@incollection{Klausner1997, Author = {David N. Klausner}, Crossref = {Izydorczyk1997}, Pages = {403-425}, Title = {The \emph{Gospel of Nicodemus} in the Literature of Medieval Wales}} @incollection{Ogorman1997, Author = {Richard O'Gorman}, Crossref = {Izydorczyk1997}, Pages = {103-131}, Title = {The \emph{Gospel of Nicodemus} in the Vernacular Literatur of Medieval France}} @collection{Izydorczyk1997, Address = {Tempe}, Editor = {Izydorczyk, Zbigniew}, Publisher = {Medieval \& Renaissance Texts \& Studies}, Subtitle = {Texts, Intertexts, and Contexts in Western Europe}, Title = {The Medieval \emph{Gospel of Nicodemus}}, Year = {1997}} @book{Pleiade2, Address = {Paris}, Number = {516}, Publisher = {Gallimard}, Series = {Bibliothèque de la Pléiade}, Title = {Écrits apocryphes chrétiens}, Volume = {2}, Year = {2005}} @bookinbook{Pleiade_Barnabe, Annotator = {Enrico Norelli}, Crossref = {Pleiade2}, Pages = {627-642}, Title = {Actes de Barnabé}, Translator = {Enrico Norelli}} @bookinbook{Pleiade_Tite, Annotator = {Willy Rordorf}, Bhg = {1850z}, Crossref = {Pleiade2}, Pages = {609-615}, Title = {Actes de Tite}, Translator = {Willy Rordorf}} @book{Schermann1907, Address = {Leipzig}, Editor = {Theodor Schermann}, Publisher = {Teubner}, Title = {Prophetarum vitae fabulosae indices apostolorum discipulorumque Domini Dorotheo · Epiphanio · Hippolyto aliisque vindicata}, Year = {1907} } @bookinbook{Pseudo-Hippolyte, Author = {{Pseudo-Hippolyte}}, Crossref = {Schermann1907}, Pages = {163-170}, Title = {Index apostolorum discipulorumque Domini}} @bookinbook{Pseudo-Epiphane, Author = {{Pseudo-Épiphane}}, Crossref = {Schermann1907}, Pages = {107-126}, Title = {Index apostolorum discipulorumque Domini}} @bookinbook{Pseudo-Dorothee, Author = {{Pseudo-Dorothée}}, Crossref = {Schermann1907}, Pages = {131-160}, Title = {Index apostolorum discipulorumque Domini}}