66087}} @music{hopkinsNDcar, author = {{Lightnin’ Hopkins}}, title = {The Complete Aladdin Recordings}, series = {EMI Blues Series}, number = {CDP-7-96843-2}, howpublished = {2-vol.\@ CD set}} @audio{lewis1981lww, author = {C. S. Lewis}, title = {The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe}, editor = {title=Sir, given=Michael, family=Hordern}, editortype = {reader}, type = {2 audio cassettes}, number = {TO1611}, date = {1981}} @audio{dutilleux1987as, author = {Henri Dutilleux}, title = {L'Arbre des songes}, related = {maxwelldavies1987}, relatedtype = {includes}, editor = {{Royal Philharmonic Orchestra}}, editortype = {performer}, editora = {André Previn}, editoratype = {conductor}, editorb = {Isaac Stern}, editorbtype = {violin}, publisher = {CBS}, number = {MK 42449}, date = {1987}} @audio{maxwelldavies1987, author = {Maxwell Davies, Peter}, title = {Concerto for Violin and Orchestra}, date = {1987}} @inaudio{davis1997sw, author = {Miles Davis and others}, title = {So What}, booktitle = {Kind of Blue}, origdate = {1959}, origdatetype = {rec\adddot}, publisher = {Columbia}, number = {CK 64935}, date = {1997}, howpublished = {CD}} @video{bbc1987ava, title = {The {Ashes}}, subtitle = {Victory in {Australia}}, publisher = {BBCV}, number = {4040}, date = {1987}} @video{britt1986pho, entrysubtype = {episode}, title = {{Percy} and {Harold} and Other Stories}, maintitle = {Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends \textup{series}}, publisher = {Britt Allcroft}, number = {5-014861-100224}, date = {1986}} @movie{chaplin1936mt, author = {Charles Chaplin}, authortype = {director}, title = {Modern Times}, publisher = {United Artists}, date = {1936}} @movie{reiner1983tst, title = {This is {Spinal} {Tap}}, subtitle = {A Rockumentary by {Marti} {Di} {Bergi}}, editor = {Rob Reiner}, editortype = {director}, publisher = {Embassy Pictures}, date = {1983}} @movie{kaurismaki1989lcg, title = {Leningrad Cowboys Go America}, publisher = {Villealfa Filmproductions}, date = {1989}, editortype = {dir.\ and screenplay by}, editor = {Aki Kaurismäki}, editoratype = {story by}, editora = {Sakke Järvenpää and Aki Kaurismäki and Mato Valtonen}, options = {endeditor}} @video{bbc2013iim, entrysubtype = {clip}, author = {{BBC News}}, title = {Inside India's Mars Mission HQ}, date = {2013-11-05}, url = {http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-24826253}, urldate = {2013-11-05}} @video{rubinstein1956rpc, entrysubtype = {clip}, author = {Arthur Rubinstein}, title = {Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 18, I Moderato, Allegro (Fritz Reiner)}, organization = {YouTube}, origdate = {1956-01-09}, date = {2011-11-08}, datetype = {uploaded}, url = {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vv0Sy9FJrc&list=PLDB11C4F39E09047F}, urldate = {2013-11-09}} @video{canal2001ch, title = {Un Cœur in Hiver}, organization = {Canal+}, location = {Paris}, date = {2001-05-15T23:40:00+02:00}} @video{berger1972ws, entrysubtype = {episode}, author = {John Berger}, title = {Episode 1}, title+an = {=descriptor}, maintitle = {Ways of Seeing}, organization = {BBC}, date = {1972}, url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pDE4VX_9Kk}, urldate = {2013-11-09}} @audio{weldon2010did, entrysubtype = {podcast}, author = {Fay Weldon}, descriptor = {interview with {Kirsty Young}}, maintitle = {Desert Island Discs Archive}, organization = {BBC Radio 4}, date = {2010-05-09}, url = {http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/dida05/all}} @audio{perry2013ifm, entrysubtype = {podcast}, author = {Grayson Perry}, title = {I Found Myself in the Art World}, note = {Reith Lecture}, date = {2013-11-05}, organization = {BBC Radio 4}, url = {http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/radio4/reith/reith_20131105-0940b.mp3}, urldate = {2013-11-05}} @video{nicholson2011qsm, entrysubtype = {clip}, author = {Christie Nicholson}, title = {A Quirk of Speech May Become a New Vocal Style}, organization = {\emph{Scientific American}}, date = {2011-12-17}, url = {http://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode.cfm?id=a-quirk-of-speech-may-become-a-new-11-12-17}, urldate = {2013-11-04}} @video{yousafzai2013mwa, entrysubtype = {webcast}, author = {Malala Yousafzai}, title = {Making a Wish for Action on Global Education}, subtitle = {Malala Yousafzai Addresses Youth Assembly at UN on her 16th Birthday, 12 July 2013}, organization = {UN Web TV}, date = {2013-07-12}, url = {http://webtv.un.org/search/malala-yousafzai-un-youth-assembly/2542094251001?term=malala}, urldate = {2015-02-15}} @image{clarkeNDeci, author = {M. Clarke}, title = {Exports of Coal to the IFS}, titleaddon = {poster}, organization = {Manchester Art Gallery}, url = {http://www.machestergalleries.org/the-collections/search-the-collection/display.php?EMUSESSID=70bd7f1a388d79a82f52ea9aae713ef2&irn=4128}, urldate = {2013-11-05}} @image{ibwNDcgs, title = {Christ the Good Shepherd}, note = {stained glass window, Church of St Erfyl, Llanerfyl, Powys}, organization = {Imaging the Bible in Wales Database}, url = {http://imagingthebible.llgc.org.uk/object/1884}, urldate = {2013-11-10}} @online{bbc2013cgh, author = {{BBC News}}, title = {Colchester General Hospital}, subtitle = {Police Probe Cancer Treatment}, date = {2013-11-05}, url = {http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-24819973}, urldate = {2013-11-05}} @online{hooper2013lfs, author = {Richard Hooper}, title = {Lebanon's Forgotten Space Programme}, organization = {BBC News Magazine}, date = {2013-11-14}, url = {http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24735423}, urldate = {2013-11-14}} @online{tan2013wdt, author = {Siu-Lan Tan}, title = {Why does this Baby Cry when her Mother Sings?}, titleaddon = {including video}, organization = {OUPblog}, date = {2013-11-05}, url = {http://blog.oup.com/2013/11/why-does-this-baby-cry-when-her-mother-sings-viral-video/}, urldate = {2013-11-09}} @online{allaby2013fll, author = {Michael Allaby}, title = {Feathers and Lava Lamps}, organization = {Oxford Reference}, date = {2013}, url = {http://www.oxfordreference.com/page/featherslavalamps}, urldate = {2013-11-09}} @article{mcewen2013tte, author = {Stephen McEwen}, title = {Tan Twan Eng Interview: \enquote{I Have No Alternative but to Write in English}}, journaltitle = {The Spectator}, date = {2013-05-20}, url = {http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/books/2013/05/tan-twang-eng-interview-i-have-no-alternative-but-to-write-in-english/}, urldate = {2013-11-09}} @online{eb2013gp, title = {Gunpowder Plot}, maintitle = {Encyclopaedia Britannica}, url = {http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/249505/Gunpowder-Plot}, urldate = {2013-11-05}} @online{wp2013oup, title = {Oxford University Press}, organization = {Wikipedia}, date = {2013-11-05}, datetype = {last modified}, url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_University_Press}, urldate = {2013-11-05}} @online{obama2013tvd, entrysubtype = {facebook}, author = {Barack Obama}, title = {Tomorrow is Veterans Day}, date = {2013-11-10}, url = {https://www.facebook.com/barackobama/photos/a.53081056748.66806.6815841748/10151936988101749/}, urldate = {2013-11-13}} @online{harvey2013tfm, entrysubtype = {facebook}, author = {John Harvey}, title = {\enquote{These are a Few of My Favourite Things}, No.~28}, date = {2013-11-13}, url = {https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=229786530530896&set=a.108896335953250.15125.100004986510149&type=1&theatre}, urldate = {2013-11-13}} @online{globe2013otd, entrysubtype = {tweet}, author = {{Shakespeare's Globe}}, title = {On this day in 1611 first production of The Tempest was performed by King's Men at Whitehall Palace before James I}, date = {2013-11-01T05:48:00}, options = {timefirst}, url = {https://twitter.com/The_Globe/status/396257422928400385}, urldate = {2013-11-05}} @online{oup2015tweet, author = {{Oxford University Press}}, shortauthor = {OUP}, descriptor = {Twitter post}, date = {2015-11-16T01:07:00}, url = {https://twitter.com/OxUniPress/status/666180787251843072}, urldate = {2015-12-25}} @software{simoga1.1d6, author = {Simoga}, title = {Device 6}, version = {1.1}, titleaddon = {mobile application for iPhone and iPad}, urldate = {2013-11-09}} @software{eliot1.1.1twl, author = {T. S. Eliot}, title = {The Waste Land}, version = {1.1.1}, titleaddon = {mobile application for iPad}, location = {London}, publisher = {Touch Press}, date = {2013}, urldate = {2013-11-09}} @dataset{un2011wpp, author = {{United Nations}}, title = {World Population Prospects}, subtitle = {The 2010 Revision}, titleaddon = {CD-ROM}, location = {New York}, publisher = {{United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division}}, date = {2011}} @jurisdiction{ridge1964, title = {Ridge v. Baldwin}, keywords = {gb}, date = {1964}, journaltitle = {A.C.}, pages = {40}} @jurisdiction{lambert2001, title = {R v Lambert}, keywords = {gb}, date = {2001}, volume = {2}, journaltitle = {WLR}, pages = {211}, institution = {QBD}, options = {year-essential=true}} @jurisdiction{badische1897, title = {Badische v. Soda-Fabrics}, date = {1897}, journaltitle = {RPC}, volume = {14}, pages = {919}, institution = {HL}} @jurisdiction{rvg2004, title = {R. v. 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Ziolkowski}, title = {Talking Animals}, subtitle = {Medieval Latin Beast Poetry, 750-1150}, series = {Middle Ages Series}, serieseditor = {Edward Peters}, location = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press}, date = {1993}} @book{spenser1965fq, author = {Edmund Spenser}, title = {The Faerie Queene}, shorttitle = {Faerie Queene}, series = {Everyman's Library}, number = {443–4}, location = {London}, publisher = {Dent}, date = {1965/1966}, origdate = {1590/1596}, pagination = {book}} @unpublished{smithMS23116, author = {Francis Smith}, descriptor = {travel diaries}, date = {1912/1917}, library = {British Library}, series = {Add. MS}, number = {23116}} @manuscript{chaundlerMS288, author = {Thomas Chaundler}, title = {Collocutiones}, library = {Balliol College}, location = {Oxford}, shelfmark = {MS288}} @manuscript{exchequerE311, descriptor = {exchequer accounts}, date = {1798-12}, library = {Cheshire Record Office}, shelfmark = {E311}} @manuscript{blcBOX19d, title = {Bearsden Ladies' Club minutes}, title+an = {=descriptor}, date = {1949-06-12}, library = {Bearsden and Milngavie District Libraries}, shelfmark = {box 19/d}} @manuscript{bodMSrawl-d520, library = {Bodleian Library}, location = {Oxford}, collection = {MS Rawlinson D.}, shelfmark = {520}, pages = {7}, bookpagination = {folio}} @manuscript{cantabAGM4429, library = {University Library}, location = {Cambridge}, collection = {Add. Greek MS}, shelfmark = {4489}, support = {pergament}, dating = {8th--9th c.}, pagetotal = {16}, columns = {1}, pages = {11\recto-11\verso}, layer = {inf}, bookpagination = {folio}}